@article{Zou, author = {Zou, Hong}, title = {An Interpretation of Fromm's Sound Social Philosophy [弗洛姆的健全社会哲学思想解读]}, series = {Northern Literature [北方文学], No. 32 (2019), pp. 162-163.}, journal = {Northern Literature [北方文学], No. 32 (2019), pp. 162-163.}, abstract = {弗洛姆通过剖析西方现代人异化的生存状态,批判了资本主义制度下重占有的生存方式。同时,弗洛姆提出构建重生存的健全社会以帮助现代人实现积极自由的生存状态。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Wen}, title = {On the Evolution of Fromm's Religious View [弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变初探]}, series = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, journal = {Psychology of Religion [宗教心理学], No. 0 (2019), pp. 17-28.}, abstract = {对宗教的研究是弗洛姆整体思想中的重要组成部分,在漫长的学术生涯中,他的思想经历过两次转折,使其宗教观在不同阶段的著作中呈现出较大的差异。本文试图在综合考虑弗洛姆生活背景和学术思想的基础上,勾勒出弗洛姆宗教观发展嬗变的脉络,并对其发展特点进行较为细致的探究。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yuhong}, title = {A Tragedy Caused by Loneliness: An Interpretation of >Hedda Gabler< in Light of Fromm's Psychoanalytical Theories [孤独酿就的悲剧——易卜生《海达•高布乐》的弗洛姆式阐释]}, series = {Journal of Jingchu University of Technology [荆楚理工学院学报], No. 4 (2019), pp. 14-17.}, journal = {Journal of Jingchu University of Technology [荆楚理工学院学报], No. 4 (2019), pp. 14-17.}, abstract = {易卜生《海达•高布乐》的女主角海达的人生悲剧表面上看是父权制文化以及其高傲倔强、追求诗性生活的性格造成的,但从弗洛姆心理分析维度探测海达令人费解的行为背后深层次的心理动机,可以发现海达的怪异行为源自内心无法排遣的孤独。得不到缓解的孤独产生了一股不可遏制的破坏力,毁灭他人的同时也导致了海达的自我毁灭。海达的人生悲剧体现了易卜生对个人如何对待个体化孤独问题的思考,对为孤独所困的现代人具有重要的启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yiwei}, title = {On Fromm's Inheritance and Development of Marx's Theory of >Differentiated Labor< [论弗洛姆对马克思"异化劳动"理论的继承与发展]}, series = {Modern Business Trade Industry [现代商贸工业], No. 17 (2019), pp. 132-134.}, journal = {Modern Business Trade Industry [现代商贸工业], No. 17 (2019), pp. 132-134.}, abstract = {马克思通过对自由资本主义时期劳动关系的研究,提出异化劳动这一崭新概念,并通过这一视阈把握人的自我异化与阶级之间以及私有财产的关系。生活在资本主义垄断时期的弗洛姆则在继承马克思理论的基础上,从心理异化、全面异化等视角进行探究。在研究方法和异化理论方面都进行了发展,提出现代资本主义社会中存在的异化在本质是人的自我异化,探寻使社会克服异化走向健全的有效路径,至今仍具有启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhangGao, author = {Zhang, Yingying and Gao, Lixin}, title = {Seeking >Positive Freedom< from Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< — The Phenomenon of College Students' Mobile Phone Dependence as an Example [从弗洛姆的"逃避自由"中寻找"积极自由"—以大学生手机依赖现象为例]}, series = {Journal of Yangling Vocational \& Technical College [杨凌职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2019), pp. 29-32.}, journal = {Journal of Yangling Vocational \& Technical College [杨凌职业技术学院学报], No. 4 (2019), pp. 29-32.}, abstract = {随着互联网的飞速发展和社会信息的快速更新,智能手机持续的更新换代和广泛的普及使用使得当代大学生成为了其学习和生活的最佳受益者,但也随之出现了一种令人欲罢不能的手机依赖现象,对于这一现象的分析和解决可以借鉴埃里希•弗洛姆的>逃避自由<理论,深度剖析大学生手机依赖现象的原因,从而寻找到有效的解决策略。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xueting}, title = {Fromm's Sound Social Theory and Contemporary Enlightenment [弗洛姆健全社会理论及当代启示]}, series = {Sinogram Culture [汉字文化], No. 15 (2019), pp. 143-144.}, journal = {Sinogram Culture [汉字文化], No. 15 (2019), pp. 143-144.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派对资本主义社会进行批判的重炮手,在现代社会人格心理方面有重大建树。在《健全的社会》中,弗洛姆先见性地指出,不仅个人会有精神生病问题,而且作为整体的社会也会生病。并且只有在经济、政治以及文化各个领域同时发生变革,这一危机才会化解,达到真正的健全的社会彼岸。弗洛姆的健全社会理论对我们思考当下社会心理问题具有重要启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Ling}, title = {Fromm's View of Psychology [弗洛姆的心理学观研究]}, series = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 4 (2019), pp. 59-61.}, journal = {Theory Research [学理论], No. 4 (2019), pp. 59-61.}, abstract = {随着社会发展,西方新马克思主义研究运动悄然升温,自从20世纪30年代以来西方心理学中就兴起了许多心理学趋向马克思主义的研究流派。弗洛姆是法兰克福学派成员之一,他在继承弗洛伊德精神分析理论基础上,研究马克思主义思想,坚持用人文与社会科学的方法来研究人的心理。创造了著名的异化理论、社会性格理论等。中国是坚持马克思主义一元论的国家,主流意识是马克思主义意识形态。因而研究弗洛姆马克思主义心理学思想,对于丰富和指导国内心理学研究,具有重要的学术意义和应用价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yuan, author = {Yuan, Wenbin}, title = {Three Faces of Marxist Philosophy of Language - Linguistic Production•Desire of Politics• Biopower [马克思主义语言哲学的三副面孔—语言生产•欲望政治•生物权力]}, series = {Foreign Languages Journal [外语学刊], No .3 (2019), pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Foreign Languages Journal [外语学刊], No .3 (2019), pp. 1-6.}, abstract = {卢卡奇开辟的西方马克思主义道路为后来的马克思主义者提供智性动力,葛兰西、阿尔杜塞、普兰查斯、拉克劳和墨菲等将隐喻式的>基础—建筑<诠释为符号学意义上的语言生产模式。而法兰克福学派的赖希、马尔库塞和弗洛姆则将马克思主义和弗洛伊德主义结合起来,展开马克思主义语言哲学的欲望政治研究。想象一种语言就是想象一种生命,语言与生命须臾不可分离,后马克思主义者如阿甘本、哈特和奈格里等则将语言生产模式和欲望生产模式推进到生物生产模式,即考察后现代语境下人类社会的生命权力,甚至人体内部的生物权力。无论是语言生产还是欲望政治都是生命权力的外在表现形式,对身体从外到内或从身体到生命,即从生命权力到生物权力的范式转换,才是马克思主义语言哲学的终极关怀。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Tao}, title = {Where Does Your View of Sex Come From [你的性爱观从何而来]}, series = {Marriage and Family 婚姻与家庭(婚姻情感版), No. 7 (2019), p. 38.}, journal = {Marriage and Family 婚姻与家庭(婚姻情感版), No. 7 (2019), p. 38.}, abstract = {当你们的性爱出了异常,有没有想过原因可能出在原生家庭?为什么你有性洁癖?为什么你在性爱中容易紧张,无法全身心放松?为什么你越是吵架,越想做爱?这些异常,也许与你的原生家庭有关系。心理学家艾瑞克•弗洛姆说:>每个人生下来都是一粒种子,能够长成什么样,不仅受着内在的驱动,常常也和外界环境的影响有关系。<而父母对性的态度和观念,也会潜移默化地影响着我们。}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Shunyi}, title = {Expanding Writing Space With Classic Reading - A Comment on a 2018 College Entrance Examination [以经典阅读拓展写作空间——评一篇2018年高考上海卷佳作] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {National Excellent Composition (High School) [全国优秀作文选(高中)], No. 5 (2019), pp. 62-64.}, journal = {National Excellent Composition (High School) [全国优秀作文选(高中)], No. 5 (2019), pp. 62-64.}, abstract = {2018年高考上海卷作文题生活中,人们不仅关注自身的需要,也时常渴望被他人需要,以体现自己的价值。这种>被需要<的心态普遍存在,对此你有怎样的认识?请写一篇文章,谈谈你的思考。要求:(1)自拟题目;(2)不少于800字。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Huawei}, title = {Xi Jinping's New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Exploration of Students' Mind - Based on Fromm's Belief Theory [习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进学生头脑路向探赜——基于弗洛姆信仰理论的视角]}, series = {Journal of Dali University [大理大学学报], No. 7 (2019), pp. 37-42.}, journal = {Journal of Dali University [大理大学学报], No. 7 (2019), pp. 37-42.}, abstract = {党的十九大以来,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想>三进<工作成为我国高校思想政治工作的重要内容和首要任务。随着习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进学生教材、学生课堂的问题解决,进学生头脑就成为高校必须着力解决好的重大课题。从弗洛姆信仰理论的视角,考察习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进学生头脑的信仰问题,剖析当前现状及学生抵牾原因,提出通过开悟信仰主体、培育信仰行为、认同信仰对象,促使学生信仰认同增进、信仰理性自觉、信仰价值回归,以期实现习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进学生头脑的目标旨向。}, language = {zh} } @article{XieLue, author = {Xie, Chengcheng and Lue, Huang}, title = {Not Crazy, Not Live - A Study of Li Bihua's >Big Farewell< and >Dumpling< from the Perspective of Psychology [>不疯魔,不成活<——心理学视角下李碧华《霸王别姬》和《饺子》的>异化<问题研究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Culture and Education Materials [文教资料], No. 10 (2019), pp. 13-15.}, journal = {Culture and Education Materials [文教资料], No. 10 (2019), pp. 13-15.}, abstract = {本文从心理学角度出发,以李碧华小说《霸王别姬》和《饺子》中的>异化<人物——程蝶衣和艾菁菁为研究对象,运用弗洛姆的性格理论对比分析人物形象的异化类型;运用弗洛伊德的人格理论、皮亚杰的适应理论和构建学说,以及部分社会心理学知识,分析二者异化的渐进阶段和产生原因;透过小说的文本层,揭示李碧华作品中包含的>心<的残忍与人的温情的内在含义,挖掘李碧华对读者,尤其是女性读者的人生关怀。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xiao, author = {Xiao, Yuheng}, title = {{\"U}ber Fromms Freiheitsidial [浅谈弗洛姆的自由理想]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 19 (2019)..}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 19 (2019)..}, abstract = {对西方人文主义马克思主义的研究仍然是当前哲学界的热点和焦点。作为西方马克思主义法兰克福学派的重要代表,埃里希•弗洛姆从人格结构和社会心理机制的角度批判了现代人的自由困境。在丰富和发展马克思主义人文主义的同时,也为我们全面深刻地理解20世纪人类文化的演变提供了典型的范例。本文从弗洛姆精神分析的心理学角度分析弗洛姆人本主义自由思想对于西方资本主义社会中人的把握,以及对于自由产生孤立的两种选择。弗洛姆的自由主义思想建立在马克思的异化理论基础之上,是马克思人本主义的丰富和发展。它所倡导的积极自由的思想对当今社会有着非常深刻的借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wu, author = {Wu, Chengcheng}, title = {The Puppet Under the Control of the Desire Machine - The Alienation of Humanity in >The Trojan Winner< [欲望机器操纵下的木偶——《木马赢家》中人性的异化] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 9 (2019), pp. 111, 110.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 9 (2019), pp. 111, 110.}, abstract = {《木马赢家》作为戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯晚年的短篇小说之一,探讨了劳伦斯所关注的人与人之间的关系,从侧面反映出西方工业文明社会下,金钱对人性的蚕食与扭曲。本文结合埃利希•弗洛姆的异化理论,从>异化<这个角度分析《木马赢家》中人性异化的体现,探讨其根源。揭示金钱诱惑下血亲的畸形和扭曲金钱观的变态以及此短篇小说对现代人的启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wei, author = {Wei, Wen}, title = {A Reading of >The Great Gatsby< in Light of Fromm's Humanistic Ethics [《了不起的盖茨比》的人道主义伦理解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Wuyi University (Social Sciences Edition) [邑大学学报(社会科学版), No. 1 (2019), pp. 42-45, 94.Wen}, journal = {Journal of Wuyi University (Social Sciences Edition) [邑大学学报(社会科学版), No. 1 (2019), pp. 42-45, 94.Wen}, abstract = {俯瞰尘世的医生眼睛是《了不起的盖茨比》的中心意象,它暗含着菲茨杰拉德对美国消费社会时代病症的诊断。