@misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Yong}, title = {The Study of the Politics in Popular Culture 大众文化政治研究, Doctoral dissertation, Literature and Art, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2007 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {在经过十多年的发展后,中国的大众文化研究逐渐走向成熟,许多深层次的理论问题一一暴露出来,大众文化政治问题就是其中的一个。可以说,>政治<一直是大众文化研究或隐或显的主题之一,这个主题需要思考的是:大众文化问题是在什么意义上成为政治问题的?它的内涵是什么?应该怎样认识和评价这种内涵?在某种意义上,研究大众文化政治不仅是一个理论探讨的问题,它还是一个思想解放的问题。然而目前关于这个问题的系统的研究还比较缺乏。本文将从这种问题意识出发,分别从商品、语言和美学三个维度入手对大众文化政治进行研究,以求达到理论探讨和实践分析的双重突破。本文共分四章:第一章梳理大众文化研究的基本概念和理论范式。>大众文化<本来是一个西方语境中的概念,但在文化研究成为前沿显学的时候,中国学界常常把大众文化当成一个不言自明的概念在使用。然而任何一个社会的词语都不是纯粹中性和客观的知识,它背后都隐藏着政治利益和权力斗争。西方大众文化研究在选择用popular culture(褒义)还是mass culture(贬义)来命名大众文化的时候,更多地是出于立场与评价方面的考虑。例如阿多诺使用的是mass culture,甚至是culture industry(文化工业),洛文塔尔则是mass culture和popular culture混用,而到了当前的费斯克等人则完全舍弃mass culture而使用popular culture。这个用语的转变体现的是对大众文化认识和评价的转变,即从否定大众文化(法兰克福学派主流)到肯定大众文化(英美文化批评)的转变。大众文化这个西方概念在进入中国语境时不可避免地与民间文化、通俗文化、革命性大众文化等概念发生语义上的纠缠,为了捍卫大众文化的独立性,肯定其积极的政治潜能,一些学者有意识地把大众文化与其它相似概念区分开来,并且对大众文化进行了现代意义上的界定。接下来,本章着重梳理了大众文化研究范式转换的历史,总体来看,它表现为从注重政治经济学批判的社会分析向注重符号解读的文化研究转换的过程。不同的研究范式对应着不同的政治立场。当前大众文化研究所处的困境之一是批判的弱化和政治关怀的空洞化,学界有种观点认为这种不良状况是由社会分析的退场和符号解读的兴起导致的,由于政治经济学范式可以做到对文化和社会进行细致深入地分析,并且将这种分析建立在坚实的社会实践基础之上,因此它能够在很大程度上弥补当前文化研究的某些不足。这种观点可以说切中当前大众文化研究的弊端,但是我们认为,如果社会分析的再出场就意味着符号解读的退场,那么我们又将失陷在另一种历史话语的迷宫之中。要解决这些复杂的问题,在学科上必须实现政治经济学与文化研究的统一,在研究范式上必须实现社会分析与符号解读的统一。本章最后本着这种范式理想,以改革开放后的中国社会为个案分析了社会结构与大众文化功能之间的对应关系:如果说现代社会的中间层是整个社会的政治稳压器,那么中间层所代表的大众文化也是文化意识形态领域的稳压器,稳压器的作用就是削峰填谷,所以大众文化既反对保守,也反对盲目的激进。第二章从商品维度入手分析大众文化政治。与传统文化形式相比,大众文化具有一种赤裸裸的商品性,它力图通过大众对批量化生产的文化产品的消费与其它商品一样实现利润最大化,并且大众文化从来都不否认自己与资本的紧密联系,然而正是因为大众文化所具有的商品性这个特殊属性才使得它与传统文化形式区分开来。从这个意义上看,文化商品化是大众文化研究首先需要面对的问题。文化商品化到底是导致了艺术堕落和专制统治还是促进了文化普及和民主自由,这是学界争论的焦点。法兰克福学派正统思想认为艺术向商业屈服甚至献媚是艺术最大的堕落,这种堕落的结果就是负载着资本主义统治意识形态的大众文化的制造与流行。我们之所以要把精力首先集中在文化商品化的历史考察上,其中一个重要原因就在于法兰克福学派对文化商品化的批判深深地影响了中国知识分子对于文化商品化的认识,进而左右了中国知识分子对大众文化的判断。单纯的争论是无济于事的,这需要我们对文化商品化的历史进行深入地考察。文化发展的史实表明,文化商品化促进了文化公共性的兴起,这主要表现在以下三个方面:其一是作为文化生产者的公共知识分子的产生;其二是作为文化传播者的大众传媒的产生;其三是作为大众文化消费者的市民阶层的产生。文化公共性进一步促进了政治公共性的产生,但是通过商品化而得以暂时逃脱政治束缚的文化却又面临着落入资本圈套的危险。在消费社会语境下,如何正确认识批判精神与消费意识的关系,如何保持公共领域与私人空间的平衡在很大程度上取决于我们能否深入研究并且正确认识大众文化的符号政治经济学。第三章从语言维度入手分析大众文化政治。后现代社会的特征并不仅仅是>经济变成了文化,文化变成了经济<,从某种意义上说,它更表现为>传媒变成了文化,文化变成了传媒<。科技的每一次飞跃都会带来传媒的巨大发展,传媒的巨大发展及其对大众文化的深刻影响则又会反过来促使人们不断地修正对传媒和文化的认识,而每一次这样的修正都是以更为广泛的语言理论变革为思想背景的。法兰克福学派的弗洛姆等人从卢卡奇的总体性思想和弗洛伊德的精神分析理论出发,把语言定位为社会意识的过滤器,这个比喻暗示了语言的单向度特征。马尔库塞进一步揭示了单向度语言得以实现的秘密,即抽掉历史和反对抽象,他认为唯一能有效对抗单向度语言的办法就是重新引入历史维度和辩证法。单向度语言已经渗透到日常生活和大众媒介的领域,阿多诺就对广播和电视等单向度媒介进行了批判。这个历史阶段是马克•波斯特所谓的第一媒介时代,它的语言理论背景是结构主义语言学。随着语言理论从结构主义向后结构主义的转向,互文性理论对大众传媒的研究产生了深远影响,受众研究被推向了前台。以霍尔为代表的理论家们逐渐认识到文本的意义并不是编码者单向决定的,它取决于编码者与解码者之间的对话,文化和传媒是一种活动、一种过程和一种意识形态斗争的场。再后来,作为第二媒介时代之标志的互联网的发明使互文性在文化实践中真正得以实现,文本进一步发展为超文本,超文本不仅解构了逻各斯中心主义,更重要的是它赋予了大众更多的表达政治诉求的话语空间。尽管学界对于大众传媒的民主性存有争议,然而不可否认的是,随着传媒技术的日益发展,大众获得了越来越多的知情权和话语权,我们不能苛求大众传媒,因为绝对的民主和平等只是遥远的乌托邦。第四章从美学维度入手分析大众文化政治。美学在诞生之初是关于感性的学问,它自启蒙运动以来一直是哲学竭力进入生活世界的途径。审美一直被界定为普遍与特殊、理性与身体冲动在>心灵法则<之下发生潜在冲突的领域,这样美学就不得不关涉到意识形态,从这个意义上讲,现代美学在根本上就具有了政治性。身体快感作为一个与艺术美感相对的范畴,从某种意义上说就是大众文化的美学。随着身体美学的兴起,快感在大众文化时代日益成为一个政治问题。从阶级政治的角度看,在什么情况下快感会被知识分子视为>革命的统治的政治美学化<,快感被张扬甚至泛滥,那么快感就倾向于成为统治的工具。而在>艺术政治化<情况下,即在极权社会中,快感被压抑甚至被否定,那么快感则往往倾向于成为革命的工具。再从性别政治的角度看,大众文化到底是女性反抗男权的斗争场,还是男权统治女性的新领域?或者说女性对自己性别特征的充分表露到底是女性权利的张扬还是仅仅满足了男性的窥淫癖?各方观点争执不下。然而问题的关键并不在此,因为任何性别政治都必然关涉到民族国家和阶级政治,性别问题的解决不可能脱离民族国家和阶级问题的解决而单独进行。中国的大众文化研究发展到现在,面临的问题不是越来越少而是越来越多。对这些问题的研究要求我们摆脱非历史的和非语境化的研究模式,强调文化生产和知识生产的历史性和地方性,大众文化政治也只有放在具体的时间和空间维度中才能被准确地定位。从某种意义上说,对大众文化政治的分析不仅有利于把大众文化研究推向深入,还有利于打开一扇探究现代性问题的窗口。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Yanhua}, title = {On the Novel Creation of Zhang Xianliang and Its Death Consciousness [论张贤亮的小说创作及其死亡意识], Master thesis, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2007.[application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Zhang Xianliang is very active in the Chinese literary world in 1980s. As one of the contemporary era writers who first wrote about the hungry, sex, high school students' premature love and city revolution with his unique life experience he was well known by his >self narrate biography< writing style. As one of the most controversial writers in new era, his unique spiritual world which was brought up by 22 years distressful reconstruction course became the non-exhausted source of writing later. During the early days of writing, the writer was wild about the grand narrative words. In virtual of the idea write of >emotion<, >sex< which ultimately pointed to politics embodied his utilitarian objective of >literature as tool<. The write intended to record one generation highbrows' distressful experience and the pursuit of never change until die, selfless dedication by writing individual's destiny. His works mainly express the writer's opinion of socialization which includes strong imply of speaking for society, for public, for revolution, and constantly pour out his misery brought by political movements, the political cause of lofty ideal hard to fulfill and the depress of ambition can't be put to good use. Zhang Xianliang's novels in the 1980s are the focus of research in the common world, which are famous as >Love words in prison<, >Story of old man Xing and dog<, >Spirit and flesh<, >Virescence tree<, >Half of the man is woman<. Along with the opening of revolution, traditional view of value is gradually leaning aside; the pure literature which used to monopolize the literature world is pushed out to the edge, gone forever. The exterior social environment directly results in the desalting and clearing up of the highbrow elites' consciousness. Therefore Zhang Xianliang's evening works also have some changes, his utility color of >literature as tool< has faded out. Instead he paid more attention to the inner struggle, misery and desperation. During this inner change, the writer chose to profoundly self-questioning about the historical incidents, personal experience instead of losing his own writing style during the phase of literature to merchandize, entertainment. His poem >Gale song< says: >If I don't create, don't suffer / if I'm not brave enough, not strong / if I'm not in the vulgar, knowing, bureaucratic circle / be a traitor? Am I a little like myself?< He deserves commend for holding his ground fort his creation of pure literature. Between late 1980s and early 1990s, Zhang Xianliang published novels >Adolescence<, >My puti tree<, >Good morning, friend!<, >Be used to death<, etc., in succession. But they still can't bring the comment world's recognition like former days. This is because the creation idea of the writer, material choose, taste decoration, etc, also affected by the reading taste of the current readers. This paper mainly focuses on the research of Zhang Xianliang's works in 1980s, especially his magnum opus >half of man is woman< and the research of female image in his works, and has reached a comparative high science level. Besides, the leading characters in Zhang Xianliang's works are mostly highbrows, almost all of them are >read man< who are exiled, reformed of criminals through labor, abandoned by society. He connected personal misery with national misery in order to provide personal misery with universal enlighten meaning of transcending the individual. The leading characters Zhang Yonglin, Xulingjun, Shizai, Longzhong, Wei Tiangui and Chen Baotie were both sufferers and heroes who helped theworld, pleaded for the people. The writer related his own miserable experience with national disasters, when talking about politics, >emotive play< is an inevitable par of Zhang Xianliang's works. So there were a series of female images, Mayinghua, Huangxiangjiu, Qiaoanping who served as a foil to male images. This made the forms more complete for the writer to express personal feelings and wishes, it's actually a practical approach to consider era history. As Professor Chen she says, this inevitably adds a layer of imaginary color to those highbrows' sufferer images, which embodies their effort to build highbrow legend between civilian and miaotang. Also it unfolded a kind of crush complex on their own experience of this set of highbrows. The writer particularity spread the suffering scene and psychology contrary of the highbrow, at the same time he expressed incline to hallow the misery of highbrows. The literature world spreads drastic discussion surrounding this kind of incline. Actually, this incline has already changed and even disappeared in Zhang Xianliang's evening works. The author of this paper especially regards and likes >My puti tree<, so quite large length of this paper analyzes this novel quite thoroughly. In fact, most readers neglect an important and pressing angle of view when paying too much attention to the >reform of criminals through labor complex that is too strong to resolve<: consciousness of death. Through some presentative things, we find a lot of descriptions about death in Zhang Xianliang's novels. The purpose of me choosing death complex as the cut-in point of unscrambling Zhang Xianliang's works is to differentiate the analysis of high brows images, female images, text rational color of previous comment papers, here through thoroughly reading the text, we can experience the subjective and unique feeling brought by that special age, and comprehend Zhang Xianliang's text creation again through the consciousness of death point of view. The discussion of this paper is made up of three parts.- 1. The beginning of consciousness of death. In this part, the author tries to search the death memory in the political incidents experienced by the writer, finds out the fundamental reason of consciousness of death in Zhang Xianliang's works. At the same time the author combines the writer's description of death, describes how the writer exhibit this kind of consciousness of death to the readers.- 2. Life experience and change of >consciousness of death<. The second part divides his works into three phases according to the differences of death expression in Zhang Xianliang's works, namely former escape, medium-term struggle and terminal deeply self-questioning. Through reading the text thoroughly, the author analyzes the transition of Zhang Xianliang's death idea in detail, and tries to find out the internal reason that causes this transition.- 3. Philosophy view of Zhang Xianliang's death idea. According to the philosophy thinking of death of Freud, Fromm, etc, the author further perceives the complex of tyrannizing and suffering, the death trend of returning to goddess, returning to mother's belly which are covered by the death narrate in Zhang Xianliang's works from a rational point of view. Looking at all of Zhang Xianliang's works on the contrary, the author sets him a new position in the history of literature from literature theme, lingual style, character image. This kind of cut-in point of research provides a newer point of view for researching Zhang Xianliang which also provides multi ways for researching, deep thinking for science, coexistence of various opinions, and will doubtless make science judgments more objective, justly, drive the development to free search of Zhang Xianliang.}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Wenyue}, title = {The Needs of Human Nature - Referring to Erich Fromm's >Marx Concept< [人之本性的诉求——读弗洛姆的《马克思关于人的概念》}, series = {Journal of the Party School of CPC Zhengzhou Municipal Committee [中共郑州市委党校学报], No. 1 (2007), pp. 9-11.}, journal = {Journal of the Party School of CPC Zhengzhou Municipal Committee [中共郑州市委党校学报], No. 1 (2007), pp. 9-11.}, abstract = {对人的本性的诉求是贯穿在弗洛姆《马克思关于人的概念》这部著作中的主线,也是其人本主义马克思观的理论之基。弗洛姆以此出发阐释了其对马克思的人的概念、人的本质、异化理论及共产主义等问题的理解,虽多有偏颇,但对我们从另一个角度更全面地理解马克思也颇有启示和意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wu, author = {Wu, Xia}, title = {Lack of Motherly Love and Female Creation - Duras and Eileen Chang Comparative Study [缺失性母爱与女性创作 - 杜拉斯和张爱玲的比较性研究], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China 2007 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Chinese writer Zhang Ailing [Eileen Chang] and French writer Duras' life occupies the identical time and they all were outstanding in extremely have the individuality female writer at that time. Moreover their work presents the similar main idea. This article discusses their work's similarity from two aspects. First, they all not carries on to the traditional mother image, portrayed a series of crazy, selfish mother image >the wicked mother<. Second, their writing love always with the main key which despairs relates in together, or is the abstract passion washes out the love, or is realistic strangles the love. In brief, seeks the love is despairs.