@article{FriedmanDowney, author = {Friedman, Richard C. and Downey, Jennifer I.}, title = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), 005-022.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), 005-022.}, language = {en} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Obreros y empleados en v{\´e}speras del Tercer Reich, Un an{\´a}lisi psicol{\´o}gico-social, Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, 431 pp.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {es} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Aggression. Warum ist der Mensch destruktiv? Pocket-Book 22. Freiburg (Centaurus Verlag) 2012, 50 pp. [Vgl. Fromm 1976e]}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {de} } @book{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {co-authored by D. T. Suzuki: Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Muistoja tohtori D. T. Suzukista}, series = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 7-11.}, journal = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 7-11.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Psykoanalyysi ja Zenbuddhalaisuus}, series = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 99-174.}, journal = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 99-174.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Rationale und irrationale Autorit{\"a}t}, series = {Standpunkte der Ethik. Lehrerband, Paderborn (Sch{\"o}ningh) 2012, p. 177. [= E. Fromm, 1947a, GA II, pp. 10 f.]}, journal = {Standpunkte der Ethik. Lehrerband, Paderborn (Sch{\"o}ningh) 2012, p. 177. [= E. Fromm, 1947a, GA II, pp. 10 f.]}, number = {partial reprint / Teilabdruck}, language = {de} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Entgrenzung des Menschen, Freiburg (Centaurus Verlag) 2012, 52 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{Gao, author = {Gao, Ni}, title = {Theory of Marx's Humanism [人本主义对马克思人的学说的丰富和完善]}, series = {Intelligence [才智], No. 2 (2012), pp. 220-221.}, journal = {Intelligence [才智], No. 2 (2012), pp. 220-221.}, abstract = {本文通过对马克思对于人得一些见解以及弗洛姆、马斯洛等一些人本主义学者对于>人<的本质的一系列的探讨,结合马克思主义在具体实践中所出现的关于人的方面一些问题,做一些对于人得发展的思考。}, language = {zh} } @book{Gholamasad, author = {Gholamasad, Dawud}, title = {Irans neuer Umbruch. Von der Liebe zum Toten zur Liebe zum Leben. Soziologische Diskurse, Hannover (Ecce Verlag), 109 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{GlucksmanKramer, author = {Glucksman, Myron L. and Kramer, Milton}, title = {Initial and Last Manifest Dream Reports of Patients in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Combined Psychotherapy/Pharmacotherapy}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 617-634}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 617-634}, language = {en} } @article{Gong, author = {Gong, Jing}, title = {>Catch-22< in the Ethics of Love [《第二十二条军规》中爱的伦理] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Writer Magazine [作家], No. 10 (2012), pp. 26-27.}, journal = {Writer Magazine [作家], No. 10 (2012), pp. 26-27.}, abstract = {《第二十二条军规》反映了现代社会中人性的异化,海勒试图通过这本小说探索人的出路问题。本文结合弗洛姆的伦理思想,解读该小说中海勒对爱的思考和对人类生存处境的人性关怀。}, language = {zh} } @article{GonzalesAlmarez, author = {Gonz{\´a}les Almarez, Evangelina}, title = {Escuela de Psicolog{\´i}a. Terapia breve. La vida aut{\´e}ntica, Essay, Centro de Ensenanza T{\´e}chnica y Superior (Cetys Universidad), Mexicali, Mexico 2014.}, language = {es} } @article{Grosvenor, author = {Grosvenor, Peter}, title = {Escape from Theology: Theistic and Nontheistic Religion in the Socialist Humanism of Erich Fromm}, series = {Ricci, G. R. (Ed.), Politics in Religion (Religion \& Public Life, Vol. 38), New Brunswick (Transaction Publishers) 2012, pp. 33-58.}, journal = {Ricci, G. R. (Ed.), Politics in Religion (Religion \& Public Life, Vol. 38), New Brunswick (Transaction Publishers) 2012, pp. 33-58.}, language = {en} } @misc{Guan, author = {Guan, Jian}, title = {The Study of the Western Marxist Theories of Alienation [西方马克思主义异化理论研究], PhD thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2012.}, abstract = {理论的生命力深深地扎根于现实的土壤中,异化理论之所以倍受关注,是因为现代人仍未摆脱异化的生存境况。在资本主义社会中,异化所达到的程度远远超出马克思在自由资本主义时代描绘的异化劳动的范围,生活在当代资本主义条件下的人,经常处于剥削、失业、破产、危机和战争的威胁之中,感受着孤独、疏远、恐惧、绝望和多种焦虑心理的折磨,异化已经成为令人忧虑且十分普遍的社会现象。因此,正视当今社会存在的异化问题,比较西方马克思主义的异化研究与马克思的劳动异化理论之不同,探索克服异化的途径和方法,不仅可以丰富马克思的异化理论,而且可以赋予异化理论以新的时代内容。论文主要采用历史分析和逻辑分析相结合的方法和比较法。首先通过对西方马克思主义异化理论的历史考察,对其思想内容及其历史地位作出说明,揭示西方马克思主义异化理论在不同时期的继承性和差异性,突出其思想的系统性和逻辑性;其次,通过比较西方马克思主义异化理论与马克思异化理论的共同点和区别,详细分析当今西方发达国家与资本主义发展初期异化的不同表现。论文主要研究了以下几方面的内容:首先,考察西方马克思主义异化理论的思想渊源。包括霍布斯、卢梭、费希特、黑格尔、费尔巴哈的异化理论,重点分析马克思的异化理论。其次,概括西方马克思主义异化理论的发展脉络。包括早期西方马克思主义代表人物卢卡奇的异化理论、法兰克福学派霍克海默的理性异化观、马尔库塞的总体异化理论、弗洛姆的人的异化理论、哈贝马斯的交往异化理论、芬伯格的技术异化理论,还有存在主义萨特和列斐伏尔的异化理论及生态学马克思主义的代表人物阿格尔、莱易斯、奥康纳的异化理论,进而形成系统的、全面的西方马克思主义的异化理论。再次,依据上述理论观点,探讨当今社会异化的各种形式及相关内容,重点研究异化的本质、产生根源、主要表现、严重后果及消除异化的基本途径,特别是分析技术异化、交往异化、日常生活异化、消费异化、文化异化等各种异化产生的时代背景及它们之间错综复杂的关系,分析诸种异化造成的人的生存困境,探索人类社会发展与异化的关系,探究克服异化的方式。最后,分析西方马克思主义异化理论的成绩和局限。探索西方马克思主义异化理论对马克思异化理论的丰富与发展、比较马克思异化理论与西方马克思主义异化理论的不同,指出西方马克思主义异化理论的片面性与乌托邦性。与马克思所生活的时代相比,生产异化已不是最主要的异化,消费异化成为今天异化的主要内容,与此同时,科技异化和交往异化也是不可忽视的,这些在当今西方发达国家出现的异化现象值得我们反思和借鉴,西方马克思主义异化理论对我国现代化进程具有重要的启示。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Guo, author = {Guo, Min}, title = {Mental Health Research Viewed from the Perspective of General Problem-Solving [广义问题解决视野下的心理健康研究], Doctoral dissertation, Philosophy of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 2912.}, abstract = {当今社会,人们的生活节奏不断加快,竞争压力越来越大,来自学习、工作、婚姻、交往等方方面面的问题使得越来越多的人难以应对,严重影响了人们的心理健康。追求心理健康已成为当代社会生活的最重要内容之一。然而,什么是心理健康?心理健康与哪些因素有关?如何才能更好保持心理健康状态呢?无数心理学家仍在寻求这些问题的答案。本文选取广义问题解决的全新视角,提出心理健康就是及时发现并成功解决问题所达到的心理平衡状态。此处的>问题<是广义的,既包括生活当中的各种外部问题(非心理问题),又包括个体内部产生的心理问题(内部问题)。广义问题解决指包括发现问题、评价问题、选择问题和解决问题在内的全过程。心理健康与个人(先天遗传因素与后天发展因素)、社会(家庭环境、学校教育、工作单位、社会氛围、互联网络等)、文化等多种因素密切相关。当任何因素导致个体无法成功解决生活中的种种外部问题时,就可能产生心理问题,严重者甚至导致心理疾病。因此要全面理解心理健康、更好保持心理健康,首先必须理清心理健康、心理问题、心理疾病三者之间的关系。什么是心理健康?什么是心理问题?什么是心理疾病?心理健康、心理问题、心理疾病三者之间有着怎样的关系?心理学家如何理解心理健康?为何选取广义问题解决的研究视角?基于广义问题解决的心理健康观有何特点?广义问题解决各环节与心理健康的关系如何?心理问题的成因是什么?解决心理问题的主要途径与基本方式有哪些?本文分六章来讨论以上问题。第一章>心理健康概述<首先考察健康与心理健康的定义及关系,然后考察心理问题的定义、分类及其与心理疾病的区别。接着考察心理疾病的定义。最后探讨心理健康与心理问题、心理疾病之间的相互关系,三者之间可以相互转化,而转化的关键因素在于广义问题解决。第二章>传统心理健康观评析<分别考察精神分析学派、存在-人本主义学派、认知-行为主义学派代表人物的心理健康观。精神分析学派考察了弗洛伊德、阿德勒、荣格、埃里克森、霍妮、弗洛姆的心理健康观。存在-人本主义学派考察了马斯洛、罗杰斯、罗洛•梅、弗兰克的心理健康观。认知-行为主义学派考察了斯金纳、班杜拉、乔治•凯利的心理健康观。以上心理学家向我们展示不同的视角和风格,为我们进行心理健康研究提供了参照和启发。第三章>基于广义问题解决的心理健康观<首先考察基于广义问题解决的心理健康观的特点,接着简述了广义问题解决的四个环节,然后分别探讨了发现问题与心理健康、评价问题与心理健康、选择问题与心理健康、解决问题与心理健康之间的关系,并分别结合典型案例进行具体分析。第四章>问题的分类及其成因<本文根据研究需要将问题划分为外部问题(非心理问题)与内部问题(心理问题)。外部问题主要包括学习成长问题、职业生涯问题、爱情婚姻问题、人际交往问题等,内部问题可根据其成因分为外因为主型心理问题和内因为主型心理问题,或根据其产生的时程分为急性心理问题和慢性心理问题。然后分析了外部问题与内部问题的成因。第五章>心理问题的主要解决途径<分别从个人视角、社会视角和文化视角探讨心理问题的解决途径。个人视角下的心理问题解决主要包括预防心理问题的发生和正确对待心理问题。社会视角下的心理问题解决主要依赖社会支持系统和专业治疗系统。文化视角下的心理问题解决主要运用哲学文化、科学文化、艺术文化和宗教文化所提供的思维方式。第六章>解决心理问题的三种基本方式<论述了顺应、反抗、超越这三种解决心理问题的基本方式,并进行典型案例分析。这三种基本方式并不是截然分开的,而是相互关联的。在心理问题解决的不同阶段、不同层次可能分别用到这三种基本方式。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Guo, author = {Guo, Wenchao}, title = {Women's Freedom Tortured by Existence - Interpretation of the Doctrine of >Summer Bird Cage< [生存对女性自由的拷问 - 对《夏日鸟笼》的人本主义解读], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Ludong University, Yantai, Shandong, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {>A Summer Bird-Cage< (1963) is the virginal novel of Margaret Drabble (b. 1939), the famous contemporary woman writer in Britain. In the novel, Drabble creates two different characters, Sarah and Louise. Though they are sisters, they vary from one another in life value and pursuit. Through the description of their discrepancies, Drabble uncovers the contemporary British women's predicament. Actually, A Summer Bird-Cage undertakes to reveal the true state of contemporary women, whether the women >in the cage< or >outside of the cage<, cannot escape from alienation and loneliness. Previous scholars and critics have done some research on the theories of alienation, freedom and love, for example, the well-known American humanistic psychologist and philosopher in the 20th century, Erich Fromm has made a profound study on them. Furthermore, several scholars and critics make studies on literary works based on the Fromm's theories. As for A Summer Bird-Cage, there are also a lot of studies on it since its publication, though more to be followed in the future, just as what the thesis intends to do. Based on these studies and enlightened by Fromm's theories, the thesis takes A Summer Bird-Cage as the object of study, trying to analyze the contemporary women's predicament in this novel from the aspects of alienation, freedom and love.- In terms of alienation, Drabble shows a panorama of women's dilemma in the contemporary society in A Summer Bird-Cage, and she studies the various conflicts brought about by the materialized society in the course of industrialization, elaborating that the western modern society is suffering from alienation without love. It follows that alienation as a common phenomenon has spread over each corner of the contemporary society.- As far as freedom is concerned, through the common predicament of both married and unmarried women in A Summer Bird-Cage, it reveals that freedom is double-edged as well as marriage. As for freedom, women pursue it, but too much freedom may not contribute to their predicament. As for marriage, it is not only a >cage< with bondage, but also a >bay< for women to escape from freedom. Freedom or marriage seems like a double-edged sword, torturing women's existence at times. Thus, facing freedom, are women supposed to go after it or escape from it? They are at a loss.- As for love, it is the theme running through A Summer Bird- Cage. Fromm has made a profound study on love in contemporary society, and he makes a conclusion that people's alienation and fear of freedom originate from lacking of love. In the novel, both Sarah and Louise don't have the proper understanding of love. Moreover, they live a life without love. All these result in their predicament. Consequently, it may safely be concluded that, >Love is the answer to the problem of human existence< (Fromm 1956: 7). And love can be the satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. While, as for the dilemma brought about by the modern civilization, Drabble fails to point out a way-out, and she lacks the courage to overthrow the alienated and male-dominated society.- However, the open ending of the novel also hints that Drabble may see a pin point light penetrating darkness and a ray of hope beyond despair. The greatness of Margaret Drabble lies in the fact that her works reflect women's social predicament vividly and truly. To a certain degree, Drabble's A Summer Bird-Cage provides with an access to the knowable community by depicting the women intellectuals' life in the contemporary society. Essentially, love is only regarded as a struggle for the women, particularly when their existence is threatened.}, language = {zh} } @article{Haase, author = {Haase, Elizabeth}, title = {Review Louis Breger: A Dream of Undying Fame: How Freud Betrayed his Mentor and Invented Psychoanalysis}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 537-543.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 537-543.}, language = {en} } @article{Hao, author = {Hao, Hongcui}, title = {A Study on Parents' Response to Children's Love for Hero Type Cartoons and Suggestions [对家长就幼儿喜爱英雄型动画片所作出的回应行为的研究及相关建议]}, series = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, journal = {Early Childhood Education [幼儿教育], No. 36 (2012), pp. 40-42.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available.] This study, using questionnaires and interviews, investigates how parents respond to their children's love for the hero type cartoons such as Japanese cartoon >Ultraman<, analyzes the influence their education opinions may have on their response. Based on these, the researcher puts forward some related suggestions. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 8/2021]}, language = {zh} } @misc{HelmbergerFleckl, author = {Helmberger-Fleckl, Doris}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: {\"U}ber die Liebe zum Leben. Rundfunksendungen}, series = {Die Furche, Wien 16. Februar 2012}, journal = {Die Furche, Wien 16. Februar 2012}, abstract = {In seinen Texten geht Fromm verschiedensten Fragen und Problemen auf den Grund: Er fragt etwa nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen dem {\"U}berfluss, in dem unsere Gesellschaft lebt, und dem Gef{\"u}hl des Einzelnen, {\"u}berfl{\"u}ssig zu sein ... oder er beschreibt das 'Fiasko der Religion' ... Trotz komplexer Fragestellungen machen die Texte das Buch zu einem kurzweiligen und interessanten Lesevergn{\"u}gen. Dass auf die Frage 'Wer ist der Mensch? nur eine Ann{\"a}herung und keine eindeutige Antwort m{\"o}glich ist, wird man dabei verschmerzen. [Quelle: Buecher.de]}, language = {de} } @article{Hou, author = {Hou, Zuozhen}, title = {暴力與謀殺的背後:論九把刀恐怖小說中的破壞性人格 [Behind the Violence and Murder: On the Destructive Personality in Jiuzhodao's Horror Novels] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {中國現代文學 [Modern Chinese Literature], Vol. 22 (2012), pp. 215-233.}, journal = {中國現代文學 [Modern Chinese Literature], Vol. 22 (2012), pp. 215-233.}, abstract = {恐怖小說向來被視作通俗文學的範疇,較少受到學界的關注,其實在近代西方文學中,恐怖小說佔有重要的位置;在台灣,恐怖小說也有它發展的歷史,並具有特殊的社會文化意涵。本文以台灣網路作家九把刀的恐怖小說為探討對象,他的小說常出現荒謬的謀殺和暴力的場景,而人物往往充滿病態暴力的特質,揭示了現代社會的各種破壞性人格,並以血腥顫慄為惡趣。本文試圖探討這些破壞性人格的塑造,除了挑戰想像力和感官刺激的極限,背後是否具有人類生存困境的指涉,以及對現代工業文明社會的諷喻?本文主要借用佛洛姆的「破壞性人格三階段說」,來分析這些作品所隱藏的深層涵意,並思索破壞性人格的塑造與台灣的政經現狀之間,可能有怎樣的關聯性。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Hu, author = {Hu, Jingjing}, title = {The Psychological and Aesthetic Significance of Abuse and Masochism [虐待与受虐的心理学美学意义], Master thesis, Literary Theory, Peking University, Beijing, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {埃利希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm:1900-1980)是二十世纪享有盛名的精神分析学家、社会学家,他的许多理论观点发人深省。在他的理论著作《逃避自由》、《健全的社会》等作品中,他给出了这样一种观点:人类社会的发展历程,是各式各样的对自由的逃避,这种种的逃避自由方式,可以叫做对他人的施虐或者受虐的过程。奴隶社会,奴隶与奴隶主之间的关系是互相依赖,他们借助彼此去逃避自由,去获得权力感或放弃自我获得与他人合为一体之感;中世纪的人匍匐在神的脚下,使自己变成神的附属品,交出自己的自由,获得安全感;宗教改革时期,人从出生到死亡都生活在一个被安排好了的环境中,生来注定了职业和地位,因此人也获得了安全感。然而在现代社会,人转而崇拜金钱、权力、名利,把自己交出去,放弃自由换回依赖。施虐与受虐的理论在分析人类社会发展过程上,也许有着偏颇之处,但它依然有着自己的价值。施虐与受虐理论在对>爱<的分析中,有着发人深省的地方。弗洛姆谈到男女之间的爱情,有些是施虐/爱虐式的,这样的爱情,用弗洛姆的理论来看,并不是真正的爱,而是对内心孤独的逃避;父母对子女的爱中也存在这样的误区,父母可能打着爱的名义完全剥夺了子女的自由,这样的爱可以归结为虐待欲——对别人的控制欲。此外,施虐和受虐理论去分析文学艺术作品,也为我们理解文艺作品打开了一扇新的窗口。因此,施虐和受虐理论有着它的实践和理论意义}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ji, author = {Ji, Shuqin}, title = {The Research on Erich Fromm's Thoughts of Human Nature [弗洛姆人性思想研究], Master thesis, Ethics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆是法兰克福学派早期的重要成员,也是弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义流派的核心人物。弗洛姆从现实的社会生活出发来探讨人性,不仅强调生物因素对人性的作用,还重视社会政治经济结构对人性的影响,因此人性在结构上是一种囊括社会属性和自然属性、理性思维和情感意志、群体性和个体性等在内的多层次的总体人性。弗洛姆认为处在现实社会生活之中的个人性善或者性恶,不仅取决于家庭环境、文化氛围、社会环境等多种因素的影响,更重要的是具体个人自身选择的结果。弗洛姆鼓励人们抑恶扬善,努力实现善的潜能或倾向,逐步完善人性。弗洛姆也从生物进化学的角度对人性做出了解读,从人类所特有的生存境遇中来研究人性,提出>人的本质就是人的生存所固有的矛盾<的观点。根据这种生存境遇而产生的种种生存矛盾的不同表现,将此区分为>生存的两歧<和>历史的两歧<。由此出发,认为存在着>相关联的需要、超越的需要、生存根基的需要、自我认同的需要、倾向性与献身方式的需要<等五种心理需要。>性格<这一概念的引入是弗洛姆人性思想的一个重要创举,这根源于马克思把人性分为两类,一是>人的一般本性<,二是根据具体的历史时代情境而>发生了变化的人的本性<的观点。在有关性格<的问题上,他区分了个人性格和社会性格,并且把社会性格看作是经济基础与上层建筑之间一个桥梁或者纽带。这是对马克思主义理论的一个十分重要的补充,也为我们观察社会问题提供了一个崭新的视角。笔者认为,弗洛姆的人性思想,一方面在研究方法、现代社会人心内涵解读等方面存在着历史合理性;另一方面,也存在着对意志、情感等非理性因素作用夸大、思想内在矛盾等诸多理论局限性,这是由弗洛姆综合不同理论思想研究的特质所决定的。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Qian}, title = {An Analysis of Alienation in >The Bluest Eye< [对《最蓝的眼睛》的异化分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2012. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {在当今文坛上,托妮•莫里森是一位极其出色的作家,也是在众多黑人女作家中获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一人。发表于1970年的《最蓝的眼睛》代表着她早期创作的开始。这部小说在展现那些失语的黑人女性的辛酸和苦苦挣扎方面具有极其震撼人心的影响力。在这部作品中,托妮•莫里森深刻地批判了美国的社会、政治、种族歧视和性别歧视。这部作品艺术特色鲜明,如结构新颖、多重叙事角度、象征、隐喻、对比等。这些写作艺术特色吸引着读者,引发读者想象和深思。同时小说与以往的黑人作家着重从政治和经济方面揭示黑人所遭受的歧视和压迫不同,莫里森把自己的注意力更多地投向黑人女性的内心世界。作为一个黑人女作家,托妮•莫里森自身的双重身份使她能走进黑人女性的内心最深处,进而能深刻而细腻地表现黑人女性因长期遭受种族主义和性别歧视的双重压迫而产生的辛酸、苦苦挣扎和扭曲的心理状态。正因为如此,世界上越来越多的人关注她的作品。本论文旨在分析导致异化的各方面的原因以及异化在小说中的表现。本论文共分为导论、正文和结论三大部分。第一部分是导论。主要介绍托妮•莫里森在当今文学史上的地位、主要作品、生活经历,《最蓝的眼睛》的国内外研究现状,本论文研究的方向、独特性及研究的重要意义。国内外以往的学者对于莫里森的研究往往是研究其作品的后殖民主义、女权主义、叙事技巧及艺术特色,但对她作品的异化分析涉及很少,因此本论文结合异化理论对作品进行分析有一定的现实意义。第二部分是正文,由三章组成。第一章着重介绍异化的理论研究、异化主题在西方现代文学中的呈现和莫里森的时代、生活经历以及她的异化主题的建立。本论文的异化主题是基于马克思的异化论、弗洛伊德的心理分析、弗洛姆的人性异化理论,并分析从古希腊到现代每一历史时期异化主题在西方文学中的呈现。本论文结合《最蓝的眼睛》创作时期所特有的历史环境、社会环境,和莫里森本人的生活阅历来论述异化主题的建立,从而说明对《最蓝的眼睛》的异化研究是有一定的理论和现实依据的。第二章具体分析导致异化的原因。《最蓝的眼睛》中的异化特征主要有以下四个原因,分别是:占主导地位的白人文化的影响、爱的缺失、学校教育的失败,以及自我认同感的缺失。黑人日常生活的周围弥漫着对白人文化优越性的宣传,在电视电影中有美丽的白人明星,在糖纸上做广告的是浅肤色的童星,甚至在学校的教材中也有对白人生活完美化的描述。黑人在潜移默化中被白人文化洗脑,渐渐丧失了自己的传统文化,丧失了自我认同感与自信。她们不再爱自己,也没有能力再爱别人,真正地成为与社会格格不入的隐形人。这四个方面原因的总结证明在工业化社会中,人类的异化是有其深层次的根源的,同时表现出在物质高度发展的社会中存在的人性扭曲和精神危机。异化的原因分析应唤起人们的全面发展意识,更加关注心理健康,防止人性异化。第三章探讨异化在该作品中呈现的特征。《最蓝的眼睛》中的异化特征共分为三个部分,分别是家庭成员间关系的异化(包括夫妻关系的异化和父母与子女关系的异化)、社会成员间关系的异化、以及人自我的异化。家庭不再是孩子幸福的港湾,夫妻之间不再互相爱戴,互相关心,取而代之的是漠然和相互鞭打;父母也不再是孩子的保护神,父亲给孩子带来肉体和精神的折磨,母亲对孩子的痛苦无能为力甚至是漠不关心。黑人不仅承受着白人社区带来的伤害,而且默默忍受着本社区同胞邻里之间的漠然和冷漠的态度。黑人是一个弱势群体,本应该坚持自我,互帮互助,齐心协力共同走出困境。然而,这些可怜的人们渐渐地失去自我,失去爱自己爱别人的能力。更糟糕的是,面对自己的处境和别人的无助,他们毫无作为,甚至相互欺凌,试图从弱者的痛苦中得到相对的满足。通过对这些异化特征的分析,现代人的生活困境及精神荒原一目了然。最后一部分是结论,这部分简要总结本论文的研究目的和研究意义。通过对异化的研究,本论文旨在揭示人的异化,展现人类精神世界的荒原。对于中国这个发展中的国家而言,在物质文明快速发展的同时,关注精神文明的建设也是至关重要的。笔者期在通过本论文当代人能在社会中找到自我,关注当代人的精神危机,防止异化。人们只有不再异化,人际关系才能和谐,才能构建社会主义和谐社会。}, language = {zh} } @article{Jiang, author = {Jiang, Tianping}, title = {American Novels in Mid-20th Century [异化中的>屈从性崇拜<——析二十世纪中期美国小说中被异化的疯癫]}, series = {Journal of University of South China (Social Science Edition) [南华大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2012), pp. 118-122.}, journal = {Journal of University of South China (Social Science Edition) [南华大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 1 (2012), pp. 118-122.}, abstract = {20世纪50、60年代的美国文化思潮急剧转变。理性与非理性交替影响时代文学的生成。神经错乱或精神失常形象成为文学创作中一个重要的文学现象。人物形象的生成方面是个体因为与主流社会的差异而抗议,另一类则因欲望对人性的异化造成欲念狂人。弗洛姆认为异化是致人精神失常的重要因素之一。屈从性崇拜是对自身欲望的顺从而丧失自我。被异化的>疯癫<往往具有恶的品质,折射出其背后的作者所批判的时代文化精神。文章罗列各种被异化的形象,分析其表现以及背后的文化成因。}, language = {zh} } @article{JiaoQi, author = {Jiao, Yuliang and Qi, Wunian}, title = {Fromm's Humanistic Ethics View and Our School Moral Reflection [弗洛姆人道主义伦理学视域下对我国学校德育的反思]}, series = {Education Research Monthly [教育学术月刊], No. 4 (2012), pp. 19-21.}, journal = {Education Research Monthly [教育学术月刊], No. 4 (2012), pp. 19-21.}, abstract = {弗洛姆的人道主义伦理学主张通过发展个人潜能来达到道德培育的目的。他批判了权威主义伦理学压抑人性的做法,认为那只会造就破坏性的人格结构;只有发展人的潜能和培养人的自信,才能生产出创造性的人格结构。在当前我国社会上道德问题频发的背景下,人道主义德育理论有助于批判和反思当前教育制度中的权威主义因素,找到解决德育困境的办法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Jimenezetal, author = {Jim{\´e}nez, Xavier and et al.,}, title = {Countertransference in the General Hospital Setting: Implications for Clinical Supervision}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 435-450.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 435-450.}, language = {en} } @article{Josephs, author = {Josephs, Lawrence}, title = {The Adaptive Functions of Sexual Plasticity:   The Suppression and Surreptitious Expression of Human Sociosexuality}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 243-274}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 243-274}, language = {en} } @article{Joyceetal, author = {Joyce, Anthony S. and et al.,}, title = {A Naturalistic Trial of Brief Psychodynamic Therapy for Recurrent Major Depression}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 645-672.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 645-672.}, language = {en} } @article{Judd, author = {Judd, Patricia A.}, title = {Neurocognitive Deficits in Borderline Personality Disorder: Implications for Treatment}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 091-110.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 091-110.}, language = {en} } @article{Kalman, author = {Kalman, Thomas P.}, title = {Review Vamik D. Volkan: Psychoanalytic Technique Expanded:  A Textbook on Psychoanalytic Treatment}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 366-376.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 366-376.}, language = {en} } @article{Kalmanetal, author = {Kalman, Thomas P. and et al.,}, title = {Do Psychopharmacologists Speak to Psychotherapists? A Survey of Practicing Clinicians}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 275-286}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 275-286}, language = {en} } @article{Kamau, author = {Kamau, Caroline}, title = {On Erich Fromm: Why He Left the Frankfurt School}, series = {D. Berry (Ed.), Revisiting the Frankfurt School: Essays on Culture, Media and Theory, London: Ashgate Publishing, 2012, pp. 185-205.}, journal = {D. Berry (Ed.), Revisiting the Frankfurt School: Essays on Culture, Media and Theory, London: Ashgate Publishing, 2012, pp. 185-205.}, language = {en} } @article{Katzetal, author = {Katz, Debra A. and et al.,}, title = {The Cost of Chronic Stress in Childhood: Understanding and Applying the Concept of Allostatic Load}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 469-480.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 469-480.}, language = {en} } @article{Kestenbaum, author = {Kestenbaum, Clarice J.}, title = {Childhood Precursors of Personality Disorders: Evaluation and Treatment}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 111-130.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 111-130.}, language = {en} } @article{Kirsch, author = {Kirsch, Thomas B.}, title = {Review C.G. Jung: The Red Book (also known as Liber Novus, edited by Sonu Shamdasani)}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 350-353.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 350-353.}, language = {en} } @article{Kozlarek, author = {Kozlarek, Oliver}, title = {Humanismus als Kritik, Erich Fromms >Homo negans< und die sch{\"o}pferische Liebe in der humanistischen Psychologie}, series = {Straub, J. (Ed.), Der sich selbst verwirklichende Mensch: {\"U}ber den Humanismus der Humanistischen Psychologie, Bielefeld (Transcript Verlag) 2012, pp. 153-178.}, journal = {Straub, J. (Ed.), Der sich selbst verwirklichende Mensch: {\"U}ber den Humanismus der Humanistischen Psychologie, Bielefeld (Transcript Verlag) 2012, pp. 153-178.}, language = {de} } @article{Lefer, author = {Lefer, Jay}, title = {Review Otto Kernberg: The Inseparable Nature of Love and Aggression - Clinical and Theoretical Perspectives}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 693-695-}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 693-695-}, language = {en} } @misc{Leng, author = {Leng, Yandan}, title = {An Analysis of Zweig's Novels from the Perspective of Fromm's Theory [茨威格小说的弗洛姆式解读], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen, Shanxi, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Zweig left us with many excellent works as a Jewish writer writing in German. His poetry, novels, plays and biographies have made impressive achievements in the Literature domain, especially his novel writing, which have a wide range of readers in the world. With an entry point of alienation, this paper, which takes Zweig's novels as the research object, is based on the novel texts as well as using Fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis theories. The thesis is composed of four chapters: Chapter one includes a brief introduction of Zweig's life, the general plot summary of his novels as well as the critical responses to them home and abroad. At the same time, this part makes a general introduction to the theoretical system of Fromm's humanism. His humanistic theory mainly talks about three issues, namely, the theory of escaping from freedom, the theory of alienation and the love theory.