以弗洛姆的人道主义伦理理论分析,消费社会的病症体现在三方面:人异化成商品;爱表现为占有和束缚;病态社会造成人的疯狂和堕落。盖茨比的了不起在于他超越了病态的爱欲表达,坚持对梦想的追求。菲茨杰拉德通过塑造盖茨比这个人物,批判美国消费社会下人性荒漠的现实,表达对美好人性的乐观期望。}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Min}, title = {The Dual Dimensions of Freedom - Thoughts on the View of Freedom in >Escape from Freedom< [自由的双重维度——对《逃避自由》中自由观的思考]}, series = {Legal System and Society [法制与社会], No. 21 (2019), pp. 228-229.}, journal = {Legal System and Society [法制与社会], No. 21 (2019), pp. 228-229.}, abstract = {自由作为人类向往的精神境界,一直是社会研究的重要主题。弗洛姆在《逃避自由》中,从心理学角度出发,对自由做出了自己的阐述。积极自由和消极自由作为自由两种不同的表现形式,表达了在追寻个人自由时的不同侧重点。与此同时,弗洛姆所倡导的积极自由与马克思眼中的全面自由发展又存在区分唯心主义与唯物主义标准的区别。本文就是在阅读《逃避自由》之后,就自由这一主题进行探讨。}, language = {zh} } @article{VajdaSmitmansVajda, author = {Vajda, Mih{\´a}ly and Smitmans-Vajda, Barbara}, title = {Erinnerungen an {\´A}gnes Heller}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 141-168.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 141-168.}, language = {de} } @article{Tao, author = {Tao, Shuang}, title = {The True Meaning of Love from >The Art of Loving< [从《爱的艺术》领悟爱的真谛]}, series = {New West [新西部], No. 3 (2019), pp. 104-105.}, journal = {New West [新西部], No. 3 (2019), pp. 104-105.}, abstract = {本文解读了美籍徳裔社会心理学家弗洛姆的《爱的艺术》。文章从弗洛姆的>爱情<理论、爱的对象及步骤和爱的实践要求等方面,指出爱情不再是只局限于指向男女之间的性别之爱,而是应该领悟爱的真正含义,进而引起大家的深刻思考。}, language = {zh} } @article{Tang, author = {Tang, Li}, title = {>Lonely Hunter<: The Loneliness of the characters in White's >A Glass of Tea< [>孤独的猎手<:怀特《一杯茶》中人物的孤独] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 14 (2019), pp. 8-9.}, journal = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 14 (2019), pp. 8-9.}, abstract = {怀特的著名短篇小说集《烧伤的人》记叙了一系列异化的现代人,其中《一杯茶》借用一位中年希腊男子马里亚卡斯的视角,通过倾听耄耋老人菲里庇底斯爱情故事,揭露以三位主人公为代表的现代人的孤独症候。本文借助弗洛姆的孤独理论,消解三位主人公的孤独成因,并升华小说的现实意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Soederlund, author = {S{\"o}derlund, Jana}, title = {The Emergence of a New Social Movement: Biophilic Design}, series = {The Emergence of Biophilic Design. Cities and Nature, Cham (Springer) 2019, pp. 1-11. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-29813-5] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29813-5_1]}, journal = {The Emergence of Biophilic Design. Cities and Nature, Cham (Springer) 2019, pp. 1-11. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-29813-5] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29813-5_1]}, abstract = {Biophilic design, based on humans' innate connection to nature, evolved into a social movement over many decades. It emerged from Erich Fromm's early use of the term biophilia to Edward Wilson's book on Biophilia, the subsequent Biophilia Hypothesis book by Wilson and Stephen Kellert, to the multi-authored Biophilic Design publication in 2008. This progression involved meetings and discussions between people with a shared understanding of the human biological connection to nature and the need to bring nature back into urbanites daily lives. Their vision and passion led to the emergence of the social movement of biophilic design. The moral vision of bringing nature into city design reflects a shared understanding and collective goal beyond self-interest. There was a communal sense of the associated issues with cities which lack nature, such as disconnection from nature, urban heat island effect and water and air pollution, kindling a desire to initiate change.}, language = {en} } @article{Szell, author = {Sz{\´e}ll, Gy{\"o}rgy}, title = {Homo sapiens demens}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 117-138.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 117-138.}, language = {de} } @article{SunWang, author = {Sun, Jianli and Wang, Ping}, title = {On Fromm's Psychological Mechanism of Avoiding Freedom [论弗洛姆逃避自由的心理机制]}, series = {Journal of Mudanjiang University [牡丹江大学学报], No. 8 (2019), pp. 1-5.}, journal = {Journal of Mudanjiang University [牡丹江大学学报], No. 8 (2019), pp. 1-5.}, abstract = {人类的自由程度几乎成为制约现代文明发展及社会稳定的重要因素。人的个性及人格的独一无二性构成社会发展的潜在威胁,对人类性格结构的分析是我们全面把握自由之定义的首要步骤。因此,弗洛姆关注人的个性结构发展,力图从中寻求解决社会潜在危机的方法。通过对弗洛姆逃避自由的心理机制的详细剖析,在批判西方资本主义社会弊端的基础上,联系现阶段社会发展实际来探求实现个体积极自由的途径,以促进社会的积极健康发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Stickelmann, author = {Stickelmann, Bernd}, title = {Vermummte Aufkl{\"a}rung. Gedichte}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 81-96.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 81-96.}, language = {de} } @article{Selke, author = {Selke, Stefan}, title = {Homo Narrans im Zeitalter von Big Data und KI. Zum Verlust biografischer Imaginationsf{\"a}higkeit im Delirium der Rationalit{\"a}t}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 15-28.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 15-28.}, language = {de} } @article{Seifert, author = {Seifert, Kurt}, title = {Was fehlt? Transhumanismus als Anti-Utopie}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 101-108.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 101-108.}, language = {de} } @article{Schumann, author = {Schumann, Frank}, title = {Leiden und Gesellschaft. Psychoanalyse in der Gesellschaftskritik der Frankfurter Schule}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 143-160.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 143-160.}, language = {de} } @article{Schroeter, author = {Schr{\"o}ter, Welf}, title = {Auf dem Weg zum >mitbestimmten Algorithmus<. Warum der Begriff >KI< nicht als >k{\"u}nstliche< sondern nur als >kleine< oder >keine Intelligenz< ausgeschrieben werden sollte. Eine kleine nachdenkliche Polemik}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 109-116.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 109-116.}, language = {de} } @article{Schroeder, author = {Schr{\"o}der, Lothar}, title = {Menschenbilder, Visionen, Normen. Orientierungen f{\"u}r >Gute Arbeit mit KI<}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 53-64.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 53-64.}, language = {de} } @article{Schlemm, author = {Schlemm, Annette}, title = {Das Leben k{\"u}nstlich oder menschlich machen?}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 39-52,}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 39-52,}, language = {de} } @article{SchererSchroeter, author = {Scherer, Irene and Schr{\"o}ter, Welf}, title = {Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch? - Menschenbilder im 21. Jahrhundert. Editorial}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 7-12.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 7-12.}, language = {de} } @article{Sabucedo, author = {Sabucedo, Pablo}, title = {Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and humanistic psychotherapy: an integrative approximation}, series = {British Journal of Guidance \& Counselling, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2019), pp. 347-361. [Online ISSN 1469-3534] [doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2019.1597016]}, journal = {British Journal of Guidance \& Counselling, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2019), pp. 347-361. [Online ISSN 1469-3534] [doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2019.1597016]}, abstract = {This article explores the similarities between humanistic (and existential) psychotherapy, represented here by the ideas of Viktor Frankl, Erich Fromm and Irvin Yalom, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Despite the ongoing dialogue between both therapies during the last decade, regarding both their convergences and divergences, there is a gap in the literature concerning their complementarity in clinical practice. This analysis addresses this gap with the integrative (or pluralistic) clinician in mind, and approximates a theoretical and practical integration anchored upon the trans-theoretical model.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Othello and Macbeth: Complementary Borderline Pathologies at the Basic Fault}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 167-186.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 167-186.