- In first chapter and the second chapter by the work separately the love subject analysis which and despairs after the mother image, and in the third chapter, creates the viewpoint from the writer which discusses to explain why they can display these two similar subjects. By Tong Qing Bing's >Flaw Experience<, Cious's >The Source of Female Writer's< and Fromm's >The Art of Loving< to discuss artistic which Zhang Ailing and the Duras's wound childhood experience especially the maternal love flaw enables them to become the writer and the influence which creates to their disposition and the work color. Zhang Ailing and Duras also all is the time feeling greatly strengthened writer, their work has displayed the survival condition which the modern people in differently despairs, thus enable their work to have the world literature subject research the significance.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wilde, author = {Wilde, Lawrence}, title = {The Ethical Challenge of Touraine's >Living Together<}, series = {Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007), pp. 39-53. [Online ISSN 1744-9634] [doi.org/10.1080/17449620600991564]}, journal = {Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007), pp. 39-53. [Online ISSN 1744-9634] [doi.org/10.1080/17449620600991564]}, abstract = {In >Can We Live Together?< Alain Touraine combines a consummate analysis of crucial social tensions in contemporary societies with a strong normative appeal for a new emancipatory >Subject< capable of overcoming the twin threats of atomisation or authoritarianism. He calls for a move from >politics to ethics< and then from ethics back to politics to enable the new Subject to make a reality out of the goals of democracy and solidarity. However, he has little to say about the nature of such an ethics. This article argues that this lacuna could usefully be filled by adopting a form of radical humanism found in the work of Erich Fromm. It defies convention in the social sciences by operating from an explicit view of the >is< and the >ought< of common human nature, specifying reason, love and productive work as the qualities to be realised if we are to move closer to human solidarity. Although there remain significant philosophical and political differences between the two positions, particularly on the role to be played by >the nation<, their juxtaposition opens new lines of inquiry in the field of cosmopolitan ethics.}, language = {en} } @book{Whittington, author = {Whittington, Dean}, title = {Beaten Into Violence. Anger, Masculinities, Alcohol, Narcotics. Bloomington, IN (AuthorHouse) 2007.}, language = {en} } @misc{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Review Jerome A. Winer (Ed.): The Annual of Psychoanalysis, Rethinking Psychoanalysis and the Homosexualities}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 340-344.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 340-344.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wharton, author = {Wharton, Ralph N.}, title = {Review Jerome Kagan: An Argument for Mind}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 691-}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 691-}, language = {en} } @article{West, author = {West, Sharon}, title = {Female Command Presence: Different Problems, Different Powers}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 085-096.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 085-096.}, language = {en} } @article{Weinstein, author = {Weinstein, Robert S.}, title = {What Heals in Psychoanalysis?}, series = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2007), pp. 302-309. [Online ISSN 1940-9133] [doi.org/10.1080/07351690701389494]}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2007), pp. 302-309. [Online ISSN 1940-9133] [doi.org/10.1080/07351690701389494]}, abstract = {This article explores the essential role of love and understanding in analysis. Love is seen as a healing force keeping the patient connected to life and to health, and as the glue that cements the analytic process. The four components of love which describes - care, respect, responsibility, and knowledge - are the heart of all successful analysis. Two case studies illustrate how the positive countertransference may be used therapeutically to help patients move towards healthy self-esteem and self-care, and a more benevolent and loving relatedness.}, language = {en} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Yuqi}, title = {From Love to the Productive Love. Fromm's Love Thought [从爱到>创造性的爱< - 弗罗姆爱的思想研究], Master thesis, Marxist Theory and Ideological and Political Education, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2007.}, abstract = {The love is extremely important in our life, it is the most basic emotion, and it is also the strength of maintains human, national, the family and society. It is not one kind of pleasant sensation, also is not the opportunity question, but is the love that needs the knowledge, diligent, and study. Fromm likes taking in person's life one kind of positive initiative strength, he thought only this kind of strength to be able to break through him the wall which isolates with the compatriot. He stressed, here said the love is >the productive love<. The so-called productive love, is refers to this kind of love is a person's potential fully obtains the development the result. This kind of love has to the life concern and the respect emotion experience. It is productive, is one kind of supreme art. Chapter 1, Loves outline. Formerly discussed when loved, the people often focus to the person and the nature, will like merely considering as will be person's one kind of natural disposition, Instinct. Fromm thought the love is to the human survival question reply. He in >the art of loving< center mentioned, any about the theory which loves, must take person's theory, human's survival theory as the beginning. He is precisely embarks from him about the human nature theory, elaborated >the love< has great significance, the person forever faces is overcoming sparsely leaves the feeling, how realizes and the other people fuses, how surmounted the individual life, how found identically. Solves these questions methods to have very many, but most ideal most perfect solution, lies in the love. Fromm criticized has inherited Freud's theory, also was following the essence which Marx's person this thought exploration loved. He believed that, can cause the person truly to overcome the separation, only has the productive activity. He thought: >All forms productive work workers all can merge into one organic whole with his object, the person unifies in the production process oneself with the world.< Thus realizes, human's essential strength object which Marx said. Fromm will like dividing into two kinds of forms, one kind will be not the mature form, namely paragenesis union. Another kind is and the paragenesis form opposite >the mature love<. He thought the mature love is maintains under own dignity and the individuality condition union. The love is person's one kind of initiative ability, is one kind of break through causes these barriers ability which the person and the person separates, one kind him with other people relation ability. While makes one overcome lonely and separation, likes acknowledging the person own value, maintains own dignity. Fromm further analyzes the essence which loves, thought loves the achievement one kind of initiative ability, its activity should be positive >gives< but should not be negative >accepts<. Chapter 2, Loves transformation. The people are extremely long for to the love, but modern people's love is not the true love. Therefore, in the modern society person's love had all sorts of problems, the main performance for the modern people to three kinds of misunderstandings which loves. The modern people majority the question which loves regards as mainly is the question which loves; Likes regarding as is about the object question; Also often >falls into< loves when the river at first experience and exists in the love the lasting condition confuses. Fromm pointed out that, in the modern society also has two kind of false loves. One kind is: Loves is >the nature satisfies< the idea, it is popular after the First World War in the age; another kind is: The love is >the cooperation group< the spirit, it will be the 20th century 50's later fashionably gets up. At the same time, we also may see some different types in the modern society the morbid state love. The love is the Oedipus complex shift; the love is loves the father complex the shift; idolatry love; sad love; Take projects the mechanism as the foundation love. This all sorts of undeserved kindness, the false love, the metamorphosis love causes the productive love to change urgent and is feasible. Chapter 3, >the productive love< basic connotation. Fromm has made the analysis critique to modern people's disposition tendency, he proposed normal, is mature, the health disposition tendency, namely productive disposition tendency. The productivity is one kind of basic life manner, is the person in all domains to the object response way, including to other people, to oneself, to thing psychological response way. It cares about the person unique on potential the realization. The productivity is the person utilizes his strength ability, is the realization intrinsic to his on potential ability. According to Fromm's theory, the true health person is a person which has the productive disposition, deeply loves the life, deeply loves the other people and own and maintains the self-independent person, is person which decides its life style by the life existence. The psychologically healthy person can go loves and creates, can get rid to the family and the natural incest dependence, has the self-identical feeling, can experience own for the main body and own strength inventor, can get rid to the family and the natural incest dependence, has the self-identical feeling, can experience own for the main body and own strength inventor, can grasp oneself intrinsic and the external reality, also is can objectively regard the world and oneself. The love is one kind of initiative thinking activity. Its initiative characteristic manifests is, loves mainly is gives, but is not accepts. A person can give the most precious thing is his life vigor, his happiness and sorrow, he, his understanding, knowledge, wisdom and sense of humor. He has promoted own life feeling, also has promoted another person's life feeling. Besides gives this fundamental factor, the productive thought also includes some fundamental factors, is the care, the responsibility, the respect and the understanding. Chapter 4, how to cultivates >the productive love<. Loves the main body is a person, must cultivate the person which has the creative love, must first start from the main body. Should unify the cultivation productive love with the cultivation productive disposition; Must fully transfer person's initiative, positively moves the ability in the person which strengthens loves; Guides the people correctly to process the spouse with to like oneself s relations, with likes in oneself unification in the spouse, achieves the perfect productive love. Fromm believed that, the productive love cultivation and the implementation need to have the certain moral standard to perform to instruct. These moral standards will indicate to the people, how artificial has realized own basic human nature to be supposed to cultivate the love. But cultivates likes having to carry on the radical transformation to the present social system. He thought the western society the structure is disadvantageous to the productive love development. Fromm also pointed out that, the productive love only can depend on oneself practices by oneself, experiences. Because the love is one kind of individual experience, each person only can obtains this kind of experience through oneself and for oneself. Grasps art which loves, carries on practice which loves, except exercises outside the condition which the discipline, the centralism, the patience, the interest and so on all art all must have, but also needs some essential special conditions: First wants >to overcome from loves<, it secondary has >objective and the reason<, again secondary has the belief, finally also must have the positive activity. Chapter 5, commentary on the thought of Fromm. About the productive love principle, about the theory which loves, is in a Fromm entire theory unimportance constituent. In some kind of significance, Fromm about the theory which loves is its overall theory concentration. His critique thought is enlightens the benighted, makes people awaken to the truth. But we have no alternative but soberly to see, his theory also has many insufficiencies. Even if Fromm when studies person's consciousness, the social disposition, then regards as important cultural society's factor, but he still regarded as the psychological power the final cause which the society developed, thus was contradictory the solution society, the treatment capitalist society illness key, turned over to it was a love, turned over to it is the spirit, these are completely wrong. Fromm calls self persisted the materialism may also say the main body and the object are inseparable; Criticizes Freud but not to give up he Freud principle the basic standpoint; Attempts to close up the Marxism actually to have bases on the humanitarianism; At the same time the advocation scientific rationality retains the religious mysticism; The hope works loose the capitalism shackles to be possible not to be willing to destroy its politics economic structure; The pursue socialism actually tries hard to cause it to back up from the science to the fantasy. Regardless of were Freud, or Fromm all once spent many painstaking care in to seek consciousness to have >the way and the method<, seeks hid in >the surface<, >falsely< behind power spiritual motive, sought has >was unconscious< in the individual disposition will, >is dependent< fortuitousness. These beneficial explorations, especially Fromm surmounted Freud's many original opinion. