@article{AbdelMalek, author = {Abdel-Malek, A.}, title = {Le moment historique du travail th{\´e}orique}, series = {L'homme et la soci{\´e}t{\´e}. Revue internationale de recherches et de synth{\`e}ses sociologiques, Paris (No. 23, 1972), pp. 111-132.}, journal = {L'homme et la soci{\´e}t{\´e}. Revue internationale de recherches et de synth{\`e}ses sociologiques, Paris (No. 23, 1972), pp. 111-132.}, language = {fr} } @misc{Ach, author = {Ach, B.}, title = {Review Masserman, J. M.: >The Dynamics of Work and Marriage<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 97-98.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 97-98.}, language = {es} } @book{Adler, author = {Adler, A.}, title = {{\"U}ber den nerv{\"o}sen Charakter, Frankfurt a. M. (Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag) 1973.}, language = {de} } @article{Ahrens, author = {Ahrens, R.}, title = {La importancia de la ling{\"u}{\´i}stica y la psicoling{\"u}{\´i}stica en el coloquio diagn{\´o}stico y terap{\´e}utico}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 26-52.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 26-52.}, language = {es} } @book{Alland, author = {Alland, A.}, title = {The human imperative, New York and London (Columbia University Press) 1972.}, language = {en} } @misc{Alsofrom, author = {Alsofrom, Ann}, title = {A Factor Analysis of Erich Fromm's Nonproductive Orientations, Columbia University Dissertation 1972, 104 pp.}, language = {en} } @article{Altamirano, author = {Altamirano, S.}, title = {La libertad: ?'ficci{\´o}n o realidad?}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 71-96.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 71-96.}, language = {es} } @misc{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Review Luk{\´a}cs, Georg: >Mi camino hacia Marx<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 71-74.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 71-74.}, language = {es} } @misc{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Review : Laing, R. D.: >Experiencia y alienaci{\´o}n en la vida contempor{\´a}nea<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 82-90.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 82-90.}, language = {es} } @misc{Amara, author = {Amara, Giuseppe}, title = {Review Aramoni, Aniceto , V{\´i}ctor Saavedra, Jorge Derbez, Fernando Narv{\´a}ez, Jorge Silva, Carlos Garc{\´i}a y Eduardo Zajur: > La guerra de los sexos<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 58-62.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 58-62.}, language = {es} } @book{Andreski, author = {Andreski, S.}, title = {Social Sciences as Sorcery, London (Andre Deutsch) 1972.}, language = {en} } @misc{Angeli, author = {Angeli, G.}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: Psychoanalysis and Religion (1950a, Italian)}, series = {Rivista storico-letteraria rel., 1972, pp. 174-177}, journal = {Rivista storico-letteraria rel., 1972, pp. 174-177}, language = {it} } @misc{Anonymus1972, author = {Anonymus-1972,}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Crisis of Psychoanalysis. Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (1970a, English)}, series = {Times Literary Supplement, London (28. 4. 1972), pp. 499.}, journal = {Times Literary Supplement, London (28. 4. 1972), pp. 499.}, language = {en} } @article{Anonymus1972a, author = {Anonymus-1972a,}, title = {Erich Fromm and Free Access}, series = {The Socialist Standard, London, June 1972, pp. 86f.}, journal = {The Socialist Standard, London, June 1972, pp. 86f.}, language = {en} } @article{Apostol, author = {Apostol, Pavel}, title = {Quality of Life and Exploration of Futures, Bukarest (Centrul de Multiplicare al Universitatii din Bucuresti) 1972.}, language = {en} } @article{Apostol, author = {Apostol, Pavel}, title = {Marxism and The Structure of the Future}, series = {Futures (Sept. 1972), pp. 201-210.}, journal = {Futures (Sept. 1972), pp. 201-210.}, language = {en} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {La psiquiatria en un mundo de represi{\´o}n}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 13-46.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 13-46.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {La edad y la rebeldia}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 205-232.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 205-232.}, language = {es} } @book{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Hombre en conflicto, Mexico (Editorial Samo) 1972.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Final del hombre, un animal que alcanz{\´o} la comodidad}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 3-7.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 3-7.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Salutaci{\´o}n a los estudiantes de psicoan{\´a}lisis, Generalici{\´o}n 1972-1975}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 3-9.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 3-9.}, language = {es} } @article{Aramoni, author = {Aramoni, Aniceto}, title = {Introducci{\´o}n}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 7-12.