@misc{Schroeder, author = {Schr{\"o}der, F{\"o}rg}, title = {Besinnung in flexiblen Zeiten. Leibliche Perspektiven auf postmoderne Arbeit, Wiesbaden (Verlag f{\"u}r Sozialwissenschaften) 2009, 278 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{Schuez, author = {Schuez, Gottfried}, title = {Abschied von verbindlichen Werten? Albert Schweitzers Beitrag zur Erziehung in einer pluralistisch-interkulturellen Gesellschaft}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 71-78.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 71-78.}, language = {de} } @article{Schultz, author = {Schultz, H.}, title = {>Haben oder Sein<. Erinnerungen an Erich Fromm}, series = {Kulturclub.ch. Magazin des DRS 2, Basel (03. 12. 2009), pp. 2-3.}, journal = {Kulturclub.ch. Magazin des DRS 2, Basel (03. 12. 2009), pp. 2-3.}, language = {de} } @article{Schwartzman, author = {Schwartzman, Gertrude}, title = {Meeting Venus: A film about passion, and the outsider}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 189-193.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 189-193.}, abstract = {This paper discusses the conflict between lustful desire leading to an extramarital affair and loyalty to one's partner. Drawing a parallel between the hero of Wagner's opera and the conductor-hero of the film Meeting Venus, the consequences of being an >outsider< are being considered. Whereas Tannh{\"a}user's conflict is resolved in that he finds salvation from the Virgin Mary, Szanto is abandoned by the woman he loved and by his wife. He remains an outsider and alone.}, language = {en} } @article{Sekine, author = {Sekine, Hiroaki}, title = {エーリッヒ・フロム「自己実現」論の再構成 : 「持つこと」と「在ること」の連関に注目して [The Reconstruction of Erich Fromm's >Self-realization< Theory: Focusing on the Organic Relation between >To Have< and >To Be<]}, series = {[教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 76, No. 3 (2009), pp. 334-346. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.76.3_334]}, journal = {[教育学研究 [The Japanese Journal of Educational Research], Vol. 76, No. 3 (2009), pp. 334-346. [doi.org/10.11555/kyoiku.76.3_334]}, abstract = {本稿の目的は、エーリッヒ・フロムの「自己実現」論を再構成し、その人間形成論的な可能性を提示することである。フロムはしばしば社会および人間を二つの位相に分けたうえで、片方を持ち上げてもう片方を非難するという論法を採用したが、従来それらは素朴な勧善懲悪的図式として理解される傾向にあった。だがその遺稿から明らかになったフロムによる初期マルクスへの直接的な参照は、そうしたフロムの方法論が決して単純な善悪二元論にはおさまらないことを示唆している。マルクスの言う私有財産の「止揚」プロセスとフロムの想定したこつの様式観が交わりあう過程とをそれぞれのテクストにより突き合わせていくことで、フロムの「自己実現」論は、発達の脱中心化を志向する近年の教育人間学的なモメントを理論レベルにおいて批判的に彫琢しうる、他とのつながりに開かれながらも「自己」へと再帰的に準拠する人間形成論として、新たに定位される。}, language = {ja} } @article{Shapiro, author = {Shapiro, Edward R.}, title = {A View From Riggs: Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority - XII. Examined Living: A Psychodynamic Treatment System}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 683-698.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 683-698.}, language = {en} } @article{Shchelokova, author = {Shchelokova, Yu. V.}, title = {Anthropological Content of Culture in Erich Fromm's Interpretation}, series = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 12 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722]}, journal = {Психология и Психотехника [Psychology and Psychotechnics], No. 12 (2009). [ISSN 2454-0722]}, abstract = {In this article culture is viewed in the light of philosophical anthropology. The author analyzed how the term 'culture' changed through ages. The author also touched upon the anthropological aspect of culture.}, language = {ru} } @article{Sheng, author = {Sheng, Guorong}, title = {Toward a Humanized Technology: Erich Fromm's Utopia of Technology [技术人性化:埃里希·弗洛姆的技术社会理想——兼评弗洛姆的技术人性化思想]}, series = {Lanzhou Academic Journal [兰州学刊] No. 9 (2009), pp. 27-31.}, journal = {Lanzhou Academic Journal [兰州学刊] No. 9 (2009), pp. 27-31.}, abstract = {The thought of humanized technology which put forward by Erich Fromm is the theory origin and thought base of humanized technology which discussed by Chinese philosophy of technology today. The thought of humanized technology which put forward by Erich Fromm is part of his thoughts of humanized, and is the means of realization the humanized society. Fromm exerts his thoughts of humanized to scan the varieties phenomenon of inhumanity in the contemporary west capitalism and attributes them to the inhumanity of technology, thereby conceives a society of humanized technology. However, it is partial which put the inhumanity of society to the inhumanity technology and so called inhumanity of technology.}, language = {zh} } @article{Shu, author = {Shu, Yang}, title = {Dilemma of Freedom - Interpretation of Fromm's Freedom Philosophy [自由的困境——解读弗洛姆的自由哲学]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing Radio Television University [重庆广播电视大学学报], No. 3 (2009), pp. 37-39.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing Radio Television University [重庆广播电视大学学报], No. 3 (2009), pp. 37-39.}, abstract = {Fromm, psychoanalysis, sociology-based, build their own unique view of freedom. He believes that in modern capitalist society, people in a dilemma: both aspire to the pursuit of freedom, but also unbearable thus arising from the spirit alone, turn to trying to escape from freedom, however, escape the way to freedom is not a modern man out of the woods, positive freedom is avoid alone the best way to spontaneous love and the creation of this positive the only effective way to freedom.}, language = {zh} } @article{SilvaGarcia, author = {Silva Garc{\´i}a, Jorge}, title = {Sein Weg zu Klarheit und Menschlichkeit}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, language = {de} } @article{SilvaGarcia, author = {Silva Garc{\´i}a, Jorge}, title = {His Way to Clarity and Humaneness}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 145-152.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 145-152.}, language = {en} } @misc{Sjoedin, author = {Sj{\"o}din, Christer}, title = {Editorial: The exclusion of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy from the publicly financed medical health sector in Sweden}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 131-134.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 131-134.}, language = {en} } @article{Soellner, author = {Soellner, A.}, title = {>Emigrantenblicke< 1950-1965. Die westdeutsche Demokratie im Urteil von Franz L. Neumann und Otto Kirchheimer}, series = {M. Boll und R. Gross (Ed.), Die Frankfurter Schule und Frankfurt. Eine R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland, Frankfurt (Wallstein) 2009, pp. 278-287.}, journal = {M. Boll und R. Gross (Ed.), Die Frankfurter Schule und Frankfurt. Eine R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland, Frankfurt (Wallstein) 2009, pp. 278-287.}, language = {de} } @article{Song, author = {Song, Dexiao}, title = {The Diagnostic of Alienation of Human Being and Its Prescription - Study on Fromm's Alienation Theory [人之异化的病理特征及药方——弗洛姆之异化理论探析]}, series = {Innovation [创新], No. 3 (2009), pp. 16-19.}, journal = {Innovation [创新], No. 3 (2009), pp. 16-19.}, abstract = {In Fromm's eyes the human the beings' productive the potential embodies its essence, but alienation is on a kind of negation to be to such potential. The cause of alienation contains two aspects such as human nature factor and society factor. As a matter of fact, for a man, alienation causes the spiritual inanity and dry-rot. According to Fromm, we can cure such a ailment as alienation in the ways of system and spirit with a prescription, which are humanistic socialism, love and collectivism-art. In fact, Fromm's theory about alienation were profound and particular, and he subjectively wanted to develop Marx's alienation theory, but actually he failed because there was some humanitarian ideology in his alienation theory.}, language = {zh} } @article{SouzaMachorroCruzMoreno, author = {Souza Machorro, M. and Cruz Moreno, L.}, title = {Psicopatolog{\´i}a y complicaciones del tatuaje y la perforaci{\´o}n corporal}, series = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 47-51.}, journal = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 47-51.}, abstract = {El tatuaje/perforaci{\´o}n corporal hist{\´o}ricamente muestra diversas motivaciones socioculturales, religiosas, tribales y sexuales. Los adolescentes (poblaci{\´o}n mayormente afectada) exhiben desempleo y pobre participaci{\´o}n religiosa, relacionable con tendencia a actividades exploratorias y patrones conductuales de impulsividad/ excitabilidad en >busca de sensaciones nuevas e intensas<, Las distintas complicaciones m{\´e}dicas (locales/sist{\´e}micas) que acompa{\~n}an tal psicopatolog{\´i}a (compulsiva, trastornos ansioso-depresivos, de personalidad -lim{\´i}trofe-, paral{\´i}ticos sexualessadomasoquismo-, o psicosis) descubren la >necesidad< parad{\´o}jica de provocaci{\´o}n/ aceptaci{\´o}n: erotismo/dolor que tipifican una salud mental alterada. Estudios internacionales muestran que los portadores de conductas sexuales desviadas y actividades ilegales se asocian con consumo de psicotr{\´o}picos (pandillerismo, juego patol{\´o}gico, delincuencia); trastornos alimentarios, conductas de riesgo a la salud y proclividad suicida que requieren tratamiento apropiado y apoyo en programas educativos contra la autoagresi{\´o}n.}, language = {es} } @article{Spero, author = {Spero, Moshe Halevi}, title = {When the Light Shed by God is Dimmer than the Light Shed Upon God: Countertransference Illumination of Latent Religious Object Representations of a Jewish Patient in Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 189-218.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 189-218.}, language = {en} } @article{SperoCohen, author = {Spero, Moshe Halevi and Cohen, Mariam}, title = {Introduction to a Symposium: The God Representation in the Psychoanalytic Relationship: When is Three a Crowd?}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 001-020.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 001-020.}, language = {en} } @article{SperoCohen, author = {Spero, Moshe Halevi and Cohen, Mariam}, title = {Discussion of a Symposium: The God Representation in the Psychoanalytic Relationship: When is Three a Crowd?}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 219-240.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 219-240.}, language = {en} } @article{Stemmler, author = {Stemmler, Bettina}, title = {Biophilie - eine unwiderlegbare Hypothese? Seminararbeit am Psychologischen Institut der Universit{\"a}t Z{\"u}rich, 2009, 31 pp.}, abstract = {Die Existenz der positiven Wirkmechanismen von Heimtieren auf Menschen scheint plausibel, ebenso die Existenz von biophiler Emotionen und Verhaltensweisen, auch wenn die Biophilie-Hypothese weder bewiesen noch widerlegt werden kann. Besonderes Augenmerk sollte den Konsequenzen dieser Ph{\"a}nomene gewidmet werden. Wie k{\"o}nnen Heimtiere zu therapeutischen Zwecken genutzt werden, ohne dass sie dabei Schaden nehmen? Wie kann man Menschen dazu motivieren, Heim- und Nutztiere artgerecht zu halten? Wie kann man nachhaltige Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen gegen{\"u}ber der Umwelt f{\"o}rdern? Diese anwendungsorientierten und zum Teil essentiellen Fragen, bei denen Biophilie ein n{\"u}tzliches Instrument sein kann, sind relevanter als die Frage nach genetischer Determinierung.}, language = {de} } @article{Stensson, author = {Stensson, Jan}, title = {Inner freedom and independence: An interview with Andr{\´e} Haynal}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 117-123.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 117-123.