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Yuanming}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Good Nature and Its Comparison with the Theory of Mencius [弗洛姆的性善论及其与孟子性善论的比较]}, series = {Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Science) [天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 5 (2007), pp. 20-24.}, journal = {Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Science) [天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 5 (2007), pp. 20-24.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm put forward that human's natural character was neither the collection of unchangeable instinctive desire nor the reflection of the infinitely plasticized social culture. Human's natural character, which is also called first potentiality was good-willed, and human's intention to destroy was only the result of the frustrated development of the first potentiality. Although both Fromm and Mencius advocated that human's nature was good, there are fundamental differences between their theories. Fromm regarded self-consciousness, spontaneous love and creativity as human's nature, which resulted from his probe into human's basic mental needs. However, according to Mencius, human's nature included virtue, morality, propriety, wisdom, loyalty and filial piety, which meet the needs of the feudal administration. While Fromm thought highly of independence, creativity and affection for oneself and other people, Mencius denied all these. He only preached affection for relatives and respect for people of higher ranks. Fromm demanded that the society is obliged to meet the basic mental needs of human beings. But Mencius asked people to abide by the autocratic hierarchy.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Yougang}, title = {On Fromm's Humanity Thought [对弗洛姆人性思想的评析]}, series = {Journal of Hubei University of Economics (Humanities and Social Sciences) [湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)], No. 1 (2007), pp. 135-136.}, journal = {Journal of Hubei University of Economics (Humanities and Social Sciences) [湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)], No. 1 (2007), pp. 135-136.}, abstract = {本文从弗洛姆研究人性的方法、人性的客观现实基础、人性做出了动态性的解释等三方面来探讨了弗洛姆人性思想的合理性;从弗洛姆在人性的研究中夸大了个人的情感、意志等精神因素在人性结构中的作用、在消除人性异化的途径上具有空想性、在人性思想中存在着内在的矛盾性等三方面探讨了弗洛姆人性思想的局限性。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Yonghao}, title = {On Chuang Tzu's Deconstruction of Confucian Politeness from Fromm's Theory of Social Unconsciousness [从弗洛姆的>社会无意识<理论看庄子对儒家之>礼<的解构] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Ningbo Radio \& TV University [宁波广播电视大学学报], No. 2 (2007), pp. 102-104.}, journal = {Journal of Ningbo Radio \& TV University [宁波广播电视大学学报], No. 2 (2007), pp. 102-104.}, abstract = {Examining the debate between Confucians and Taoists from Fromm's social unconsciousness theory provides a new perspective to understand the psychological reasons and cultural connotations of Chuang Tzu's attitude towards Confucian Thought. This debate reveals the different understandings of humanity and a struggle for the masterdam over social unconsciousness.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Xiaohong}, title = {Fromm's Personality Theory [弗洛姆的性格理论述评]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 12 (2007), pp. 71-75.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 12 (2007), pp. 71-75.}, abstract = {人学在西方是一个有着两千余年历史的学科。它发端于苏格拉底将>认识你自己<作为哲学使命的古希腊时代,但科学的人学则形成于19世纪,在20世纪获得了蓬勃发展,而且>对人的问题的世界性兴趣正在不断增长<,人学正在成为哲学研究的一个热点。中国的人学研究起步较晚,伴随着中国的改革开放,刚刚走过二十几年的路程。在此期间,人学研究虽经历了几个阶段的讨论,取得了一些成就,但从学理角度说,尚存在许多问题。比如,讨论的问题比较分散,对为什么研究人学,人学的基本概念、究竟要研究什么问题等前提性问题并不十分清楚,研究的方法也缺乏立体感与层次性,好的主观愿望,常常带来坏的结果,即从研究具体完整的人开始,以失去真实的人而}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Lingling}, title = {The Alienation of the Characters in >Gulliver's Travels< [《格列佛游记》中人物的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2007 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Jonathan Swift was a prominent writer in the 18th century in Britain during his lifetime, he created numerous works, including essays, collections of letters, narrative poems and novels, etc. Which have greatly influenced the succeeding writers. Gulliver's Travels is his representative Utopian work, in which Gulliver is the narrative author. With Gulliver's descriptions of his adventurous experiences on his four voyages, this novel aims at reflecting various contradictions in the capitalist society in the 18 century Britain, exposing and repudiating the corrupted political systems of the British government, criticizing the colonial policies of expanding abroad and exploitation at home, and also eulogizing laborers' revolting spirit and just fights. As to this novel, many scholars have done massive researches, and have achieved a great success. However, their researches mainly focus on the sarcastic art and writing style. This thesis tries to apply Marx's theory of labor alienation and Erich Fromm's related alienation theory from the perspective of psychology as the theoretical bases for the analysis of the alienation of the characters in this novel, especially the analysis of the protagonist's alienation from two aspects: his >economic self< and >political self<. This thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.- The introduction presents briefly the process of choosing this topic, the main content and the structure of this thesis, and the originality of this topic.- Chapter One introduces Jonathan Swift's life experiences, the main content of this novel, and some related criticisms about the author and the novel made abroad and at home at first, then provides a general introduction to the researches of alienation made in the light of philosophy, sociology and psychology, etc., and specializes in bringing forward the theoretical basis for this thesis, so that the feasibility of this study becomes natural.- Chapter Two begins to analyze the universal and widespread alienation phenomena in this novel, in which the characters become the objects to be analyzed, especially in Books III and IV.- Chapter Three affords a more detailed description about the process of the protagonist's alienation from two aspects: one is about his alienation as an >economic being<, the other his awakening as a >political being<.- The last part is the conclusion. With a novel perspective of alienation, this thesis is an affirmation that Swift has enormous power in observing the society and shows fully his worries and speculations about the plights of human beings. Through a thorough analysis, this thesis then obtains its final conclusion: the characters in Gulliver's Travels are probably the earliest alienated images in the history of British literature, and Gulliver is probably one of the first typical alienated protagonists in the history of the British novel.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Jing}, title = {Existential Alienation and Humanism - Interpretation of Fromm's >Marx's Concept of Man<] [生存异化与人道主义人性观 - 对弗洛姆《马克思关于人的概念》的解读], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2007.}, abstract = {Marx's >Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844< (hereinafter referred to as >Manuscript<) has had a profound impact worldwide since its birth. Fromm believes that >Manuscript< is one of Marx's most important works. >Marx's Concept of Man< is based on the manuscript, and makes a unique interpretation of Marx's concepts of historical materialism, humanity and alienation. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part briefly discusses some scholars' distortion of Marx's historical materialism, and Fromm's criticism of Marx's distortion of historical materialism. The root cause of this misunderstanding is modern society. Universal alienation of survival. The second part mainly discusses Fromm's survival alienation theory. He expanded Marx's theory of alienated labor and believed that alienation is everywhere and from time to time. Human history itself is a history of continuous human development and alienation. The third part mainly expounds Fromm's humanitarian humanity view. His questioning and criticism of vulgar materialism and his theory of survival alienation are all ultimately due to the reconstruction of full humanity and humane care for humanity. He believes that the essence of Marxism is humanism, and the goal is to achieve humanitarian socialism. The fourth part evaluates Fromm's theory of survival alienation and humanitarianism, and points out its essence and its dross. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Jicheng}, title = {National Mentality and the Nazi's Rising in the Weimar Republic [魏玛共和国的国民心态与纳粹的崛起], Master thesis, World History, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2007.}, abstract = {魏玛共和国时期的国民心态的形成和变化有着深刻的历史根源和社会背景,而不同的社会阶层有着不同的心态,阶层心态是社会心态的一种分解,它影响并支配着相关群体的行为。本文从不同社会阶层的心态入手,通过其外在表现和内在根源进行深入分析,探究其心态的源流和特征,从而对法西斯主义群体进行心理分析。借用心态史学和心理史学以及社会学的相关理论和方法,透析当时社会各阶层的心态与纳粹上台存在的内在联系,以及反法西斯势力因何失败,希特勒如何利用魏玛时期的国民心态进行蛊惑宣传并通过选举>合法<地登上政治舞台也是本文的研究内容。作者认为通过对魏玛国民心态和纳粹上台之间关系的分析,可以对纳粹的上台有更加深刻的认识。论文分为五章,第一章首先把当时的社会主要阶层分为四类:社会上层、社会中层、社会下层和特殊阶层,然后根据当时的社会背景和各个阶层在社会结构中扮演的角色来分析其不同的心态。第二章主要分析的是德国魏玛时代国民心态形成的原因,无论历史的渊源,还是现实的困境因素都潜移默化地影响着当时德国的国民心态。第三章总结了魏玛共和国时期国民心态的共同特征,指出了国民心态的畸形发展。第四章进行了法西斯主义的群体心理分析,介绍了赖希、弗洛姆、阿多尔诺、洛温伯格、阿谢尔等人的理论,透析法西斯主义产生的群众心理根源。最后一章讨论魏玛共和国国民心态和纳粹的互动和排斥,以及希特勒是如何利用当时社会阶层的心态运用心理战手法进行欺骗性的宣传,以最大程度地争取各阶层群众的;当时的国民心态中也存在反法西斯主义因素,本文试图解答,为什么这些反法西斯因素未能战胜法西斯因素,理性为何让位于非理性,为何不能阻止魏玛共和国的垮台和纳粹的上台,以及从中应该汲取哪些经验教训。}, language = {zh} } @article{WangJi, author = {Wang, Guoxue and Ji, Mingxia}, title = {On Fromm's Social Character Theory and Its Educational Significance [论弗洛姆社会性格理论的教育学意义]}, series = {Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Science) [天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2007), pp. 77-80.}, journal = {Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Science) [天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2007), pp. 77-80.}, abstract = {Fromm's Social Character Theory is founded on the base of an understanding of both relationships between human being and material world and that among human beings. It contains two elements: the types and the traits of social character. Although Fromm's Social Character Theory is not perfect, it does have some meaning in concerning and criticizing the defects of society and shed lights on our understanding of the social function of education as well as the path of cultivation of sound personalities.}, language = {zh} } @book{Wallin, author = {Wallin, D. J.}, title = {Attachment in Psychotherapy. New York (Guilford) 2007.}, language = {en} } @article{WainGabriel, author = {Wain, Harold J. and Gabriel, Geoffrey M.}, title = {Psychodynamic Concepts Inherent in a Biopsychosocial Model of Care of Traumatic Injuries}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 555-574.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 555-574.}, language = {en} } @article{Turkel, author = {Turkel, Ann Ruth}, title = {Sugar and Spice and Puppy Dogs' Tails: The Psychodynamics of Bullying}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 243-258.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 243-258.}, language = {en} } @misc{Turco, author = {Turco, Ronald N.}, title = {Review Richard D. Chessick: The Future of Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 345-346.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 345-346.}, language = {en} } @book{Tronick, author = {Tronick, E.}, title = {The Neurobehavioral and Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Children. New York (Norton) 2007.}, language = {en} } @article{Tian, author = {Tian, Xinyuan}, title = {An Analysis of Mental Mechanism of Fromm's Escape from Freedom [弗洛姆逃避自由的心理机制剖析]}, series = {Journal of Hunan First Normal University [湖南第一师范学报 ], No. 4 (2007), pp. 76-78.}, journal = {Journal of Hunan First Normal University [湖南第一师范学报 ], No. 4 (2007), pp. 76-78.}, abstract = {Fromm is a well-known American psychoanalyst. He discloses mental mechanism of escaping freedom of modern capitalist society and forms of its manifestation by analyzing modern people's double understan¬ding of freedom, which shows the degree of alienation of modern people's mental mechanism. Fromm also strongly seeks a way to exceed the mental mechanism of escaping from freedom. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Sun, author = {Sun, Wen}, title = {>Little Women< Personality Structure Analysis [《小妇人》中的人格结构分析] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Business Culture (Second Half) [商业文化(下半月)] , No. 8 (2007), pp. 166-167.}, journal = {Business Culture (Second Half) [商业文化(下半月)] , No. 8 (2007), pp. 166-167.}, abstract = {本文运用了人本主义心理学家弗洛姆的人格机构理论来观照《小妇人》,通过仔细分析作品中主人公的人格结构,对人格完善、个性独立和自我约束等一系列有关女孩的成长问题作了一些初步的思考。}, language = {zh} } @book{Stolorow, author = {Stolorow, R. D.}, title = {Trauma and Human Existence. New York (Routledge) 2007.}, language = {en} } @article{Stein, author = {Stein, Herbert H.}, title = {Combat Veterans: Impressions of an Analytic Observer in a Non-Analytic Setting}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 575-591.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 575-591.}, language = {en} } @misc{Silvio, author = {Silvio, Joseph R.}, title = {Review Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, by PDM Task Force}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 681-685.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 681-685.}, language = {en} } @article{Silver, author = {Silver, Ann-Louise S.}, title = {Introduction to >Communicating with the Schizophrenic Superego Revisited: A New Technique<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 477-482.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 477-482.}, language = {en} } @article{Shaw, author = {Shaw, Jon A.}, title = {The Acute Traumatic Moment - Psychic Trauma in War: Psychoanalytic Perspectives}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 023-038.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 023-038.}, language = {en} } @article{Schwartz, author = {Schwartz, Ave}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority - VI. Working With Family Resistance to Treatment}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 607-626.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 607-626.}, language = {en} } @article{SchlesingerKipp, author = {Schlesinger-Kipp, Gertraud}, title = {Childhood in World War II: German Psychoanalysts Remember}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 541-554.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 541-554.}, language = {en} } @book{Scaer, author = {Scaer, R. C.}, title = {The Body Bears the Burden. Trauma, Dissociation and Disease. New York (Routledge) 2007.}, language = {en} } @article{Saks, author = {Saks, Paul S.}, title = {Aftermath: The Implicit Processes of Integrating Traumatic Experience in the Poetry of Siegfried Sassoon}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 591-604.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 591-604.}, language = {en} } @article{Saage, author = {Saage, Richard}, title = {Erich Fromm und die >Furcht vor der Freiheit<}, series = {Faschismus: Konzeptionen und historische Kontexte. Eine Einf{\"u}hrung, Wiesbaden (VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften) 2007, pp. 186-193.}, journal = {Faschismus: Konzeptionen und historische Kontexte. Eine Einf{\"u}hrung, Wiesbaden (VS Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften) 2007, pp. 186-193.}, language = {de} } @article{Rubin, author = {Rubin, Jeffrey B.}, title = {Be Careful What You Wish For: Going Beyond Compliance}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 203-210.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 203-210.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ru, author = {Ru, Xiumei}, title = {The Psychological Need to Build a Harmonious Society [心理需要与和谐社会的构建], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.}, abstract = {本文以马克思关于>需要理论<和>社会和谐<思想在人的生存论上的一致性为基础,在哲学层面上提出和论证了以人的心理需要为核心构建和谐社会的思路。本文通过对心理需要理论的历史性梳理,折射心理需要与哲学本身所关注的人的解放、幸福密切相关。尤其在当代,关注人的心理需要,这是对人的存在的自我分裂和异化的克服和超越。哲学作为理论形态的人的存在的自我意识,自觉以人的方式关注和守望人的存在,这就决定了关注人的心理需要是理解哲学和构建和谐社会不可或缺的维度。以此为基础,本文从>需要理论<、>和谐<观念及>社会和谐<思想这一视角出发,对中西方思想史中关于心理需要的思想进行扬弃,特别是弗洛姆理论中的有关论点,以此论证了以人的心理需要为核心构建和谐社会的致思理路,进而深入探究了需要理论及其在建构和谐社会中的意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Ross, author = {Ross, Juliet M.}, title = {Progression from Oral to Oedipal Themes: A Defense Against Experiences of Object Loss}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 259-268.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 259-268.}, language = {en} } @article{Rosenfield, author = {Rosenfield, Paul J.}, title = {Poison or Cure: Meanings of Medication in Schizophrenia}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 189-202.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 189-202.}, language = {en} } @article{Roe, author = {Roe, David}, title = {The Timing of Psychodynamically Oriented Psychotherapy Termination and its Relation to Reasons for Termination, Feelings About Termination, and Satisfaction With Therapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 443-454.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 443-454.}, language = {en} } @article{Ren, author = {Ren, Lijie}, title = {Break Through the Embarrassment of the Modern Liberality: >Escape from Freedom< [冲破现代自由的尴尬:《逃避自由》浅论]}, series = {Theoretic Observation [理论观察], No. 5 (2007), pp. 81-83.}, journal = {Theoretic Observation [理论观察], No. 5 (2007), pp. 81-83.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是20世纪西方马克思主义法兰克福学派的代表人物,他的代表作《逃避自由》就把弗洛伊德的精神分析学同马克思的异化理论相结合,深入剖析了获得自由后的现代人生存的尴尬境状,揭示了引发这种现象的深刻的社会及心理原因。他从人与自然、人与社会及人与人之间的关系入手,对于人的生存的内在矛盾性及现代人不断争取、获得自由后,却又不断发生异化、逃离自由的心理机制进行了深层的解析与批判。并在此基础上提出了奠定发展健全人格、健全社会的基础的自由观。 Fromm is a representative figure of th弗洛姆是20世纪西方马克思主义法兰克福学派的代表人物,他的代表作《逃避自由》就把弗洛伊德的精神分析学同马克思的异化理论相结合,深入剖析了获得自由后的现代人生存的尴尬境状,揭示了引发这种现象的深刻的社会及心理原因。他从人与自然、人与社会及人与人之间的关系入手,对于人的生存的内在矛盾性及现代人不断争取、获得自由后,却又不断发生异化、逃离自由的心理机制进行了深层的解析与批判。并在此基础上提出了奠定发展健全人格、健全社会的基础的自由观。}, language = {zh} } @article{Redžić, author = {Redžić, Saduša}, title = {Glavne karakteristike humanistike etike Eriha Froma (The main elements of Erich Fromm's humane ethic)}, series = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, No. 37 (2007), pp. 351-358.}, journal = {Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, No. 37 (2007), pp. 351-358.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm combined doctoral training in social psychology with decades of active psychoanalytic practice and teaching. His work emphasized ethics, insight, strength of character and ways to mitigate the darker side of human nature. Fromm's books, including Man for Himself (1947), The Sane Society (1955), The Art of Loving (1956), The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973) and To Have or To Be? (1976), were widely popular during his lifetime and remain applicable today. The Clinical Erich Fromm: Personal Accounts and Papers (2009), part of a series on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies, fills a historical gap concerning Fromm's practice as a psychoanalyst. The book was meticulously edited by Funk who worked closely with Fromm and is >sole proprietor< of the Fromm archives in Tuebingen, Germany. Twenty-three notable contributors include Ralph Crowley, Marianne Horney Eckardt, Charles Feldstein, Anne Gourevich, G{\´e}rard Khoury, Michael Maccoby, Salvador Mill{\´a}n.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Qiu, author = {Qiu, Xiaoping}, title = {Love and Harmonious Society, Master thesis, Sociology, University: Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China 2007.}, abstract = {Love should be the moral ideality, spiritual backbone and value foundation which person should always be pursued. Ever since the society start, there has been mankind love of existence and mankind to love of pursue. But the spirit of love is lost in the social modernize. The interpersonal relation steps up a piece more, the morals apathetic phenomenon is widespread day by day, and the precious love is slowly disappearing; Person himself bear of the more and more mental stress, the self-contradict conflict of the outside in the mind and body turn worse, and the mental problem has already become an outstanding social problem; the relationship of the person and the nature also is placed in unprecedented opposition period. So, the ability of love for person has been appeared a certain degree to change with degeneration. Now, love, friendship, benevolence, all the precious virtues of person are giving way to the inhospitality, insulate, conflict, antinomy, all the hostile relationship. The western scholars have put forward many resolve paths, like Feuerbach's >The Religion of Love<, Fromm's >The art of Loving<, and Marcuse's >The Liberation of Eros< etc., all include very big meaning to loving theories analytical and realistic social judgment, but can't resolve the problem from the source. But the our country then is clearly putting forward the harmonious social great speculation of the socialism which sets up >democracy rule of law, fair justice, trustworthiness friendly affection, the stability have a preface, vibrant, person and nature harmony get along with<, resetting alight the mankind's fire of love, indicating mankind continuously toward the communism that person is free but develop completely.- Except the foreword and epilogue, this paper consists of three chapters. The first chapter mainly trims the thinking development about love in china and overseas history, which gives us academic references for solving the social problems. The second chapter analyses the loving alienation and imperfection problem in the contemporary society. Draw lessons from western scholars' research in the middle of the modern capitalism society, emphasize to point out that our country in the transform period appears the loving alienation and imperfection problem to have particular history source and realistic back ground at present, and compare the loving problems between china and overseas, explicit socialism harmony society be resolve loving alienation and imperfection, rebuild the ability of mankind's love, carry out the basic path of the mankind's love. Finally point out how to reconstruct the ability of mankind's love in the socialism harmony society. On the one hand continuously perfect the democracy role of law system, make the fair justice become the initial value of socialism, on the other hand strengthen the loving education, make the love become the behavior norm of the socialism and the spirit main factor of the socialism, provide strong spirit motive in the construction for the harmonious society. Deep study on this problem makes for much: to eliminate the thinking misunderstanding and transiting the social mental mentality; to make a better development of market economy in social democracy; to accelerate an intimately, cooperative and mutual affectionate social relationship; to establish a harmonious socialism social, construct an honest and helpful, friendly and harmonious social ethic atmosphere. By all means the harmonious society is the society full of a love. We must inherit the loving tradition in the excellent culture in the present stage and on the base of actual society continuously raise mankind spiritual civilization character, continuously make great effort for the harmonious society that full of love. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 6/2023]}, language = {zh} } @article{QiuZhao, author = {Qiu, Xian and Zhao, Peng-ge}, title = {Plight of Women's Roles - Interpretation of >Center Stage< [女性角色的困境——解读《阮玲玉》] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Movie Literature [电影文学], No. 12 (2007), pp. 55-56.}, journal = {Movie Literature [电影文学], No. 12 (2007), pp. 55-56.}, abstract = {《阮玲玉》是关锦鹏导演的一部关于女性命运的力作,讲述一代影星阮玲玉的后半生。通过阮玲玉的悲剧命运,我们可以看到女性角色的困境,从而体会弗洛姆>爱是一种能力<的学说。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Price, author = {Price, Ann}, title = {Review Ann D'Ercole and Jack Dresher (Eds.): Uncoupling Conventions - Psychoanalytic Approaches to Same-Sex Couples and Families}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 509-510.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 509-510.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority - Introduction to Paper IV}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 219-220.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 219-220.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority - Introduction to Paper VI: Ave Schwartz: >Working with Family Resistance to Treatment<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 605-606.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 605-606.}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority - Introduction to Paper V}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 373-374.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 373-374.}, language = {en} } @book{Pietikainen, author = {Pietikainen, Petteri}, title = {Alchemists of Human Nature: Psychological Utopianism in Gross, Jung, Reich and Fromm, London (Pickering \& Chatto) 2007.