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 7-12.}, language = {es} } @article{Arato, author = {Arato, A.}, title = {Georg Luk{\´a}cs: The Search for a Revolutionary Subject}, series = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 81-106.}, journal = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 81-106.}, language = {en} } @article{Arendt, author = {Arendt, Hannah}, title = {Die neuerweckte Lust am Handeln}, series = {A. Reif (Ed.), Interviews, Hamburg (Hoffmann und Campe) 1972, pp. 44-71.}, journal = {A. Reif (Ed.), Interviews, Hamburg (Hoffmann und Campe) 1972, pp. 44-71.}, language = {de} } @article{Arieti, author = {Arieti, Silvano}, title = {Volition and Value: A Study Based on Catatonic Schizophrenia}, series = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 275-288.}, journal = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 275-288.}, language = {en} } @book{Arieti, author = {Arieti, Silvano}, title = {The Will to be Human. New York (Delta) 1972.}, language = {en} } @book{Aristoteles, author = {Aristoteles,}, title = {Nikomachische Ethik, Hamburg (Felix Meiner Verlag) 1972.}, language = {de} } @article{Aristoteles, author = {Aristoteles,}, title = {Art as Social Therapy}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 419-426.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 419-426.}, language = {en} } @article{Aronowitz, author = {Aronowitz, S.}, title = {Left-Wing Communism: The Reply to Lenin}, series = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 169-194.}, journal = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 169-194.}, language = {en} } @misc{ArosemenaJaén, author = {Arosemena Jaén, Roberto}, title = {La idea de Dios en el psicoanálisis. Erich Fromm, Doctoral dissertation (Tesis inédita), Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid 1972, 268 pp.}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {es} } @misc{Arteaga, author = {Arteaga, Javier}, title = {Review Kelly, Desmond , Wagih Guirguis, Eva Frommer, Nita Mitchel Heggs y Williams Sargant: >Treatment of Phobic States with Antidepressants<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 62-64.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 62-64.}, language = {es} } @misc{Arteaga, author = {Arteaga, Javier}, title = {Review Hay, G. G.: >Dysmorphophobia, The British Journal of Psychiatry<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 64-64.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 64-64.}, language = {es} } @misc{Arteaga, author = {Arteaga, Javier}, title = {Review Deniker, Pierre: >Les Formes Paucisymtomatiques de L'hysterie, Confrontations Psychiatriques, Aspects Modernes de la Psychiatrie<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 66-69.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 66-69.}, language = {es} } @misc{Arenilla, author = {Ar{\´e}nilla, L.}, title = {Review Fromm, E.: The Crisis of Psychoanalysis. Essays on Freud, Marx and Social Psychology (1970a, French)}, series = {Cahiers internatiaux de sociologie, Paris, Vol. 52 (1972), pp. 173-176}, journal = {Cahiers internatiaux de sociologie, Paris, Vol. 52 (1972), pp. 173-176}, language = {fr} } @article{Baier, author = {Baier, K.}, title = {The Meaning of Life}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 160-178.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 160-178.}, language = {en} } @article{Barnes, author = {Barnes, M.}, title = {Flection}, series = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 218-219.}, journal = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 218-219.}, language = {en} } @article{Barnes, author = {Barnes, M.}, title = {Reflection}, series = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 220-223.}, journal = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 220-223.}, language = {en} } @book{Barnes, author = {Barnes, M.}, title = {Two accounts of a journey through madness, New York (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich) 1972.}, language = {en} } @article{Bastide, author = {Bastide, R.}, title = {Marxisme et psychanalyse}, series = {Sociologie et psychanalise, Paris (Presses Universitaires de France) 1972, pp. 107-126.}, journal = {Sociologie et psychanalise, Paris (Presses Universitaires de France) 1972, pp. 107-126.}, language = {fr} } @article{Bastide, author = {Bastide, R.}, title = {Sociologia e psicoanalisi, Bari (Dedalo Libri) 1972, pp. 129-136. 330f.}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {it} } @book{Battegay, author = {Battegay, Raymond}, title = {Der Mensch in der Gruppe. Band 3, Stuttgart (Verlag Hans Huber) 1972.}, language = {de} } @article{Benedetti, author = {Benedetti, Gaetano}, title = {La psicoanalisi nella societ{\`a} moderna}, series = {Il Veltro, Vol. 16 (No. 3.4, 1972), pp. 225-235.}, journal = {Il Veltro, Vol. 16 (No. 3.4, 1972), pp. 225-235.}, language = {it} } @article{Bentham, author = {Bentham, J.}, title = {Utilitarianism}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 195-201.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 195-201.