}, abstract = {This interview, performed by e-mail from December 2007 to September 2008, covers the psychoanalytic itinerary of Andr{\´e} Haynal. His emigration from Hungary to Switzerland gave him occasion to think about alienation and its significance for identity. Gustav Bally, among others, introduced Andr{\´e} Haynal in the Swiss Psychoanalytic Society after a very special interview. Other encounters with prominent and interesting personalities such as Jean Piaget and Michael Balint are also evoked. Furthermore, Haynal?s involvement in the publishing of the Freud-Ferenczi Correspondence and in the renaissance of Ferenczi's influence in contemporary psychoanalysis is also discussed.}, language = {en} } @article{Stephens, author = {Stephens, Piers H. G.}, title = {Plumwood, Property, Selfhood and Sustainability}, series = {Ethics \& the Environment, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009), pp. 57-73. [Print ISSN 1085-6633] [doi.org/10.2979/ete.2009.14.2.57]}, journal = {Ethics \& the Environment, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009), pp. 57-73. [Print ISSN 1085-6633] [doi.org/10.2979/ete.2009.14.2.57]}, abstract = {In her final book, >Environmental Culture< as well as elsewhere, Val Plumwood advances the view that sustainability should properly be seen as emergent from an ecofeminist partnership ethic of nourishment and support between humans and nonhuman nature, and that such an ethic must replace the characteristic institutional structures and dominant conceptions of rationality found in capitalist modernity. In making this case, Plumwood impressively charts the impact and significance of the expansionist, exclusionary models of the disembodied but appropriative self found in Cartesian and Lockean thought along with the impact of private property doctrines derived from this source. However, whilst making reference to eco-socialist alternatives at the broader political level, Plumwood offers no systematic account of property that might dovetail with her wider philosophical concerns. In this paper I attempt to generate the start of such an account, drawing on Plumwood's own canon and bringing it into relationship with (1) relections on ideas of belonging and culture drawn from a range of thinkers including Erazim Koh{\´a}k, Erich Fromm, and William James, and (2) the contemporary debate over the relationship between green political thought and the liberal democratic tradition.}, language = {en} } @article{Stratigos, author = {Stratigos, Katharine A.}, title = {Not Your Grandparents' Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 241-253.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 241-253.}, language = {en} } @misc{Su, author = {Su, Yan}, title = {[Looking Back on the Lost Spiritual Homeland: Myth - A Study of Literary Translation [回望失落的精神家园:神话—原型视阈中的文学翻译研究], Doctoral dissertation, English Language and Literature, Nankai University, Tianjin, China 2009 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, series = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to transl}, journal = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to transl}, abstract = {This study is on an interdisciplinary theoretical construction with specific application to translations of the metaphorical literary works modeled on the mythical archetypes It is also a response to some translation theorists' call for a return to translation studies proper, which reflects their increasing worries about the skepticism resulting from the >deconstructive paradigm< and about the tendency to replace translation studies with political concerns in the >cultural turn<. It contends that there should be a return to both literariness as well as language in literary translation. Since anything in existence often exhibits its nature in its origin, such a return entails going all the way back to the ultimate origin of language and literature-myth. By introducing myth-archetype theory into literary translation studies, the author attempts to find a way out of the impasse of deconstructive paradigm by returning to the origin, universality and wholeness of literature. The dissertation stresses universality behind differences and order behind fragmentation, hoping to help translators and translation researchers restore their holy worship for the origination of both language and literature. Quite different from traditional translation studies which overstress rationality, it highlights the unconscious elements involved in literary translation by attending to the poetic effects of translations and the translators' somatic experience. It is especially applicable to translation criticism of metaphorical literary works modeled on mythical archetypes. The whole dissertation consists of five parts. The first part makes a brief review of relevant studies on myths and archetypes. The second part provides justifications for the introduction of myth-archetype theory into literary translation studies. The third part includes three chapters altogether and conducts a tentative investigation into three basic theoretical problems of literary translation studies in the perspective myth-archetype theory. The fourth part intends to construct a translation criticism method on the basis of Northrop Frye's >stand-back< method of myth-archetype criticism. The fifth part applies this method in translation criticism practice. The first chapter makes a brief review of relevant studies on myths and archetypes in different ages and disciplines to clear the ground for subsequent theoretical construction. It shows that >myth< and cultural turn< in translation studies. On the whole, this chapter borrows a lot from Northrop Frye's ideas. From Chapter Three to Chapter Five, in the perspective of myth-archetype theory, the author re-examines three basic theoretical issues of literary translation, namely, the translatability of literary works, the nature of literary translation and the translator's psychic structure. Translatability accounts for how literary translation comes into existence, the nature of literary translation defines the way how literary translation exists in one sense, and the translator's psychic structure explains why literary translation exists. On the basis of the stability of archetypes and Frye's descriptions of their various forms, this dissertation studies translatability of literary works by dividing the abstract archetype into four concrete literary elements, i.e. the theme, narrative structure, image and language of literary works. It maintains that primary concern myths explain the commensurability of themes in literature, and the structuralistic studies on the morphology of folk tales and narrative grammar provide evidence for the translatability of deep narrative structure of literary works. In addition, the archetypal image system underlying the metaphorical literary works enables literary works from different cultures to return to the same origin and those within the same cultural system but in different ages to be organized into a unity with its own specific tradition.- Since translating involves first of all linguistic transference, Chapter Three highlights linguistic translatability and proposes three types of linguistic archetypes, namely, Walter Benjamin's >pure language<, Erich Fromm's >symbolic language< and David Leaning's >mythical language<. They demonstrate linguistic translatability from fields of religion, psychology and anthropology respectively.- Incorporating the general nature of translating as linguistic transference and the nature of literature as poetic metaphor, Chapter Four tentatively defines literary translation as an art of creating poetic metaphors, i.e. a metaphor-understanding and metaphor-making activity. Chapter Five makes a comparison between literary translation and poetic metaphor from six aspects: etymological studies, innovative creation, co-existence of similarities and differences, partial transference, somatic presence and existential experience. This comparison exhibits the creative, polysemous, experiential and existential nature of literary translation, which is of metaphorical nature and keeps traces of primitive mythical thinking. The irrational elements in myths always give expression to mankind's unconscious emotions and desires, and archetypes represent collective unconsciousness in human mind. Therefore, the introduction of myth-archetype theory requires an inevitable concern on the subjects' unconsciousness involved in literary translation. The dissertation analyzes the translator's psychic structure from three aspects, i.e. collective unconsciousness, social unconsciousness and individual unconsciousness. It holds that as literary works modeled on myth-archetypes reveal mankind's collective unconsciousness, their translations may function as a psychic therapy. Since myths have always been interwoven with cultural and political motivations, literary translation consequently turns out to be a kind of symbolic activity to repress the nation's ideology, determine their social memory and invent a myth of the state. On the basis of Erich Fromm's ideas on social unconsciousness and the theory of identification in psychology, this dissertation re-explains the translation strategies of domestication and foreignization. It argues that domestication results from a nation's collective narcissism and false identification after its escape from freedom, while foreignization releases the repressed unconscious elements in the receiving culture. To be more specific, foreignization heals the metamorphasized language with the foreignized one. It also indicates the translator's metaphorical state of experience with his total empathy for the source text and the author. In the light of the theory of individual unconsciousness, this dissertation extends the meaning of translation and identifies the similarities between literary translation and psychotherapy. In other words, a translator of literary works is both an analyst and an analysand. Translation criticism, in one sense, is a mediator between translation theory and practice; therefore, after theoretical exploration, Chapter Six establishes a translation criticism method according to Frye's >stand-back< method in literary criticism with stresses on the awareness of levels, genres and intertextuality. Level-awareness means criticism upon a translation on four different levels, that is, linguistic signs, multi-level meanings, text structure and archetypal models. Genre-awareness plays a fundamental role in literary translation studies. It provides translators with writing norms and offers translation critics >horizon of expectation<, thus becoming the starting point of translation reception and criticism. Furthermore, the differences, hybridization and defining elements of genres make a considerable difference to translation criticism. The existent translation criticism generally focuses on comparison and contrast between a source text and its translations. With the entrance of archetypes, however, an intertextual perspective is added. Translation chains, literary traditions and cultural context function as leading intertextual elements in translation criticism. To prove the feasibility of the >stand-back< method of translation criticism stated in Chapter Six, Chapter Seven evaluates translations of two literary works, one is TS Eliot's poem The Wasteland and the other is a classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. These translations are criticized with awareness of levels, genres and intertextuality. As a tentative exploration into literary translation studies in the perspective of myth-archetype theory, this dissertation, in its statement and argumentation, preserves both the structuralists 'stress on universality and the deconstructivists' critical and intertextual awareness while avoiding the weak points of their theories. Therefore, it can converge with the present trend of >cultural turn< in translation studies, and avoid the deviation from translation proper caused by the cultural paradigm. Meanwhile, it finds an approach to returning to literariness itself, discovers the unconscious mind hidden behind translating, highlights the level-awareness in literary translation criticism and shows the continuity of ancient traditions to their contemporary development. Hopefully, it will shed new light on the understanding of literary translation as a whole.