}, series = {History of Political Thought, Imprint Academic, Vol. 25 (No. 1, 2004), pp. 86-115.}, journal = {History of Political Thought, Imprint Academic, Vol. 25 (No. 1, 2004), pp. 86-115.}, language = {en} } @article{Piejka, author = {Piejka, Agnieszka}, title = {>Wojna w człowieku< - Erich Fromm o istocie ludzkiej wolności}, series = {Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, Vol. 52, (No. 3, 2007), pp. 25-37.}, journal = {Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, Vol. 52, (No. 3, 2007), pp. 25-37.}, language = {pl} } @article{Perryetal, author = {Perry, Christopher T. and et al.,}, title = {The Body Remembers: Somatic Symptoms in Traumatized Khmer}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 077-084.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 077-084.}, language = {en} } @book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, S. P.}, title = {O Significado Inconsciente das Imagens, Santa Maria (Imprensa Universit{\´a}ria, UFSM) 2007, 200 p.}, language = {pt} } @book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, S. P.}, title = {O Dilema do Ser Humano na Exist{\^e}ncia, Santa Maria (Imprensa Universit{\´a}ria, UFSM) 2007, 227 p.}, language = {pt} } @misc{Pei, author = {Pei, Lei}, title = {Abnormal Human Nature [人性的畸变], Master thesis, Literary Theory, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2007, 46 pp. [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Gulong is one of the most famous novelists of Wuxia-novel in China. He changed the traditional wuxia-novel completely than others because of he had created a lot of abnormal characters. Abnormal mentality is a special type of human nature. It happens when human nature becomes abnormal. It is very important in understanding the depth of human nature by studying it. Narcissism, Sadomasochism, and Neurosis are listed in CCMD-3. They are prevalent in modern society. Gulong fixed attention on the soul of the characters. He wants to pursue healthier human nature. There are three parts in this paper. - The first part studies the narcissists in Gulong's novel. Their libido could not reflect to the outside world and other people. They only care about themselves.- The second part researches the sadists and masochists in Gulong's novel. The two kind of abnormal mentalities are not simple sexual abnormality. They are not opposite. They are two sides of one object and always called >S-M<. The brutality of human nature, weakness and controlling passion are the reasons.- The third part analyzes the neurotics in Gulong's novel. The anxiety and hostility are the reasons of neurosis. This paper uses the depth psychology theories that created by Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud and American psychologists Erich Fromm and Karen Horney. It reviews these three types of people in physiological and cultural angle of view. It suggests that Gulong have reached a high level of digging the depth of humanity by analyzing the characters' behavior and mentality. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Olarte, author = {Olarte, Silvia W.}, title = {Review Glen O. Gabbard: Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, Fourth Edition}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 692-693.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 692-693.}, language = {en} } @article{Nunes, author = {Nunes, Jodo V.}, title = {Psychodynamics Instruction in Early Undergraduate Medical Education}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 649-658.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 649-658.}, language = {en} } @article{NiJi, author = {Ni, Yang and Ji, Yan}, title = {Chinese Consumer Alienation at the Crossing Point of Marx and Freud [站在马克思和弗洛伊德的交叉点上看中国的消费异化问题]}, series = {Journal of Language and Literature Studies [语文学刊], No. 22 (2007), pp. 76-79.}, journal = {Journal of Language and Literature Studies [语文学刊], No. 22 (2007), pp. 76-79.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为努力尝试着把马克思主义与弗洛伊德的精神分析学说结合起来的代表,他创建了社会性格和社会潜意识理论。弗洛姆把他的理论用于剖析人的异化问题尤其是消费异化问题,这对我们看待中国当今社会的消费异化有着积极的指导意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Muller, author = {Muller, John P.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority-IV: Why the Pair Needs the Third}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 221-242.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 221-242.}, language = {en} } @article{MohacsyLefer, author = {Mohacsy, Ildiko and Lefer, Heidi}, title = {Money and Sentiment: A Psychodynamic Approach to Behavioral Finance}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 455-476.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 455-476.}, language = {en} } @article{Meyer, author = {Meyer, Thomas}, title = {Das Freie J{\"u}dische Lehrhaus und die Frankfurter Schule}, series = {Faber, Richard, and Ziege, Eva-Maria (Eds.), Das Feld der Frankfurter Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften vor 1945, W{\"u}rzburg (K{\"o}nigshausen und Neumann) 2007, pp. 167-176.}, journal = {Faber, Richard, and Ziege, Eva-Maria (Eds.), Das Feld der Frankfurter Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften vor 1945, W{\"u}rzburg (K{\"o}nigshausen und Neumann) 2007, pp. 167-176.}, language = {de} } @misc{Meng, author = {Meng, Qiuli}, title = {The Deep Exploring of Human Mind [人类心灵的深层探索], PhD thesis, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2007, 171 pp.}, series = {The unconscious, an authentic component in the depth of human being's psyche, has been of great inter-est to the both eastern and western scholars. Many ideologists, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle is ancient Greece and Chuang Tsi in ancient China,}, journal = {The unconscious, an authentic component in the depth of human being's psyche, has been of great inter-est to the both eastern and western scholars. Many ideologists, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle is ancient Greece and Chuang Tsi in ancient China,}, abstract = {The unconscious, an authentic component in the depth of human being's psyche, has been of great inter-est to the both eastern and western scholars. Many ideologists, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle is ancient Greece and Chuang Tsi in ancient China, had initially carried on to the themes of unconscious problem. For example, Socrates' dissertating >spiritualism<, Plato's touching >enthusiasm<, and Aristotle's differentiating consciousness into levels. Obviously, the researches they had done into this field were no more than obscure guesswork and had the color of mysterious doctrine. Western medieval ideologists Augustine and Aquinas came into Aristotle's theories and further classified consciousness in the framework of theology. This approach indicated a direction for the later research and also laid foundation for the further study of the unconscious. If, say, western ancient and medieval ideologists mainly inquired into the un conscious field from the angle of philosophy, so in modern age, along with the further developments in philosophy, psychology, medical science and the physical science, some ideologists made fruitful researches in the field from newer angles such as philosophy, psychology and medical science, etc., and even expected to bring about a current of thought of the unconscious after 19th century. Descartes, Leibniz, Rousseau, Goethe, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Herder, Hartmann, Carls, Helmholtz, Fechner, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, etc, were outstanding elites during this period, they put forward various thought concerning unconscious. Such as the framework for analyzing consciousness and unconscious by Descartes; the >arithmetic of unconscious< concept by Leibniz; the >consciousness threshold< concept by Herbart; the >unconscious classification< by Hartmann, the >unconscious ratiocination< by Helmholtz; the theory >the subconscious be a mental energy< by Fechner; >subsisting consciousness< by Schopenhauer and the >power will< of Nietzsche, etc., were all achievements that became the premise of the Freud's theory of the unconscious. The western scholars had already stepped onto a new stage in studies toward unconscious and developed fresher and clearer characteristics: - First, they not only definitely put forward the concept of >unconscious<, but also made use of the last word of aggressive results that obtained in philosophy and physical sciences at that time and in inheriting from ancient and medieval times, push the research of the unconscious to a new height, lay solid theories and methodology foundation for formation and systematization of theories about the unconscious.- Second, the method of positivism was adopted into the study of the unconscious which made the unconscious research change direction from philosophy to psychology, medical science, neurology and physiology, etc. having started to apply the concept of unconscious to experimental research.- Third, it brought about an unconscious current including mainly three kinds of thoughts as follows: namely supernaturalism unconscious, naturalism unconscious and non-rationalism unconscious. Although theories concerning the unconscious developed from ancient to modern times established thought premise for formation of the theories about the unconscious, they were just prehistoric theoretical thought. Freud originated the unconscious theory in late 19th and early 20th century. This article mainly studies the Freud's theories since his individual unconscious theory and the internal skeletons. This article holds that the development of unconscious theories has gone through the following four stages: First stage: Systematization of unconscious theories Freud's individual unconscious theories. Freud developed the useful and discarded the useless points of the previous achievements regarding unconscious and systematized them, combining his own clinical practice experience dealing with lunacy, put forward individual unconscious theories. The individual unconscious theories mainly include subconscious and consciousness, the unconscious and dream, the unconscious and appetency and Oedipus tendentiousness and etc. Freud divided human mental activity into two processes: the conscious and the unconscious processes, and he took the unconscious process as the major part. He held that the unconscious process is the foundation and source of the conscious processes, and even is the basis of the human mental system. It is a wide and mysterious realm, in which a great deal of instinctive drives and suppressed desires mutually hustled together and the social customs, morals taboos and the laws prohibited these things by the root. Through analyzing the psychopathic, dream etc., Freud uncovered the impulse in the most original instinct within unconscious realm and namely sexual instinct. He viewed it as the foundation and core of the unconscious, the most original desire of the unconscious, it is subject to consciousness, and usually can't be satisfied but be suppressed, however, it is not exterminated, it has been acting secretly all the way and requesting directly or indirectly contented. The sexual instinctive impulse been suppressed is a so-called Oedipus tendentiousness. To be exact, these things from deep dominated the whole human mental activity and become the origin of motives and intentions of the person. Therefore, the unconscious is the decisive part in the person's whole mental structure, is the core of mankind's psyche, and is the internal drive of mankind behavior. Freud's individual unconscious theories not only discovered the New Continent of mankind's psyche, but also expanded the new realm of psychological research. Second stage: Expansion of unconscious theories Jungian collective unconscious theories. Being Freud's student, basing on an extensive but comprehensive research of various social cultural phenomena, Jung carried on to active developing-and-discarding to his teacher's individual unconscious theories, innovatively put forward >collective unconscious theories<. Jung hold that the most worthy part of Freud's individual unconscious theories is the existence and function of individual unconscious, but the essence of human mental state isn't unconscious, so Freud's theories excessively exaggerative the function of the unconscious, further concluded the unconscious to sex instinct, impulse and desire and the vital motive of human behavior, summed human civilizations such as production, politics, science, arts and etc. to the suppression and sublimation of sexual drive, which not only turned the person's mental back to the extreme of biology, but also >viewing the unconscious too narrowly<. Jung broke Freud's individual unconscious theories from the limitation of the biological angle and, at vaster social aspect, took social cultural factors into consideration. Jung hold that collective unconscious is