}, abstract = {This chapter employs Caroline Polmear's contemporary reinterpretation of Michael Balint's concept of the basic fault as a lens through which to read Othello and Macbeth. In Polmear's view, borderline pathology arises due to a traumatic rupture in the primal bond between mother and child, and it can take the form of either ocnophilia (clinging to people) or philobatism (clinging to spaces). It is proposed that Othello and Macbeth are representations of these complementary character-types. Othello cannot tolerate any separation from Desdemona, while Macbeth retreats into schizoid isolation. The handkerchief, the loss of which is tantamount to the loss of Desdemona's love, was received by Othello from his mother at the time of her death, while in Macbeth the rupture of the mother-child bond is figured both in Macduff's having been >untimely ripped< from his mother's womb and by Lady Macbeth's description of killing the baby that was nursing at her breast. Two clinical examples—one of an actual patient, the other of Philip Roth—are offered to illustrate the reciprocal interplay of literature and psychoanalysis. It is argued that the traditional notion of >applied psychoanalysis< should be replaced by what might be called, following Shoshana Felman, >implied psychoanalysis,< or what Fromm has called >literary psychoanalysis.<}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {The Indispensability of Erich Fromm: The Rehabilitation of a >Forgotten< Psychoanalyst}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 70-103.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 70-103.}, abstract = {This chapter provides a comprehensive overview and rehabilitation of Erich Fromm's importance as a psychoanalyst. Fromm is lauded for having been an unsurpassed analyst of psychoanalytic politics and the incarnation of what it means to be an independent psychoanalyst, who was unjustly attacked both by orthodox analysts and by his erstwhile colleagues in the Frankfurt School. His 1935 essay, >The Social Determinants of Psychoanalytic Therapy,< in which the influence of Ferenczi and Groddeck is directly acknowledged, and his 1959 book, Sigmund Freud's Mission, are hailed as summits of his achievement, while The Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought shows him in decline. Three weak points in Fromm's thought are identified: (1) his tendency to flatten out an individual level of analysis into a purely social level; (2) his penchant for shifting the blame for the problems in psychoanalysis away from Freud onto his followers; and (3) his assumption that motherly love is unconditional. Fromm's defense of radical humanism is compared with that of Orwell, and it is shown to be grounded not only in philosophy but above all in natural science in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Groddeck's Lessons}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 152-163.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 152-163.}, abstract = {This chapter examines both >Groddeck's teaching,< in the sense of the enduing value of his contributions to psychoanalysis, as well as >Groddeck's lessons,< that is, what we can learn from his blind spots. The question of who is a psychoanalyst stands at the center of Groddeck's relationship to Freud, and in accepting Groddeck's assertion that transference and resistance are the >hubs of treatment,< Freud offers his most expansive definition of a psychoanalyst. Groddeck's genius is most fully displayed in The Book of the It, the epistolary form of which casts him at once in the roles of analyst and patient. From Groddeck's biography, it is clear that he was an extremely traumatized individual, as is further attested by his analysis in Letter 25 of his penchant for the number 26,783. But Groddeck does not recognize that he has been traumatized, and his one-sided theory that the It is >responsible for everything< reflects his inability to give due weight to environmental factors. Despite his astonishing candor, Groddeck never discusses his divorce from his first wife or the tragic story of his daughter Barbara, wounds that must have too painful for him to expose to the gaze of the reading public.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Freud, Ferenczi, Fromm: The Authoritarian Character as Magic Helper}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 104-114.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 104-114.}, abstract = {This chapter employs Fromm's concept of the >magic helper< to analyze the symbiotic nature of the Freud-Ferenczi relationship. Because both sadists and masochists, according to Fromm, are unable to tolerate genuine freedom, the sadist is dependent on the masochist, no less than the masochist is dependent on the sadist. As Clara Thompson, who was in analysis with both Ferenczi and Fromm, recognized, Ferenczi suffered from his need to be loved and accepted by Freud, and unconsciously resented him for that reason. Fromm's contrast between the >original self< and the >pseudo self< parallels Winnicott's antithesis between the True Self and the False Self, as well as Horney's antinomy between the >real self< and >phony self.< Marcuse's critique of Fromm is based on an adherence to Freud's outmoded drive theory. Whereas Freud plays the role of what Daniel Shaw calls the >traumatizing narcissist< in his relationship with Ferenczi, Ferenczi, until his emancipation in his final years, exhibits the deformations resulting from what Bernard Brandchaft calls >pathological accommodation.<}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Freud as Milton's God: Mapping the Patriarchal Cosmos in Psychoanalysis and Paradise Lost}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 39-69.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 39-69.}, abstract = {This chapter offers a proto-Frommian reading of Paradise Lost. The opening section reviews the debate between >theological< and >Romantic< critics of Milton's poem—C. S. Lewis and Stanley Fish, on the one hand, and A. J. A. Waldock and William Empson, on the other. Although Waldock pointed to the structural contradictions in the epic, and Empson argued that God was >put on trial< in the narrative, the neo-Christians have gotten the upper hand because the neo-Romantics have been unable to provide an overarching framework to account for their observations. The middle section furnishes such a framework by synthesizing Kenneth Burke's >logological< analysis of the Fall as inevitable from a narrative perspective with Bernard Paris's insight that God is the supreme narcissist in the poem. The final section compares Milton's God and Freud as patriarchs who impose a double bind on their followers and are motivated by a compulsive need for fame.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Trauma and Dissociation: Ferenczi between Freud and Severn}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 137-151.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 137-151.}, abstract = {The conflict between Freud and Ferenczi during Ferenczi's final period centers as much on their differences in technique as on Ferenczi's revival of Freud's pre-1897 trauma theory. Severn is the first patient since the 1890s whose childhood sexual trauma was the focus of her analysis, just as she was the first since Anna O. whose trauma-based dissociation was integral to her treatment. The corollary of the revival of trauma theory is a model of the mind based not on repression but dissociation. Ferenczi belongs to a tradition of analysts including Breuer, Fairbairn, and Sullivan who worked with a dissociation model. The fountainhead of this tradition is Janet, but though Ferenczi read and quoted from Janet, no references to Janet are found in Ferenczi's work after 1924, when he began to move away from Freud. It is necessary to integrate scholarship on Ferenczi with the vast body of work on dissociation. Ferenczi is situated between Freud and Severn. Reversing the traditional verdicts, Ferenczi's relationship to Freud is viewed as an enactment, whereas his relationship with Severn constitutes an authentic dialogue.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {The Other Side of the Story: Severn on Ferenczi and Mutual Analysis}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 117-136.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 117-136.