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Sun, author = {Sun, Jingqin}, title = {An Inquiry into Fromm's Humanology Theory [弗洛姆人学思想探析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China 2009.}, abstract = {Nowadays, with the development of science and technology in the global area, human's conflicts with nature, society and human itself are becoming so more serious that these problems are threatening human's survival and development. Thus, humanology gradually draws a universal attention among scholars around the world. Among the researches on human issues in the modern western world, Frankfurt school has a very important status. Fromm, as one of its main representatives, is a well-known western psychologist and a scholar with profound humanology theory. This paper aims to make a clearer summary of Fromm's humanology theory from a philosophical perspective. It consists of three parts.- The first part is a brief introduction of Fromm. Firstly, the historical background and theoretical origin of his ideology are introduced. Secondly, the current status of related researches both at home and abroad are made comments, and innovation are indicated. It attributed to discussion of his humanology theory.- The second part constructs Fromm's humanlogy theory from three levels with a core concept of humanity. Firstly, introducing the contradiction of human nature as the logical start, Fromm interprets human nature through an analysis of human's living condition, demand and freedom. Secondly, Fromm makes an analysis of the concept of alienation in psychological aspect. He reveals the unconscious alienation of human and the manifestation of alienation in modern society, which actually is human nature alienation. Thirdly, In order to eliminate the alienation of human nature and achieve a healthy society, Fromm proposed to the psychological revolution, which cultivate human with healthy personality and right living style through >morality renovate<. At the same time, society needs economical, political and cultural revolution. Only if mental revolution is combined with social revolution, the freedom and all-round development of human can be achieved.- The third part makes a comment on Fromm's theory based on Marxist philosophy. His concern on humans in the real society acquires actuality and feasibility for his theory, which, therefore, makes certain contribution to the study of human itself and has great referential significance and instructive function to the construction of the harmonious society. However, the limitation lies in the Utopian atmosphere of his theory as it finds solutions for social problems only in psychological perspective.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Tang, author = {Tang, Xiaoyu}, title = {On the Social Character and Its Traits During the Period of Social Transformation [试论我国社会转型期的社会性格及其特点], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2009.}, abstract = {In the 1940s, Erich Fromm, put forward a conception of >social character< for the first time and the theory was used to explain the phenomenon that the psychological characteristics and behaviors of certain. With social groups changed with the social environment, which started the prelude of the theoretical study of the social character. China is undergoing a period of social transformation, which not only including the transformation of economy, politics, culture, but also including the changed of people's behavior, psycho¬logical characteristics and values. It has a great significance for the modernized transition of China's socialist society and the overall healthy development of human on studying the social character and its traits during the period of social transformation. The main content of the thesis are as follows: - In the first part, purpose and significance of the thesis has been described mainly. The history of this issue has been sorted out and an overview of the research situation at home and abroad has been done. New research ideas and methods have been given according to the current situation and problems in the social character study at home.- In the second part, general analysis of social character has been done. Firstly through discriminating the difference among social character, individual character, national character and regional cultural character, the concept of social character is defined and compared. Then the basic element and functions of social characters are further sorted out.- In the third part, efforts have been done to analyze the traits of social character in the period of social transformation. Both the positive and negative characters have been discussed and the reason also has been analyzed.- In the fourth part, thoughts to improve social character are suggested, which contains aspects of the improvement of market economy system, the perfection of the democratic legality, the building of culture atmosphere and the more attention on family education.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Tao, author = {Tao, Xue}, title = {Fromm's Humanitarian Ethical Core of the Idea - The Productive Personality, [弗洛姆人道主义伦理思想的核心——生产性人格] Master thesis, Ethics, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China, 2009.}, abstract = {Fromm (Erich Fromm, 1900, March 23 - 1980, March 18,) is a German-American Jews who is famous all of the world. He is well-known in the West of the twentieth century as a psychologist, ethicist. At the same time, he is the representative of Frankfurt School. His humanitarian Ethics is based on the integration of the Freud and Marx. Productive character is what the core of his humanitarian ethics. The main purpose of this thesis is to do research on the production character and to analysis the theoretical meaning.- First of all, this thesis introduce the background of his humanitarian Ethics, especially the influence of Freud and Marx, and the research at home and abroad.- And then, this thesis analysis Fromm's personality theory, including the formation and the types of personality. In turn leads to the view that-production character-people should have in >the sane society<. However, in modern society, there often exists a Phenomenon that lack of moral. It makes people creates pathological personality. It also stands the opposite side of the social's development and impede the progress of society.- Finally, this thesis summarizes the result of modern psychopathic personality. Meanwhile, it finger out the way of creating the production character. Integrated, we can know that Fromm's theory of human ethics has specified the way of direction and development. And it is very helpful to guide the practice of human development. It also has an indelible effect to contemporary China which is in the period of social transformation.}, language = {zh} } @article{Tauber, author = {Tauber, Edward S.}, title = {Words are Ways}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 131-134.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009, pp. 131-134.}, language = {en} } @article{Tauber, author = {Tauber, Edward S.}, title = {Worte, die Wege sind}, series = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, journal = {R. Funk (Ed.), Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, language = {de} } @book{Thomson, author = {Thomson, A.}, title = {Erich Fromm - Explorer of the Human Condition, New York and London (Palgrave Macmillan) 2009, 175 p.}, language = {en} } @article{Thomae, author = {Thom{\"a}, Helmut}, title = {Transference and the psychoanalytic encounter}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 237-249.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 237-249.}, abstract = {John Klauber's introduction of the concept of >encounter< signifies a milestone on the way towards an intersubjective understanding of the psychoanalytic method. The concept of encounter is comprehensive and refers to all aspects of the >here-and-now,< including transference from the >then-and-there.< Klauber's contribution points out that the psychoanalytic situation is primarily a therapeutic one. The solution to the transference depends on new experience, and therefore he emphasizes the role of spontaneity. Klauber describes unintended traumatizing aspects, one of the antidotes for which is spontaneity. What is real and actual in the transference should be admitted - at least as >plausible.<}, language = {en} } @misc{Triebel, author = {Triebel, Axel}, title = {From psychoanalytic narrative to empirical single case research}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 128-129.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 128-129.}, language = {en} } @article{Ubilla, author = {Ubilla, Enrique}, title = {El concepto de salud mental en la obra de Erich Fromm}, series = {Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatr{\´i}a, Santiago de Chile 47 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 153-162.}, journal = {Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatr{\´i}a, Santiago de Chile 47 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 153-162.}, abstract = {La obra de Erich Fromm se destaca por una visi{\´o}n hol{\´i}stica del Hombre. Una preocupaci{\´o}n permanente en su obra fue superar el dualismo cl{\´a}sico individuo vs sociedad y desarrollar una visi{\´o}n integradora fundamentada en la relaci{\´o}n dial{\´e}ctica de ambos. El resultado de esto fue su teor{\´i}a caracterol{\´o}gica con su concepto de car{\´a}cter social por un lado; y por otro lado su concepto de salud mental. En su labor cl{\´i}nica enfoc{\´o} su atenci{\´o}n a los fundamentos primarios que determinan la salud mental del Hombre y la consiguiente patolog{\´i}a cuando estos son entrabados en su desarrollo. Su visi{\´o}n bio-psico-social conduce por lo tanto a un concepto de salud mental integrativo que excede las definiciones m{\´e}dicas tradicionales de su {\´e}poca. Lo fundamental de la visi{\´o}n de Fromm es su comprensi{\´o}n de la situaci{\´o}n particular del Hombre en el mundo que {\´e}l llam{\´o} conditio humana.}, language = {es} } @article{Uexkuell, author = {Uexkuell, Jakob von}, title = {Globale Herausforderungen und Antworten}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), p. 111.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), p. 111.}, language = {de} } @misc{Ungaro, author = {Ungaro, A.}, title = {Carattere sociale - aggiornamenti del concetto da Fromm a Funk, Tesi di Laurea in Filosofia delle scienze socialy. Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Firenze, Firenze 2009, 79 p.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {it} } @article{Vasilev, author = {Vasilev, Vasil}, title = {Duhyt na syvremenostta prez pogleda na Erih From (The spirit of modernity through the eyes of Erich Fromm)}, series = {Electronic journal-LiterNet, 26.02.2009, № 2 (111) https://liternet.bg/publish23/v_vasilev/duhyt.htm}, journal = {Electronic journal-LiterNet, 26.02.2009, № 2 (111) https://liternet.bg/publish23/v_vasilev/duhyt.htm}, language = {mul} } @article{Vermote, author = {Vermote, Rudi}, title = {Experiencing the shadow of the future}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 100-103.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 2, 2009), pp. 100-103.}, abstract = {This text was written for a panel with the ambitious title >With Bion to the future.