- Chapter two applies Fromm's alienation theory to the description of Zweig's novel world. Alienation has pervaded every corner of his creation which is displayed in the following two aspects: people are alienated by the war; the relationship between work and the people is alienated. This chapter also analyzes the psychological causes of the alienation.- Chapter three applies Fromm's love theory to analyze the way advocated by Zweig to resist the alienation.- Chapter four, driven by alienation, the character in his work often leads to tragic ending. In Zweig's life, meanwhile, there is a trace of alienation. The personality factors of Zweig's early experience and his Jewish identity have caused the anxiety of his heart while creative activities provide balance for the anxiety. Here, by the application of Fromm's theory, the thesis gives an analysis to Zweig's loneliness and his need of freedom. And the analysis centers on his relationship with his mother during his childhood.- The final chapter is the part of conclusion. It summarizes the factors of Zweig's tragedy and maintains the importance and significance of a humanistic interpretation of his novels.}, language = {zh} } @article{Levendoskyetal, author = {Levendosky, Alytia A. and et al.,}, title = {The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Women and Child Survivors: An Attachment Perspective}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 397-434.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 397-434.}, language = {en} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Biyan}, title = {To Have or to Be - >Song of Solomon< Black Way of Life, Master thesis [占有还是生存 - 对《所罗门之歌》中黑人生存方式的探讨], English Language and Literature, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Song of Solomon is the first African-American woman Nobel Prize laureate Morrison's representative novel. The Regard and wide Acclaim and catapults Morrison of its publication receives high into the ranks of the most revered contemporary writer The glamour of the novel, the author believes, lies most in Morrison's exploration of the mode of existence for contemporary African-Americans and even for contemporary mankind. As for this respect, few researches set foot in home and abroad and the research into the respect is attractive and worthy. The thesis thus studies the mode of existence in the novel. In >To Have or to Be<, Erich Fromm proposes his theory that people exist in one of two states: the having mode or the being mode. In the having mode, one is obsessive with material possession, acquisitiveness, power and aggression and such kind of existence yields evils such as greed, jealousy, and violence. In the being mode, one concentrates on sharing and engages in meaningful, creative, and productive activity as the mode is based on love. According to Fromm, the having mode would bring the world to the brink of psychological and ecological disaster and thereby he appeals people to live the being mode of life. The thesis combines Fromm's theory with the description of the state of life in the novel and aims at studying Morrison's thought on the option of the modes of existence. The thesis falls into three chapters.- The first chapter deals with the having mode of existence.- The second chapter handles with the being mode of existence.- The third chapter is mainly about the option between the two modes of existence. In all, the study on the mode of existence could not uncover the charm of the novel fully. But through the study, the life state and mode of African-Americans are fully revealed. Moreover, the study unveils Morrison's thought on African-Americans' future and destiny, that is, the having mode could distort blacks' life and soul and the best way for blacks is to live the being mode of life and treasure their cultural traditions and values; only in this way can African-Americans live better in America and find real happiness and meaning in their life.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Bo}, title = {Analysis of Fromm's Theory of Man [浅析弗洛姆人学思想], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shanxi University, Taiyun, Shanxi, China 2012.}, abstract = {Current, worldwide, along with the continuous development of science and technology, man and nature, man and society, man and its contradiction is increasingly acerb, the problems on the existence and development of human threat, therefore, people gradually aroused the attention of scholars at home and abroad. Fromm as the main representative figures in the Frankfurt school, is a renowned psychologist in the west, is a rich person study thought by scholars, based on Fromm's theory of human comprehensive carding system, consists of three parts.- The first part of Fromm's human thought theory origin. Mainly to the Fromm made a brief introduction, elaborated Fromm person study thought is put forward in the background of the times and Fromm person study thought theory origin.- The second part of human nature as the core concept, from the four levels of carding Fromm person study thought. First of all, the contradiction of human nature as the logical starting point, by human nature and human existence, human nature and human survival needs, human nature and the relationship between free to interpret human nature; secondly, from the psychology angle to analysis the concept of alienation, alienation in the human interpretation of the unconscious and alienation in the modern west a variety of social performance, reveals the essence of capitalist alienation is the alienation of human nature; again, discusses the contemporary capitalist society people escape from freedom of roots and way; finally, in order to eliminate the alienation of human nature, to achieve the perfect society, Fromm proposed to psychological revolution social transformation scheme, namely in the >moral< on the foundation, at the same time to the community to carry out economic, political, cultural and other aspects of the change, the psychological revolution and social reform to combine, the all-round development of man.- The third part of the Fromm person study thought evaluation. In this chapter the finishing touch, explains Fromm person study thought the transcendence and its positive value; Fromm concerned the capitalist society people's survival condition, therefore, his thought has the necessity and feasibility, but he discusses the way to solve the problem are the subjective psychological experience, so his solution has a utopia; at the same time Fromm humanism is also desirable and the place that draw lessons from, in the transition period in China, how to pay attention to the problems in person, how to achieve the person's freedom, how to promote the construction of a harmonious society plays an important enlightening role.}, language = {zh} } @article{Li, author = {Li, Chunhua}, title = {Civilian Military Library Research Librarian Shaping Personality [军校图书馆文职馆员的人格塑造研究]}, series = {Lantai World [兰台世界], No. 5 (2012), pp. 73-74.}, journal = {Lantai World [兰台世界], No. 5 (2012), pp. 73-74.}, abstract = {社会心理学家弗洛姆说过:>人生的主要使命是自我成长,成为与他潜能相符合的人,人生奋斗最重要的成果,就是自己的人格。<应该如何培养新时期军校图书馆文职馆员健康的人格素养呢?本文对此作了初步回答。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Dan}, title = {Research on Utopian Thought: Exploration, Development Process, Comparative Analysis [乌托邦思想研究:理论探微•发展脉络•殊异甄析], Doctoral dissertation, Foreign Marxism Research, Jilin University, Changchun, China 2012.}, abstract = {>乌托邦<,顾名思义,即没有寄寓之所的国度。乌托邦是对人类完美社会的理想设计,不过它只能寄托在远离现实的时空之中。本文本着对于乌托邦思想提供借鉴价值的宗旨来展开乌托邦马克思主义的研究,重点论述了>乌托邦<研究的构建、乌托邦的马克思主义、近代中国>空想社会主义<的梳理、欧洲历史上>空想社会主义<的探寻,并且阐述了>乌托邦<在中国的殊异与特征,从不同侧面来加以发现它的高深和精妙之处,指引我国乌托邦马克思主义又好又快发展。第1章,绪论。主要对容易混淆的相近词的概念加以厘定,并且介绍了选题价值、结构安排和研究方法。中国的>乌托邦<与欧洲的>乌托邦<的演进趋势基本类似,它们在不少方面是相通的,这些在一定程度上反映了乌托邦马克思主义的共同规律。我国乌托邦马克思主义既吸收了欧洲历史上空想社会主义思想的优秀成果,但又不是对它的简单照搬;虽然比它晚出,却因此而比它更科学。第2章,>乌托邦<研究的构建。正像卡尔•曼海姆所警告的那样:>如果摒弃了乌托邦,人类将会失去塑造历史的愿望,从而也会失去理解它的能力。<但是如果不同时期摒弃历史和乌托邦,中国乌托邦的历史演进决不可能完全按照乌托邦的模式来塑造,进而形成不同形态的乌托邦。第3章,乌托邦的马克思主义。早在17世纪,早期的乌托邦社会主义理论家提出了社会发展的乌托邦思想。在这样的历史中,国外马克思主义倡导>现代乌托邦<思想的流派诞生了。其代表人物有:布洛赫、弗洛姆、马尔库塞、哈贝马斯等。乌托邦马克思主义者是资本主义的坚定批判者,也是社会主义理想的坚定支持者。第4章,近代中国>空想社会主义<的梳理。首先,介绍了近代中国空想社会主义的发展历程。从十九世纪五十年代到二十世纪初,科学社会主义传入之前,中国出现过四种形态的空想社会主义思想,即农业社会主义、大同主义、民生主义与无政府主义。其次,介绍了其进步性。近代中国空想社会主义在各个历史时期,对当时的政治实践,都在不同程度上起到推动作用。再次,介绍了其消极性。近代中国空想社会主义一方面作为一种理想,曾鼓舞过人们当时的斗争热忱,另一方面作为实践纲领,对当时的斗争又起过某种破坏作用。最后,介绍了近代中国空想社会主义的典型代表。主要以近代中国的空想社会主义为研究对象,研究视阈覆盖洪秀全、康有为、梁启超、孙中山和刘师复等人的观点。第5章,欧洲历史上的>空想社会主义<的探寻。本部分主要介绍欧洲历史上空想社会主义的发展历程、主要贡献和典型代表。空想社会主义作为社会主义发展的一个重要时期,它是不成熟的资本主义生产状况和阶级状况的产物。它反映了早期无产阶级迫切要求改造现存社会,建立美好社会的理想,表达了他们的经济利益和政治要求,是早期无产阶级反抗资本主义剥削压迫的理论表现。第6章,>乌托邦<在中国的殊异与特征。本部分主要介绍>乌托邦<在中国的思想渊源、未来社会理想蓝图和理想社会实现途径的不同与其在中国的实践性和世界性层面上的特征。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiXie, author = {Li, Jian and Xie, Hongkun}, title = {Fromm's Social Character of Alienation and Contemporary Enlightenment [弗洛姆的社会性格异化及其当代启示]}, series = {Journal of Yanan University (Social Science Edition) [延安大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 16-19.}, journal = {Journal of Yanan University (Social Science Edition) [延安大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 16-19.}, abstract = {弗洛姆从社会性格的角度揭示了现代工业社会中人的异化状态,社会性格是连结经济基础和社会意识的中介、能够维系社会稳定、促进人的行为,但社会性格的异化却使人丧失了主体性和自主意识,导致创造性的消失,以及人与人关系的不和谐。而且,弗洛姆认为,培养理性和爱以及建立和谐人际关系可以扬弃社会性格的异化,这一理论对我国社会的全面转型和社会性格的培养都具有重要的借鉴意义。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Ling}, title = {Reflection and Inspiration - Fromm's Personality Theory [反思与启示 - 弗洛姆人格理论研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {Fromm was a famous 20th-century Western psychologist, sociologist, philosopher, humanist, founder of [sociological] psychoanalysis. In the field of psychology, he is the representative of psychoanalytic school of culture and synthesizer; in philosophy, he is a Marxist Freudianism, well-known representative of the early Frankfurt School, one of founders of the new Freudianism. The study of his life is related to the commodity economy in a modern industrialized society survival problems and solutions; human survival has always been a cross-cutting ideas. As an important representative of the Frankfurt School, Fromm adheres to their school characteristics. By the absorption related to the theory of Marx and Freud at the same time try to turn the doctrine of the two should be integrated in order to create its new humanitarian ethics, said. Fromm concerned about the people, concerned about the plight of modern man to survive, their lives, their academic purpose for the modern man has always been to explore both from an individual alone can get a personalized path to independence, so that the modern effort to understand the self, the formation of a truly independent personality, lifting the shackles of suffering and attain true happiness. The main purpose of this article on Fromm's personality theory, research, analysis of this theory, the basic content and make their assessments. This paper first describes the home and abroad. In the study of personality for the study of this question have any meaning in our country.- Second, introducing the background of the formation of Fromm's theory of personality, including the growth of their special experience, background and life of the times the practice of psychoanalysis, focused on analyzing the formation of Fromm's theory, the theoretical basis of personality, personality theory with a view to Erich Fromm. The study provides historical and theoretical background.- Finally, the analysis of pros and contras of Fromm's theory of personality and its theory of the rational component of China's construction and development of revelation. At present, China is in a critical period of building a harmonious society, Fromm's personality theory can promote the overall development of China, for us to correctly handle the relationship between human development and economic and social development, to enable people to harmonious development of man and nature, man and society, and promote the transition period of personality and spiritual civilization are of great significance. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Li, author = {Li, Xiaoyan}, title = {Split Behind the Dilemma. >Grass is Singing< Mary's Tragedy Analysis [《困境后的分裂 - 《野草在歌唱》中玛丽的悲剧分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {>The Grass Is Singing< is Doris Lessing's first novel taken Africa as background. It receives wide attention as soon as it is published for its vivid and overall description of colonial life. Through a meticulous depiction of Mary Turner's living background and personality development, Lessing presents us a clear view of the colonial life, thus revealing the brutal oppression of colonization and the living crisis of the white settlers. Under the guidance of Marx's dialectic view and Fromm's view about personality development, this thesis is proposed to analyze the essential reason behind Mary's living background (external cause) and her psychological growth and development (inner cause), thus achieving the conclusion: only when a person is developing in accordance with the society and the external world, can he achieve the balance and sanity between his personality development and the external world. Otherwise, he will suffer from the disaster of spirit chaos and split. The paper consists of three chapters.- Chapter one gives an introduction to the living environment of the heroine, Mary Turner and analyzes Mary's confused and frustrating situation under the pressure of impoverishment and racial discrimination.- Chapter two is proposed to reveal the inner cause of Mary's tragedy and conducts psychoanalysis on Mary based on her traumatic childhood, unhappy marital life and contradictory relationship with Moses thus pointing out that a false social character is the remote cause of Mary's twisted psychological development and spiritual split.- Chapter three focuses on the combined action of the indifferent social context and false self system. It deprives Mary's self-knowledge of pushes her to spiritual split and schizophrenia and final destroy.- The conclusion part proposes that human beings are the output of certain social system and ideology, thus only when individual psychological development goes accordant with the social circumstances he lives in without loss of self-knowledge can he achieve integrate personality development.}, language = {zh} } @book{Li, author = {Li, Zhixiang}, title = {Pipan de jingji lunli xue: Cong makesi dao fu luo mu 批判的经济伦理学: 从马克思到弗洛姆 [Critical Economic Ethics: From Marx to Fromm], Beijing: Renmin chuban she 人民出版社 [People's Publishing House], 215 pages.}, language = {zh} } @article{Liang, author = {Liang, Hanyu}, title = {The Humanity Alienation in Suffering - Analysis of the >Morning Dozing Girl< [苦难中的人性异化——浅析鬼子小说《上午打瞌睡的女孩》] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Guilin Normal College [桂林师范高等专科学校学报], No. 1 (2012), pp. 68-71.}, journal = {Journal of Guilin Normal College [桂林师范高等专科学校学报], No. 1 (2012), pp. 68-71.}, abstract = {Guangxi's writer Guizi is good at describing the tragedy and suffering of non entities in small environment. >The Morning Dozing Girl< shows the life of non entities represented by Hanlu's family by distinctive writing technique and spiritual torture. The essay attempts to utilize the theory of alienation of Fromm to study the humanity alienation of individuals who survive in suffering. It also intends to seek the origin of humanity alienation and ponder over the humanity in suffering.}, language = {zh} } @article{Lin, author = {Lin, Haiyan}, title = {Fromm's Escape from Freedom Theory [弗洛姆逃避自由理论探析]}, series = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 301-304.}, journal = {Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) [内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 6 (2012), pp. 301-304.}, abstract = {在弗洛姆看来,>自由是人类存在的特征。<他根据自由的性质将自由区分为消极自由和积极自由,不仅从人类社会发展史探究人类追求自由的历程,而且深入人的心理层面深刻地剖析并揭示出现代西方人逃避自由的心理机制,指出现代人何以可能实现积极自由,由此而形成其独特的逃避自由理论,然而这一自由理论却存在着巨大的历史局限性。}, language = {zh} } @article{Litz, author = {Litz, Stefan}, title = {Global Risk Management: What has Love to do with it?}, series = {The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review, Vol. 9, No. 7 (2012), pp. 147-164. [Online ISSN 1447-9559] [doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v09i07/43275]}, journal = {The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review, Vol. 9, No. 7 (2012), pp. 147-164. [Online ISSN 1447-9559] [doi.org/10.18848/1447-9508/CGP/v09i07/43275]}, abstract = {Beck (1995) has outlined an influential social theory in which the role of modern risks has been highlighted. Modern societies are characterized as qualitatively distinct from premodern societies due to the self-generated new risks of annihilatory potential. Jonas (1979) has proposed an approach highlighting fear as a heuristic guideline for approaching further scientific research and technological development. According to this framework, imagining annihilatory risks inherent in a particular technology and research should make us forego the potential benefits of this technology, as the potential costs are too high. Mittelstraß (1992) argues exactly the opposite and claims that not less but more research and technological progress is necessary in order to enhance the survival chances of the human species. In order to reduce the possibility of deliberate action, which may trigger the annihilation of the human species, however, Mittelstraß (1992) calls for the development of a strong ethos of responsibility. The question, though, remains on what kind of rationale this ethos of individual responsibility may be grounded? It is suggested in this paper that Fromm (1947) provided the answer to the question of how such an ethos may be created and sustained.}, language = {en} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Caling}, title = {The Research on Fromm's Freedom Thought and Its Present Enlightenment - Based on the analysis of >Escape from Freedom< [弗洛姆的自由思想及其当代启示 - 基于《逃避自由》的分析], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆受弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思的社会理论的影响,致力于对人性和社会心理的思考,关注现实的人的生存状态,通过对弗洛伊德主义和马克思主义的结合,创立了在社会领域运用精神分析学说的独特视角。弗洛姆对自由思想的论述颇多,本文主旨在于以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理和评价,并结合中国的社会实践探讨其自由思想的理论和实践价值。文章首先介绍弗洛姆的生平,从他所处的社会环境家庭环境和个人生活经历出发来寻找弗洛姆思想形成的社会和理论根源。以《逃避自由》一书为基础,对弗洛姆的自由思想进行梳理。对《逃避自由》一书的产生、基本内容展开介绍,这本书揭示了现代人陷入自由的悖论,追求自由又逃避自由,实质上是不自由的生存状态,分析了逃避自由的心理机制,并找出了解决逃避自由问题的途径和理想的社会模式,这种对自由的探讨方法和视角是新颖的,有其独特的理论和实践价值。然后本文从马克思自由观的角度对其进行了评价,通过对马克思自由观的分析和与弗洛姆自由观的对比,来揭示弗洛姆的自由思想的可取之处和局限性。指出其在关于异化的概念、理想的社会模式、实现途径以及逃避自由的解决途径方面的主观主义的倾向,决定了他的自由观在理论高度上必将低于马克思,必将走向虚幻的乌托邦。最后,用宏观和微观相结合的方法,把弗洛姆的自由思想结合中国的社会实际,对现阶段中国民众的自由状态进行了具体的分析,力图从资本主义工业化进程中发现问题和解决问题的经验中探索出对中国社会转型期有益的启示,为构建和谐社会贡献一份力量。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiuLi, author = {Liu, Chunxia and Li, Kun}, title = {The Ethics of China's Consumption in the Light of Fromm's Consumer Alienation Theory [弗洛姆消费异化理论视野下我国消费伦理探析]}, series = {Business Culture (First Half) [商业文化(上半月)], No. 1 (2012), pp. 215-216.}, journal = {Business Culture (First Half) [商业文化(上半月)], No. 1 (2012), pp. 215-216.}, abstract = {弗洛姆通过揭露出资本主义社会消费异化的产生原因、现象以及后果,期待建立一种充分重视人类生存的价值理念,实现一种人道的消费方式。他的这一理念,对于我国当前市场经济的的发展,无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。要走出消费异化的伦理困境,需要确立自主性的、讲求责任与关怀的消费伦理观。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Huiying}, title = {On Fromm's Human Nature [浅论弗洛姆的人性思想]}, series = {Bridge of Century [世纪桥], No. 9 (2012), pp. 31-32.}, journal = {Bridge of Century [世纪桥], No. 9 (2012), pp. 31-32.}, abstract = {本文所要着重论述的是弗洛姆社会哲学理论的核心内容——人性思想。文章首先介绍了弗洛姆人性思想的生成背景。特别详细介绍了弗洛姆对弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思有关人的学说的综合。文章着重对弗洛姆人性思想进行相对全面的梳理与探究,包括其人性思想理论的生成逻辑及其含义,以及弗洛姆对服务于人类社会的伦理学做了进一步的定义,在他所倡导的人道主义伦理学部分,对自私、自爱、自身利益、良心等问题作了更深一步的探讨。文章最后对弗洛姆的人性思想进行评价。}, language = {zh} } @article{LiuGao, author = {Liu, Jiyuan and Gao, Hongxia}, title = {An Analysis on People and Society in >You Can't Go Home Again< from the Perspective of Fromm's Sociological Theories [ 从弗洛姆社会学视角论《你不能再回家》中的人与社会] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2012), pp. 54-58.}, journal = {Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition) [太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2012), pp. 54-58.}, abstract = {As an important representative of American literature in the early 20th century, Thomas Wolfe is undoubtedly the most controversial and greatest modernist writer. >You can't go home again< is his last novel and it focuses on depicting the social picture of the United States of America during the Great Depression and the different fates of the lower-middle class people. Based on Erich Fromm's sociological theories, this paper intends to explore common people's lack of power, loneliness and anxiety in modern industrial system from the aspects of loneliness of human, fascism and totalitarian society, human nature and salvation, and tries to explain the psychological mechanism that causes the rise of fascism and universality of the totalitarianism, thus revealing Wolfe's inclination of social criticism and the thematic transformation in his late writing. It is drawn a conclusion that capitalist industrial society not only destroyed the harmony between man and nature, destroyed the beautiful natural environment, but also exerted negative influence on human mind and spirit.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Liping}, title = {Research on Erich Fromm's Thought of Consumption Alienation [埃里希•弗洛姆消费异化思想研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1900-1980),弗洛伊德主义的马克思主义(1)的主要代表人物,开业长达四十余年的心理咨询师。弗洛姆毕生致力于对>人<的生存境遇的关注,对造成人的异化的现代工业社会进行了无情地揭露和有力地批判,并积极探索实现健全人格和健全社会的途径。消费异化思想就是弗洛姆社会批判理论的重要组成部分。弗洛姆对消费异化的集中论述出现在《健全的社会》(1955)以及《占有还是生存》(1976)二书中。他在《健全的社会》中首先亮明一个观点:生活于现代西方发达工业社会中的绝大多数人的精神是不健康的。一个人的精神是否健康从根本上讲不是他个人的事情,而是取决于他所在的社会结构。弗洛姆认为>精神健康<不能被定义为人通过调整自身的行为来无条件地适应他所在的社会,相反,社会应该为人的精神健康负责,为人的全面发展创造有利条件。而且,社会经济结构与人的性格之间存在着相互作用的关系,社会经济结构塑造了人的性格,人的性格反作用于社会经济结构。因此,通过分析资本主义社会性格的非生产性(即放弃自身拥有的力量和创造性潜能,以异化的方式与外界发生关联),就能揭露资本主义社会的不健全。而>异化<正是弗洛姆用来分析这些非生产性社会性格的最核心概念;>消费异化<对应的正是从20世纪中叶开始在资本主义社会中占主导地位的接受取向和市场取向两种社会性格。在后期著作《占有还是生存》中,弗洛姆从国家、政府、消费者等方面提出了许多消除消费异化的具体措施。因此,根据弗洛姆消费异化思想提出和发展演进的过程,本文的行文脉络是:首先,梳理弗洛姆消费异化思想的理论根源,归纳概括出消费异化的涵义并交待该思想产生的历史背景;其次,从社会性格的功能入手分析消费异化的成因,这也是弗洛姆消费异化思想的特色所在,同时也是本文的主要创新之处;然后,分析弗洛姆消费异化的表现形式、危害和消除消费异化的途径;最后,对弗洛姆消费异化思想进行客观评价,彰显其消费异化思想对中国社会发展的启示意义。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Shucai}, title = {An Eternal Wanderer - The Interpretation of Rousseau's Personality [永恒的流浪者——卢梭之人格][application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education [郑州师范教育], No. 6 (2012), pp. 43-47.}, journal = {Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education [郑州师范教育], No. 6 (2012), pp. 43-47.}, abstract = {Rousseau started a new age while people's interpretation of him was full of conflicts. To know his personality is useful for understanding his thought. Based on the original resource of Rousseau, this thesis applies Fromm's related theory to analyze Rousseau's personality. Rousseau fell in dual conflicts - emotion and reason, individualization and loneliness, ideality and reality - which made up of the principal tone of his life. Among these conflicts, the one between individualization and loneliness was the most important. Rousseau's acute intuition let him realize the dichotomy of human being. But on account of his lack of productive love, he not only didn't solve the problem but also sank in the trap deeper. In a word, Rousseau had a tragic personality and he was an eternal wanderer.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Xiaofeng}, title = {A Study of Ethan's Alienation in >The Winter of Our Discontent< Theory [《烦恼的冬天》中伊桑的异化研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2012. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {《烦恼的冬天》是约翰•斯坦贝克创作的最后一部长篇小说,被认为是其获得诺贝尔文学奖的直接原因。本论文以埃里希•弗洛姆的异化理论为基础,通过分析《烦恼的冬天》中主人公伊桑内心所经历的痛苦和随之而来的道德沦丧以及最后为重新找回自我所做的努力,旨在更好的理解这部作品以及斯坦贝克对于人性的关怀和信心。本文首先指出伊桑异化的原因在于身处一个金钱至上的消费社会以及个人试图逃避精神孤独而走向迷失、堕落。其次,本文从三个方面深入分析了伊桑的异化,即与曾经熟悉的家乡新港镇的异化,与他人的异化以及与自我的异化,展现了生活在20世纪中叶的美国人所遭受的无法逃避的疏离感和孤独感。最后,文章详尽地探讨了伊桑走向异化解除的倾向。虽然最终即将过上富裕的物质生活,伊桑内心却备受罪恶感和羞耻感的折磨,于是他开始重新审视自己,逐渐改变了一些生活实践,在准备自杀的时候获得了新生。论文结尾部分通过对前面内容的总结,得出结论阐明生活在一个物欲横流的社会,人的异化是不可避免的,但人性是可以完善的,通过自身的努力和觉悟个人一定能够重拾自我,走向异化解除。通过运用弗洛姆的异化理论解读《烦恼的冬天》,本文再现了斯坦贝克作为一个现实主义作家对社会观察的细致、认识的深刻以及对人类坚定的信心。}, language = {zh} } @article{Liu, author = {Liu, Xiaojiao}, title = {The Art of Maternal Love - Interpretation of the Maternal Love in Russell Baker's >Growing Up< from Fromm's Theory [母爱的艺术——拉塞尔•贝克《成长》中的母爱的弗洛姆式解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Legend Biography Literary Journal Selection (Teaching and Research [传奇.传记文学选刊(理论研究)], No. 4 (2012), pp. 17-19.}, journal = {Legend Biography Literary Journal Selection (Teaching and Research [传奇.传记文学选刊(理论研究)], No. 4 (2012), pp. 17-19.}, abstract = {美国著名记者拉塞尔•贝克的童年自传《成长》因其对亲子关系的深入探讨而获1983年普利策奖。在此运用艾里•弗洛姆关于爱的理论,围绕贝克母亲如何处理和贝克之间的亲子关系问题,从性格形成、职业选择、婚姻等三个方面来分析了贝克母亲在他的成长过程中所起到的指导性作用,在对待孩子成长的问题上为当今的父母提供了指导性建议。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Yanan}, title = {Analysis on the Psychological Mechanism of Fromm's Escape from Freedom and Its Contemporary Value [弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制的解析及当代价值], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism, Harbin Polytechnic University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2012.}, abstract = {埃里希•弗洛姆是法兰克福学派的代表人物之一,也是著名的心理学家、伦理学家、哲学家。本文对弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制进行了深入的分析,客观的评价,并阐述弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制的现实意义。本文首先介绍弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制产生的特定背景、基本内容,并通过对马克思自由观的论述,揭示弗洛姆对马克思自由观的继承,分析弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制的局限性。弗洛姆从马克思的自由观看到,自由是一种状态、一种境界,要从历史的角度研究自由问题,并且提出理想中的社会、理想中的人。但由于弗洛姆过分强调心理因素对人的自由产生的作用,使其理论仍未逃脱唯心主义的窠臼。同时由于弗洛姆所处时代背景及其理论的局限性,使其对西方的资本主义制度持肯定的态度,并承认私有制存在的合理性,从而与马克思主义背道而驰。弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制的理论,有其特定的理论启示性和积极的现实意义。在中国现代化建设迅猛发展的过程中,由于改革开放引发的社会深层变革,人们不可避免地会出现各种>逃避自由<的心理问题。本文试图运用弗洛姆>逃避自由<心理机制理论加以剖析,并探析解决问题之路。同时,弗洛姆在对自由与自发性活动关系的论述启示着我们,要对社会矛盾保持清醒的认识,超越并扬弃被动状态下获得的消极自由,用爱与创造性的劳动来获得真正的积极自由。此外,构建和谐社会,坚持以人为本,首先要掌握人的心理状态和思想动态,运用科学的方法对我国当前社会发展中出现的社会心理问题进行客观、全面的分析,使我国国民能够拥有健康的心理及人格,是我们当前首先要解决的问题。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Liu, author = {Liu, Yuanyuan}, title = {A Study of Two Adolescent Girls' Pursuit of Freedom in McCullers' Two Novels [麦卡勒斯两部小说中两个青春期少女追求自由问题研究], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2012. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {卡森•麦卡勒斯是二十世纪美国南方文学的代表人物之一,她对青春期少女的描写,由于带有浓厚的自传色彩,具有重要的研究意义。本文主要以《心是孤独的猎手》和《婚礼的成员》两部作品作为研究文本,两部作品中的女主人公米克和弗兰淇为研究对象,运用弗洛姆关于人类生存困境的理论,结合西蒙娜•德•波伏娃的女性>他者<地位的观点,从自由和爱的角度分析两位青春期少女在走向独立和成熟的过程中作为>他者<的形象是如何在孤独中不断挣扎,寻求自由和自我真实身份,最终以失去自我的代价成长为南方淑女的过程,并探讨了两位女主人公追寻梦想和爱最终失败的深层原因。通过对麦卡勒斯生平的分析得出米克和弗兰淇深受麦卡勒斯童年孤僻性格的影响,她们身上有着和麦卡勒斯一样强烈的男性气质并对爱有着执着的追求。她们离经叛道的行为在传统的南方父权文化下显得格格不入,深受孤独压抑之苦。为了摆脱这种孤独,她们采取了各种方式来实现自我身份。或向社会权威妥协,开始尝试向女性气质转变,或通过音乐和写作来排遣内心的孤独与苦闷或尝试与他人建立一种亲密的>我的我们<的关系来寻找归属感,成为世界的一员。但是由于女性身份的限制和爱的能力的缺乏,在追寻自由与臣服社会权威的挣扎中,米克和弗兰淇最终梦想破灭,彻底放弃了自己的男性气质,成为标准的南方淑女。通过对米克和弗兰淇这两位青春期少女的分析得出结论,在南方父权文化体系下,叛逆的青春期少女无论如何挣扎,都难以对抗强大的社会无形权威,最终只能以社会和他人期待的样子走向平庸。}, language = {zh} } @article{Livesley, author = {Livesley, W. John}, title = {Moving Beyond Specialized Therapies for Borderline Personality Disorder: The Importance of Integrated Domain-Focused Treatment}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 047-074.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 047-074.}, language = {en} } @article{Lu, author = {Lu, Hongmei}, title = {A Hero or Sadistic? >One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest< in the Interpretation of the Image of Mike Murphy [是英雄还是虐待狂?——《飞越疯人院》中麦克莫非的形象解读] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Jiannan Literature (Classical Teaching) [剑南文学(经典教苑)], No. 10 (2012), 40-41.}, journal = {Jiannan Literature (Classical Teaching) [剑南文学(经典教苑)], No. 10 (2012), 40-41.}, abstract = {作为《飞越疯人院》中的主人公,麦克莫非在文学评论中一直被解读为领导被压迫的病人们冲破康拜因高压统治的英雄。他被理解为勇于追求自由,敢于斗争,反抗压迫的自由化身。然而,在小说中麦克莫非同时也存在着虐待狂的基本特征。本文将通过运用弗洛姆的自由理论重新解读麦克莫非这一人物形象,进而揭示出作者所塑造的硬汉在面对强大黑暗社会时所表现出的无奈与焦虑。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lue, author = {Lue, Ang}, title = {From Marx to Sakyamuni - The Deduction of Fromm's Logic in Humanistic Alienation Theory [从马克思到释迦牟尼——谈弗洛姆的人本主义异化逻辑何以展开]}, series = {Journal of Hengshui University [衡水学院学报], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 50.}, journal = {Journal of Hengshui University [衡水学院学报], No. 6 (2012), pp. 45-47, 50.}, abstract = {Logically, there are layers in Fromm's theory of humanistic alienation. On the one hand, his interpretation of Marx is a critique to all the social formations can arise and the individuals. On the other hand, he has remolded Freud's psychoanalysis from individual psychology to group psychology as a critique to the unsoundness of the whole society. Consequently, a theoretical starting point from psychology has led Fromm to mysticism of humanistic Buddhism.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lue, author = {Lue, Qian}, title = {The Alienated Souls in Materialized World - Galsworthy's >Forsyte< Image Analysis [物化世界下的异化心灵 - 高尔斯华绥作品中的>福尔赛<形象分析], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {This article regards Go the works for solicitor solicitor. By John Galsworthy was, who is a celebrated British realistic writer, as the research subjects, analyzes his group image The Forsyte, and then emerges the realistic critical spirit in Galsworthy works. There is a group of special images in. Galsworthy was a series of three novels >Forsyte Saga< and his short stories >The Apple Tree<, >The first and the Last<, and >Garth Fossett off Hard<, these images are selfish, callous and mercenary, they are the Forsytes, who can be represented by Soames in >The Man of Property<.- First of all, this article organizes and analyzes the background of reality, the origins of theory, and the directions of consciousness when Galsworthy created such images, indicates that the social historical reality in Britain during the late19th and the early 20thcentury is the soil to cultivate the Forsytes, while the critical tradition of realism is the cultural foundation of Galsworthy's authoring. Building the images by taunt and satire, Galsworthy reveals his desire and pursuit for the genuine emotions, such as beauty and goodness, by a series of images who are opposite of the Forsytes.- Not only that, this article will use the theories by Erich Fromm, who is the representative figure of Frankfurt School, in order to analyze the values of money, affection and the character mechanism, and also to interpret Galsworthy's callous repudiation to alienated humanity in the reified capitalist society.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Lue, author = {Lue, Si}, title = {Distortion and Loss of Love - Comment on the Family Relationship in Henry James's >Washington Square< [爱的扭曲和缺失 -评亨利•詹姆斯《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {亨利•詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国19世纪后期三大现实主义大师之一,其多部作品历来倍受国内外学者的关注,其中的道德伦理主题引起了学者们的热烈探讨,然而其讨论却都相对忽略了詹姆斯早期作品中的道德伦理主题。本文拟从伦理批评的角度对其早期中篇小说《华盛顿广场》进行分析,探讨其作品所再现的家庭关系,挖掘出詹姆斯早期作品中的伦理思想。家庭关系是家庭成员间的人际互动或联系,属于社会关系的一种,是伦理批评的一个重要组成部分。家庭关系以主体为标准分为亲子关系、夫妻关系和其他家庭成员之间的关系。爱是处理家庭关系的核心原则,是维系婚姻和家庭的纽带。德国伦理学家爱利希•弗洛姆认为在家庭生活中,爱表现为亲子之爱、两性之爱和手足之爱三种形式,并认为爱包含了解、尊重、责任心和关心等基本要素。爱这一概念也因此体现了其伦理价值。《华盛顿广场》讲述了19世纪中叶纽约一个中上层阶级家庭的悲剧。本文以弗洛姆对爱的理论阐述为指导,分析《华盛顿广场》中的家庭关系及悲剧,试图揭示出19世纪三四十年代造成美国社会人性的扭曲和异化、道德的沦丧和滑坡的深层原因。全文共三章,第一章从作品的父女关系和母女关系入手,认为作品通过父亲对女儿的压制表现了一种扭曲的父爱,通过母亲对女儿的婚姻教导再现出错误的母爱,从而展示出一种亲子之爱的偏离,这种亲子之爱的偏离违背了老慈幼爱的伦理原则。第二章探讨两性之爱的缺失,认为未婚夫的贪婪表现出恋人间物化的爱,伪善表现出恋人间欺骗的爱,这两种爱都违背了男女互爱的原则。第三章则从弟弟的利己主义表现出的自私的爱,以及兄妹对婚姻的态度中传达出的相互矛盾的爱,分析了手足之爱的丧失,指出手足之爱的丧失违背了互谅互助的伦理原则。本文认为作品所体现的爱的扭曲和缺失是资本主义社会经济结构变化所带来的产物,是19世纪美国社会转型时期政治、经济、文化、历史多重社会因素造成的结果。詹姆斯在《华盛顿广场》这部早期作品中,就开始围绕爱的主题表达出对异化的家庭关系的批判,呼吁爱的社会的回归。}, language = {zh} } @article{Lue, author = {Lue, Yaping}, title = {From the Point of View of Freedom to Escape the Herd Behavior of College Students [从逃避自由的角度分析大学生的从众行为]}, series = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 13 (2012), p. 133.}, journal = {Youth Years [青春岁月], No. 13 (2012), p. 133.}, abstract = {弗洛姆认为人在获得自由独立的同时也开始感到前所未有的孤独。为了摆脱这种孤独感与个体力量微薄带来的无能为力感,个体便会趋向于选择逃避构成自己本质的自由,而与某种整体和权威认同。通过分析逃避自由的内在心理机制,联系大学生的实际情况,分析大学生群体中广泛存在着的从众现象,并提出相应的对策。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Luo, author = {Luo, Yingchun}, title = {Ecology Interpretation of Moby-Dick [《白鲸》的生态学解读 -美国激进时代精神生态的质询], Master thesis, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2012. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {白鲸》是麦尔维尔的代表作,也是美国十九世纪文学史上最为重要的作品之一。作品讲述了>裴廓德号<出海捕鲸并在船长亚哈的带领下向其宿敌白鲸复仇的悲壮故事。评论界对于该作品的阐释已经是汗牛充栋,不可胜数。本课题在生态理论、生命哲学、精神分析学说的引导下,运用历史的与美学的方法,对其在精神生态上的思想意义进行探讨,试图以此推进对该作品的深入理解。文章分为五部分。引论部分主要是按照时间顺序简单梳理国内外麦尔维尔的研究成果,以确立本课题的理论视界与可能展开的具体路向,并表述本课题所运用的理论、研究方法与自己论文的主要研究价值。第二部分着眼于作品的时代语境,指出19世纪的美国正处于黄金时期,其政治、经济、社会高速发展,举国上下洋溢着豪迈乐观的激情和雄强不羁,充满自信的时代精神。正是在这样的时代语境下,作者以饱满的热情叙写了一部海上捕鲸的传奇故事,塑造了一个雄强粗犷的生命群体,给他们以宽广的胸襟,丰富的知识与强健的体魄。他们虽然处在社会的下层与边缘,但他们身上所焕发出的生机、活力,表现出了作者的生命理想。第三部分主要是运用精神分析学说对船长亚哈进行分析,论述作品在人的精神心理、意志、情感等探讨上所具有的意义与价值。认为故事所叙写的虽然是>复仇<这个古老的母题,但却通过亚哈对白鲸的复仇打开了人的无意识领域的广袤的世界,让人们见到了无意识的强大与混沌。作品在展示亚哈强大意志的同时也给人以警示,那就是人类的意志如果没有正确的价值原则与自由信念作为支撑,也很可能给生命带来悲剧。第四部分主要运用了弗洛姆的学说与社会文化理论,对作品中所表现出的宗教意识与时代精神的矛盾进行了分析。认为美国虽然是一个移民国家,但依然有着基督教的深刻影响,社会整体意识中潜藏着基督教文化所带来的压抑。时代的蓬勃发展让人们的理性意识高扬,人类希冀用理性来主宰自我的命运。但人类一旦远离上帝,脱离了先前固有的文化心理秩序和宗教信仰,就很容易陷入孤独的境地,只能面对精神与心灵的荒野,依然不能获得自由。对上帝失去敬畏,命运就会对人类进行相应的惩罚,当然这种惩罚不是来自外在的力量,实际上是来自生命本身的黑暗。就如亚哈的船只在杀死白鲸的同时,也让自我陷入了深渊一样。第五部分是全文的结语。该部分对本文主要观点进行总结,认为人应在身心、意志、信念之间建立起平衡,只有这样才可能获得精神的自由并实现生命的价值。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Haihua}, title = {Pursuit of Freedom and Fear of Freedom - Fromm's Contemporary Interpretation of Freedom [追求自由与逃避自由 - 弗洛姆自由观当代解读], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China 2012.}, abstract = {Erich Fromm (1900-1980) was a famous western psychologist, philosopher, sociologist and ethicist in the 20th century. He is an important representative figure of psychoanalysis theory. In the course of combining the thoughts of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx, he is considered one of the founding fathers of Freudian Marxism, so he is a disciple of Marxism, also the main representative of western Marxist Frankfurt's faction. His important works include >The Fear of Freedom< (1941), a book that treated all aspects of philosophy, psychology, sociology, ethics, religion and culture. In that book he stated his original view on freedom and the analyzed the internal reasons why modern people escape from freedom in accordance with humanitarianism. He explored the psychological basis and social factors by psychoanalysis, and then further explained the slavery and oppression of the capitalist system. He solved the question how to pursuit freedom, how to perfect social system and enhance democratic politics construction, and how to achieve real freedom by improving society construction and promoting people's development. This thesis is composed of three parts. The first part is an introduction of Fromm's life. It lays special stress on analyzing the theoretical sources and historical background of The Fear of Freedom, and objectively expounds Fromm's personal experiences which play an important role in forming his thought. In the days of ideology difference and value diversification, Western Marxism's freedom theory digs out some new problems for us on how to treat freedom issue in the course of the Socialist Primary Stage.