}, abstract = {This chapter presents the discovery that Elizabeth Severn's 1933 book, The Discovery of the Self, contains disguised case histories of both herself and Ferenczi, and thereby constitutes a companion volume to Ferenczi's Clinical Diary. From having been known primarily as >R.N.,< the most important patient in the Diary, Severn emerges as a subject and original contributor to psychoanalysis in her own right. Severn's reception of Ferenczi's legacy is compared to that of two of his other American patients, Izette de Forest and Clara Thompson, the latter of whom envied Severn for her closeness to Ferenczi. Multiple correspondences between the accounts of Ferenczi and Severn of their mutual analysis, as well as of their histories, are set forth. The significance of Strindberg's play, The Father, for Ferenczi's transference to Severn is examined. Ferenczi and Severn are shown to have been two deeply traumatized individuals who healed themselves by finding their spiritual counterparts in each other.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Introduction >One Man Cannot Be the Same as Many<: Glimpsing New Paradigms through Old Keyholes}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 1-35.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 1-35.}, abstract = {The introduction sets the stage for the ensuing chapters by meditating on the key phrases in the title, which are indebted to and inspired by the work of Donnel Stern as well as Philip Bromberg. Fromm is praised for his espousal of a humanistic psychoanalysis as well as his critique of authoritarianism, and his concept of >literary psychoanalysis< is introduced. Freud's interpretation of Oedipus Rex is shown to be important as much for its >unformulated< assumption of a >hidden reality< theory of the mind as for his extrapolation of the idea of the Oedipus complex. The humanism of Fromm is contrasted with Sullivan's claim that personal individuality is an >illusion<; Stern and Bromberg are critiqued for decoupling trauma from dissociation and for positing that these are normal conditions of the mind. It is argued that a forensic stance is warranted in hermeneutic endeavors and that it is possible to reconcile objectivist and constructivist epistemologies.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {>I Am Not What I Am<: Iago and Negative Transcendence}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 187-204.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 187-204.}, abstract = {This chapter tackles the perennial critical conundrum of Iago's motivation. Agreeing with Coleridge's assessment of his >motiveless malignity,< it argues that all attempts to explain Iago's character in terms of individual psychology prove inadequate and that he can be more satisfactorily understood by employing Fromm's concept of >social character.< Iago is the prototype of early modern capitalist man who exhibits the >pathology of normalcy< and exemplifies three of Fromm's four >unproductive orientations<—exploitative, hoarding, and marketing. Iago's lack of a sense of self leads him to destroy rather than to create, and thus manifests the impulse for negative transcendence, or what Fromm terms necrophilia. As necrophilia is the most malignant form of the anal character, this analysis accounts for the pervasiveness of anal imagery in Othello, including in the speeches of the otherwise feeble Clown. Iago, neither devil nor human, is at once a product of his age and the quintessence of all those, from Caligula to Hitler, for whom madness is a way of life because they seek to transcend through destruction the limits of human existence.}, language = {en} } @article{Rudnytsky, author = {Rudnytsky, Peter L.}, title = {Did Freud Masturbate? The Folly of Elisabeth Roudinesco}, series = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 205-214.}, journal = {P. Rudnytsky: Formulated Experiences. Hidden Realities and Emergent Meanings from Shakespeare to Fromm, London and New York (Routledge) 2019, pp. 205-214.}, abstract = {This chapter takes to task Elisabeth Roudinesco's biography, Freud in His Time and Others, for innumerable factual errors and, even worse, for the assumption that she is presenting the objective truth about Freud. Three traditions of Freud biography are delineated: the hagiographic, of which Roudinesco's is the latest example, the Freud-bashing, and the revisionist, which sees Freud as having created something incontestably great but also as having been tragically flawed as a human being. Roudinesco's errors range from the trivial, to the mildly compromising, to the inexcusable and disqualifying. With respect to Jung, Roudinesco is shown to rely on Deirdre Bair's biography, which is itself unreliable, instead of on her own reading of the primary sources. Roudinesco's true colors are displayed above all in her treatment of Freud's sexuality, as when she asserts that he has been >accused< of masturbation, claims that an affair with his sister-in-law >doubtless never happened,< and alleges that Freud had a >horror of adultery.< The all-too-human Freud was very different from the lifeless icon worshiped by Roudinesco.}, language = {en} } @article{Rogenhofer, author = {Rogenhofer, Christoph}, title = {Die Verwirklichung des menschlichen Lebens und ihr Fehlschagen bei Erich Fromm, Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit, Universit{\"a}t Passau 2019, 24 pp. (https://www.grin.com/document/501239)}, language = {de} } @article{Richter, author = {Richter, Mathias}, title = {Historische Ontologie der Gegenwart. Foucaults Kritikbegriff und seine politischen Implikationen. Helmut Fahrenbach zum 90. Geburtstag}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 199-211.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 199-211.}, language = {de} } @article{Ren, author = {Ren, Xiaoqin}, title = {Research on the Performance and Elimination of Mechanical Convergence in Contemporary College Students [机械趋同在当代大学生群体中的表现和摆脱途径的研究]}, series = {Think Tank Era [智库时代], No. 17 (2019), pp. 203-204.}, journal = {Think Tank Era [智库时代], No. 17 (2019), pp. 203-204.}, abstract = {很多情况下,人们的感觉、愿望和思想并不是自发的,而是倾向于与别人对他的期望保持一致,美国精神分析学家弗洛姆把这种心理机制叫作机械趋同。当代大学生群体思想的活跃性决定了其对外界变化的感知和应对是最为敏感和迅速的,但是仍然无法克服机械趋同的心理机制带给他们的负面影响。本文将从机械趋同心理在当代大学生的感觉、愿望和思想上的表现入手,探讨大学生摆脱机械趋同心理的途径,以期对大学生的心理健康发展起到一定的启示作用。}, language = {zh} } @article{RatnerSong, author = {Ratner, Carl and Song, Qun}, title = {The Universalization of Contemporary Social Pathology: Comparison between a Biomedical, a Cultural-Political and a Liberal-Humanistic-Postmodernist Perspective [当代社会病态的普遍化——基于生物医学、文化政治、自由主义——人文主义——后现代主义三种模式的比较分析]}, series = {Research on Marxist Culture [马克思主义文化研究], No.2 (2019), pp. 135-155.}, journal = {Research on Marxist Culture [马克思主义文化研究], No.2 (2019), pp. 135-155.}, abstract = {这篇文章力图把>当代病态<这一议题做一个需要解决的问题,并尝试清楚地阐释它。我阐述了一个文化政治模式,即(a)为什么病态以多种形式,并广泛存在于社会各个领域,(b)如何干预泛滥的病态,并最终根除它。此模式借鉴了埃里克·弗洛姆的工作成果,他阐明:在许多或大多数社会里,病态是如何成为正常社会的,心理的活动的特征的。这篇文章还讨论了两种流行病态模式,它们误解病态,非正确,因而不能纠正、根除或预防病态。第一种错误解释病态的是标准生物医学模式。第二种错误解释病态的是自由主义—人文主义和后现代主义的模式,它否认所有病态,并坚持认为所有行为包括病态是个体选择和主动性的积极表现,必须得到确认和接受,而不是纠正。}, language = {zh} } @article{Pennisi, author = {Pennisi, Paola}, title = {The Individual Narcosis of Creativity}, series = {Reti, saperi, linguaggi. Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2019), pp. 79-94. [Online ISSN 1826-8889] [rivisteweb.it/doi/10.12832/94731]}, journal = {Reti, saperi, linguaggi. Italian Journal of Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2019), pp. 79-94. [Online ISSN 1826-8889] [rivisteweb.it/doi/10.12832/94731]}, abstract = {We use to think that creativity is an attribute that any individual, to a greater or lesser extent, has. In this essay I will try to show that, besides the obvious differences among individuals, every man choose, more or less consciously, to narcotize part of his creative attitude because in some cases it is advantageous for himself and for the species. In order to do that, I will give a working definition of the concept of creativity (\S 1); then, echoing the words of Erich Fromm, I will outline an individual phenomenology of the creative attitude that might allow the reader to recognize a creative behavior when he sees it (\S 2);(\S 3) lastly, I will try to show, through the use of empirical data on man and on non-human primates, what are the advantages for the species and for the single individual of not acting creatively.