< Can we tell something about the future? Can we apply this to the future of psychoanalysis? And are some of Bion's concepts of any help to such questions? Bion, following Freud, tells us that the caesura between present and future is not so great. The shadow of the future is present. So how can we read this shadow with Bion as a companion? We may see the future as consisting of many probable evolutions - like an infinite number of virtual lines, growth curves or probability lines only one of which is becoming real. Which lines will develop; which seeds will grow? And is our mind equipped to have an idea of this?}, language = {en} } @article{Viana, author = {Viana, N.}, title = {Erich Fromm e a Renova{\c{c}}{\~a}o da Psican{\´a}lise}, series = {Revista Espa{\c{c}}o Livre. Vol. 4 (No. 08, Jul-Dez 2009), pp. 31-39. - Internet: http://espacolivre.sementeira.net}, journal = {Revista Espa{\c{c}}o Livre. Vol. 4 (No. 08, Jul-Dez 2009), pp. 31-39. - Internet: http://espacolivre.sementeira.net}, language = {pt} } @article{Volkan, author = {Volkan, Vamik D.}, title = {Large-group identity, international relations and psychoanalysis}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 206-213.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 206-213.}, abstract = {This paper examines the psychology of ethnic, national, religious or political ideological groups composed of thousands or millions of people. In such large groups most of the individuals will never meet during their lifetimes. But, they share a persistent sense of sameness, >large-group identity.< This paper examines how this abstract concept, large-group identity, can become the central force that influences international relationships. Psychoanalysts who are willing to become involved in interdisciplinary initiatives can provide information to the diplomats about large-group psychology in its own right and suggest peaceful strategies for international conflicts.}, language = {en} } @article{VarelaFragoso, author = {V{\´a}rela Fragoso, P. J.}, title = {Psicoan{\´a}lisis, car{\´a}cter social y globalizaci{\´o}n}, series = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 19-24.}, journal = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 19-24.}, abstract = {Este trabajo trata de c{\´o}mo se inicia el psicoan{\´a}lisis con Freud, a partir de los conceptos centrales de una mente din{\´a}mica, y del Inconsciente, y de c{\´o}mo se fue desarrollando y de las disidencias que existieron posteriormente al hacerse el psicoan{\´a}lisis m{\´a}s complejo. De c{\´o}mo Fromm incorpora al psicoan{\´a}lisis aspectos sociales, dentro de lo que el llama una posici{\´o}n >sociobiol{\´o}gica<. Tambi{\´e}n hace menci{\´o}n de la evoluci{\´o}n del pensamiento en el hombre occidental, y de c{\´o}mo las dos guerras mundiales impactaron en el pensamiento tranto de Freud como de Fromm, y en lo que este {\´u}ltimo llama >orientaciones del car{\´a}cter<. Finalmente se plantea como un conflicto actual la disyuntiva entre un mundo enajenado, burocratizado y deshumanizado, y un mundo m{\´a}s racional, y del cu{\´a}l es el papel del psicoan{\´a}lisis ante tal situaci{\´o}n.}, language = {es} } @article{VasquezLorenzana, author = {V{\´a}squez Lorenzana, A. D.}, title = {Estr{\´e}s, depresi{\´o}n y patolog{\´i}as fronterizas: ?'psicopatolog{\´i}as actuales?}, series = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 35-46.}, journal = {Instituto Mexicano de Psicoan{\´a}lisi (Ed.), Fromm, humanismo y psicoan{\´a}lisi, M{\´e}xico Vol. 2 (2009), pp. 35-46.}, abstract = {a) To analyze some relevant contributions of marxist inspiration authors to the work and alienation theme. Concretely, we have analyzed contributions from Paul Lafargue, Agnes Heller, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Andr{\´e} Gorz and Jon Elster. b) To elaborate a proposal for the development of a materialistic and compatible with ethical values theory of alienation. c) To scan the contribution of this proposal to the theoretical and empirical analysis of suffering in social links, and specially in work. This thesis contains three parts. One deals with the analysis of the theoretical contributions made from some marxists traditions to the work alienated question. Another deals with a theoretical development of that theory and its links with human suffering. And the last one deals with an empirical analysis of nineteen interviews made to workers from an automobile industry multinational enterprise. The followings are the fundamental conclusions of the theoretical and empirical analysis: a) The analyzed authors do not usually bring us a materialistic approach to alienation, and when they do it, they circumscribe the theory to the ethical values arena. b) There is an inevitable suffering in social life that should not be confounded with an inevitable alienation. c) Alienation, understood as lose of control among our controllable links, creates surplus coercions and sufferings. d) Conditions for the abolishment of surplus suffering are established where we recover control among our links. e) Work is a fundamental activity for the construction of our subjectivity and for the configuration of our social links. f) The way we produce and produce ourselves in work highly conditions the kind and intensity of our sufferings. Thereby, work is a fundamental arena in the strategy of avoiding avoidables sufferings.}, language = {es} } @article{Vavra, author = {V{\´a}vra, Luk{\´a}š}, title = {Život v rozporu se sebou sam{\´y}m: kritika kapitalistick{\´e} společnosti (Life in conflict with itself: criticque of capitalist society) Bachelor-Arbeit an der Masarykova Univerzita, Brno 2009, 63 pp.}, abstract = {The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to controvert the scholars who studied human nature; to assess their opinions, and to confirm or displace them. The author also aims at creating a delineation of human nature and deciding if the capitalist order is appropriate for the society, and for individuals with this nature. He describes what qualities the capitalist order creates in people and tries to prove that it this particular system which creates negative qualities in people, e.g. egoism. If the author disapproves capitalism as inappropriate for human society, he will offer an alternative better for the society, which would develop the individual's positive qualities. The thesis takes form of a text analysis, controversy to various scholars, and the author's own opinions.}, language = {mul} } @article{WangLi, author = {Wang, Baiwen and Li, Zhaoyou}, title = {Review of Erich Fromm's Concept of Socialism [埃里希•弗洛姆的社会主义观述评]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 9 (2009), pp. 68-71.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 9 (2009), pp. 68-71.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的>社会主义<观1.弗洛姆>社会主义<观的思想来源弗洛姆的社会主义观是承继前人理论孕育而生的。在弗洛姆的有关著作中,围绕社会主义的问题,他重点涉及了巴贝夫、查尔斯.傅立叶、罗伯特.欧文、蒲鲁东、彼得.克鲁泡特金、古斯塔夫.兰道尔和马克思等人的社会主义思想,并试图从中求其共性,进而形成了他自己的社会主义观点。第一,弗洛姆的社会主义观吸纳了空想社会主义者的社会主义思想。首先,他的社会主义观点接受了巴贝夫的>共济大院<理论。在弗洛姆看来,社会主义作为一种政治运动和探索社会规律的理论,应该始于法国大革命,由巴贝夫始创。因为,巴贝夫赞同废除土地私有制,废除富人与穷人、统治者与被统治者之间的差别}, language = {zh} } @article{WangJi, author = {Wang, Guoxue and Ji, Mingxia}, title = {On Fromm's Social Character Theory Building Path [论弗洛姆社会性格理论的构建路径]}, series = {Philosophical Trends [ 哲学动态], No. 3 (2009), pp. 36-41.}, journal = {Philosophical Trends [ 哲学动态], No. 3 (2009), pp. 36-41.}, abstract = {德裔美籍学者埃利希•弗洛姆(1900-1980)是西方马克思主义学派的一个重要成员。他从精神分析的视角批判现实社会,关注人类社会的心理健康,为世人留下了宝贵的思想财富。如人本主义伦理学思想、爱的艺术理论、社会性格理论等。其中社会性格理论在我国学术界颇受人们的关注。[1]该理论立论角度独特,内容深刻,已有许多学者对此理论从不同方面进行过研究。本文尝试从建构路径角度对该理论进行一些探索。一心理学建构路径从理论渊源上说,社会性格是弗洛姆综合马克思主义和弗洛伊德的某些思想而创造出来的一个概念。他自己曾明确说过:>马克思主义总是强调政治方面,胜过定向明显的目的方面。我以为,总的来说这样看是正确的。但在马}, language = {zh} } @article{WangWang, author = {Wang, Heyan and Wang, Hong}, title = {Deep Critique of Modern Living Circumstances - >Escape from Freedom< Interpretation [现代人生存境遇的深层批判——弗洛姆《逃避自由》解读]}, series = {Study \& Exploration [ 学习与探索], No. 4 (2009), pp. 24-26.}, journal = {Study \& Exploration [ 学习与探索], No. 4 (2009), pp. 24-26.}, abstract = {《逃避自由》一书是弗洛姆运用精神分析学分析社会问题的杰作。在这部著作中,他以弗洛伊德的>性本能冲动<为出发点,深入剖析了社会人群关系中所形成的冲动和欲求。但是,他超越了弗洛伊德的>泛性主义<。弗洛姆通过对现代西方人生存境遇的考察,深刻地分析了资本主义社会的危机并揭露了资本主义条件下人们的精神疾病,为现代人的自由而全面发展提出了积极的途径和设想。这体现了弗洛姆强烈的社会责任感和对人的处境的深切关怀。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Songping}, title = {An Analysis of Fromm's Harmonious Society Thought [弗洛姆和谐社会思想探析], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2009, 61 pp.}, abstract = {Since the 1980s, the Chinese academics study Erich Fromm's idea from different levels and perspectives, and their large number of theoretical results shows the broad idea of him. However, why did he have to build such a huge theoretical system? Will there be a core theory that other theories have centered on its launch? If there is, then, what is the core or soul of Fromm's theories? With these questions, I read through all the English translations of Fromm's that can collected, combined with his time and personal situation, after as much as possible a comprehensive study and master, I recognized that: Because >the internal unity of mankind< is the lifelong vision of him, so that Fromm rose the new harmony between people et between man and the nature to the >teleological< height; The common property that one people can form a rational society with his fellows and the common rules that he found, were the real needs of people and society can meet its, in other words, he considered that a harmonious society is a society which accord with the real needs of human; He will achieve a harmonious society to resort to political, economic social and cultural changes and progress at the same time, rather than just relying on the political and economic measures.- His idea of a harmonious society belonging to >the humanitarian as a global philosophy of people<, originated from long humanitarian traditions of the Orient and the West; Consonance - not a negative compromise and make concessions, but the common ground while reserving differences imply that contain harmony - is the most distinguishing features of his thought, which aimed at promoting human society towards a new harmony, all in line with the idea of this principle, are the object of his consonance, and all contrary to the principle of thought, are the object of his critique. From several angles, he examine and criticize of modern Western industrial society and consider the problem to build a reasonable society, built on a very large theoretical system, idea of a harmonious society as if the main theme of symphony and became the main line running through the system, it has become the core of it and the other theories are directly or indirectly point to the core. If concentric circles to describe the theoretical system, then the composition of the inner most circle of the theory including the theory of human nature, social character theory, critical theory of society, theory of human alienation, the Liberal theory, theory of love, they directly serve Fromm harmonious society thought, constitute the theoretical cornerstone of this idea.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Wanbing}, title = {The Neurotic Personality and the Insane Society - A Psychoanalytical Reading of >The Catcher in the Rye< [神经症人格与病态社会——《麦田里的守望者》主人翁心理分析。] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Hexi University [河西学院学报], No. 1 (2009), pp. 79-82.}, journal = {Journal of Hexi University [河西学院学报], No. 1 (2009), pp. 79-82.}, abstract = {Equipped with Karen Horney's and Erich Fromm's psychoanalytical theories, this paper attempts to analyze the psychology of the main character in >The Catcher in the Rye< and the causes of his mental insanity. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is diagnosed to be a neurotic of self-effacement, aggressive-ness and detachment, which originates from the defects of the American culture and society at that time. His neurotic personality can be manifested in his anxiety, hypertensions, neurotic need for love and self-idealization.