the sedimentary deposits of social milieu and cultural history factors in the living creature and during the process of evolution, is the bequeathing of experience and common human instinct that generally sediment in the depth of men's psyche. Thereto, it is the result from both biological heredity and cultural inheritance, is the composition of >prototype<. The collective unconscious theories of Jung mainly studies prototype, then to cognition, motion, intention etc. the common transcendental mental responding modality, which is the basic mental structural pattern. The prototype includes a personality mask, Anima, Animus and shadow. The collective unconscious theories of Jung expanded the research realm of the unconscious theories and deeply influenced the research approach of unconscious theories. Third stage: Deepening of the subconscious theories. Fromm's societal unconscious theories. By combining the biological points of Freud's individual unconscious theories and the societal points of Jungian collective unconscious theories, Fromm developed >social unconscious theories<, deepening unconscious theories. He hold that >suppression< is the key to comprehend the unconscious, but not standing with Freud's interpretation of >suppression<, he emphasized suppression can't be comprehended unless being viewed more than the individual aspect, including social aspect. Fromm thought that no society is unable to determine which thoughts and emotion can reach consciousness level and which can exist in the unconscious only, so the social unconscious must be existent and closely related with individual unconscious. But social unconscious consists of those thought and emotion its members have but disallowed by the society Mainly refer to the widespread depressive part of spirits subjected to the society's morals. Although Fromm agreed with Jungian collective unconscious theories, he insisted that the differentiation of collective unconscious and social unconscious lies in: The former refers to a kind of inborn spiritual phenomenon and can't become consciousness; the latter refers to the suppressed part of general spirit. He further thought that this >suppression< is done through >social filters< which keep some experience out of social member's consciousness, compressing down to the unconscious. The social filters work through three kinds of cultural factor occurrence a function again, these three main cultural factors are: language, logic ,and taboo, and these three factors constituted the main mechanisms of social unconscious. Fromm still made use of social subconscious and further studied social personality, social empathy and social narcissism and etc, driving the psychoanalysis across to social psychology realm. Fourth stage: The contemporary development of unconscious theories the springing-up of >cognitive unconscious theories<. Since 1950s, along with the development of cognition science and cognition psychology, the research of unconscious gets into a new development period. Cognitive psychologists, taking cognitive science as foundation adopting a methodology of cognition, launching systematic researches of the unconscious field, put forward so-called >cognitive unconscious theories<. Cognitive unconscious theories think the modern computer is the model to understand unconscious process. A great deal of on-board processes may run simultaneously without being noticed by any other process. The controlled information processing is done by individual control and occurs inside the cognitive process; but the automatic information processing has no command over, it occurs outside the cognitive process. The controlling process has something to do with the cognitive processing, but the automatic process have something to do with the unconscious or unconscious information processing. Cognitive unconscious includes all cognitive processes that can't be cognized, without considering the reason why they can't be felt. Therefore, the cognitive unconscious theories and psychoanalysis unconscious are different. Because its subconscious concepts are not applied to explain the consciousness compression, emotion, drive and protective function, the unconscious can be rational or unreasonable or get into consciousness through enforcement. Cognitive unconscious theories focus on two problems: the relation between unconscious and brain structure, and the relation between unconscious and implicit memory. To sum it up, cognitive unconscious theories not only extend subconscious realm, widening horizon of understanding unconscious phenomenon, but also be advantageous to promoting study, memory and mental states treatment. Based on all mentioned above, these four stages have intrinsic logic contact, that is to say, Freud's individual unconscious theories is the systematization of the historical unconscious guess works; Jungian collective unconscious theory is the judgment and expansion of Freud's individual unconscious theories; Fromm's social unconscious theory is the combination and deepening of Freud's individual conscious theories and Jungian collective unconscious theories; cognitive unconscious theories surmount the psychoanalytical unconscious theories represented by Freud, Jung, and Fromm, displaying the new development of unconscious theories. The unconscious theories open a wide door for human being's self-understanding, and the development process of unconscious theories then deeply reflected the track that the mankind continuously investigates into the depth of our own spirits.}, language = {zh} } @article{Marcus, author = {Marcus, Eric R.}, title = {Transference and Countertransference to Medication and its Implications for Ego Function}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 211-218.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 211-218.}, language = {en} } @article{MaloneLange, author = {Malone, Ricky D. and Lange, Christopher L.}, title = {A Clinical Approach to the Malingering Patient}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 013-022.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 013-022.}, language = {en} } @book{Maccoby, author = {Maccoby, Michael}, title = {The Leaders We Need And What Makes Us Follow, Boston (Harvard Business School Press) 2007, 249 p.}, language = {en} } @article{Lopez, author = {L{\´o}pez, Jorge Loza}, title = {Las aportaciones de Erich Fromm a la {\´e}tica contempor{\´a}nea}, series = {J. Mart{\´i}nez Contreras, A. Ponce de Le{\´o}n, and L. Villoro (Eds.), l saber filosofico (The Philosophical Wisdom), Mexico City (Siglo XXI), pp. 70-90.}, journal = {J. Mart{\´i}nez Contreras, A. Ponce de Le{\´o}n, and L. Villoro (Eds.), l saber filosofico (The Philosophical Wisdom), Mexico City (Siglo XXI), pp. 70-90.}, language = {es} } @misc{Luan, author = {Luan, Tao}, title = {Existential Tragedy of the Family - Analysis of Faulkner's Novel >The Sound and the Fury< [家族生存悲剧 - 解析福克纳小说《喧哗与骚动》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2007. [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {In 1929, William Faulkner instantly became a renowned author after the publication of his masterpiece of >The Sound and the Fury< of the novel is a tragedy about the quad faces covering of human being's existence. Of the protagonists lose the essence of life because of ignoring the quad faces covering of existence. The thesis applies Sartre's ontology of freedom, Heidegger's death phenomena, and Fromm and Marx's alienation as the surest proof to explicate quintessence of tragedy, in order to explore the tragic interior worlds of the Compsons' existence. The thesis is divided into five parts by applying the three theories.- The first part presents a short introduction to southerners' existential predicaments after the American Civil War, and the interplay between Faulkner's philosophical ideas and existentialism.- The second part tries to pinpoint that tragedy reveals human existential predicaments. Anguish arises from the contradiction between ideals and impossible reality, which begets conflicts in individuals' plight; the inevitability of conflicts and irresistibility of misfortunes give rise to tragedy. Three correlated existential tragedies form the core of the Compsons' plight: spiritual tragedy, social tragedy, and ontological tragedy. Fromm's social alienation is exhibited in the Compsons' tragedy, that is, social alienation and alienation of traditional concept. Narcissism, Oedipus complex, masochism and sadism represent spiritual tragedy.- In part three, the thesis will center on the relationship of freedom , responsibility and situation with ontological choice to interpret the Compsons' tragedy. It elaborates on the reasons of the tragic ending, pointing out that escaping responsibility and bad choice are the causes of the Compsons' tragedy. >Being-in-itself< and >Being-for-itself< are the interdependent combination as for Sartrean ontology. Under the threat of freedom and responsibility, the Compsons fall into self-deceptive state of mind dominated by psychology of escape. They forfeits >Being-for-itself< and exists on the level of >Being-in-itself<, which is the mode of Being of object with no sense of free consciousness and responsibility. In bad faith, they conceal the truth and cannot get out of the nothingness. In concrete relations with the other, the Compsons ferment attitudes of indifference, desire, hate and sadism against attitudes of love and masochism. They present tragic existential state of >hell is the other people< distinctively. Absolute freedom and irresistible misfortunes fall upon the heroine in a situation. Her bad choice brews her tragic plight.- In part four, tragedy concerns death, and being grants authentic >Being-Towards-Death< significance. The thesis maps out the actual course of Being-Towards-Death as is exhibited in the Compsons' tragedy: that is, >conscience< and >anxiety< awaken Dasein from the falling and thrownness; >to be its Being<, >resolution<, >potentiality-for-Being<, >anticipation< are in interplay with Dasein's authentic >Being-Towards-Death<. The tragic protagonists experience death in >anticipation<. Death is present to Dasein from the beginning to the end, and then death awareness reveals itself automatically. Thus their tragedies are revealed. Heidegger draws a line between his primordial temporality and physical time. In primordial temporality, >future<, >having been< and >Present< are temporalizing in unity. The author of the thesis tries to expound on the tragic hero's death at some strength: 1. in temporality of anxiety, admittedly, the protagonist's temporal modalities of the >future< and the >Present< temporalize in the >having been<. The thesis highlights the fact that the protagonist holds on to the possibility of death, so he possesses the >future< in temporality. 2. The protagonist negates the mode of the >Present< in designs of returning to >repeatability< of thrownness and to the mode of >having been<. Ontological temporality reveals the protagonist instills meanings to the tradition he firmly pursues. Ultimately, the protagonist's suicide belongs to the tragedy of transcendence, which is transcending the boundary of death spiritually. He actualizes the pursuit of love and eternity. Suicide offers his retreat into spiritual primeval paradise in >having been<.- Part five is a conclusion, which underlines the central theme and significance of this tragedy. In addition to this, the author of the thesis stretches out the potentials for further study on this subject.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lu, author = {Lu, Ye}, title = {Female Life Consciousness in Pearl S. Buck's Works [赛珍珠小说中的女性生命意识], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2007 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Pearl S. Buck is On one of the most famous and controversial figures ever to influence American and Chinese cultural and literary history of Her novels break new ground in the subject matter, especially in her representations of Asia, and above all in her portraits of Asian women. As a woman herself, she writes about female figures with compassion and sympathy. The female characters in her works differ from those by the male authors. She advocates love, equality, liberty, and harmonious relationships between man and woman. Her works exude strong feminine consciousness about individual identity, self-worth, and above all about life call this female life consciousness. Life consciousness first originates from man's love for life and for the living. American psychologist Erich Fromm calls it as the love for life and the living, biophilia. Life is not merely an existence, but a state of being with meaning and significance. If man loves life, he must seek meanings in life. Thus life consciousness should be a self-awared consciousness, with which one seeks self-worth, seeks identity and tries to realize one's being as a meaningful individual, to fulfill self-actualization. Female is differed from male mainly because of her reproductive ability, which is sufficient enough for her to have a completely different experience of life and death. Her distinctive experience directly touches her consciousness of self, of existence and of life.