}, language = {en} } @article{Peng, author = {Peng, Bei}, title = {On the Alienation Theme of Kazuo Ishiguro's >The Unconsoled< [论石黑一雄《无可慰藉》的异化主题] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education [兰州教育学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 49-51, 54.}, journal = {Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education [兰州教育学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 49-51, 54.}, abstract = {异化现象是一种与人本身活动对立的力量,是西方资本主义对人格影响的中心议题。日裔英籍作家石黑一雄在作品《无可慰藉》的创作中,展现了他对于异化独到而深刻的思考。本文以《无可慰藉》为文本依托,以弗洛姆的社会心理学话语为理论依据,探究他对现代性社会问题的深刻反思,以及对建立一个平等自主的健全社会的希冀和探讨。}, language = {zh} } @article{Pang, author = {Pang, Yaodan}, title = {On the Psychological Mechanism of Modern People's Evasion of Freedom—Analysis of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [浅谈现代人逃避自由的心理机制—从弗洛姆>逃避自由<入手分析]}, series = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 7 (2019), pp. 230, 229.}, journal = {Modern Communication [现代交际], No. 7 (2019), pp. 230, 229.}, abstract = {人类对自由的渴望是与生俱来的。古今中外,自由这个话题从来未曾退出过历史舞台。但是现代人由于异化的心理机制,开始选择逃避责任,放弃自由。本文从分析弗洛姆的逃避自由的心理机制入手,浅谈现代人逃避自由的内在心理机制。}, language = {zh} } @article{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, Ingo}, title = {Die zwei Krisen der Verfassungsrechtsprechung}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 65-80.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 65-80.}, language = {de} } @article{Morgneretal, author = {Morgner, Michael and et al.,}, title = {Codex Morgner. 14 Stationen des Seins - ein Kreuzweg des 20. Jahrhunderts}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 215-244.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 215-244.}, language = {de} } @article{Mayer, author = {Mayer, Matthias}, title = {>Dialektische Umwege< - Neue Quellen und Forschungen zu Ernst Blochs „Leipziger Vorlesungen}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 169-198.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 169-198.}, language = {de} } @article{Matthews, author = {Matthews, David}, title = {Capitalism and Mental Health}, series = {Monthly Review - An Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 70, No. 8 (2019), pp. 49-62. [Print ISSN 0027-0520] [monthlyreview.org/2019/01/01/capitalism-and-mental-health]}, journal = {Monthly Review - An Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 70, No. 8 (2019), pp. 49-62. [Print ISSN 0027-0520] [monthlyreview.org/2019/01/01/capitalism-and-mental-health]}, abstract = {The psychoanalytical framework developed by Marxist Erich Fromm strongly challenges the dominant biological and individualistic explanations of the mental-health crisis that is now sweeping the globe. Fromm emphasized that all humans have certain needs that must be fulfilled in order to ensure optimal mental health. It follows that capitalism is crucial to determining the experience and prevalence of mental well-being, as its operations are incompatible with true human need.}, language = {en} } @article{Ma, author = {Ma, Xue}, title = {Analysis of Fromm's Sound Society Thoughts [弗洛姆健全社会思想探析]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 13 (2019), pp. 81-82.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 13 (2019), pp. 81-82.}, abstract = {二战后,在相对和平稳定的国际环境下,生产力得以迅速发展,经济状况得以迅速恢复,人们的物质生活条件得以迅速改善,西方社会进入平稳的发展时期。然而,西方社会新的发展状况带来的不仅仅是物质财富的积聚,与之伴随的是人们精神、道德状况与社会诸多方面的危机,呈现出>不健全<的社会状态。弗洛姆健全的社会思想对>不健全的社会<进行分析,指出西方社会中人的精神不健全,并提出>健全的社会<的蓝图。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Hua}, title = {Research on Fromm's Theory of Freedom from the Perspective of Marxism [马克思主义视角下的弗洛姆自由理论研究]}, series = {Western Academic Journal [西部学刊], No. 7 (2019), pp. 35-38.}, journal = {Western Academic Journal [西部学刊], No. 7 (2019), pp. 35-38.}, abstract = {弗洛姆分析了近代欧美的历史发展,发现随着人的个体化进程不断加深,自由开始显现出双重性的特征,指出资本主义社会中的异化使人们产生了逃避自由的倾向,但逃避却加深了异化关系。人想要走出自由的困境必须重新审视自己,要在自发的爱和劳动中实现与世界的相连,从而摆脱异化实现积极自由。但是,弗洛姆的自由理论流于抽象空洞且缺乏力度,我们要坚持用马克思主义实践自由观,克服弗洛姆自由理论的缺陷,探讨在当代社会之下实现自由的有效途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Feng}, title = {Standing on the Standpoint of Life [站在生命的立场上]}, series = {Education [教育], No.25 (2019), p. 1.}, journal = {Education [教育], No.25 (2019), p. 1.}, abstract = {教育是为了生命,通过生命,成全生命。如何理解生命?这是教育在出发之前首先必须理解清晰的问题。本质上,生命是一种无方向的冲动、有能量的活力。正如哲学家柏格森所言:宇宙的本质不是物质,而是一种>生命之流<,即一种盲目的、非理性的、涌动不息的而又不知疲倦的生命。任何生命,首要的特征就是>活的<>动的<,以>成长<为特征。弗洛姆认为,>有机体的第一'义务'便是活着。<生命本身就意味着成长、意味着创造、意味着自我更新、自我突破。从这个意义上说,>生命<}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Wanyu}, title = {Escaping Freedom—The Alienation of Modern Society [逃避自由——现代社会的异化状态]}, series = {Youth Literator 青年文学家, No. 33 (2019), p. 191}, journal = {Youth Literator 青年文学家, No. 33 (2019), p. 191}, abstract = {现代文明的发展却导致了自由的困境,个体成为大型社会机制的一部分,人逐渐变得被动、异化、迷失,产生逃避自由和成为物的意图。弗洛姆融合了精神分析与马克思主义的存在主义倾向,认识到人类追求自由与逃避自由的两种心理机制,最终探讨积极自由的建立,即人要通过爱与劳动中与世界相连接,去表达自我的思想与情感。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Lidan}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Consumption Alienation [弗洛姆的消费异化理论]}, series = {Journal of Harbin Vocational \& Technical College [哈尔滨职业技术学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 120-122.}, journal = {Journal of Harbin Vocational \& Technical College [哈尔滨职业技术学院学报], No. 6 (2019), pp. 120-122.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的消费异化理论是弗洛姆异化思想的重要组成部分,是基于马克思早期的>劳动异化<理论。他认为异化现象不仅限于生产领域,而且在消费领域也有明显的表现。在历史背景下,弗洛姆在其著作中关注消费异化并详尽描述了这种现象,指出现代资本主义社会实际上是一个异化的消费社会。目前,随着中国经济的不断发展,中国也出现了消费异化现象,有关学者也对消费异化理论进行了研究。全面且深刻的研究有利于为国民形成良好的消费观念和习惯提供参考,以便为我国全面建成小康社会助力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Keke}, title = {A Study of Psychological Alienation in >Endgame< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 11 (2019), p. 7.}, journal = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 11 (2019), p. 7.}, abstract = {>Endgame<, the masterpiece of Samuel Beckett, a most difficult and elusive play, is such a creative work, representing the postwar social spirit. Psychological alienation is obvious in the play, since anti-hero figures, broken language, bare stage and simple actions are largely employed to prove the psychological alienation of the characters in the play. This thesis is based on Erich Fromm's psychological alienation theory from three aspects: >Authoritarianism, destructiveness, acceptance and exploitation< (Fromm: Escape from Freedom, 24) to explore the main characters Hamm and Clov's psychological alienation in the hopeless society. And people's inner world is alienated, lonely and empty after World War II. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Jinying}, title = {Modern Man's Existence Predicament in the Entropic Society - >The Crying of Lot 49< as an Example [熵化社会中现代人的生存困境研究 - 以《拍卖第49批》为例], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China 2019 [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {托马斯·品钦是当代美国文坛最著名的后现代作家之一。他的作品以奇谲诡异的构思、百科全书式的叙述、神秘怪诞的情节和富含哲理的隐喻而著称,颇具影响力。《拍卖第49批》是品钦的第二部小说,虽是他所有长篇小说中篇幅最短的,却有着>体小而才华横溢<的美称。小说围绕一位受过高等教育的年轻太太(奥狄芭·马斯)追寻神秘组织特里斯特罗的故事而展开。该小说自问世以来就引起了批评界的广泛关注,并在1967年获得由全国文学艺术学会颁发的>理查德与希尔达·罗森塞尔基金奖<。这部小说写于20世纪60年代,是美国历史上政治和社会最动荡的10年。在此期间,毒品文化兴起,越南战争,摇滚革命同时爆发。这也是约翰·F·肯尼迪和马丁·路德·金被暗杀、各种民权运动以及女权运动突起的时期。这部小说充分展现了这场文化运动,描绘了一个碎片化的社会。《拍卖第49批》弥漫着一种无处不在的文化混乱感,生动地描绘了当时美国文化和社会的方方面面。本论文将结合熵定律,并借用弗洛姆的相关理论,探讨《拍卖第49批》的现实意义和独特价值,揭示品钦小说所反映的后现代熵化社会中人类的生存困境。本文首先是分析文中后现代熵化社会的特征,如支离破碎的亚文化,扭曲的信息传递和无效的交流系统,病态混乱的美国社会。其次是分析文中人物所遇到的生存困境,主要是人的异化和物化,情感的孤独,真爱的缺失,自我身份认同的焦虑。然后分析品钦给出的解决方案以及他提出的社会改良政策,包括追寻的意义,交流的重要性。最终得出结论,品钦带着强烈的人文关怀,揭示了社会的熵化现状和现代人的生存困境,从侧面反映出他对极权的蔑视、对现实的关注和对人类终极命运的思考.}, language = {zh} } @article{Lian, author = {Lian, Xu}, title = {Analysis of Fromm's Thought of Freedom [弗洛姆的自由思想探析]}, series = {Time Report 时代报告, No. 4 (2019), pp. 86-87.}, journal = {Time Report 时代报告, No. 4 (2019), pp. 86-87.}, abstract = {为了让人的自由和解放问题能够得到哲学家们的广泛关注和深入思考,弗洛姆从所处的时代出发,从物质基础和社会政治结构上进行考察,这对整个马克思主义的发展来说是一种新的发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Yue}, title = {The Birth of Freedom and Its Possibility — Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [自由的诞生及其可能——基于弗洛姆《逃避自由》的思考]}, series = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation [文化创新比较研究], No. 33 (2019), 29-30.}, journal = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation [文化创新比较研究], No. 33 (2019), 29-30.}, abstract = {自由在西方社会中常常被认为是最重要的政治价值,是人人向往的理想状态。它与人类是理性与自我意识的动物的观念相呼应,也为人们展现了满足利益或实现潜力的希望。>什么是自由?如何才能实现自由?<也一直是古往今来思想家们苦苦思索的问题。然而,在《逃避自由》一书中,弗洛姆从个人心理层面指出了自由的负担,揭示了在资本主义和大机器时代中下阶层的群众心理,即逃避自由。自我价值的消解、资本的垄断、新教的压迫和同类的竞争使得人的始发纽带断裂,与日俱增的孤独感和不安感使得人甚至渴望外界权威的统治,主动除掉个人自我和自由的负担,典型的威权政治法西斯主义因时而生。