}, language = {zh} } @article{Wang, author = {Wang, Yanfang}, title = {Fromm's Criticism in Reference to >Escape from Freedom< [弗洛姆对>逃避自由<的批判与借鉴意义]}, series = {Theory Journal [理论学刊], No. 6 (2009), pp. 69-71.}, journal = {Theory Journal [理论学刊], No. 6 (2009), pp. 69-71.}, abstract = {生民之初,人类是作为群体而生存,每一个人都不可能离群索 ,因而没有什么个体意义上的自由,而只是像在伊甸园中那样,大家融为一体,和谐相处,如弗洛姆所说>在'伊甸园'中,男人与女人,人与自然,和谐地相处 在一起<[1](P53)。奴隶制时代的压迫,剥夺了每一个奴隶作为人而生存的权利;中世纪每个人都处在稳定的社会结构中,社会虽然严格地规定了每个人的 身份和地位,但同时也把每个人禁锢和笼罩在统治阶级的政治和思想即神权的藩篱之中。所以在文艺复兴时期,人是向神来争夺自己的位置的。莎士比亚借助他的戏 剧主人公发出的那句对人的赞美的箴言———>人类是一件多么了不得的杰作!多么高贵的理性!多么伟大的力量!多么优美的仪 <}, language = {zh} } @misc{Wang, author = {Wang, Yuqing}, title = {Strife and Alienation- On the Novel >Them<. The Hero of Jules Wendell's Psychological Alienation [抗争与异化 - 试论小说《他们》中主人公朱尔斯•温德尔的心理异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2009 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Joyce Carol Oates (b. 1938) is one of the most prolific and versatile contemporary writers in America. She has published myriad novels, poetry, and plays, as well as books and articles of criticism. In these works, Oates focuses on what she views as the spiritual, sexual, and intellectual decline of modern American society. Employing a dense, elliptical prose style, she depicts such cruel and macabre actions as rape, incest, murder, child abuse, and suicide to delineate the forces of evil with which individuals must contend. As a realistic novel and one of the masterpieces of the author, >Them< reflects the psychological progress of the people of the lower class in American society from the great depression of 1930s to the turbulence of 1960s. In their pursuit of material life as well as spiritual comfort, they undergo many hardships and confront with the multiple pressures from family, society and even themselves. By employing the concepts and theories of psychoanalysis, this thesis aims to uncover the way in which Oates exposes the existential predicament of the modern people. The focus of the thesis is on Jules's fantasy and frustration in familial and social life and on the reasons for his tragedy. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part contains a brief introduction on Oates's works as well as the literature review on her novel them. Basing on the previous criticism on this novel, this thesis proposes Fromm's theory of alienation and the concept of community in order to interpret the novel from a new perspective. Through the study of the protagonist's unhappy familial life and perplexity towards social life, this thesis attempts to reveal the universal predicament of modern people.- Chapter One lays emphasis on two stages in which young Jules Wendall quests for personal longings. The first stage is Jules's early years in the rural area as a little boy. During this period, he is searching for freedom by running away from home more than once. He longs to reach somewhere distant. Yet, he is left confused while staying with his family with no way out. The runaway action is his first try for a better life. The second stage is his teenage years during which he experiences a move to the urban city and suffers from great dilemma due to the big contrast between the chaotic urban life and the peaceful rural life. Obsessed from his childhood with personal longings, he increasingly falls into the strong desire of owning a sum of wealth and an ideal lover. Disappointed with his dysfunctional family, he sees himself as a self-made man and turns to himself for a successful future. Ever since his childhood, he has been obsessed with the fantasies that he is the central characters of a novel who makes fortune and capable of realizing his ambitious plans step by step. He, indeed, meets some adventures in different phases of his life. Actually, they are masked by benefactor, in practice, they prove to be unreliable. Suffered from one attack after another, Jules becomes numb with spiritual alienation.- Chapter Two concentrates on the conflicts of Jules and his family members. This chapter is divided into three parts. Part one mainly provides an analysis of Jules's pursuit for paternal love and his relationship with his fathers. An inheritor of his biological father, he has to stay with his actual father while he dreams to have an ideal father. Part two demonstrates that, in his insatiable quest for maternal love, Jules Wendall transfers his mother-seeking towards his lover - Nadine in order to realize a particular kind of compensatory satisfaction. The more maternal affection he expects from his lover, the deeper he is trapped into disillusion that leads to his psychological alienation of mother image in ideal and reality. Part three gives a general presentation of the alienated sibling relationship in the novel. This part analyzes on the one hand the sibling's hunger for emotional connections, which provide with them support and security; and on the other hand, however hard they try to fulfill this, impotently the siblings face no choice but to isolate with each other in the struggle for everyday survival under the influence of the brutal environment.- Chapter Three, with an elaboration of the dramatic representation of alienation and absence of community in the city, analyzes Jules Wendall's struggle and disillusion in his social life. He cannot find identification with himself in the hostile city which does not provide any chance for him to be a better man. What is more, the absence of community in the city makes his strife become hopeless, drives him into the state of alienation. Opposing against the brutal surroundings, he turns to violent behavior for the spiritual rescue. Yet, since violence derives from a sense of impotence, it cannot protect him from being alienated. Born in a lower class, however hard he tries, Jules becomes powerless in front of the relentless society and doomed to be a tragedy. As the main body of this thesis, the three chapters unite and correlate with each other.- The whole thesis interprets fully the relevant theories of alienation and community which leads to a sound conclusion. It summarizes the analysis by pointing out the significance of the study. By portraying in the novel a whole picture of an ordinary boy with fantasy and disillusion, depression and alienated mind in the unremitting pursuit for an idealized familial and social life, Oates gives us a deep insight into the existential predicament of people as a whole in the contemporary world.}, language = {zh} } @article{Waska, author = {Waska, Robert}, title = {Interpretive acting-out: Unavoidable and sometimes useful}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 149-157.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 149-157.}, abstract = {Using one detailed case presentation, this paper examines the clinical hardship of making accurate and helpful interpretations that do not become part of the patient's defensive system. The author argues that interpretive acting-out is inevitable in the psychoanalytic process. But, if properly monitored, understood, and contained, these interpretive enactments can sometimes actually be a profit to the overall treatment. Issues of projective identification, countertransference, and the importance of realizing our transference role in the patient's changing phantasies are discussed throughout the case material.}, language = {en} } @book{Wasyluk, author = {Wasyluk, Pjotr}, title = {Ericha Fromma koncepcja postępu zintegrowanego [Erich Fromm's Concept of Integrated Progress], Olsztyn (Publishing House of the Center for Eastern European Studies of the University of Warmia and Mazury) Poland 2009, 165 pp.}, language = {pl} } @article{Waugaman, author = {Waugaman, Richard M.}, title = {A Psychoanalytic Study of Edward de Vere's The Tempest}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 627-644.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 627-644.}, language = {en} } @article{Weber, author = {Weber, Einhard}, title = {Begr{\"u}ßung}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), p. 62.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), p. 62.}, language = {de} } @article{WeberHoege, author = {Weber, W. G. and Hoege, Thomas}, title = {Demokratie in Unternehmen: Terra incognita der Organisationspsychologie?}, series = {Wirtschaftspsychologie, Vol. 11 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 3-8.}, journal = {Wirtschaftspsychologie, Vol. 11 (No. 4, 2009), pp. 3-8.}, language = {de} } @article{Weisetal, author = {Weis, David A. and et al.,}, title = {Delineating Prototypes of Training Psychotherapy}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 353-364.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 353-364.}, language = {en} } @book{Wheatland, author = {Wheatland, Th}, title = {The Frankfurt School in Exile, Minneapolis and London (University of Minnesota Press) 2009, 415 p.}, language = {en} } @misc{Whitehead, author = {Whitehead, Clay C.}, title = {Review Elliot L. Jurist, Arietta Slade, and Sharone Bergner (Eds.): Mind to Mind: Infant Research, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 726.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 726.}, language = {en} } @article{Widerstroem, author = {Widerstroem, Klaus}, title = {Von der Lust am Messen und ihren charakterologischen Wurzeln}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 101-104.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 101-104.}, language = {de} } @article{Wiggershaus, author = {Wiggershaus, Rolf}, title = {Die Kompagnons Max Horkheimer und Friedrich Pollock, das Institut f{\"u}r Sozialforschung und das Netzwerk der Frankfurter Schule,}, series = {M. Boll und R. Gross (Ed.), Die Frankfurter Schule und Frankfurt. Eine R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland, Frankfurt (Wallstein) 2009, pp. 228-239.}, journal = {M. Boll und R. Gross (Ed.), Die Frankfurter Schule und Frankfurt. Eine R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland, Frankfurt (Wallstein) 2009, pp. 228-239.}, language = {de} } @article{Wolf, author = {Wolf, Siegbert}, title = {>Unterfangen wir uns, trotz allem, zu vertrauen!< Politisches Denken und Engagement bei Martin Buber und Erich Fromm}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 17-31.}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 13 / 2009, T{\"u}bingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 17-31.}, language = {de} } @article{Wu, author = {Wu, Rong}, title = {Some Comments on Fromm's Alienation Theory [弗洛姆的异化理论评析]}, series = {Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Sciences) [辽东学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2009), pp. 17-20.}, journal = {Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Sciences) [辽东学院学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2009), pp. 17-20.}, abstract = {From the traditional western humanism standpoint, Fromm criticized the reality of capitalism countries. He elaborated his understanding about Marxism in the perspective of alienation. He argued that the sticking point of alienation laid in people's nature of possession. He advocated eliminating alienation by reforms in economy, politics and culture. It is necessary to objectively analyze his theory, from which we can gain enlightenment for our socialist reform and development. Nevertheless, with a core of humanitarianism of his alienation theory, his thought is full of dreams with thick color of romance.}, language = {zh} } @article{WuKong, author = {Wu, Yi and Kong, Wenqing}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Moral Education and Its Realistic Values [弗洛姆的道德教育理论及其现实价值]}, series = {Research of Modern Basic Education [现代基础教育研究], No. 4 (2009), pp. 42-47.}, journal = {Research of Modern Basic Education [现代基础教育研究], No. 4 (2009), pp. 42-47.