- In this paper, I will mainly discuss Pearl S. Buck's four novels: >East Wind: West Wind<, >Pavilion of Women<, >The Good Earth<, and >The Mother<. They should be valued more highly and dug more deeply. On the one hand they are not like extreme feminist works which focus on dualistic conceptions. On the other hand, they are more moderate and focusing more on harmonious relationships between the two sexes. By analyzing her novels we will find that the female figures in her novels are so vivid, not just because she herself is a female, but more significantly, she has deep in her heart the compassion for the women, the strong life consciousness that makes her sympathize with all the suffering women.}, language = {zh} } @article{Lombardo, author = {Lombardo, Gregory T.}, title = {An Inquiry into the Sources of Poetic Vision: Part I - The Path to Inspiration}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 351-372.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 351-372.}, language = {en} } @article{Lombardo, author = {Lombardo, Gregory T.}, title = {An Inquiry into the Sources of Poetic Vision - Part II: The Artist's Transformation by the Rules of Play}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 627-648.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 627-648.}, language = {en} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Yi}, title = {Comment on Fromm's Humanistic Treatment Analysis Concept [弗洛姆人本主义精神分析治疗观评析]}, series = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 4 (2007), pp. 47-49.}, journal = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 4 (2007), pp. 47-49.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在承继古典精神分析的理论基础上,试图融合马克思主义思想和东西方宗教的精粹,从历史的变迁中去找寻人性的本位,在此基础上提出了其特有的人本主义精神分析治疗观。分析其治疗理论的贡献和局限,对当代的心理治疗理论的整合和实践研究有重要的现实启发意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Min}, title = {On Humanization of Technological Society [论技术社会人道化问题——弗洛姆技术伦理思想研究]}, series = {Nanjing International Conference on Bioethics and Gerontology and Ethics 2007 [南京生命伦理学暨老年科学与伦理学国际会议], November 5, 2007, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, in Ethical Research (Bioethics, Volume 2007-2008) Volume 2 [伦理研究(生命伦理学卷·2007-2008)下册].}, journal = {Nanjing International Conference on Bioethics and Gerontology and Ethics 2007 [南京生命伦理学暨老年科学与伦理学国际会议], November 5, 2007, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, in Ethical Research (Bioethics, Volume 2007-2008) Volume 2 [伦理研究(生命伦理学卷·2007-2008)下册].}, abstract = {Fromm's current technological society is a sick society, the pathological root cause lies in technology have led to the development of inhumane, and to contribute to a healthy society, first of all to the technical re-placed people under control. This article discusses the Fromm's analysis of the technical community, its inhuman expressions describe the technical community and raised technical society humane way. Fromm technology humane thinking ultimate aim is to facilitate the well-being of the people, the freedom of the people, and comprehensive human development as the highest goal of a healthy society. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Linklater, author = {Linklater, Andrew}, title = {Towards a sociology of global morals with an >emancipatory intent<}, series = {Review of International Studies, Vol. 33, No. S1 (2007), pp. 135-150. [Online ISSN 1469-9044] [doi.org/10.1017/S0260210507007437]}, journal = {Review of International Studies, Vol. 33, No. S1 (2007), pp. 135-150. [Online ISSN 1469-9044] [doi.org/10.1017/S0260210507007437]}, abstract = {First generation Frankfurt School critical theorists argued that global solidarity was possible because human beings have similar vulnerabilities to mental and physical suffering. This approach to solidarity remains significant for any discussion of the ethical aspirations of critical theory. It also has ramifications for efforts to develop a sociological approach to global moral codes which is influenced by the idea of an emancipatory social theory. Informed by certain themes which were developed by Simone Weil, this article draws on the writings of Fromm, Horkheimer, Adorno and Elias to consider how a sociology of international moral codes can be developed. One of the aims of this project is to consider how far global moralities have developed forms of solidarity around the recognition of shared vulnerabilities to mental and physical suffering which are part of the species' biological legacy.}, language = {en} } @article{Liang, author = {Liang, Zhifeng}, title = {Cultivation of Sound Personality of Primary School Students [小学生健全人格的培养]}, series = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, journal = {Journal of Educational Development [教育导刊], No. 12 (2007), p. 58.}, abstract = {完整的人格是指实现了知、意、情统一的人格。弗洛姆认为,只有把人的情感与智力相结合,才能培养出健全完整的人格。小学生人格是一个复杂、多侧面、多层次的统一体,小学生人格教育的得失关系到他们的身心健康、学习效率以及社会适应能力的发展。因此人格教育必须坚持全面整体、持续统一、个体特色和社会化的原则。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Yan}, title = {On Fromm's Modern Comment on the Dilemma of Human Existence [论弗洛姆对人生存困境的现代性批判], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Northeast Normal University, Changshun, Jilin, China 2007.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm was a renowned psychologist, sociologist and philosopher of the 20th century and the founder of humanistic psychoanalysis. In the field of psychology, he is a representative of the cultural school of psychoanalysis, and in the field of philosophy, he is one of the representatives of the Frankfurt School and of >Western Marxism<. He has written extensively and his scholarly activity covers the fields of philosophy, ethics, psychology, sociology and religious studies. The question of human existence runs through his thought. At the heart of Erich Fromm's teachings are the dilemmas of modern human existence and the way out. He was not concerned with a few mentally ill people or self-actualized people, but with the dilemmas of survival and the answers to the questions of the majority of people. The main body of the paper is divided into three parts: the first part is devoted to presenting Fromm's modern understanding of the human dilemma. Through >Escape from Freedom<, >Man for Himself< and >The Sane Society<, Fromm has made a comprehensive analysis of the survival situation of modern man and concluded that >escape from freedom and alienation< are the unique dilemmas of modern man's life. According to Fromm, the common human existence has given rise to three kinds of contradictions, namely, the contradiction between life and death, the contradiction between the transience of life and the infinity of potential, and the contradiction between individuation and loneliness. In order to resolve these existential contradictions, people develop various spiritual needs. The social personality and the social unconscious are the ways in which people meet these needs in certain situations. >The existential contradictions of >individualization and loneliness< dictate that people both relentlessly pursue freedom and, at the same time, escape in various ways from the >negative freedom< that is so prevalent in today's society. Man's alienation as manifested in Western society.- The second part aims to provide a comprehensive overview and exploration of Fromm's modern critical thinking on the dilemma of human existence. Fromm proposes two solutions to the dilemma of human existence. In order to eliminate the alienation of human nature and achieve a >sound society<, Fromm argues that one is to develop the capacity for reason and love, and the other is to carry out a comprehensive >social reform< of the politics, economy and culture of capitalist society.- The third part is an evaluation of Fromm's anthropological thought on the basis of the Marxist anthropological point of view, based on the preceding comprehensive and systematic introduction of Fromm's anthropological thought. Fromm's thought on human nature is not only of great theoretical significance, but also has important reference significance for the soundness and development of human nature in the construction of China's socialist modernization. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{LiWei, author = {Li, Peixiang and Wei, Junxiong}, title = {The Evaluation of West Marxist Views of Subject [西方马克思主义主体观评析]}, series = {Journal of Sichuan University (Humanities \& Social Sciences) [四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 6 (2007), pp. 37-42.}, journal = {Journal of Sichuan University (Humanities \& Social Sciences) [四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 6 (2007), pp. 37-42.}, abstract = {西方马克思主义对资本主义主体的解放和实践>新道路<进行了一个世纪的理论探索,尽管这条>新道路<是以直接告别无产阶级革命为前提,以社会批判、文化批判、意识形态批判等为表现形式,但从卢卡奇的物化理论、主—客体辩证法和阶级意识革命到列斐伏尔的>总体的人<和弗罗姆的>健全的人格<,再到哈贝马斯的交互主体观,我们可以看到他们对主体的深切关怀。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Liuyi}, title = {Remodeling the Love Concept for Survival - Fromm's Love Theory and Contemporary Implications [重塑爱的生存理念——对弗洛姆爱的理论的思考及当代启示 ]}, series = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 2 (2007), pp. 179-180.}, journal = {Theory Horizon [理论界], No. 2 (2007), pp. 179-180.}, abstract = {通过对弗洛姆爱的理论内涵的思考和探讨,笔者体察到了爱对于人生存的那份意义和价值,并且在对现时代爱的错位的反思中,认识到了重塑爱的生存理念的必要性。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Hui}, title = {Western Marxist Consumer Culture, [西方马克思主义消费文化理论研究], Doctoral dissertation, Literature and Art, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2007.}, abstract = {西方马克思主义消费文化既继承了马克思主义的批判立场和研究角度,同时又吸收了西方现代哲学思潮的方法,对西方消费社会进行了研究和反思。本文旨在对西方马克思主义消费文化理论进行系统研究,追溯其理论源泉,对代表性人物的观点进行全面的分析探讨,为我国的现代化进程提供借鉴。第一部分对西方马克思主义消费文化理论的来源进行了探讨。马克思主义的意识形态和葛兰西的文化霸权理论,马克思的异化理论和卢卡奇的物化理论是西方马克思主义消费文化研究的两个重要理论视角和理论基石。首先是意识形态。西方马克思主义的意识形态说主要来源于马克思。虽然马克思不是意识形态概念的最早提出者,但他大大推进了意识形态理论的研究。在马克思和恩格斯生活的前期,意识形态具有浓重的否定性涵义。在他们看来,经济上占据统治地位的阶级也会在思想上占据统治地位。他们为了维护自己的统治利益,就需要编造谎言,把自己的利益说成是社会各个阶层的普遍利益。马克思和恩格斯的意识形态理论深刻地影响了西方马克思主义者的消费文化观。在西方马克思主义者看来,消费文化是一种意识形态,是统治阶层为了维护自己的利益,维持对被统治阶层的统治而编造的一种谎言,是一种虚假意识。在马克思和恩格斯之后,葛兰西提出了文化霸权(文化领导权)的思想。在葛兰西看来,在国家的统治中,处于优势地位的阶级不但会通过武力和暴力的手段来维护自己的统治,还会通过精神领域中的道德等柔和的手段来维护自己的统治,这就是所谓的文化领导权。在葛兰西看来,文化领导权让被统治阶级自觉地在内心深处认同统治阶级的意识形态。葛兰西认为,革命要取得成功,首先必须夺取文化领导权。文化领导权的夺取具有阵地战的特点,具有持久性,非一朝一夕就可以完成。葛兰西的文化领导权思想对伯明翰文化研究学派影响很深。菲斯克就吸收了葛兰西的文化领导权理论。在菲斯克看来,意识形态并不是一个风平浪静的领域,消费者并非言听计从,而是在消费领域与统治阶层展开了激烈的意识形态争斗,这实际上是受到文化领导权夺取中阵地战理论的影响。其次是异化。异化的概念也不是马克思首先使用的,但马克思深化了对异化的研究。马克思经常使用的概念是异化劳动,在马克思看来,在资本主义条件下,原来的劳动对象和劳动过程成为异己的力量,开始控制人,异化人。后来马克思又明确地使用了>商品拜物教<的概念。他认为物与物的关系遮蔽了人与人真正的关系,这实际上是商品异化的具体体现,是对其早期异化学说的进一步深化。在马克思之后,将异化理论发扬光大的是卢卡奇。卢卡奇看到,异化不再仅仅局限于生产领域,而是延伸到整个的生活领域和消费领域,成为整个人类的一种普遍命运。异化不仅在人的意识层面展开,也在人的无意识层面展开。马克思的异化理论以及卢卡奇的物化理论成为西方马克思主义消费文化研究的又一个重要理论基础。法兰克福学派的弗洛姆深受异化理论的影响,提出了异化消费的概念。而鲍德里亚则看到,人不仅为具体的物控制,而且也陷入符号体系中,被符号所异化。第二部分是法兰克福学派的消费文化思想。在西方马克思主义的消费文化研究中,法兰克福学派是非常重要的流派。法兰克福学派对消费文化的批判是与对大众文化批判、国家批判、科学技术批判、意识形态批判以及现代性批判紧密地结合在一起的。在对消费文化的批判中,他们看到,消费社会并不是我们理想的社会形态,物质的极大丰盛并没有消除人与人之间的不平等,并没有带来幸福和民主。阿多诺批判了文化工业所导致的蒙昧,艺术被市场化,个性生命的沉沦之类弊端;马尔库塞认为,科学技术与消费文化一道维护着资产阶级的意识形态,让整个消费社会成为失去了反思和批判能力的单向度社会,使人们沉浸在消费所承诺的幸福之中,沉浸在用消费表达自我的幻觉之中,失去了自己的主体性;弗洛姆看到,在发达资本主义国家的消费社会中,异化非但没有减轻和消除,反而愈演愈烈,人性非但没有走向健康发展的道路,反而更加扭曲。消费让人异化,成为消费的机器;本雅明亦指出,在消费社会中,艺术的灵韵已经消失,艺术家的灵魂已被腐蚀。法兰克福学派对消费文化的研究是深刻的,有重大的意义,但也存在着明显的不足。首先,他们过分地突出了意识形态的作用,低估了消费者对意识形态的反抗与抵制;其次,他们把消费者看作是原子化的乌合之众,忽略了消费者的复杂性和主体能力;最后,他们把文化文本当作是简单的、标准化的、没有个性的文化产品,而没有注意到文化文本的复杂性,以及接受者解读的多种可能性。第三部分对法兰克福学派之后影响渐大的伯明翰文化研究学派的代表人物之一美国学者菲斯克和法国思想家鲍德里亚消费文化的研究。菲斯克对法兰克福学派的观点提出了强烈质疑。在他看来,消费者并不是原子化的个体,彼此之间毫无联系,而是具有主动性和强烈的斗争意识;意识形态不是单一的,而是复杂多变的;统治阶级利用消费文化推行意识形态的过程,也是被统治阶级躲避、对付或抵抗意识形态的过程,更是建构自己消费文化意义的过程和寻求快感的过程。这类见解,标志着西方马克思主义消费文化研究的一个重大转折:从历史唯物主义的方法转向了微观政治的研究方法,从对经济基础—上层建筑关系的关注模式转向了对人们的日常生活的关注,从一味地强调统治阶级的强大,转向了强调被统治阶级的力量,突出了他们对统治阶级意识形态的躲避和抵抗。尽管菲斯克突出了消费者的权力和主动性,但他有些矫枉过正,过分突出了大众的力量,反而低估了资产阶级意识形态的强大。其结果是他的微观政治领域中的抵抗只能是温和的、渐进的,根本就无法改变现行的制度,只能是认同和肯定现实,批判也就失去了应有的锋芒。鲍德里亚主要见解是:在消费社会,人不仅被具体的物品所异化,而且处在强大的物的体系中,被符号所异化。符号体系成为控制人的新力量,消费者陷入永无止境的符号体系的模范/系列和个性化的追求之中,永远难以满足。这标志着西方马克思主义消费文化研究的另一个转向,即从强调物导致的异化转向强调符号所导致的异化。鲍德里亚早期的'符号政治经济学'为当代消费社会中的消费需求、媒介交往和社会一体化提供了新的视角。他看到了传媒与符号对人心灵的腐蚀,疾呼消费社会对人类精神的危害。这些见解都是具有重要的理论和现实意义。但鲍德里亚的理论也有值得注意的缺陷。他的思想带有浓重的技术决定论色彩。此外,他的超真实、内爆、模仿、仿真等符号学概念遮蔽了不平等的经济制度、社会关系以及社会罪恶,掩盖了符号背后的真实与利益,使符号本身被神秘化。最后,本文对西方马克思主义消费文化研究的经验、教训进行了总结。西方马克思主义者既坚守了意识形态和异化理论,吸取了马克思主义的批判精髓,又没有固步自封,而是采取了多元化、灵活化的研究策略,这让其研究不断地注入新的活力。西方马克思主义消费文化理论为人类消费文化的健康发展做出了重要的贡献。目前我国虽没有进入消费社会,但已明显受到了消费主义文化的影响。为了建立健康的消费文化观,我们必须进一步加强对西方马克思主义消费文化的研究,并吸取其优秀成果。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Guilian}, title = {Making the Most of Our Freedom [善用我们的自由], Master thesis, Ethics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 2007.