}, language = {en} } @article{Berger, author = {Berger, Peter L.}, title = {Languages of Murder}, series = {Worldview (Jan. 1972).}, journal = {Worldview (Jan. 1972).}, language = {en} } @article{Berke, author = {Berke, J.}, title = {>Anti-psychiatry<. An interview with Dr Joseph Berke}, series = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 209-217.}, journal = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 209-217.}, language = {en} } @book{Berne, author = {Berne, E.}, title = {What Do You Say After You Say Hello? London (Corgi) 1972.}, language = {en} } @article{Bieber, author = {Bieber, I.}, title = {Morality and Freud's Concept of the Superego}, series = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 126-143.}, journal = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 126-143.}, language = {en} } @article{Bieber, author = {Bieber, I.}, title = {Psychoanalysis and Moral Values}, series = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 244-251.}, journal = {S. C. Post (Ed.), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis, New York (International Universities Press, Inc.) 1972, pp. 244-251.}, language = {en} } @article{Birnbaum, author = {Birnbaum, N.}, title = {La crise de la sociologie marxiste}, series = {L'homme et la soci{\´e}t{\´e}, revue internationale de recherches et de synth{\`e}ses sociologiques, Paris (No. 23, 1972), pp. 23-40.}, journal = {L'homme et la soci{\´e}t{\´e}, revue internationale de recherches et de synth{\`e}ses sociologiques, Paris (No. 23, 1972), pp. 23-40.}, language = {fr} } @article{Bischof, author = {Bischof, Norbert}, title = {The biological foundations of the incest taboo}, series = {Social Science Information, Vol. 11 (No. 6, 1972), pp. 7-36.}, journal = {Social Science Information, Vol. 11 (No. 6, 1972), pp. 7-36.}, language = {en} } @article{Black, author = {Black, Max}, title = {Beyond Freedom and Dignity: A Disservice to All}, series = {The Center Magazine (March/April 1972), pp. 53-57.}, journal = {The Center Magazine (March/April 1972), pp. 53-57.}, language = {en} } @article{BlackburnJones, author = {Blackburn, R. and Jones, G. S.}, title = {Louis Althusser and the Struggle for Marxism}, series = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 365-387.}, journal = {Howard, D., Klare, K. E. (Eds.): The Unknown Dimension. European Marxism since Lenin, New York/London (Basic Books) 1972, pp. 365-387.}, language = {en} } @article{Blatchford, author = {Blatchford, R.}, title = {The Delusion of Free Will}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 27-34.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 27-34.}, language = {en} } @book{Bleuler, author = {Bleuler, E.}, title = {Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie, Berlin (Springer-Verlag) 1972.}, language = {de} } @article{Bloch, author = {Bloch, Ernst}, title = {Im Christentum steckt die Revolte}, series = {A. Reif (Ed.), Interviews, Hamburg (Hoffmann und Campe) 1972, pp. 27-43.}, journal = {A. Reif (Ed.), Interviews, Hamburg (Hoffmann und Campe) 1972, pp. 27-43.}, language = {de} } @article{Boardman, author = {Boardman, J.}, title = {The Asteroid Light}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 152-153.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 152-153.}, language = {en} } @article{Bollnow, author = {Bollnow, Otto F.}, title = {Die philosophische Anthropologie und ihre methodischen Prinzipien}, series = {Rocek, R., Schatz, O. (Eds.): Philosophische Anthropologie heute, M{\"u}nchen (Beck'sche Schwarze Reihe 89, Verlag C.H. Beck) 1972, pp. 19-36.}, journal = {Rocek, R., Schatz, O. (Eds.): Philosophische Anthropologie heute, M{\"u}nchen (Beck'sche Schwarze Reihe 89, Verlag C.H. Beck) 1972, pp. 19-36.}, language = {de} } @article{Bonime, author = {Bonime, Walter}, title = {El uso de los sue{\~n}os en el compromiso terap{\´e}utico de los pacientes}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 27-42.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 27-42.}, language = {es} } @misc{Borko, author = {Borko, Božidar}, title = {Erich Fromm: Kriza psihoanalize}, series = {Delo, Vol. 253 (No. 14, 15.09, 1972), p. 24.}, journal = {Delo, Vol. 253 (No. 14, 15.09, 1972), p. 24.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Boyers, author = {Boyers, R.}, title = {Preface}, series = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 7-9.}, journal = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 7-9.}, language = {en} } @book{Bracken, author = {Bracken, E. von}, title = {Meister Eckhart: Legende und Wirklichkeit, Meisenheim am Glan (Verlag Anton Hain) 1972.}, language = {de} } @article{Bradbury, author = {Bradbury, R.}, title = {A Sound of Thunder}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 20-33.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 20-33.}, language = {en} } @article{Brecht, author = {Brecht, B.}, title = {To Posterity}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 191-193.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 191-193.}, language = {en} } @article{Brennan, author = {Brennan, W.