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm, one of the noted occidental Marxists, proposed his peculiar outlook about the concept of morality on the basis of psychoanalysis. Morality is the realization of the human potentials and the cultivation of independent personality. Moreover, moral education sheds a light upon the conception of humanity and good, which lays a foundation for the development of moral qualities of the self. In epistemology, he opposed objectivism and advocated the notion of the experience based knowledge.}, language = {zh} } @article{Xia, author = {Xia, Huiyun}, title = {Suffocating Spiritual Wasteland: On O'Connor's >A Good Man Is Hard to Find< [令人窒息的精神荒原:浅析奥康纳的《好人难寻》] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Way of Success [成才之路], No. 30 (2009), p. 29.}, journal = {Way of Success [成才之路], No. 30 (2009), p. 29.}, abstract = {弗兰纳里•奥康纳是美国当代杰出的女性之一,她以其独特的写作风格,在美国文学史上占有重要的一席之地。《好人难寻》是她杰出的代表作,小说依然体现了她一贯的暴力和死亡主题。此文主要运用弗洛姆有关爱的理论来分析老奶奶一家的悲惨命运,从而指出爱的缺乏是造成其悲剧性的根本原因。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xia, author = {Xia, Xiaowei}, title = {Human Struggle - >King Lear< in the Edmund Character Image Analysis [人性的挣扎——《李尔王》中埃德蒙的人物形象分析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Study Monthly [学习月刊], No. 4 (2009), pp. 31-32.}, journal = {Study Monthly [学习月刊], No. 4 (2009), pp. 31-32.}, abstract = {人性是人的社会属性和自然属性的概括和总和,人性总反映着社会、历史、伦理以及情感。弗洛伊德把人描述为>欲望的集合体<,弗洛姆认为人性是>人在社会中生存的规律<,>既有适应性,又有反抗性<。《李尔王》(1605)是莎士比亚创作的第三部主要悲剧,莎翁在李尔王及葛罗斯特伯爵的悲剧中描写了不同人物之间的矛盾与斗争,塑造了不同人性的人物形象,尤其是>埃德蒙、高纳里尔、里根代表着一种绝对利己的视界,在他们看来,仇恨与欺诈是人性的基础<,人性的扭曲与挣扎在埃德蒙身上表现得更加明显,这一点也加强了《李尔}, language = {zh} } @article{Xiang, author = {Xiang, Nan}, title = {Analysis of the Development of Western Marxism [西方马克思主义发展浅析]}, series = {Jilin Institute of Administrative Management >To Improve Government Execution< Symposium, 2009, Jilin, China, in: [Proceedings] Jilin Institute of Administrative Management >To Improve Government Execution< Symposium (>Jilin Zheng News< 2009 - Theory Spec}, journal = {Jilin Institute of Administrative Management >To Improve Government Execution< Symposium, 2009, Jilin, China, in: [Proceedings] Jilin Institute of Administrative Management >To Improve Government Execution< Symposium (>Jilin Zheng News< 2009 - Theory Spec}, abstract = {本文提出判断西方马克思主义性质的三条标准,并以卢卡奇和弗罗姆为例作了具体分析。本文围绕如何认识和评价西方马克思主义,就西方马克思主义的概念与内涵、西方马克思主义与列宁主义的关系、西方马克思主义的性质等问题进行了分析。西方马克思主义不是一个统一的派别,马克思主义研究中出现多样化的局面是一种历史的必然}, language = {zh} } @article{Xiao, author = {Xiao, Yu}, title = {In You I Love All [我在你身上爱所有的人]}, series = {West China Broadcasting TV [西部广播电视], No. 4 (2009), p. 244.}, journal = {West China Broadcasting TV [西部广播电视], No. 4 (2009), p. 244.}, abstract = {弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),世界著名的人本主义哲学家和精神分析学大师。毕生旨在修改弗洛伊德的精神分析学说,以切合发生两次世界大战后的西方人精神处境,弗洛姆在此被尊为>精神分析社会学<的奠基人之一。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Xiaodan}, title = {On the Alienation of Modern Man [试论现代人的异化], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zheijiang, China 2009.}, abstract = {随着马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》在1932年的公开发表,有关>异化<问题的讨论和探索在西方学界一直都没有停息。并且,借助于马克思之后的卢卡奇、霍克海默、弗洛姆、马尔库塞等人的研究,西方学界曾一度将对异化问题的研究推向了高潮。随着社会的发展,特别在紧跟西方步伐进行现代化建设的中国的今天,异化问题更加值得关注。一般而言,现代的>异化<已经深入到社会生活和个人日常生活的各个领域,我们无法逃离日常生活,就等于我们无法逃离>异化<本身。本文分别从经济、政治、社会关系、文化心理和生态环境等五个领域描述了异化现象。接着,分析了现代异化的原因是由市场化原则、科学技术的发展、启蒙理性的发展等原因导致。最后,为了克服异化,我们可以尝试通过将价值和艺术整合入科技之中、对社会进行>综合治疗<、中西文化的适当融合等途径。最终,建立一种提供>积极自由的生存状态<的社会,使个人成为自由自觉、全面发展的人。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xue, author = {Xue, Hongxia}, title = {From the Alienation of Human Nature to Revert to Sound Personality - Fromm's Thought [从人性的异化到健全人格的复归 - 弗洛姆人学思想研究], Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, China, 2009.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is the famous 20th century psychologists, sociologists and philosophers, humanist, founder of psychoanalysis. In the field of psychology, psychoanalysis, he is a representative figure of the cultural school of thought and expression persons; in the field of philosophy, he is the Frankfurt School and the >Western Marxism< one representative. His eyes are always concerned about the >helpless people<, Concerned about the alienation of modern man struggling in the mire in the all-pervasive power and ideology under the strangulation of the spirit of the tear, the fate of the personality aberrations. Erich Fromm's theory is the core of modern existence and the plight of the way. His life's work all around the modern industrial goods to survive the economic and social situation of the Azeri state of mind and start to the problem, and he is not concerned about a small number of patients with mental illness or self-realization, but most people survive the difficulties and answer questions. The capitalist society, the phenomenon of alienation of relentless criticism that we clearly recognize that the alienation of human violence, recognize the human loneliness, helplessness, anxiety, recognizing that the loss of our own self is in crisis, at the same time, he also put forward a number of feasible ideas and recommendations, his way to specify a path for the healthy personality and sound reversion of society have made tremendous contributions. In this article, I will be the article is divided into five parts: - The first part of the preamble, to briefly describe Erich Fromm's life and writings, as well as the author writing the background and significance.- The second part, Erich•Fromm's ideological source of the formation of its ideology.- The third part of the alienation of human nature, introduced Erich•Fromm's thinking on the alienation of the theory in detail to clarify Erich•Fromm's capitalist society on the phenomenon of alienation.- A sound personality reversion of Erch Fromm on a sound personality, as well as the community to explain the thinking and analysis of its feasibility.- Erich•Fromm's people thought the theory of meaning and practical significance, Erich•Fromm's thinking on the theoretical and practical significance for analysis to find inspiration and learn from.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yurong}, title = {Character and Moral Judgement - Review of Fromm's Humanistic Ethics and Moral Judgement Theory [弗洛姆价值判断理论述评]}, series = {Journal of Mudanjiang Teachers College (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) [牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2009), pp. 126-128.}, journal = {Journal of Mudanjiang Teachers College (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) [牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 1 (2009), pp. 126-128.}, abstract = {Fromm as a contemporary people of the Ethics home,the new representative of Freud, Freud's critically dynamic character development based on the theory of constructing a humanitarian Ethics value judgement theory. Fromm thinks of a person's moral character rooted in the people, who are in the formation and development of the personality is not free, but the reason and conscience can still help us to find effective and objective judgement on the value of the standard. Therefore, we are moral judgement, should be more understanding and equality, we should not regard themselves as a moral >judges<, it is very harmful. Fromm these views for us in the modern multi-cultural society, how to deal with different values have some enlightenment.}, language = {zh} } @article{YanLi, author = {Yan, Yurong and Li, Wenting}, title = {On E. Fromm's Moral Choice Psychological Theory [弗洛姆的道德选择心理理论]}, series = {Journal of Jiangxi Blue Sky University [江西科技学院学报], No. 4 (2009), pp. 94-96.}, journal = {Journal of Jiangxi Blue Sky University [江西科技学院学报], No. 4 (2009), pp. 94-96.}, abstract = {American social philosopher and psychoanalyst E. Fromm discourses on the moral choice theory from the psychological angle. He is, on one hand, against the conventional freedom of will; and on the other hand, disagrees with determinism. According to his theory, as long as people are aware of the unconscious forces behind behaviors, they can obtain the choosing ability so that the causal sequence in the process of development can be altered. He profoundly analyses the decisive factors and psychological process that influence moral choices, making a great contribution to the theoretical construction and development of moral choice theories. Meanwhile, his theory also gives important enlightenment to people's moral choice behaviors in reality.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yang, author = {Yang, Haifeng}, title = {The Psychological Mechanism of Escape from Freedom in Modern Society - Interpreting >Escape from Freedom< [现代社会中逃避自由的心理机制——读《逃避自由》]}, series = {The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute [江苏行政学院学报], No. 1 (2009), pp. 31-37.}, journal = {The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute [江苏行政学院学报], No. 1 (2009), pp. 31-37.}, abstract = {Freedom is the core idea in modern thought, but the when people pursuing it, they get in a state of anti¬nomy: the when people to get freedom, they feel deeply lonely and unsafe, and because of this, they escape from freedom, even give up freedom, and this is the base of fascism. By unifying Marx's historical materialism and Freud's psychoanalysis, Fromm reveals people's contradictory mental state when confronted with freedom, and Fromm maintains that the way of getting rid of the mental state is making full use of man's creativity and approaching positive freedom. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ye, author = {Ye, Yusang}, title = {Erich Fromm's >The Sane Society<- Theory and Its Enlightenment to the Establishment of Harmonious Society [弗洛姆>健全的社会<理论及其对构建和谐社会的启示], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China 2009.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm is a famous German-American humanism philosopher and psychoanalysis psychologist philosopher, and an important representative figure of Frankfurt School in the 20th century. He devoted all his life to amend Freud's psychoanalysis analysis theory with the westerners' spiritual situation after the two world wars, and was honored as one of the founders of >psychoanalysis sociology<. Fromm regarded >humanistic psychoanalysis< as the weapon, seeing through the capitalist bizarre and motley social phenomenon, criticizing its various kinds of alienation phenomena, setting up a sane society. The book >The Sane Society< concentrated his view and striving direction, the book analyzed and criticized to the alienation phenomenon of the capitalist social being, and proposed the road leading to the sane society. This article consists of three parts.- In the first part, it introduced the society and historical background, and thought source of Erich Fromm's sane society theory.- The second part, also the core part of this paper, mainly introduced the basic theory of Fromm's >The Sane Society<, and provides a brief analysis of the problems of this theory. According to Fromm's theory, a sane society is not just the normal operation of a variety of society functions.