- The second part mainly analyzes Fromm's freedom theory-pursuit of freedom and escape from freedom in book of the fear of freedom. From the angle of spirit, based on humanity, Fromm interprets men's survival of dual dimension and character structure, dissects the core content of men who pursuit or fear of freedom.- In the third part evaluates Fromm's freedom theory, including positive significance and defects. Marxist freedom theory is the fundamental guiding principle for our country, especially in the period of socialist construction. The essence and core content of freedom thought should be correctly fully aware of and be firmly set up. In real life, putting the theory into practice is extremely urgent, and it is also the most arduous point. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ma, author = {Ma, Lihui}, title = {An Analysis of America's Next Top Model from the Perspective of Consumption Alienaton [从消费异化的角度解读《全美超模大赛》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Sichuan Universiy, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Since the20thcentury, the assembly line brought by the technological progress has provided abundant goods. Consequently, the related unceasing possession and consumption have become the most dominating part of life and the main way of communication between the world and people. Scholars from Frankfurt School like Marcuse and Fromm have raised the idea of consumption alienation, which has been further developed by the Eco-Marxists, represented by Ben Agger. The consumption alienation gains the control of people, nature and society by creating false demands and the value system of signs and commercialize all to the consumptive object. Modern industry and technology have led to a new genre of media with world-wide popularity-the TV reality show. America's Next Top Model, one of the most popular reality shows in America, has set an example for the other similar shows. By eye -catching training on the models and stunning photo-shoot for advisement, America's Next Top Model makes every bit of effort to produce false needs and to assign meaning to the goods for the audience, which in turn leads to the identity crisis of the audience. Thus, the audience have unconsciously fallen into the circle of consumption alienation.- In the first part, the thesis analyzes the program from the perspective of false needs, in which the creating of false needs and consumption featured by blind conformity are elaborated.- The second part focuses on sign consumption in the program, which can be found in the living environment and fierce competition among the contestants.- In the third chapter, the identity crisis caused by consumption alienation is studied to a certain degree, which is represented by confusion in self-identity and construction of false identity.- Through the research, the thesis states that America's Next Top Model is a product of consumption alienation which should alarm audience.}, language = {zh} } @article{MaunderHunter, author = {Maunder, Robert G. and Hunter, Jonathan J.}, title = {A Prototype-Based Model of Adult Attachment for Clinicians}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 549-574.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 549-574.}, language = {en} } @article{Merlino, author = {Merlino, Joseph P.}, title = {Review Glen O. Gabbard et al.: Professionalism in Psychiatry}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 705-706.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 705-706.}, language = {en} } @article{Miao, author = {Miao, Guanglei}, title = {Talking about Modern Escape to Freedom [浅析现代人对自由的逃避]}, series = {The Guide of Science \& Education (in Yunkan) [ 科教导刊(中旬刊) ], No. 5 (2012), pp. 220-221.}, journal = {The Guide of Science \& Education (in Yunkan) [ 科教导刊(中旬刊) ], No. 5 (2012), pp. 220-221.}, abstract = {Fromm considered that individual became isolated under the action of multiple factors of economics, politics and warfare in the capitalist world, and many people chose to escape from freedom. The main way of escaping from freedom is authoritarianism. This article analyzed how to use this way to escape from freedom by the modern generation.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Ning, author = {Ning, Xin}, title = {Research on Fromm's Freedom Thoughts [弗洛姆自由思想研究], Master thesis, Basic Principles of Marxism, Heilongjiang Academy of Social Sciences, Harbin, China 2012.}, abstract = {[西方人本主义马克思主义是当今哲学界研究的热点和重点。重要流派之一的法兰克福学派,无论从团体人数上,还是成员学术成就的广度和深度上来看,都是20世纪最大的马克思主义流派。埃里希•弗洛姆作为法兰克福学派的重要代表人物,从性格结构和心理机制的视角批判的分析现代人的自由困境,丰富和发展了马克思人本主义思想的同时,也为我们全面深刻的理解20世纪人类文化精神的演进提供了典型的范例。弗洛姆人本主义自由思想对西方资本主义社会中人的生活方式进行了心理机制分析,对我们理解20世纪人的精神状况具有总要意义。弗洛姆自由思想是建立在马克思异化理论的基础之上,是对马克思人本主义思想的丰富与发展。他秉持重生存轻占有的生存观,积极自由的生活方式,对于正处于社会壮行时期的中国提供了范本,具有中重要的借鉴意义。本论文主要由五个部分构成。第一部分是绪言。主要介绍论文的研究目的与研究意义、相关研究文献综述、研究思路与研究方法,论文的主要内容和逻辑结构。第二部分是弗洛姆自由思想的基本观点。从积极自由和消极自由区分入手、深入分析受虐性格和施虐性格两种不同的心理机制,指出了现代对科技自由与占有自由的幻想,进一步提出弗洛姆重生存和重占有两种价值取向。第三部分是比较研究的角度看弗洛姆自由思想与马克思异化理论的关系。以异化与摆脱异化的理论为主线来探讨弗洛姆思想对马克思理论的继承与发展。第四部分是对弗洛姆自由思想的探析。深入阐述了重生存和重占有两种生活模式。从价值取向、消费模式、生存方式三个角度评析弗洛姆自由思想的当代价值。第五部分是理论与现实的融通、构建。结合弗洛姆自由理论,从建立重生存的精神变革到社会变革以及术来的发展,讨论现代人自由实现的可能性。弗洛姆自由思想与我们党的新一届领导集体提出贯彻和落实科学发展观都是为了实现人的全面发展,弗洛姆的自由思想对现代人性格机制的深刻分析,为我国精神文明建设提供了有价值的范本。本文从弗洛姆自由思想的内涵和外延入手,阐析其逃避自由理论的内在逻辑。以精神文化批判的视角揭示现代人的生存困境,反思现代人逃避自由的深层心理机制和生存现状;结合当今历史处境思考人本马克思主义批判理论的价值以及现代人积极自由之实现途径。本文的创新之处立足于现代人的生存现状,以弗洛姆的自由思想的内在逻辑现代人逃避自由的角度作为阐释视角,探讨人本马克思主义的当代意义和时代价值:系统整理弗洛姆自由思想的理论逻辑、基本观点和基本方法;从自由的范畴入手对法兰克福学派的评判理论进行分析与解构,从而明晰现代人精神世界的的批判与构建。弗洛姆本人的著作很多,但相关相关研究资料有限,大多数专著的内容重复现状居多,在资料收集上存在一定的难度。本文从现有资料出发对弗洛姆自由思想进行全新的梳理,在文章内容的充实上还有待进一步的完善。]}, language = {zh} } @article{OcchiogrossoAuchincloss, author = {Occhiogrosso, Mallay and Auchincloss, Elizabeth L.}, title = {The Challenge of Treating (and Supervising) Patients with Borderline Pathology in a Residents' Clinic}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 451-468.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 451-468.}, language = {en} } @article{Onfray, author = {Onfray, Michel}, title = {De Erich Fromm à Jacques Lacan}, series = {Contre-histoire de la philosophie (Vol. 18), Le siècle du nihilisme (No. 2), Vincennes, Frémeaux; Paris, Caen (Université populaire de Caen) 2012. [Audiobook on CD]}, journal = {Contre-histoire de la philosophie (Vol. 18), Le siècle du nihilisme (No. 2), Vincennes, Frémeaux; Paris, Caen (Université populaire de Caen) 2012. [Audiobook on CD]}, language = {fr} } @book{Otte, author = {Otte, Rainer}, title = {Die Burnout-L{\"u}ge: Ganz normaler Wahnsinn. Wie man mit Coolness sein Leben ruiniert, Bergisch Gladbach (Edition Humanistische Psychologie EHP - Verlag Andreas Kohlhabe), 150 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Otte, author = {Otte, Rainer}, title = {Wenn weniger mehr ist Philosophie der Bescheidenheit, Berlin (Parodos Verlag), 178 pp.}, language = {de} } @article{Palombo, author = {Palombo, Stanley R.}, title = {Review Craig Piers (Ed.): Personality and Psychopathology: Critical Dialogues with David Shapiro}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 348-349.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 348-349.}, language = {en} } @article{Pang, author = {Pang, Guimei}, title = {Utopia and Education: An Inspiration of Western Marxism [乌托邦与教育:>西方马克思主义<的启示]}, series = {Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences) [青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2012), pp. 91-94.}, journal = {Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology (Social Sciences) [青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 2 (2012), pp. 91-94.}, abstract = {对理性的普遍坚信是20世纪人类乌托邦的核心。科技理性对人的精神空间的挤占,物质生活的富裕对人的诱惑,导致了人在精神上的危机甚至沦落。乌托邦的隐退展现在人们面前的是一幅贫乏的精神画面。在人类痛感精神家园失落的时代,布洛赫在>希望<的理念之上构建了他的乌托邦哲学。弗洛姆高举着>让人成为主人<的大旗,哈贝马斯则提出了交往范式,构建了他的交往社会的乌托邦。教育,因其表现着对>不在场<的未来价值理想的不懈追求,因而具有鲜明的乌托邦精神。}, language = {zh} } @article{Peirone, author = {Peirone, Fernando}, title = {Nota a la presente edici{\´o}n}, series = {Fromm, E., Obreros y empleados en v´speras del Tercer Reich, Un an{\´a}lisi psicol{\´o}gico-social (1980a-spa), Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, pp. 9-12.}, journal = {Fromm, E., Obreros y empleados en v´speras del Tercer Reich, Un an{\´a}lisi psicol{\´o}gico-social (1980a-spa), Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, pp. 9-12.}, language = {es} } @book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido}, title = {Super{\c{c}}{\~a}o. Um caminho para a realiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o pesoal (Psychoanalysis of overcoming the trauma), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2012, 197 pp.}, abstract = {In all health sciences and education mainly in humanistic thought in psychoanalysis to reflect more deeply to know the potential of human beings to overcome the problems themselves and psychological trauma. Psychoanalysis shows the treatment monitoring of practical ability, creativity, decision-making power to be able to tackle certain types of personal and existential problems. Perhaps most psychoanalysts believe this human potential to solve problems and tackle complex situations and very difficult. Many do not have the financial resources, others do not believe in the analysis, however everyone knows the need that humans have to know themselves in their performances unconscious. Today more than ever appear increasingly to overcome challenges, some difficult to solve, as in the case of chronic or destructive. This type of experiences is not merely an illusion at all times accompany tragedies and sufferings of all kinds. But at the same time recognize that many people have succeeded by his willpower and determination to solve their problems or cure of a disease that was being disillusioned by medicine. The addition, psychoanalysis offers a theory, the treatment of these neuroses and psychosomatic illnesses. Many of these patients adolescents, adults, families, managed to prove their ability to overcome their limits affective and existential. Some managed to prepare and resolve many traumas that were preventing the experiences of his psychic potential. And somehow still in a process of personal evolution, the solution of these traumas, released creative energy able to cast him in many goals higher than the average of people in general. This same trauma could cause this patient developed an ability to utilize its potential to achieve noble goals in their personal and family life. This potential energy is unconscious able to turn a dream into reality. Because of this potential trauma unleashed creativity and determination, it is as if this suffering, this pain, this loss, reversing into a resource available to accomplish their goals. The big question of humanist psychoanalysis is: Where does this power that turns into a force capable of solving personal and social problems? I realize that this "potential" is a process of overcoming lying in novels, in movies, in the Bible, in short all focus this power to turn dreams into reality. Overcoming the trauma is not only a dream, a myth, a fantasy, an utopia, but a capability that has the power to motivate, and to modify our interpretation of certain traumas and problems we face in our lives. If we admit the existence of this "potential" processing in humans, then we should know the ways to use this energy efficiently, to respond to the challenges that life puts in our everyday life. Many hypotheses can be proposed to solve the problems of the "human" in man. But no one can deny the importance of this study in psychoanalysis to make the analysis more practical and efficient. The traumas are accompanied by fears, for it is a study of fundamental emotions, I believe that all these demands of the existence within its limitations and possibilities, may help put into practice the ethics of life, consistency comes in the form of being, acting and think.}, language = {pt} } @book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido}, title = {Mente inconsciente (Unconscious mind), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2012, 231 pp.