面临着现代种种危机,自由何以可能?事实上,自由必须通过社会途径得以表达和实现,也必须通过社会共同体的维系才能保障,因此,>善<的社会秩序是失落的自由最后的避难所。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shu}, title = {Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Chinese Saying >See the Old at the Age of 3< [中国俗语>3岁看到老<之精神分析解读]}, series = {The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会 ], Beijing, November 16, 2019, in Expert Reports of the 6th International Confe¬rence on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会专家报告集].}, journal = {The Sixth International Conference on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会 ], Beijing, November 16, 2019, in Expert Reports of the 6th International Confe¬rence on Chinese Medicine Psychology [第六届国际中医心理学大会专家报告集].}, abstract = {精神分析理论:性与爱是同样重要的驱力在精神分析体系庞大:1.古典精神分析(弗洛伊德理论三个阶段)2.精神分析(社会文化):荣格、霍妮、阿德勒、弗洛姆、沙利文:人际精神分析3.自我心理学:安娜依恋学说:鲍比客体关系理论:克莱因、温尼科特、马勒、比昂、4.自体心理学:科胡特}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Shaowei}, title = {We need more beauty [我们需要更多的美]}, series = {World View [看世界], No. 3 (2019), p. 7.}, journal = {World View [看世界], No. 3 (2019), p. 7.}, abstract = {>一个人可以仰视星辰乃至太阳,何至于竟喜欢小块珠宝的闪闪微光。< 这是托马斯·莫尔在《乌托邦》一书中的经典话语。这句话是借乌托邦人之口说出来的,也就是说,他描述的是一种理想的人。作为社会主义还处于空想时代的思想先驱,莫尔爵士已经意识到眼前的社会生活是有问题的。这种问题,后来经过黑格尔、马克思、弗洛伊德、弗洛姆等大思想家的不断深入思索,定义为人的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Minjing}, title = {An Analysis of Emotion Crisis in the Commodity Economy based on Fromm's Theory of Emotion Alienation [市场经济视域下情感危机问题的深层透视——以弗洛姆情感异化理论为视角]}, series = {Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition [燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2019), pp. 78-82.}, journal = {Journal of Yanshan University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition [燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2019), pp. 78-82.}, abstract = {由于市场经济的影响,情感满足方式出现了同质化、市场化、利益化的特点,甚至物欲的满足遮蔽了人们对情感的需要,情感异化了。西方马克思主义者弗洛姆认为>非生产性取向<是产生情感异化的心理机制,而>生产性取向<是解决情感异化的积极方式。可以说,弗洛姆从文化心理角度对情感异化问题进行了分析并给出了解决方案,不但丰富了马克思的异化理论,而且为市场经济视域下情感危机问题的解决提供了新的借鉴。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiCeng, author = {Li, Huaizheng and Ceng, Yonghui}, title = {Fromm's Contribution and Limitation to the Interpretation of Historical Materialism [弗洛姆对历史唯物主义解读的贡献与局限]}, series = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 6 (2019), pp. 86-91.}, journal = {Journal of Socialist Theory Guide [理论导刊], No. 6 (2019), pp. 86-91.}, abstract = {弗洛姆以马克思的《1844年经济学哲学手稿》为基础,并结合其他著作,批判了西方社会对历史唯物主义的误读,并在此基础上对马克思的历史唯物主义进行了系统解读。他认为,人本主义与自然主义的综合、人类学的历史观、精神存在主义是历史唯物主义的三个特征。弗洛姆看到了历史唯物主义中的人本主义因素,这点是值得肯定的。然而他却过度拔高了人本主义因素在历史唯物主义中的地位,同时也没有意识到马克思的思想在1845年之后已经发生了重要转变。}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Hongmiao}, title = {From the Perspective of >The Sane Society< to the Social Phenomenon of Entertainment in the Contemporary Society [从《健全的社会》看当代社会娱乐至上的社会现象]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 21 (2019), pp. 108-109.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 21 (2019), pp. 108-109.}, abstract = {娱乐至上作为当代社会的一种潮流,无时无刻不影响着人们的生活。随着科学技术的发展和智能手机的普及,各种娱乐新闻、娱乐综艺更是见缝插针,充斥着社会中的每个角落。社会潮流导向,使得人们对娱乐明星的关注空前狂热,而这种狂热则给娱乐明星们带来了巨大的经济收益,天价出场费和天价片酬屡见不鲜。人们的娱乐方式已经被外界控制,不再遵从自己的内心诉求。这种现象与弗洛姆《健全的社会》中所提到的人与其欢乐相异化的情形极为相似。为解决这一社会问题,我们可以从《健全的社会》中寻找灵感,并将其中的观点与当代社会的现实情况相结合,最终得出解决问题的方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Laskin, author = {Laskin, Alexander V}, title = {Defining propaganda: A psychoanalytic perspective}, series = {Communication and the Public, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2019), pp. 305-314 [Online ISSN 2057-0481] [doi.org/10.1177/2057047319896488]}, journal = {Communication and the Public, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2019), pp. 305-314 [Online ISSN 2057-0481] [doi.org/10.1177/2057047319896488]}, abstract = {Propaganda is a centuries-old term, and yet scholars and practitioners are still having a hard time defining it and pinpointing what makes propaganda unique. Many existing definitions fail to distinguish between propaganda and marketing, public relations, advertising, or even mass communications, in general. This essay proposes to define propaganda through psychoanalytical research pioneered by Erich Fromm on symbiotic relations. Symbiotic relations, when transferred from biology to psychology and sociology, describe a process of allowing a person to merge with something big and important, therefore creating meaning beyond an individual's life. As a result, following its religious roots, propaganda acts similar to religion - asking for a sacrifice of individualism in the name of something bigger - god, country, society, or political party. In the end, people willingly engage in propaganda because, although sacrificing something, they receive unity with the bigger powers of other people, organizations, political parties, countries, and so on. As a result, such persons are not alone against the world; they are now a part of a bigger and stronger union.}, language = {en} } @article{Lanwerd, author = {Lanwerd, Susanne}, title = {Kultur und Religion. Eine Frage der Evidenz}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 121-142.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 121-142.}, language = {de} } @article{Langer, author = {Langer, Phil}, title = {Sozial- als Friedenspsychologie denken. Perspektiven einer notwendigen Aktualisierung eines Forschungsprogramms}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 69-119.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 69-119.}, language = {de} } @article{Kirchhoff, author = {Kirchhoff, Christine}, title = {Das Unbehagen deuten. Denken in Gesellschaft mit der Psychoanalyse}, series = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 17-33.}, journal = {C. Kirchhoff et al. (Eds.), Psychoanalytische denken. Sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag), 2019, pp. 17-33.}, language = {de} } @article{Jue, author = {Jue, Jing}, title = {Analysis of the Phenomenon of >escape from freedom< in Contemporary Universities [当代大学>逃避自由<现象分析]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 13 (2019), p. 286.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青年], No. 13 (2019), p. 286.}, abstract = {当代大学生在脱离了家庭的约束来到自由的大学生活后,感觉到内心的孤独感和无能为力感的加深,导致他们产生了>逃避自由<的这种心理现象。弗洛姆在《逃避自由》一书中深刻的分析了>逃避自由<这种心理现象的原因。}, language = {zh} } @article{Jimenez, author = {Jimenez, Luis}, title = {The psychosocial significance of social character, habitus and structures of feeling in research on neoliberal post-industrial work}, series = {Journal of Psychosocial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019), pp. 259-276. [Online ISSN 1478-6737] [doi.org/10.1332/204378919X15674407132232]}, journal = {Journal of Psychosocial Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (2019), pp. 259-276. [Online ISSN 1478-6737] [doi.org/10.1332/204378919X15674407132232]}, abstract = {This article highlights the psychosocial relevance of Erich Fromm's concepts of >social character< and >social change< to broaden our understanding of the intergenerational traumatic legacy of neoliberalism. As part of this, it also reflects on the psychosocial significance of other related concepts - namely Pierre Bourdieu's >habitus< and Raymond Williams' >structures of feeling< - as ways to also acknowledge their significance when related to each other in emerging research on the neoliberal effects of changes in work and identities. This includes secondary analysis of my own earlier research on the psychosocial ramifications of the loss of stable work, changing worker-gendered identities, disrupted affect, community engagement and historical memory within a global context of insecure labour. This is all understood within a theoretical frame that stresses the emerging neoliberal forms of social character in the aftermath of the massive redundancies and unemployment experienced recently in post-industrial working-class communities in the UK.}, language = {en} } @article{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Lan}, title = {Value and Degradation of Socialist Labor Values - An Analysis Using Fromm's Thoughts about Freedom [社会主义劳动价值观对弗洛姆自由思想的解构及价值]}, series = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)] No. 12 (2019), pp. 46-48.}, journal = {Journal of Qiqihar University (Philosophy \& Social Science Edition) [齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)] No. 12 (2019), pp. 46-48.