- The third part is also the last part and practical significance of this article. Despite the neglect of Fromm's theory to the development of productive forces, the criticism of capitalism isn't profound enough, but it is for the one-sided emphasis on economic growth to correct the abnormal development concept, to establish the idea of people-oriented instructive; for a correct understanding of contemporary capitalism new changes, so that to be a certain reference of the healthy development of the socialist cause. The most importance is, the sane social theory of Fromm is characterized by attention to the spirit of healthy people, which shows that both the sane and harmonious society or community is not just a question of transforming the objective world, but also transformation of people's subjective world, the building of great importance to social development in the process of subjective psychological and spiritual factors, such as avoiding physical and chemical phenomena caused by the vacuum of belief and emotion, that builds a socialist spiritual civilization and harmonious society an important practical significance. The building of a harmonious society cannot be separated from building a harmonious individual. Therefore, our theoretical and practical task is to look into Western theories of social theory, including Erich Fromm one dividing into two, taking analysis, criticism and learn attitude, from Fromm's ideal as a democratic capitalist >sane society< to the real sane utopian society, that is, a harmonious socialist society. In this paper, the last part of the discussion on the harmonious society is the analysis, criticism and learns from the results of the concrete reality.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yong, author = {Yong, An}, title = {What Authority Should You Obey? [你该服从怎样的权威?]}, series = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, journal = {Comprehensive Reading for Students, No. 33 (2009), pp.:10-11.}, abstract = {权威的存在和对权威的服从是人类生活的普遍事实。但人们该服从什么样的权威?20世纪最著名的思想家之一、犹太哲人弗洛姆在其著作《超越幻象之锁链》中回忆了影响他的三个事件:第一个事件是,他的一个朋友在她父亲死后自杀了,并且要求和她父亲一起安葬。他非常不解,为什么会这样?人类的行为背后有什么样的心理奥秘?为什么这些奇怪的行为得以发生?}, language = {zh} } @article{Yuan, author = {Yuan, Luoya}, title = {Material Affluence and Passive Personality - An Analysis of Erich Fromm's Criticism on Modern Industrial Society [物质富足与被动人格——弗洛姆对现代工业社会之批判探析]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science) [重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 86-89.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Social Science) [重庆理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 86-89.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆认为,发达的现代社会并不像众多人所认为的那样健全,而是与以往历史阶段一样,存在着难以攻克的>历史的两歧<,即物质富足与被动人格。通过对机器大生产之奴役、物质财富之枷锁、技术意识形态之幻想的揭露,弗洛姆批判了从众、非怀疑、随大流的思维态势,批判了需要受刺激、受推动、受诱惑的被动人格,提出了对工业社会进行革命,使其人道化的思想。虽然人道主义基础使得弗洛姆思想缺乏马克思那种实践和革命的深度,但他的确揭示出现代西方人普遍存在的生存困境。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zachrisson, author = {Zachrisson, Anders}, title = {Countertransference and changes in the conception of the psychoanalytic relationship}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 177-188.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 3, 2009), pp. 177-188.}, abstract = {The concept of countertransference has a long history in psychoanalysis. This paper sketches the phenomenon referred to by countertransference and the development of the concept, from being signs of disturbance in the analyst to an important road to knowledge about the patient's inner life. The complexity of the questions discussed today - how to understand the concepts of neutrality, abstinence, and empathy; the relative subjective mutuality and symmetry of the analytic situation; the analyst's enactments and self-disclosure of feelings - reflects the complexity of the contemporary view of the patient-analyst relationship. In conclusion, the author presents a model illustrating the disturbing and informative aspects of countertransference together with the conceptual relationship between countertransference on the one hand and empathy and projective identification on the other. Finally, by differentiating between intuitive and irrational levels of functioning, an integrated model for countertransference is presented, synthesising the essence of the concept as it is used today.}, language = {en} } @article{Ze, author = {Ze, Jiacheng}, title = {Analysis of the Modern Japanese Concept of Personal Responsibility [现代日本个人责任观念分析]}, series = {Japan Studies [日本研究], No. 2 (2009), pp. 27-30.}, journal = {Japan Studies [日本研究], No. 2 (2009), pp. 27-30.}, abstract = {现在日本的社会状况是通过解决自我责任的问题来实现社会顺利发展的。笔者认为,在回顾现代日本存在的各种问题时,个人责任的蔓延应该予以高度重视。为什么日本个人责任观念如此深入人心,笔者认为有必要触及到社会结构的变化甚至基于它基础之上的人类存在方式的变迁,本文试图结合弗洛姆、马克思的社会性格概念、马克思的物象化概念来对个人责任的结构等问题进行探究。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zepf, author = {Zepf, Siegfried}, title = {Psychoanalysis and Qualitative Psychotherapy Research - Some Epistemological Remarks}, series = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 645-664.}, journal = {The Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37 (2009), pp. 645-664.}, language = {en} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Haiyun}, title = {Fromm's >Escape from Freedom< Psychological Mechanisms Commentary [弗洛姆逃避自由心理机制的述评]}, series = {Consume Guide [消费导刊], No. 1 (2009), pp. 224, 122.}, journal = {Consume Guide [消费导刊], No. 1 (2009), pp. 224, 122.}, abstract = {自由对现代人具有双重含义,人们一方面追求自由,另一方面逃避自由。弗洛姆从自然的角度和历史的角度分析了人们逃避自由心理机制的生成及其表现形式,并指出逃避自由心理机制的解决途径是通过人的创造性活动,走向积极自由。他的理论,虽然是建立在抽象人性论基础上,但对我国现代化建设具有一定借鉴意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Lei}, title = {Fromm's >Love< Theory [弗洛姆>爱<的理论述评]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Hunan Medical University [湖南医科大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2009), pp. 1-3.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Hunan Medical University [湖南医科大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2009), pp. 1-3.}, abstract = {异化和爱是弗洛姆人本主义思想的三个基本问题,而爱的理论则是弗洛姆人本主义思想的重要内容和归宿。弗洛姆把>爱<看成是消除和克服人的异化,医治资本主义社会病态的>灵丹妙药<。考察和分析弗洛姆关于爱的根源、爱的本质、爱的要素和爱的能力等思想,我们不难发现:一方面,弗洛姆>爱<的理论中包含着合理的成分,其中有可资借鉴的价值;另一方面,这一理论又是不切实际的,具有抽象性和阶级局限性。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Lu}, title = {Fromm's Humanity Alienation Theory and Comprehensive Human Development [弗洛姆的人性异化理论与人的全面发展]}, series = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 8 (2009), pp. 105-108.}, journal = {Foreign Theoretical Trends [国外理论动态], No. 8 (2009), pp. 105-108.}, abstract = {德裔美籍思想家埃里希•弗洛姆(ErichFromm)是现代西方著名的新人道主义伦理学家、新精神分析心理学家、西方马克思主义理论家。他敏锐地洞察到,在现代资本主义社会社会生产虽有巨大发展,物质财富也不再匮乏,但人们生活得并不幸福,人们孤独、不安、机械化,人们同自己、同他人、同自然日渐分离,人被全面异化。弗洛姆的目标就是要构建人本主义伦理学,以促成>健全的社会<,消除其对人的压抑,使人的创造性潜能得以充分发挥,从而实现人的全面发展,达到真正意义上的人与自身的统一。一、人与自身相分离的生存现状:人类>生存的两歧<及全面异化自从人类有了自我意识之后,便意识到了自己面对这个强悍世界时的软弱无力,看到了人}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Mei}, title = {Unbearable Freedom: On the Heroine in >The House of Mirth< [不能承受之自由:《欢乐之家》中女主人公命运解析] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Shandong Literature [山东文学], No. 6 (2009), pp. 82-83.}, journal = {Shandong Literature [山东文学], No. 6 (2009), pp. 82-83.}, abstract = {迪丝•华顿的《欢乐之家》反映了十九世纪末和二十世纪初美国妇女的社会地位和现状,本文探讨了主人公丽莉的境遇和她为自由进行的抗争,并利用社会心理学家弗罗姆逃避自由的理论,剖析了女主人公以死亡结束命运的必然性}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xianghong}, title = {Analysis of Love Education for College Students [试析大学生的爱情教育]}, series = {Exam Weekly [考试周刊], No. 34 (2009), pp. 202-204.}, journal = {Exam Weekly [考试周刊], No. 34 (2009), pp. 202-204.}, abstract = {面对大学生的恋爱现状,高校应重视对大学生进行爱情教育,弗洛姆关于爱的理论对大学生的爱情教育有现实的借鉴意义。爱情教育的目的在于形成健康的爱情观,本文具体分析了大学生的爱情教育。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Xinying}, title = {Variations on the Margin - The Homosexual Dimension of Tennessee Williams' Plays [边缘上的变奏 - 田纳西•威廉斯剧作中同性恋维度的精神分析], Doctoral dissertation, English Language and Literature, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 2009 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {作为美国二战后最著名的剧作家之一,田纳西•威廉斯以其不朽的艺术成就成为美国及世界剧坛的奇葩。在长达50年之久的戏剧创作生涯中,他奉献剧作七十余部,作品不同程度地受到了人们的热烈称颂和赞誉。《玻璃动物园》是他迈向成功的第一部作品,剧作中,他将饱含浓郁诗情色彩的现实主义引入了美国剧坛;《欲望号街车》堪称为性与心理完美结合的典范,极大地丰富了美国的文化意蕴;《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》则对政治与性道德进行了大胆地追问。近年来一度被视作其败笔的后期剧作脱颖而出成为评论界瞩目的焦点。田纳西为美国及世界戏剧文化做出的巨大贡献使其先后获得普利策奖、纽约剧评家协会奖、托尼奖等诸多文学奖项,并最终奠定了他在美国乃至世界剧坛的地位。《剑桥文学指南》的编辑者马修•路德恩在评述美国二十世纪的剧作家时提到:>田纳西•威廉斯在美国剧坛的中心地位并非时序使然,而是在于他的戏剧想象力。<然而,这位以其独特创作风格丰富美国及世界舞台的戏剧大师却备受争议。由于威廉斯本人复杂、>病态<的生活经历、作品中荒诞离奇的戏剧情节以及性、暴力、疯癫等敏感的戏剧主题,他曾一度被排斥在美国主流文化之外,一些评论家对其剧作大加贬斥,认为他的剧作道德败坏、有失伦常。因此,当这位戏剧大师离世之时,琳达•瓦恩纳在《今日美国》中对之给予这样的评价:>当听说田纳西•威廉斯刚刚在楼上去世时,没有人在打听他是谁……当然,名声并不能说明什么,但现代剧作家中再也找不出一位像威廉斯这样复杂而又生动地影响美国意识的剧作家了。尽管他的吸毒、酗酒、同性恋和后期剧作的失败是众所周知的,但他的那些获奖作品却依然存在,这正是匕首与诗歌同存的有着缺陷的人性的体现。<威廉斯在美国和世界剧坛的巨大影响力及其剧作的负面评论显示了一个不争的事实:蕴含于威廉斯剧作中丰富的人性内涵深深地触动了现代人脆弱而多感的灵魂,然而扑朔迷离的人物以及迷幻的语言风格使其剧作晦涩难懂,长期以来遭到误读。鉴于此,有必要对威廉斯剧作进行全面解读以期挖掘出其中更深层次的思想内涵。与同时代的其他两位戏剧大师尤金•奥尼尔和阿瑟•米勒一样,威廉斯也十分关注处于精神迷惘的现代人的内心世界,但不同的是,他所关注的是那些形形色色无法融入主流社会的边缘人群,剧作中,他竭力展现这些>有缺陷的人<那饱受痛苦煎熬的灵魂。追本溯源,威廉斯在其剧作中对于边缘群体的热切关注源自于患有同性恋恐惧症的美国社会带给他这个>性倒错<者的创伤与痛苦。因此,威廉斯剧作中的主旋律必定是与他边缘的性身份紧密相关的边缘思想。威廉斯的个人经历与美国社会政治文化背景对其作品的影响使其剧作中同性恋的表达十分复杂,这一复杂性要求必须在充分考虑到文学评论的四大要素,既作品、作家、世界、读者的基础上,从与作品相关的社会、文化、政治等方面入手对其剧作进行全方位、多层面的解读。经过严密的论证,精神分析发展的重要里程碑—弗洛伊德的个体心理学、弗洛姆的社会心理学、荣格的分析心理学以及拉康的后现代精神分析顺次成为论文的理论框架。于是,同性恋为研究对象,精神分析为研究方法,威廉斯边缘思想体系为研究目的,共同演绎了这篇《边缘上的变奏:威廉斯剧作中同性恋维度的精神分析》。弗洛伊德的个体心理学主张通过作家与作品的关系进行文学研究,认为梦的形成与文学创作有异曲同工之妙。鉴于梦的隐义可以通过梦的显像来表达,那么威廉斯作品中显现的作为同性恋艺术家的自画像则成为探索他个人边缘感的主要渠道。威廉斯的剧作大多是情感性自传,并非他个人经历的真实展现而是其心理世界的反映。剧作中,他情不自禁地将自己的边缘情结投射在剧中人物身上:早期剧作中,这位年轻的剧作家将女性人物视为他的情感之根;麦卡锡时代,作家的使命感敦促这位成熟的剧作家将面戴神秘面纱的自我送上了为边缘人群寻求救赎希望的神圣之旅;当社会对同性恋的态度有所缓和时,威廉斯的生命和艺术之火已渐渐燃尽,于是他在作品中留下一份空间,期望在真实自我的寻求中重返艺术世界。这些游弋于作品中鲜活的人物形象所汇聚而成的威廉斯作为同性恋艺术家的自画像向我们展示了威廉斯的个人边缘感。弗洛姆的社会心理学探讨的是社会如何利用社会无意识对个体意识进行控制的,这为探讨威廉斯流于作品中的社会层面的边缘感打开了方便之门。在推崇异性恋的社会里,同性恋被视为一个规避的存在,这种内化了的同性恋恐惧症使大多数社会成员神经过敏,致使同性恋这一群体痛苦地挣扎在主流社会的边缘之上。剧作中,威廉斯在表达他个人边缘感的同时,也通过从多角度展现社会强加给同性恋的心理创伤来表达同性恋作为边缘群体的边缘感:所有的社会成员在内化了的同性恋恐惧症这一社会无意识的作用下孤立、排斥同性恋;出于对排斥的恐惧,备受压抑的同性恋只能选择逃亡作为他们的出路;然而不幸的是,正是逃亡使他们陷入了无尽的孤独之中。由此,在见证威廉斯作为一个成熟的剧作家如何将个人情感转化为艺术情感的过程中我们领略到了他社会层面的边缘感。威廉斯的剧作中饱含大量的神话和原型。对他而言,神话和原型具有极强的象征意义,是很>自然的戏剧语言<,威廉斯由此展现了他对世界的感知。荣格的原型理论认为,神话和原型代表了人类最普遍的情感,因而具有文化的内涵。剧作中,他在描绘主流文化所推崇的二元对立模式下残缺不全的世界的同时,竭力凸显他构建的以和谐、相容为文化理念的理想世界:在个人意识的范围内,他摒弃了精神与肉体的分裂、呼唤完整的人性;在两性世界里,他打破了两性的界限,崇尚双性同体;看到同自然的分离是人类痛苦的根源,他表达了逃离这个腐朽社会、与自然和谐相容的美好愿望。两种文化模式下两个世界的对比彰显了他对异于主流文化的同性恋边缘文化所做的贡献。福柯认为,语言是各种权利运作的载体,运用探索无意识与语言关系的拉康后现代精神分析对威廉斯剧作中同性恋话语的解读可以使我们充分体会到他在剧作中所表现的对于主流话语的独特的应对机制,其作品语言风格的流动可以看成是美国社会政治气候及其文学地位变化的晴雨表:早期剧作中模棱两可的语言显示他>欲语还羞<;麦卡锡时代,既得的文学地位使他得以在作品中构建同性恋新形象来对抗主流话语对同性恋形象的贬损:石墙事件以后,和其他同时代的作家一样,威廉斯采用了直言不讳的表述方法,与此同时,他还调动各种戏剧手段作为语言符号来表现同性恋的心理问题。剧作中语言风格的变化展示了威廉斯政治层面的边缘感。至此,这部为徜徉于威廉斯剧作中的边缘思想而唱响的以同性恋为主题的精神分析的变奏曲终于落下了帷幕:威廉斯所热衷的自我表述将我们带进了他的内心世界,使我们可以真实地探求他作为一个同性恋无法融入主流社会的边缘感;作为同性恋艺术家的>非个人化<将我们的目光引向了他剧作中所描述的和他一样生活在社会边缘的同性恋群体,在对其进行剖析的过程中,我们深切地感受到了蕴含其中的浓郁的社会意识;神话和原型增强了威廉斯剧作的普遍性,这使威廉斯得以在作品中构建一个与现实世界相抗衡的理想世界,由此为被主流文化所不容的同性恋文化做出了贡献;对威廉斯流动变化的写作风格的研读使我们的嗅到了其中强烈的政治味道。这样,四个理论节点所形成的四个变奏,既论文的四个部分交相辉映形成了这部变奏曲的多彩乐章。尽管威廉斯的作品频频受到非议,但近半个多世纪以来,观众及读者对之兴趣依然不减。一些曾因威廉斯戏剧而名声大噪的演员如马龙•白兰度、保罗•纽曼、杰西卡•唐迪至今依然令人难以忘怀;他诗性妙曼的语言依然回响在舞台上;他笔下栩栩如生的人物还扣动着观众与读者的心弦。如今,威廉斯已离世二十余载,其剧作在世界舞台上又开始了新一轮的巡演,其戏剧研究也日渐趋热。威廉斯戏剧的再热不仅从一个侧面论证了其剧作强大的艺术生命力和感染力,而且从某种程度上也显示出他笔下的那些形形色色在道德和人性上错位的边缘群体在这个多元化的时代终于唤起了人们的广泛关注,这些人物所展现的苟存于主流文化之中的生活方式和边缘文化意识都有待于我们对之进行重新鉴赏和审视,去挖掘其中所蕴含的超越于时空的丰富的思想内涵。希望本论文所提供的独特的理论视角可以为此方面的研究打开一个局面,从而为日益多彩的威廉斯戏剧研究抹上浓重而真实的一笔。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhang, author = {Zhang, Yuqin}, title = {Contemporary >Freedom< Confusion - >Escape from Freedom< Mass Psychology Thoughts of Contemporary Chinese Society [当代人的>自由<困惑——用弗洛姆>逃避自由<思想解析中国当代社会民众心理]}, series = {Vicissitudes [沧桑], No. 2 (2009), pp. 153-154.}, journal = {Vicissitudes [沧桑], No. 2 (2009), pp. 153-154.}, abstract = {弗洛姆是西方马克思主义的重要代表人物,学术贡献之一是对人类自由进行了独到的剖析,指出在追求自由的进程中,人类摆脱了封建的束缚,却迎来了新的羁绊,处于困境中的现代人出现了极力逃避自由的反常现象。当前,我国社会民众心理也存在着极力逃避自由的现象,成为我国社会发展必须关注的问题。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Jing}, title = {On Fromm's Theory of Alienation [弗洛姆异化理论探析]}, series = {Journal of Huzhou Teachers College [湖州师范学院学报], No. 6 (2009), pp. 72-74.}, journal = {Journal of Huzhou Teachers College [湖州师范学院学报], No. 6 (2009), pp. 72-74.}, abstract = {>Alienation< is a central concept Fromm used to analyze the character of the capitalist social system. He held that the root causes of alienation not only because of the capitalist economic system but also because of human existence and the nature of contradictions. To overcome alienation, we have the need for psychological revolution and social revolution. Fromm's theory of alienation reflects a strong spirit of critical realism, gives us the reference and inspiration.