}, abstract = {We are facing a new understanding of the unconscious mind, the new scientific discoveries that are happening in anthropology, philosophy and neuroscience are influencing epistemological demarcation of psychoanalytic theory, while medicine supported by neuroscience says that there is a neurobiological basis for human attitudes and for mental illnesses. We are very skeptical about this avalanche of marketing neuroscience and other theories that seek its basis in physiological organicism, even psychopharmacology and psychiatrists are in hand to substantiate this genetic condition and biological human mind. I believe these theories help us understand the biological functioning of the brain and neurological, but are far from understanding your unconscious functioning. We are still far from knowing what we are witnessing in the context of scientific discoveries, neuroscientists are trying to explain the neurological functioning through a unification that can enable scientific truths, but we realize that there are many contradictions in relation to psychoanalysis, philosophy, anthropology, this is a novelty of positivist and experimental scientists seeking to explain how the brain works. Writing about the human mind is a difficult and complex task, because the concepts are confused about the brain, first because there are different types of memories. Memories are files containing cultural information that can help a person find their answers, as well as psychoanalysis has long been a doctrine for the uninitiated a closed sect, who held where the truth about the unconscious was a select group that had the power and truth of psychoanalytic theory. Through this reflection on the "unconscious mind" I want to offer people lay in the subject an opportunity to understand the complex workings of the unconscious mind. I hope this awakening interest in the player, because the brain is unconscious energy with a capacity to leave us perplexed and fascinated with a capacity far beyond computers or the cosmos. All scientific discoveries in many areas of science are changing our way of being and living, and it seems that this transformation is inevitable, we are no longer the same, we go out of the condition of primates and become "cyber man," and yet we must be prepared for other changes and their impact on quality of life, all of this is unpredictable, we can not cower and flee what awaits us in the future, and without thinking or wanting to decrease anxiety, the future is happening right now. The theoretical and conceptual changes should monitor developments and scientific discoveries as we study the human brain met with organismic paradigms that are still with the defects of the neurons concerned to know which groups of neurons that are blamed for the malfunction Brain Machine. While in this mechanistic paradigm and physiological demand for all forms neurological location with their pathological functions, we are far from understanding human and existential. The unconscious part of the neurological functions and needs and understanding of the functioning of neurotransmitters, but can not be explained on this materialist and positivist paradigm. Psychoanalysis feels comfortable and quite safe to say that this paradigm "humanistic existential" may give many explanations about the complex web of human experience. The aim of this book is to discuss the theoretical paradigms and question the concepts and theories of neuroscience, as we understand these concepts in a conventional science that closed the issue on the demarcation of evidence and measurements, prevent psychoanalysts to dialogue with narcissism and prejudices of a science that prefers to take forward at any cost their personal truths.}, language = {pt} } @book{Pereira, author = {Pereira, Sal{\´e}zio Pl{\´a}cido}, title = {A interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o dos sonhos (The interpretation of dreams in humanist psychoanalysis), Santa Maria, Brazil (Editora Instituto de Psican{\´a}lise Humanista) 2012, 173 pp.}, abstract = {Many people would like to know more about themselves, their qualities, abilities and potential to become more efficient as a human being. This need to understand the subjectivity of interest rises to reveal and discover the secrets that the symbols and dreams hide in essence. On the collective families, schools, businesses, realize the superficiality, lack of initiative, apathy, fears, anxiety, depression, stress, psychic this instance is the basis of productivity, to become efficient requires courage, boldness, creativity, willpower, curiosity, desire to learn, humility and sincerity, qualities and values indispensable for those who want to be efficient and achieve your dreams. Dreams have always been despised by the natural and exact sciences, and could not be otherwise, because people deal with numbers, statistics, measurement, verification, those working with dreams seek to find meaning and significance in the world of emotions and instincts. Psychoanalysis argues for the importance of the study of dreams as a language that can help awaken the potential, the condition is essential to know to live with health and vitality. Those who realize their personal analysis are in this state of discovery, looking for a way to live with joy and happiness. Dreams reveal the dialogue between emotions and existence, unconscious energy communicates through images and symbols, to explore the content and meaning can discover the hidden message that can be interpreted to the patient. Today is consensus that dreams contain important information about mental health, organic, financial and emotional. Erich Fromm wrote about myths, legends, tales, this symbolic universe is interested in balancing and integrating the driving forces of the human being. The dreams also revealed that the matrix develops disharmony and unproductive state of distress, anxiety, are also able to show the latent potential of each person. The dreams always bring creative solutions to solve the neuroses and personal difficulties. This is organismic, inspired by the forces of nature to develop courage, boldness, originality and creativity, this potential is the result of productivity that is interested in health and happiness. In this book I explain the theory of interpretation of dreams, and I believe this is a healthy way for those who want to know more deeply. By paying attention to dreams in symbols images can find the meaning of life, how to live happy and healthy, making the existence of the potential to learn to develop awareness. One of my patients reported the following dream: "A friend asked while walking if he was glad to be retired. Shortly thereafter, I was climbing a wall with a ladder and reached the top, and then went down to get to the floor, I realized I had leaned the ladder against the wrong wall." This dream portrays a life experience and shows that we are not always sure about our goals in life. This situation arises when some beliefs no longer satisfy the desires, is a kind of crisis that needs to be addressed because there is a huge energy wear. Not always the material conditions fail to account for all the emotional demands, this time we must prioritize the loving relationship with emotions. Dreams can be the bridge to integrate and balance all the drives, to become aware of the emotions can get the value and use this potential energy to your advantage.}, language = {pt} } @article{Perman, author = {Perman, Gerald P.}, title = {Review Richard D. Chessick: Descent into Darkness. The Psychodynamics of Mental Illness: An Introduction and Illustration in the Form of a Novel}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 341-344,}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 341-344,}, language = {en} } @article{Plakun, author = {Plakun, Eric M.}, title = {Treatment Resistance and Psychodynamic Psychiatry: Concepts Psychiatry Needs from Psychoanalysis}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 183-210.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 183-210.}, language = {en} } @misc{Ren, author = {Ren, Huan}, title = {An Analysis of Alienation in >The New York Trilogy< [《纽约三部曲》中的异化主题分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Paul Auster (b. 1947) is one of the most innovative American contemporary writers. His acute insight into the crisis of the American postmodern society and meditation of its quests endow him rare philosophical depth, for which he is praised as one of the most intellectually stimulating fiction writers in America. The thesis takes The New York Trilogy (City of Glass, Ghosts and The Locked Room) as the study object, discussing how the work, with a series of watchmen as symbols, profoundly depicts the New York City and its people's alienated life, solitary, lost and hopeless, after the 1950s. Adopting American contemporary psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm's related alienation theory, the thesis analyzes the estrangement in the trilogy between man and society and between man and man. There are four chapters.- Chapter 1 introduces Paul Auster and his novel The New York Trilogy, followed by literary review of this trilogy and theoretical basis and structure of this thesis.- Chapter Two explores three manifestations of social space, production and consumption to illustrate social alienation all-pervasive. Alienation in social space at first takes outside and inside spaces such as city, room, door and widow, to penetrate modern people's isolation and solitude, then using Fromm's theory of one of people's basic needs relatedness to observe people's sadist and masochist alienation; next part of alienation involves production which is human being's distorted productivity, the life force Fromm calls, such as the abuse of government function, degradation and disability of people's detection and writer's creation; the third are two kinds of alienated consumption: one destructive compensatory consumption and the other passive consumption. In City of Glass Quinn intents to confirm his identity and existence by indulging himself into compensational consumptive writing, but the failure leaves him only sense of hollow and loss. The passive consumption embodies in people's leisure activity such as Quinn's walking without any active pleasure. While walking Quinn's body is mechanical, and what he feels is desperately helpless and lost; besides, in The Locked Room the narrator sinks with his wife into a luxurious and corrupt life, which leads them into loss and desperation.- Chapter 3 examines relations of authority in family in City of Glass, powerless and normless work in Ghosts, and an idol-like and distorted friendship in The Locked Room. The first part displays family alienation in farther and son relationship where little Peter is abused by powerful father Stillman and after grown up, he was also >tenderly protected< by his powerful wife. The second part is the alienation in work where both Quinn and Black's self-discipline can do nothing in their detection and when they cannot find out a reliable fact they are trapped in frustration and anxiety. The third part deals with the alienation in friendship between the narrator and Fanshawe. Thus in New York City, the epitome of capitalist society, relationship between man and man becomes utilization, a relation of objects, and there is little love but alienation and indifference.- Chapter 4 is the conclusion. Auster makes a deep and all-round exposure of today's social alienation, which helps people rethink their social life and development and also contributes to their further quests.}, language = {zh} } @article{Robbins, author = {Robbins, Michael}, title = {The Successful Psychoanalytic Therapy}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 575-608.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 575-608.