}, abstract = {弗洛姆作为西方颇具影响的思想家之一,在其《逃避自由》一书中提出自由思想,认为个体在自由发展过程中,虽然摆脱了生产力、社会制度的约束,但却受到>自由<后孤独的牵绊,无法获得精神上的满足感。现代社会中社会经济快速发展,人们在解放双手后获得身体的自由,但是精神上却出现了破坏欲、权威主义和机械趋同的孤独现象,无法获得身心的完全自由。以弗洛姆的自由思想为切入点,结合社会主义劳动价值观,分析自由与劳动的关系可以为解决社会心理孤独问题提供启示。}, language = {zh} } @article{Huang, author = {Huang, Xiaohan}, title = {Fromm's >Western Marxist< Dialogue - Between Freud and Marx [弗洛姆式的>西马<对话——在弗洛伊德与马克思之间]}, series = {Foreign Philosophy [外国哲学], No. 2 (2019), pp. 89-119.}, journal = {Foreign Philosophy [外国哲学], No. 2 (2019), pp. 89-119.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的>西马<对话完成于对弗洛伊德和马克思的比较和综合。他认真分析了弗洛伊德和马克思的共同思想原则与研究方法,在不同性质和品质的学术理论之间奠定两者的对话基础。他深入聚焦了弗洛伊德和马克思的共同问题意识,在两者的理论开展和交融中洞见优秀的思想成果、批判精神与理论不足。他严肃汲取了弗洛伊德和马克思的思想资源,创造性地提出自己的>弗洛伊德式的马克思主义<。在西方,他以综合弗洛伊德和马克思的学说著称,是一个西方马克思主义者。}, language = {zh} } @article{Huang, author = {Huang, Qiaoyan}, title = {On the Alienation of Human Nature in >Dream of Ding Village< [论《丁庄梦》中人性的异化] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Zhenjiang College [镇江高专学报], Vol. 32, No. 2 (2019), pp. 36-40.}, journal = {Journal of Zhenjiang College [镇江高专学报], Vol. 32, No. 2 (2019), pp. 36-40.}, abstract = {《丁庄梦》是阎连科的一部探讨人性的力作。在病痛与苦难面前,丁庄人无限膨胀的贪欲、无法控制的情欲、无药可救的愚昧被揭示得淋漓尽致。采用弗洛姆的异化理论解读《丁庄梦》中个体及群体人性的异化,探讨人性异化的成因以及探索人性救赎的途径。}, language = {zh} } @article{Haggag, author = {Haggag, Ali}, title = {The Frankfurt School at Egyptian Universities. Critical Observations}, series = {Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2019), pp. 104-120. [Online ISSN 755-0920] [doi.org/10.1525/caa.2019.12.4.104]}, journal = {Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2019), pp. 104-120. [Online ISSN 755-0920] [doi.org/10.1525/caa.2019.12.4.104]}, abstract = {The critical theory of the Frankfurt School reached Egypt in 1955, when the Arabic translation of Erich Fromm's >The Sane Society< (New York, 1955) was published in Cairo. Later, Herbert Marcuse's >Soviet Marxism< (1958) was translated into Arabic in Beirut in 1965, and with the rise of student protests in France, Germany, and the United States, much attention was given to Marcuse; almost all his writings were translated into Arabic between 1969 and 1973. This article explores the nature of individual >receptions< of the critical theory of the Frankfurt School at Egyptian universities. To this end, it briefly introduces the early generation of the Frankfurt School, as well as the reasons of interest in its fate in Egyptian universities. Though master's theses and doctoral dissertations do not represent a university's orientation to critical theory, and at best represent the perspective of their individual authors, this article shows that key individual theses and dissertations testify to an early rejection of the Frankfurt School and to the late adoption of it as a critical paradigm of the transformations in Egyptian society.}, language = {en} } @article{Guo, author = {Guo, Xiaofei}, title = {A Review of Fromm's Thoughts of Goodness [弗洛姆的善的思想述评]}, series = {Journal of Shaoxing University(Humanities and Social Sciences) [ 绍兴文理学院学报(人文社会科学),] No. 5 (2019), pp. 81-87.}, journal = {Journal of Shaoxing University(Humanities and Social Sciences) [ 绍兴文理学院学报(人文社会科学),] No. 5 (2019), pp. 81-87.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是心理学领域少有的关注和重视善的研究的心理学家。弗洛姆的许多著作涉及伦理学论题,且将善作为分析和研究的核心主题。弗洛姆认为,人性的善恶应该从人的社会关系视角加以分析,从性格的形成和发展的规律角度解析人的善恶机制,他相信人类可以构架一种基于友善或爱的和谐的社会关系。梳理和解析弗洛姆的善的本质观、善的人性观、善的发生机制和善的社会关系的思想,对建设和谐社会具有理论指导意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Gu, author = {Gu, Ruoyan}, title = {An Analysis of the Humanity and Ethical Alienation of the Small and Medium-sized Citizens in Grass's >The Tin Drum< [《铁皮鼓》中小市民人性及伦理异化探析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Masterpieces Review [名作欣赏], No. 15 (2019), pp. 127-130.}, journal = {Masterpieces Review [名作欣赏], No. 15 (2019), pp. 127-130.}, abstract = {《铁皮鼓》以小家庭为单位呈现了小市民社会的缩影,展现了被异化的人性与伦理。小说通过对小市民社会的描绘,映射了同时期病态的德国社会,揭示了纳粹得以滋生壮大的社会根源。本文结合马克思伦理思想及弗洛姆人性异化论,分析《铁皮鼓》中小市民社会畸形的人际关系与生活方式,从而理解作品中深刻的历史反思主题。}, language = {zh} } @article{Gordon, author = {Gordon, Michael A.}, title = {Introduction: Practice as Transformative Wholeness}, series = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 3-56. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, journal = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 3-56. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4]}, abstract = {In this chapter, the author introduces his autobiographical near-death experience of a motorcycle accident as the basis for examining his life and the self-study that forms this book, within a gestalt or whole. Touching on the figure-ground-contact approach of Gestalt Therapy, the author puts this self-study within the context of a lifetime of involvement in the Japanese art of Ki Aikido. In Aikido, one learns to coordinate their mind, body, and life energy (Japanese: ki) to better attune and move in synchronization with the world around them. The ethos of Aikido reflects the broader virtue ethics of traditional Japanese arts - >do<, >michi<, or >way< - and how this approach to education aims for spiritual self-cultivation in daily life, rather than mere acquisition of technical or intellectual knowledge. Through Aikido, Japanese calligraphy or shodo (which the author took up as a comparative/adjunct >way< for his study), and beyond into increased skillful awareness in motorcycling and educational praxis, this chapter draws on Yasuo Yuasa's theory of ki as 'teleological intentionality.' By taking a 'path' approach to learning through this >ki awareness< one thus develops and enhances their embodied presence into what Yuasa calls >transpersonal synchronization.<}, language = {en} } @article{Gordon, author = {Gordon, Michael A.}, title = {Conclusion: A Holistic Relational Paradigm}, series = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 163-168. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4_6]}, journal = {Aikido as Transformative and Embodied Pedagogy. Teacher as Healer, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2019, pp. 163-168. [eBook ISBN 978-3-030-23953-4] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23953-4_6]}, abstract = {In the conclusion entitled >A Holistic Relational Paradigm,< the author draws on key themes in the manuscript: attachment, healing, psychosocial development, and an altruistic approach to fostering prosocial behavior. Epstein's (2014) work relates the early trauma of the Buddha's loss of his mother after childbirth to his resultant view of 'suffering.' Epstein explores how this attachment >wound< is mirrored in the Buddhist view that we suffer as the result of not knowing how to integrate the reality of 'impermanence.' The author continues to generalize this universal or psycho-spiritual view (as opposed to one based on our 'personal' pathology or 'narrative') through the core training principles of Ki Aikido, like the Buddha's Four Noble Truths, as ways of laying out a more liberatory path in daily life. Drawing on the work of Erich Fromm, he further expands on the notion of love, specifically as an approach that fosters applied skillfulness in relationships as an antidote to narcissism. Expanding further, he draws on Matthieu Ricard's (2015) work on altruism, based in research on its roots in prosocial behavior rather than as moral idealism or superiority.}, language = {en} } @article{Feng, author = {Feng, Xue}, title = {An Analysis of the Humanity Thought in Fromm's >Behind the Chains of Illusion< [浅析弗洛姆《在幻想锁链的彼岸》中的人性思想]}, series = {Shanxi Youth [山西青], No.12 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, journal = {Shanxi Youth [山西青], No.12 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, abstract = {马克思主义自从诞生开始就对世界政治、经济、社会等个个方面都产生了巨大的影响,对于马克思主义的研究和发展一直都没有停息。弗洛姆出人意料的将马克思主义与同样在西方拥有巨大影响力的弗洛伊德学说结合起来,试图在对两者的比较分析中发掘两位思想家的共同点,试图去调和精神分析学和马克思主义中的人本思想,从而发展出新的学说。这种对比在他的《在幻想锁链的彼岸》一书中表现的尤为明显,在这里他分别阐述了马克思和弗洛伊德的基本思想,特别是关于人和社会的观点,并对这些观点进行了比较分析。}, language = {zh} } @article{Feng, author = {Feng, Junxia}, title = {An Analysis of >Babbitt< from the Perspective of Consumption Ethics [消费伦理视角下《巴比特》的解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 5 (2019), pp. 116-118.}, journal = {Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education [黑龙江教育学院学报], No. 5 (2019), pp. 116-118.