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Liming}, title = {Fromm's Psychological Theory of Alienation and Its Implications [弗洛姆的心理异化理论及其启示], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2009.}, abstract = {On the basis of the combination of Karl Marx's theory of alienation and Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis, Erich Fromm discovers and analyzes psychological alienation of people who are in developed industrial society. He also points out the method to solve the problem of psychological alienation. Erich Fromm believes that psychological alienation of people who are in developed industrial society embodies the avoidance of freedom, the alienation of character structure, the living style emphasizing the possession and neglecting subsistence. The chief reason lies in the alienation of human nature. In order to solve the problem of psychological alienation, sound characteristics and perfect society must be established with love and rationality.- Erich Fromm's theory of psychological alienation has theoretical and realistic significance of deepening the study of modern practical philosophy, breaking the restriction of Commodity Fetishism under market economy, solving the subsistence problem and fulfilling the all-round development of people. Erich Fromm's theory of psychological alienation enriches and develops psychology and the theory of alienation. It upholds the banner of humanism and reflects the spirit of critical realism. On the other hand, there is paradox and Utopianism in his theory.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Ling}, title = {The Research of Fromm's Theory about Love [关于弗洛姆爱的理论研究], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2009.}, abstract = {Fromm is an American famous philosopher, psychologists and ethicists in the 20th century, and he is an important representative of the Frankfurt School. Love about the theory is the core of Fromm's ethics. This article is divided into three chapters to discuss the Fromm's theory about love.- The first chapter tells the background and theoretical foundation of Fromm's theory about love, and then discusses the entire theoretical system of the love theory of Fromm's: Pointed out that the love is a kind of art and ability, in essence, a >given< and the practice of love. Lastly, it also discusses the love that including universal love, motherly love, sexes love, the God of love. All forms of love are included the basic elements, such as concern, responsibility, respect and understanding and so on.- In the second chapter, we compared Fromm's theory about love with the other love theory by comparing method, which explained the difference and contact between them. At last reveals philosophic meaning of Fromm's love theory.- In the third chapter, pointing out the limitations and inadequacy by reflection of Fromm's theory about love. In the finally, summing up the rationality and practical significance of Fromm's theory about love.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Liwei}, title = {Quest for Happy Life under Positive Freedom - An Interpretation on the Theme of Freedom in the >Golden Notebook<, Master thesis [在能动自由下寻求幸福生活 - 论《金色笔记》中的自由主题], English Language and Literature, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2009, 71 pp. [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {Doris Lessing (born 1919) is one of the most outstanding British female writer and the Noble Prize winner of 2007. The Golden Notebook which was published in 1962 is her masterpiece. The thesis clearly shows the theme of the novel-freedom, on the basis of Erich Fromm's views on freedom put forward in Escape from Freedom 1941. Free women are far away from positive freedom. And modern men feel anxious and restless in their mind. Mental puzzlement makes the acclaimed free women fall into negative freedom. After realizing their negative freedom, the characters in the novel use all kinds of mechanisms to get rid of their mental burdens, but all that they did were in vain. Human beings should accept their state actively, love the world and people without rewards and work spontaneously in order to get happiness.- Using this new perspective, I want to reveal the novel's social value and realistic meaning.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhao, author = {Zhao, Qin}, title = {On the Annoyance and the >Art of Loving< by Fromm [论烦恼与弗洛姆《爱的艺术》]}, series = {Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University (Social Science Edition) [西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 3 (2009), pp. 69-73.}, journal = {Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University (Social Science Edition) [西安石油大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 3 (2009), pp. 69-73.}, abstract = {In the fields of philosophy, annoyance is almost the permanent topic. Fromm attempted to define the root of annoyance as the loneliness from the perspective of psychology. There are various ways of getting rid of loneliness, the ideal combined way of which is the mature love. It is thought that how to gain the mature love involves the following aspects: the first is to have mature personality, in other words, to have high self-recognition and creativity; the second is that human should know the spirit cleaning, namely keep attention concentrated and have brain sensible and awaken; the final is to gain the capacity of love by overcoming the self-love, and having rational belief and active activity.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Guihua}, title = {>The Love between Parents and Children< Classroom Record [《父母与孩子之间的爱》课堂实录]}, series = {Chinese Language Learning [语文学习], No Z1 (2009), pp. 103-107.}, journal = {Chinese Language Learning [语文学习], No Z1 (2009), pp. 103-107.}, abstract = {时间:2009年4月9日学生:上海市南汇中学高三化学班师:今天我们讲《父母与孩子之间的爱》,课前我已经请大家将文章再看一遍(板书题目),把自己的摘要预习作业再修改一下。这篇文章的作者是谁?生:弗罗姆。(板书)师:是一个什么样的人?生:哲学家。师:这是文章的基本信息。下面我们来交流预习作业。谁先来把你的预习作业(说明:200字 …}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Jinghua}, title = {Analysis of the Structure of the Subconscious Psychological Law [守法心理结构的潜意识探析]}, series = {The 12th National Academic Conference of Psychology, November 5, 2009, Jinan, China, in: [Proceedings] Twelfth National Academic Conference of Psychology, Collection of Abstracts [第十二届全国心理学学术大会论文摘要集] (2009), p. 437.}, journal = {The 12th National Academic Conference of Psychology, November 5, 2009, Jinan, China, in: [Proceedings] Twelfth National Academic Conference of Psychology, Collection of Abstracts [第十二届全国心理学学术大会论文摘要集] (2009), p. 437.}, abstract = {守法心理结构是守法行为的内在根据,探讨守法心理结构的起源、形成和发展具有重要的现实意义,有利于社会成员法律社会化的形成,有利于维护社会的稳定发展。本文主要从潜意识理论的角度出发分析守法心理结构的起源及其发展变化过程,这里的潜意识包括弗洛伊德的个体潜意识、荣格的集体潜意识和弗洛姆社会潜意识。从一方面分析,集体潜意}, language = {zh} } @article{Zheng, author = {Zheng, Yan}, title = {Depersonalization on Internet from Psychological Perspective - From Fromm to Rollo May}, series = {Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院], No. 2 (2009), pp. 28-31.}, journal = {Journal of Harbin University [哈尔滨学院], No. 2 (2009), pp. 28-31.}, abstract = {Depersonalization in a community group is the research subject of socio-psychology. With the popularity of Internet, in recent years, people give up their personality in the Internet context. Although this phenomenon attracts more attention, there is less theoretical discussion. In fact, Fromm (psycho-analysis) and Rollo May (humanism) have discussed the cause such phenomenon from personality perspective. Based on their theory, the personality dive for depersonality is discussed in this paper.}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Xiaomei}, title = {Interpretation of Zhang Ailing's >Cao Qiqiao< from Fromm's Theory of Personality and Personality Type Theory [从弗洛姆的人格理论和性格类型理论看张爱玲笔下的曹七巧形象 ] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half)[安徽文学(下半月)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 75-76.}, journal = {Anhui Literature (The Second Half)[安徽文学(下半月)], No. 9 (2009), pp. 75-76.}, abstract = {张爱玲的《金锁记》着力表现的是市民出身的姜家二少奶奶曹七 巧悲剧的一生。病态的社会和低下的家庭出身是她人格变异的根本原因,她是施虐狂和破坏狂,她对人心存疑虑,是弗洛姆关于性格类型理论中的典型的>贮藏型< 形象,本文试图以弗洛姆的人格理论和性格类型理论来分析曹七巧形象,以揭示曹七巧人生悲剧的真正原因。}, language = {zh} } @article{ZhuHe, author = {Zhu, Xia and He, Qizong}, title = {Humanistic View of Teacher [人本主义的教师观]}, series = {Education Research Monthly [教育学术月刊], No. 10 (2009), pp. 6-9.}, journal = {Education Research Monthly [教育学术月刊], No. 10 (2009), pp. 6-9.}, abstract = {The school of humanistic psychology has published many unique and valuable views on teachers, which are of great significance to the reform and development of teacher education in China. The article analyzes the views of Fromm, Maslow, Rogers and other humanistic psychologists on the role of teachers, teacher quality and teacher education, and reveals the implications of their views on teachers to the development of teacher education in China. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{Zimmerman, author = {Zimmerman, D.}, title = {>Avoir ou {\^e}tre<, une r{\´e}flexion {\`a} l'{\`e}re post-frommienne}, series = {Moneta. Le journal pour un usage diff{\´e}rent de l'argent, Olten No. 2 (23. Juni 2009), p. 11.}, journal = {Moneta. Le journal pour un usage diff{\´e}rent de l'argent, Olten No. 2 (23. Juni 2009), p. 11.}, language = {fr} } @article{OPUS4-35054, title = {Fatal violence - from trauma to offence: A case study in forensic psychotherapy and trauma therapy with a migrant patient}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 1, 2009), pp. 042-048.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 18 (No. 1, 2009), pp. 042-048.}, abstract = {That persons who are objects of violence and traumatisation become offenders themselves is a typical feature of ill-fated cycles of violence in countries torn by fierce political, ethnic, and religious conflicts. Some refugees and migrants with this background present a challenge to forensic psychotherapy when they continue such patterns of physical force and criminal behaviour in a host country like Germany, and are found to be either not responsible or of diminished responsibility for their criminal acts by reason of mental disorders or addictions. Their offences create a critical legal situation for them, since they are threatened with deportation. At the same time, their clinical condition is critical, for they were possibly subjected to traumatic experiences by authorities in their past; their cooperation in the treatment can seriously affect their legal status. Finding a way out of these complications has to take these special factors into account. Our paper focuses on the case study of a refugee from North Africa, illustrating a model of cooperation in forensic inpatient treatment, special trauma therapy (narrative exposure therapy), and expert testimony.}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-5899, title = {Die Frankfurter Schule und Frankfurt. Eine R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland, Frankfurt (Wallstein) 2009.}, editor = {Boll, M. and Gross, R.}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-10208, title = {Erich Fromm als Therapeut. Fr{\"u}here Sch{\"u}ler erinnern sich an seine Praxis der Psychoanalyse, Gießen (Psychosozial-Verlag) 2009.}, editor = {Funk, Rainer}, language = {de} } @book{OPUS4-10209, title = {The Clinical Erich Fromm. Personal Accounts and Papers on Therapeutic Technique, Amsterdam and New York (Rodopi Publisher), 2009.}, editor = {Funk, Rainer}, language = {en} } @book{OPUS4-10210, title = {Erich Fromm - Mein Glaube an den Menschen, ausgew{\"a}hlt und eingef{\"u}hrt von Rainer Funk, D{\"u}sseldorf (Patmos) 2009.}, editor = {Funk, Rainer}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-28425, title = {Understanding Depression. A Translational Approach. Oxford (Oxford University Press) 2009.}, editor = {Pariante, C. M. and et al.,}, language = {en} }