}, language = {en} } @article{SandbergBusch, author = {Sandberg, Larry S. and Busch, Fredric N.}, title = {Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy: A Contemporary Perspective}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 505-532.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 505-532.}, language = {en} } @misc{Sang, author = {Sang, Xiaoyan}, title = {A Study of >The Human Stain< from the Perspective of Fromm's Humanistic Theory (2012)[用弗洛姆人本主义解读《人性的污秽》], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {The Human Stain is the contribution of the contemporary American writer the Philip Roth in 2000 which completes his splendid trilogy that begins with American Pastoral (1997) and I married a Communist (1998). It is an exquisite and profound novel, which tells the tragic story of a college professor Coleman Silk, a black man who pretends to be white so as to pursue a better life development. The novel is well accepted and is awarded PEN / Faulkner Award in 2001. It is also adapted into a film of the same name in 2003 starring Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. Critics and scholars abroad and at home have studied The Human Stain from various perspectives, such as theme analysis, cultural criticism, intertextual study, writing techniques and so on, but few have studied this novel from the perspective of man's living situations. The novel is set at Athena College, which in fact is the miniature of American society. People who live in this environment encounter with various living predicaments, which expresses Roth's concern with the living situations of human being. The thesis attempts to analyze The Human Stain from the perspective of Erich Fromm's humanistic theory. It aims to analyze the wretched living situations of the main characters in this novel, explore the causes for their living plights and search the salvations of modern man. The paper falls into three sections apart from introduction and conclusion.- Introduction gives a general introduction to Philip Roth and his literary accomplishments, The Human Stain, literature review and the significance of this thesis.- Then, Fromm's humanistic theory is presented in brief. According to Fromm, the living situation of human being is a unique matter in nature. He takes human nature as the starting point of his humanism. With the rapid development of capitalism, escape from freedom and alienation become the typical living predicaments of modern people. Moreover, only through creative love can man find a way out of the predicaments.- Chapter One provides a detailed analysis for the wretched living situations of the main characters in this novel, namely escape from freedom and alienation, which are very typical. The freedom they pursue is negative freedom, which means to gain freedom only by getting rid of external bondage without a correct life orientation. The accompanying pressure and burden bring them lots of sufferings. Their life turns out to be perfect and prosperous on the surface, but to the core, it is oppressing. They have to suffer from mental alienation.- Chapter Two comes up with the causes for the paradoxical living situations from social and personal aspects. Man is social animal and cannot exist without the social environment. In this novel, racial discrimination, political correctness, persecuting spirit and the impact of the Vietnam War deepen the degree of man's predicaments. At the same time, various conflicts come into being due to the common living situation of human being, which lead to different psychological needs of people. People would suffer a lot if their basic needs are not satisfied or are satisfied through wrong way.- Chapter Three discusses the salvations of the main characters. According to Roth, death is a thorough and ultimate salvation for the main characters in this novel because it simplifies everything, purifies everything, and is also a form of self-transcendence. Coleman Silk and Faunia Farley end their lives in flowing river, which shows Roth's hope on purification of life. At the same time, a harmonious relationship between man and nature help people gain mental salvation. Lester Farley obtains inner peace in nature. Besides, love is the final salvation for modern people's mental crisis.- In the conclusion part, a summary is made based on the above analysis. The Human Stain expresses Roth's ultimate concern over human nature and the destiny of human beings. He insists on moral values in an age of materialism and has faith in salvations of modern man. The humanistic ideas in this novel heighten Roth's thoughts on human nature and are instructive to modern people. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{SchlosserDalfovoDelvan, author = {Schlosser, Adriano and Dalfovo, Daniel David and Delvan, Josiane da Silva}, title = {Um estudo sobre o amor: Di{\´a}logos entre Sigmund Freud e Erich Fromm}, series = {Psicologia Argumento, Vol. 30 (No. 70, 2012), pp. 567-573.}, journal = {Psicologia Argumento, Vol. 30 (No. 70, 2012), pp. 567-573.}, language = {pt} } @misc{Schneider, author = {Schneider, Gregor-S{\"o}nke}, title = {Keine Kritische Theorie ohne Leo L{\"o}wenthal. Die >Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialforschung< (1932-1941/42). Dissertation an der Philosophischen Fakult{\"a}t der Leibniz Universiot{\"a}t Hannover, Hannover 2012, 300 pp.}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird im Sinne einer Intellectual History der Beitrag von Leo L{\"o}wenthal an der Konzeption der Kritischen Theorie im Rahmen der Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialforschung herausgestellt. In dieser Zeitschrift, die fast zehn Jahre lang das Publikationsorgan des in Frankfurt am Main gegr{\"u}ndeten Instituts f{\"u}r Sozialforschung war, entwickelten Max Horkheimer, Friedrich Pollock, Herbert Marcuse, Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm und auch Walter Benjamin w{\"a}hrend der 30er Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts eine kritische Theorie der Gesellschaft. Leo L{\"o}wenthal trug ebenfalls maßgeblich zur Entwicklung der Kritischen Theorie bei - sowohl in theoretischer als auch praktischer Hinsicht. Als verantwortlicher Schriftleiter der Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sozialforschung hielt er das Forum und Sprachrohr des Instituts f{\"u}r Sozialforschung am Laufen, in dem die programmatischen Aufs{\"a}tze zur Kritischen Theorie erarbeitet und ver{\"o}ffentlicht wurden. Doch auch seine theoretischen Beitr{\"a}ge stehen in enger inhaltlicher Beziehung zu den Arbeiten der anderen Institutsmitglieder und besitzen origin{\"a}ren Charakter. Beide Aspekte - theoretischer und praktischer - zeigen, dass L{\"o}wenthals Arbeit unentbehrlicher Teil des kollektiven Projektes einer Kritischen Theorie war.}, language = {de} } @book{Schore, author = {Schore, A. N.}, title = {The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy. New York (Norton) 2012.}, language = {en} } @article{Shi, author = {Shi, Peishuang}, title = {Certain Choice under Constraint Mechanism - Reason for Jane Eyre's Running away [压抑机制下的必然选择——解读简爱的出走] [Application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Chongqing College \& Electronic Engineering [重庆电子工程职业学院学报], No. 1 (2012), pp. 66-68.}, journal = {Journal of Chongqing College \& Electronic Engineering [重庆电子工程职业学院学报], No. 1 (2012), pp. 66-68.}, abstract = {>Jane Eyre< is a novel with some autobiographic character. Jane Eyre, the novel's heroine, is an independent woman, brave, strong-minded, with a spirit of resistance, and she ran Just cannot stay away again and again. By using psychoanalytic theories of Freud and Fromm, the author has explored the constraint mechanism, analyzed several concrete symbolic phenomena of the mechanism, and explained the reason why Jane Eyre chose to run away.}, language = {zh} } @misc{Song, author = {Song, Yulu}, title = {Mental Illness and Their Modern Way [现代人的精神病症及其出路], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China 2012.}, abstract = {现代人的精神病症不只具有病理学的意义,更是现代人普遍存在的一种心理状态,人是生活在社会中的人,人的心理状态也不得不受到整体环境的影响,现代人的精神病症也来自于社会的病态。发达的现代社会并没有让生活在其中的人获得自由,现代人物质繁荣、精神贫乏,人也没有创造力和自主行动力,就如同患了精神分裂症。对于中国社会来说,现代化是不可避免的趋势,如果偏离了正确的方向,即使摆物质贫困也难逃精神贫困的噩运。因此我们要时刻反思自己的处境,在发展经济的同时也要避免单向度的发展,只有实现人的全面发展才能走向社会健全之路。本文先从法兰克福学派几个代表人物的观点入手,对人精神病症的研究也逐渐从生理学角度转向社会文化方面,从个体性研究走向社会群体的普遍性研究,把精神分析放入正常人之中。在此基础上挖掘了现代人精神病症的根源,主要表现为现代社会及人的异化;然后又分析了当代中国人的精神危机;最后论证了通过精神健康之路以及对于中国现代化建设的启示。第一章引言主要介绍了国内外的研究现状和几个代表人物的观点进行了梳理,首先对精神分析学的发展做了梳理,从弗洛伊德创立的精神分析学以来,就出现了大批对他理论批判继承者,比如阿德勒、荣格、马尔库塞、弗洛姆,越来越注重从社会文化方面对现代人作出精神分析。然后引出研究这一问题的理论和现实意义,不仅为人学发展提供了新思路,还对我国文化建设具有重大的借鉴意义。第二章深入探究现代人精神病症的根源,这个精神病症是具有普遍性的,存在于正常人群之中的,也是社会本身的病态。而现代人产生精神病症的根源首先在于人性本身,人类存在之时便得面对生存的二岐性矛盾,人对世界的改造也促使人心理的变化;深刻的社会历史根源也都会使现代人产生迷惘,人所遇到的障碍也超越了他所创造的文明;还有社会性格和无意识都会对个体心理产生潜移默化的影响,这些都会导致人出现精神问题。第三章分析了现代人精神病症的集中体现——那就是异化,这里的异化更侧重于从主观体验方面来说,它是指社会和生活在其中的人的病态,看似正常的现代人早已被全面异化。尤其是在资本主义社会中表现的更为突出,人与自身、与同胞和消费之间的关系都被异化了。第四章引出现代人的精神病症也存在于我国社会之中,现代人的两难困境让自己发展的同时也造成了人的精神困境,当代中国人的精神生活有着自己的特点,面对强大的外部力量,中国人内心也会产生极大波动,这些都会影响现代人的精神状况。第五章自然提出了解决现代人精神病症的方案,首先精神健全主要是人的健全,社会也要适应人的发展,让异化的人得以健全,人也具备自主能力和全面发展的条件。具体实施方案就是要进行心灵救赎和体制改革,只有爱才能克服人与人之间的障碍,摆内心的孤独:同时也应该进行经济、政治、文化三方面的转型,只有让各方面协调发展才能产生一个精神健全的社会。最后一章就现代人精神病症研究的理论根源和当代价值进行了总结,本文基于弗洛姆精神分析的理论对现代人的精神状况进行剖析,试图使人类建立一条自我拯救精神家园之路。对于中国社会来说,对这一问题的研究具有重大现实意义,对我国市场经济、文化建设与和谐社会的发展也有着启示作用,市场只是一种手段,其目的都在于促进人自身的发展,只有解决了社会的精神病症人才能得以健全,对我国和谐社会的建立也有着借鉴意义。结论部分对全文进行了简要总结,最后得出现代人要走向精神健全之路不只依靠个体的努力,最终还得依靠全社会的共同努力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Sotelo, author = {Sotelo, Laura}, title = {La Escuela de Frankfurt, en v{\´i}speras del Tercer Reich}, series = {Fromm, E., Obreros y empleados en v´speras del Tercer Reich, Un an{\´a}lisi psicol{\´o}gico-social (1980a-spa), Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, pp. 14-48.}, journal = {Fromm, E., Obreros y empleados en v´speras del Tercer Reich, Un an{\´a}lisi psicol{\´o}gico-social (1980a-spa), Buenos Aires (Fondo cultura economica), 2012, pp. 14-48.}, language = {es} } @article{Stone, author = {Stone, Michael H.}, title = {Disorder in the Domain of the Personality}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 023-046.}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 023-046.}, language = {en} } @article{Stone, author = {Stone, Michael H.}, title = {Dream Analysis in the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of Borderline Patients}, series = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 287-302}, journal = {Psychodynamic Psychiatry, Vol. 40 (2012), pp. 287-302}, language = {en} } @misc{Sun, author = {Sun, Wenyun}, title = {The Aesthetic Look of Death [对死亡的美学注视], Master thesis, Literary Theory, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 2012. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {死亡的美可以分为死亡本身特征的美和面向死亡的生命之美。本文从死亡与美的关系入手,概括中西方从古至今对死亡本质的认识,发现死亡具有超验性,在未体验过死亡之前很难探讨死亡。但正如海德格尔所说,每个活着的人都无法逃避死亡,文章从宗教、哲学、伦理等角度分析他们各自对死亡的阐释。发现宗教,伦理角度将死亡问题转化为死亡的结果,或者死亡的价值问题,从某种意义上回避了对死亡本质的解释。理性主义者在使用线性真理试图解释死亡时却自身陷入了绝对、极限也是封闭的矛盾。美学通过对死亡全过程的注视和模拟,从某种意义上使死亡得到了纾缓,将>不可逆转的时间<转化为>不可改变的时间<,在整个文化系统层面上将死亡转变成生命。因此,美学能够对死亡起到必不可少的作用。前人对死亡美的研究实质上多是研究面向死亡的生命之美,因为关涉死亡的艺术文本中痛苦、激情等主要还是强调人的精神自由,如浪漫主义、荒诞派等。哥特艺术排斥一切人的主观情感,执念于死亡的过程,精神上有封闭性、物化、范式等特征,同时在形式上有一定的美学价值。因此,将后者归为死亡本身的美,而前者作为面向死亡所激发的生命之美。死亡本身的美一章中,围绕>谦卑<、>执念<、>范式<几个美学特征来阐释,并以弗罗姆等人的心理分析为参照,说明这种美因软弱以及追求极致造成,并分析它与自卑、典型等概念的些微联系。在客观承认其局限美的前提下,指出其>物化<自身的危险。面向死亡的生命之美从生存论角度以人的情感线索展开,从最初意识到死亡之>惊<,到>痛苦<,然后对痛苦有些人会>沉论<,另一部分是行动,行动中又分为出声的呐喊、>反抗<,和内在反思的>沉默<。文章将中西方文学史中的不同形象、事件按照此情感类型划分,并且区分每种情感类型的内在心理机制,试图表现各个阶段中人的生命与死亡间的巨大张力。}, language = {zh} } @article{Suzuki, author = {Suzuki, Daisetz T.}, title = {Luentoja Zenbuddhalaisuudesta}, series = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 13-98.}, journal = {D. T. Suzuki and E. Fromm, Zen ja psykoanalyysi, Helsinki (Basam Books Oy) 2012, pp. 13-98.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} }