}, abstract = {The central theme of the teachings of Erich Fromm, a leading Western social philosopher and psychologist of the twentieth century, was the plight of modern man and the way out. In view of the touchstones of the times and the considerations of the academic point of departure, the idea of freedom is the first issue addressed by Fromm's entire doctrine. Fromm reveals the double meaning of freedom in terms of both negative and positive freedom, pointing out that while freedom makes one more independent, it also leads one to loneliness, which presupposes two attitudes towards one's own freedom - the pursuit of freedom or the flight from it. People by nature desire and seek freedom, but when freedom becomes an unbearable burden to the individual, the tendency to avoid it arises. Escaping from freedom and reverting to dependence and subservience does not lead one to happiness, nor does it resolve the contradiction inherent in freedom between individualization and loneliness. The only way out is to strive for positive freedom, and there are two paths to positive freedom: the attainment of human wholeness through creative love and work, and the establishment of a humanist socialist society. In the course of this discussion, the paper presents a dialectical analysis of Fromm's ideas on freedom, examining both the contributions and shortcomings of his theories and suggesting their relevance to China's social reality. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Levin, author = {Levin, Revella}, title = {Communicating with the Schizophrenic Superego Revisited: A New Technique}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 483-508.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 483-508.}, language = {en} } @article{Leeman, author = {Leeman, Eve}, title = {The Costs of Compliance}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 179-188.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 179-188.}, language = {en} } @article{Kudler, author = {Kudler, Harold}, title = {The Need for Psychodynamic Principles in Outreach to New Combat Veterans and their Families}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 039-050.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 039-050.}, language = {en} } @article{Kong, author = {Kong, Wenqing}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Moral Cognition [弗洛姆的道德认识理论]}, series = {Studies in Ethics [伦理学研究], No. 4 (2007), pp. 87-92.}, journal = {Studies in Ethics [伦理学研究], No. 4 (2007), pp. 87-92.}, abstract = {Fromm's theory of moral cognition established a basis of studying human. To recognize goodness and vice and moral rules is mainly recognizing human nature and possibility contained in human nature. Because that man is living and is in the process of continuous growth, for recognizing human we must break the cognitive mode of objectivism, realizing the unity of subjectivity and objects. Fromm's knowledge of one's personal experience thinks that cognitive objects are externally existence and knowledge is universally valid at the same time of emphasizing that human subjective emotions are put into recognition, so it is an objective recognition. Fromm's theory of moral cognition is in concord with practical transition of epistemology.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Kong, author = {Kong, Wenqing}, title = {Frommian Autonomic Morality and Its Revelation on Moral Construction in the Chinese Social Transformation [弗洛姆自律道德及其对中国转型时期道德建设的启示], PhD thesis, Marxism and Ideological and Political Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2007, 160 pp.}, abstract = {From a perspective of autonomy, this dissertation probed into Frommian moral philosophy systematically, and on this basis, discussed its revelation on the Chinese moral construction and moral education in the transformation of the society. As a criticizer and successor to those autonomy theories of Kant, Nietzsche and Freud, Fromm thinks morality is the affirmation of oneself on the basis of universal human nature. Autonomy is a whole man constituting moral law for realizing his potential and becoming a man with fully developed capability of love, reason and so on. Morality is a self discipline for oneself and to oneself. Materially, the content of autonomy is a realization of one's potential, and good is the affirmation of life and the unfolding of one's power. Virtue is a responsibility for one's own existence. Morality is a re-action of ourselves. It is the voice of our true selves which summons us back to ourselves, to live productively, to develop fully and harmoniously, that is, to become what we potentially are. Formally, moral law must be constituted by no other powers than man himself. Those laws which are constituted by exterior powers such as God or authorities and are internalized into our heart are not autonomic, but heteronomous in essence. On the basis of human nature, moral good and bad are induced from the question inherent in the primal condition of man. Thus, cognition to morality is equivalent to that of human nature. Because of man's particularities, Fromm opposed objectivism epistemology, holding that cognition is interfusion between subject and object. The knowledge of human is experiential knowledge. The epistemology of Fromm tally with the pragmatic turn of epistemology, the objective comprehension with a stress on the subjective factors in the process of cognition. Now that autonomy means the realization of man's potential in content, autonomy is equivalent to freedom to.- Since autonomy formally rejects constitution of moral laws for man by the other powers outside man, autonomy is equivalent to freedom from the other men's interference. A moral man is an independent, free man. Between freedom to and freedom from, Fromm considered that freedom from is a condition of freedom to while freedom to is the aim of freedom from. If there is only freedom from, without the development of our own capability, man will try any means to escape from freedom. As to free will, Fromm argued that one has a limited will freedom to choose between the fulfillment of our own potentials and degeneration to a thing in the scope determined by physiological and social conditions. A human being is a social being, fulfilling autonomic morality requires a sane society in favor of man's development. With a critical eye on capitalistic society, Fromm proposed his conception of a sane human being and society. However, because of the logic inherent in his theory, he requested that man only has an ear to the voice of our true selves, a sane society can only emerge when all factors, economic, cultural, transform simultaneously. This meditation, therefore, lacks a realistic basis. A transforming society characteristic of disordered moral calls for a reconstruction of morality. It's important to cognize the autonomic attribute of morality in a socialistic market economy. This property lays a stress not only on norm, but also on inner moral sensibility and drive. The socialistic concept of honor and disgrace emphasizes that the cohesion of moral norm and inner moral sensibility and drive is the result of cognition of the attribute of autonomic morality. In short, autonomic morality demands an aim for whole moral personality, attaches importance to human being's inner moral sensibility and drive as well as development of all potentials of man.}, language = {zh} } @article{Kong, author = {Kong, Wenqing}, title = {Questions and Answers - Fromm's two Dimensions of Human Nature [问题和答案——弗洛姆人性论的两个维度]}, series = {Chongqing Social Sciences [重庆社会科学], No 6 (2007), pp. 38-41.}, journal = {Chongqing Social Sciences [重庆社会科学], No 6 (2007), pp. 38-41.}, abstract = {弗洛姆认为存在着共同的人性。人性是人生存的原初状态所提出的问题。对这一问题的解答就是人性在具体社会中的现实化,问题和答案构成了弗洛姆人性论的两个维度,也提供了他批判现实和分析现实的两个维度。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Klyman, author = {Klyman, Cassandra M.}, title = {Review Nada L. Stotland and Donna E. Stewart (Eds.): Psychological Aspects of Women's Health Care: The Interface Between Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 337-339.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 337-339.}, language = {en} } @article{Kingsley, author = {Kingsley, George}, title = {Contemporary Group Treatment of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 051-070.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 051-070.}, language = {en} } @article{Kemp, author = {Kemp, Donna R.}, title = {Erich Fromm}, series = {Mental Health in America. A Reference Handbook, Santa Barbara (Abd-Clio) 2007, p. 153.}, journal = {Mental Health in America. A Reference Handbook, Santa Barbara (Abd-Clio) 2007, p. 153.}, language = {en} } @article{KatzBearnot, author = {Katz-Bearnot, Sherry}, title = {The Medical Education of Generation Rx}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 527-536.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 527-536.}, language = {en} } @misc{Kalman, author = {Kalman, Thomas P.}, title = {Review Allison and Jay Rosen (Eds.): Frozen Dreams: Psychodynamic Dimensions of Infertility and Assisted Reproduction}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 522-523.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 522-523.}, language = {en} } @article{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Tianchan}, title = {Human Social Character and Alienation - Fromm's Analytical Framework of Contemporary Capitalism [社会性格·人的本质·异化——弗洛姆对当代资本主义分析框架的解析]}, series = {Journal of Nanjing Party Institute of CPC [中共南京市委党校学报], No. 5 (2007), pp. 32-36.}, journal = {Journal of Nanjing Party Institute of CPC [中共南京市委党校学报], No. 5 (2007), pp. 32-36.}, abstract = {>社会性格<是弗洛姆直面社会的理论工具,不同的社会性格对应的是不同的社会结构。社会性格的产出是以经济基础和人的本质为基础的。弗洛姆通过对弗洛伊德利比多理论的改造,重新推定了人的本质。他以此为基础,对照现实,认为资本主义社会的人已经发生了异化。弗洛姆对资本主义社会中的人的心理状况作了深入分析,但他人本论的批判和分析模式造成了其理论内部不可调和的矛盾。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Javanbakht, author = {Javanbakht, Arash}, title = {Review Keith J. Laidler: The Harmonious Universe: The Beauty and Unity of Scientific Understanding}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 694-696.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 694-696.}, language = {en} } @article{IvanyGray, author = {Ivany, Christopher G. and Gray, Sheila Hafter}, title = {Franklin Delano Jones and War Psychiatry}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 001-012.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 001-012.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ingram, author = {Ingram, Douglas H.}, title = {Review Althea J. Horner: Dealing with Resistance in Psychotherapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 335-336.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 335-336.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ingram, author = {Ingram, Douglas H.}, title = {Review Myron L. Glucksman: Dreaming: An Opportunity for Change}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 511.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 511.}, language = {en} } @article{Horner, author = {Horner, Althea J.}, title = {Commentary on Richard Brockman: >Freud, Darwin, and the Holding Environment<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 137-140.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 137-140.}, language = {en} } @article{Horner, author = {Horner, Althea J.}, title = {Discussion of Ross's >Progression From Oral to Oedipal Themes: A Defense Against Experiences of Object Loss< - An Alternative Paradigm}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 279-286.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 279-286.}, language = {en} } @article{He, author = {He, Aili}, title = {On the Orientations of the Characters in >Desire under the Elms< and the Root of Tragedy [论《榆树下的欲望》中人物的性格取向与悲剧根源] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science) [重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 10 (2007), pp. 117-119.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science) [重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 10 (2007), pp. 117-119.}, abstract = {This paper analyzes complicated orientations of the characters in >Desire Under the Elms<, an early work of Eugene O'Neill, a famous playwright of the U.S. From the perspective of humanistic ethicist Erich Fromm's theory of the relationship between the character orientations of different types of people and personal and family happiness, this paper discusses the root of the tragedy of the characters in the play and reveals the practical significance of re-reading Desire Under the Elms under the back ground of the present times.}, language = {zh} } @article{Hardaway, author = {Hardaway, Thomas G.}, title = {Introduction to Gertraud Schlesinger-Kipp: >Childhood in World War II: German Psychoanalysts Remember<}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 537-540.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 537-540.}, language = {en} } @article{HaneyGray, author = {Haney, Aaron W. and Gray, Sheila Hafter}, title = {Association of a Training Psychotherapy Experience with Deployment Stress in Military Physicians}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 071-076.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 35 (2007), pp. 071-076.}, language = {en} }