}, abstract = {《巴比特》是美国著名作家辛克莱•刘易斯的代表作,小说通过对房地产商人巴比特的刻画,形象生动地向大众展示了20年代美国的消费主义文化特征。从消费伦理视角看,小说中人与社会之间是占有式的消费方式,人与人之间是利益扭曲的,自我个性也面临着消失的状态。这对探究美国商业的发展、美国人的文化精神,甚至我国当代社会的消费伦理构建都具有重要价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Fahrenbach, author = {Fahrenbach, Helmut}, title = {Philosophische Anthropologie. Die anthropologische Frage in der Philosophie Ernst Blochs}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 29-38.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 29-38.}, language = {de} } @article{Epsteinetal, author = {Epstein, Barbara and et al.,}, title = {The Rise, Decline and Possible Revival of Socialism Humanism [社会主义人道主义的崛起、式微与勃兴可能]}, series = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics [马克思主义美学研究], No. 1 (2019), pp. 226-274, 558.}, journal = {Research on Marxist Aesthetics [马克思主义美学研究], No. 1 (2019), pp. 226-274, 558.}, abstract = {社会主义人道主义是20世纪中后期兴起的一种国际马克思主义运动思潮及其知识分子国际群体。本文从社会主义人道主义的崛起、式微、勃兴三个历史阶段,归纳总结弗洛姆、汤姆森、杜娜叶夫斯卡娅、卢卡奇、梅洛-庞蒂、柯拉柯夫斯基、戈德曼等重要理论家对社会主义人道主义的理论贡献,从历史层面详细梳理社会主义人道主义在东欧、西欧以及英美社会的不同理论发展及其历史成因,从理论层面深入探讨社会主义人道主义的不同思想主题及其社会动因。}, language = {zh} } @article{Endler, author = {Endler, Johannes}, title = {Alternative Spiritualit{\"a}t zwischen Nabelschau und sozialem Engagement [Alternative spirituality between navel-gazing and social commitment]}, series = {Spiritual Care (De Gruyter, Berlin), Vol. 8, No. 2 (2019), pp. 155-165. [Online ISSN 2365-8185] [doi.org/10.1515/spircare-2018-0054]}, journal = {Spiritual Care (De Gruyter, Berlin), Vol. 8, No. 2 (2019), pp. 155-165. [Online ISSN 2365-8185] [doi.org/10.1515/spircare-2018-0054]}, abstract = {Einer verbreiteten These folgend wird von alternativ-spirituellen Akteuren keine {\"A}nderung der gesellschaftlichen Verh{\"a}ltnisse angestrebt, wesentlich sei hingegen die Arbeit an der eigenen Identit{\"a}t im Dienst der >Selbstverwirklichung< (vgl. Lasch 1980, List 1988, Bellah et al. 1996). Die Verantwortung f{\"u}r Probleme und deren L{\"o}sungen w{\"u}rden dem Einzelnen aufgeb{\"u}rdet und die komplexen Zusammenh{\"a}nge von (scheinbarer) Selbstbestimmung und internalisierten gesellschaftlichen Anspr{\"u}chen blieben verdeckt. Das heutige spirituelle Feld sei marktf{\"o}rmig strukturiert und statt gemeinschaftlicher Beziehungsformen w{\"u}rden fl{\"u}chtige Begegnungen zwischen unabh{\"a}ngigen Transaktionspartnern vorherrschen (vgl. Hero 2010). Die Individualisierungsthese (vgl. Beck 1986, Beck \& Beck-Gernsheim 2002) bildet den theoretischen Bezugsrahmen f{\"u}r diese oftmals als Kritik vorgebrachten Annahmen. Anhand der f{\"u}r die alternative Spiritualit{\"a}t wichtigen Ans{\"a}tze von Erich Fromm und Marylin Ferguson werden die beschriebenen Ansichten in der vorliegenden Arbeit relativiert. Inwiefern die in den exemplarischen Selbstzeugnissen formulierten Anspr{\"u}che tats{\"a}chlich eingel{\"o}st wurden und auch f{\"u}r das heutige alternativ-spirituelle Milieu handlungsleitend sind, kann Gegenstand weiterf{\"u}hrender Forschungen sein.}, language = {de} } @article{ChenPeng, author = {Chen, Xiaoxing and Peng, Xiaodong}, title = {On >Emotional Education< - From >Love between Parents and Children< [>情感教育<浅议——从《父母与孩子之间的爱》说起]}, series = {Middle School Chinese [中学语文], No. 30 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, journal = {Middle School Chinese [中学语文], No. 30 (2019), pp. 101-102.}, abstract = {听过一堂公开课。一位老师讲解弗洛姆的《父母与孩子之间的爱》一文。在讲解完课文内容之后,老师布置了一项活动。关闭门窗,关闭灯光,配着音乐,老师声情并茂地朗诵了一篇歌颂父母之爱的散文。在倾听老师朗读的过程中,确有一些学生感动得热泪盈眶。读完后,老师请学生说说>你想对父母说些什么<,几个同学说完、老师简评之后,老师又播放了一首歌颂母爱的歌曲,在歌声中结束了教学……从老师设计的教学活动 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Chen}, title = {On Fromm's Escape Mechanisms - The movie >The Wave< [试论弗洛姆的逃避机制—关于电影《浪潮》] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation 文化创新比较研究, No. 5 (2019), pp. 58-59.}, journal = {Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation 文化创新比较研究, No. 5 (2019), pp. 58-59.}, abstract = {面对自由,人们表现出孤独和寂寞,并主要通过三种方式逃避自由。从电影《浪潮》出发,通过分析当代人采取这些逃避机制的原因,帮助我们更好地理解弗洛姆的思想。}, language = {zh} } @article{Chang, author = {Chang, Xiang}, title = {Pursuing Freedom and Evading Freedom - Thinking of Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< [追求自由与逃避自由—对弗洛姆《逃避自由》的思考]}, series = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 6 (2019), p. 166-167.}, journal = {Yangtze River Series [长江丛刊], No. 6 (2019), p. 166-167.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在其《逃避自由》一书中认为>逃避自由<表现了人类普遍的病态心理,造成了病态的社会,而且贯穿了当代资本主义的整个进程。他想要表达的主题是:逃避孤独,放弃自由。他认为孤独和自由是一对双生胎儿,逃避孤独和追求自由一样,都深深的植于人的本性中。当二者发生冲突时,人们启动了逃避心理机制,逃避孤独的同时也放弃了自由。但这种逃避在理论上是行不通的,实践也证明这种逃避不仅是失败,更是一种灾难。通过学习弗洛姆在社会微观层面上的心理学分析与马克思在社会宏观层面上的社会批判及建构之间找到寻找自由的契合点,不仅能够加强我们对马克思自由观的科学性的认识,也能增强我们对整个人类自由解放的信心,力求树立正确的自由观,实现人的全面发展。}, language = {zh} } @article{Chang, author = {Chang, Lunjun}, title = {>Escape from Freedom<: The Example of the Relationship between Self and Group [>逃避自由<:自我与群体关系的窠臼]}, series = {Home Drama [戏剧之家], No. 32 (2019), pp. 225-226.}, journal = {Home Drama [戏剧之家], No. 32 (2019), pp. 225-226.}, abstract = {在漫长的人类发展进程中,追求自由是个体成长发育的内在需求,相伴而生的自我与群体之关系却成为纠缠在人身上的隐形枷锁。由于在这一问题上所做出的独到而精妙的探讨,著名社会学大师艾里希·弗洛姆(Erich·Fromm)的名作《逃避自由》一经问世便引起巨大反响,他结合弗洛伊德的精神分析和马克思主义的社会批评方法,对现代西方社会群体心理进行分析,发现人在追求自由的同时,也在极力>逃避自由<使>自我<从>群体<中消解,以此获得自我在群体中的安全感;在他看来,只有自发性的爱与创造性劳动才是自由生长的坦途,才是自我和群体真正的和解方式}, language = {zh} } @article{Cao, author = {Cao, Ying}, title = {The Enlightenment of Fromm's Theory on Emotional Education of College Art Students [弗洛姆理论对高校艺术类学生情感教育的启示]}, series = {New West [新西部], No. 9 (2019), pp. 142-143.}, journal = {New West [新西部], No. 9 (2019), pp. 142-143.}, abstract = {文章阐述了弗洛姆爱的艺术理论的核心,分析了高校艺术类学生在爱的实践中呈现出的特征。论述了弗洛姆爱的艺术理论对艺术类学生情感教育的启示:帮助学生正确认识爱的本质,引导学生建立和谐情感关系,培养学生爱的实践能力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Beeretal, author = {Beer, Roland and et al.,}, title = {Ann{\"a}herung an die Architektin Karola Bloch — Ein Werkstattbericht}, series = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 245-256.}, journal = {Latenz - Journal f{\"u}r Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Vol. 4: Der k{\"u}nstliche Mensch, M{\"o}ssingen (Talheimer Verlag) 2010, pp. 245-256.}, language = {de} } @article{Anjum, author = {Anjum, Naushaba}, title = {Notion of Alienation, An Existentialist Approach}, series = {International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, (2019), pp. 10-13. [Online ISSN 2394-3661] [ijeas.org/download_data/IJEAS0603006.pdf]}, journal = {International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, (2019), pp. 10-13. [Online ISSN 2394-3661] [ijeas.org/download_data/IJEAS0603006.pdf]}, abstract = {The problem of alienation has been a persistent issue of man since the beginning of civilization and it has been discussed in the history of philosophy since beginning. But as a serious issue the problem of alienation come in to existence after the development of industrialization and technology in a mass scale. Some twentieth century thinkers, philosophers, psychologist, sociologist, and religious scholars prescribed the way to come out from alienation. But in contemporary philosophy the existentialists took the issue of alienation most seriously. They gave their own approach on this issue and propagate a humanistic point of view as a way to come out from alienation. They try to make the philosophy free from the clutches of objectivity and bring the man in center again. Other contemporary western philosophers also influenced by existential movement. For them also the problem of alienation is a serious issue especially the famous philosopher and psychologist Erich Fromm. Fromm observes that in twentieth century man finds himself in a highly mechanical culture dominated by technology. Because of over use and emphasis on technology man becomes alienated from his own personal being. Both existentialists and Erick Fromm believes that man's subjectivity is lost in the highly technical and mechanical contemporary world. The main issue for these thinkers is not only to understand the concept of alienation but to find out the ways to eliminate the alienation. Through which a human can understand his true being and meaning of life. This is a descriptive paper. The objective of the paper is to explore the issue of alienation in contemporary world and to suggest the ways to come out from the alienation with special reference to Existentialism and Erick Fromm.}, language = {en} }