}, title = {Majority Opinion}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 440}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 440}, language = {en} } @book{Brosse, author = {Brosse, J.}, title = {Hitler avant Hitler, Fayard 1972.}, language = {fr} } @book{Buber, author = {Buber, Martin}, title = {Ich und Du, K{\"o}ln (Verlag Jakob Schneider) 1972.}, language = {de} } @book{Burckhardt, author = {Burckhardt, C. J.}, title = {Zum Begriff der Macht, Z{\"u}rich (Arche Verlag) 1972.}, language = {de} } @misc{Bychowski, author = {Bychowski, G.}, title = {Review Landis, B. and E. Tauber: In the Name of Life}, series = {Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 41 (1972), pp. 637-638.}, journal = {Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 41 (1972), pp. 637-638.}, language = {en} } @article{Carney, author = {Carney, Frederick S.}, title = {James Luther Adams: The Christian Actionist as a Man of Culture}, series = {Perkins Journal (Fall 1972).}, journal = {Perkins Journal (Fall 1972).}, language = {en} } @article{Caruso, author = {Caruso, Igor A.}, title = {Psychoanalyse - >Ersatz< des Sozialen?}, series = {I. A. Caruso: Soziale Aspekte der Psychoanalyse, Reinbek 1972, pp. 21-40 (Rowohlt Verlag).}, journal = {I. A. Caruso: Soziale Aspekte der Psychoanalyse, Reinbek 1972, pp. 21-40 (Rowohlt Verlag).}, language = {de} } @misc{CastilloSanchez, author = {Castillo S{\´a}nchez, Fernando del}, title = {Psicoanálisis y religión en la obra de Erich Fromm, Tesi de llicenciatura, Secci{\´o}n de Filosof{\´i}a, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universitat de Val{\`e}ncia 1972, 124 pp.}, language = {es} } @article{CellariusPlatt, author = {Cellarius, R. and Platt, J.}, title = {Classification of Crisis Research Studies by Project Areas}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 336-346.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 336-346.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {Africa (Tunesia, Nigeria, Republic of South Africa)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 42-52.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 42-52.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {Europe (Italy)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review,}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review,}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {General and Theoretical Issues}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 5-20.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 5-20.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {India}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 33-40.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 33-40.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {Middle East (Israel)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 41-42.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 41-42.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {North America}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 58-71.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 58-71.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {Research and Observations: 1. far East (Japan, Malaysia, Korea)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 21-28.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 21-28.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {South America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Jamaica)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 53-57.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 53-57.}, language = {en} } @article{ChakrabortyChen, author = {Chakraborty, A. and Chen, P. C. Y.}, title = {South Pacific (Australia, Indonesia)}, series = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 28-32.}, journal = {Transcultural Psychiatric Research Review, Montreal, Vol. IX (April 1972), pp. 28-32.}, language = {en} } @book{Chesler, author = {Chesler, P.}, title = {Women and Madness. London (Allen Lane) 1972.}, language = {en} } @article{Clark, author = {Clark, T. C.}, title = {Dissenting Opinion}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 446-452.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 446-452.}, language = {en} } @book{Claus, author = {Claus, J.}, title = {Planeta mar. Arte e investigaci{\´o}n ambiental bajo el agua, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Extempor{\´a}neos) 1972.}, language = {es} } @article{Colesetal, author = {Coles, R. and et al.,}, title = {R. D. Laing and anti-psychiatry: a symposium}, series = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 157-180.}, journal = {R. Boyers and R. Orrill (Eds.), Laing and Anti-Psychiatry, Harmondsworth (Penguin Books) 1972, pp. 157-180.}, language = {en} } @article{Copi, author = {Copi, I. M.}, title = {The Detective as Scientist}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 352-360.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 352-360.}, language = {en} } @article{Craia, author = {Craia, V.}, title = {Aspetti della relazione interpersonale nella situazione analitica: Controtransfert e intervisione. 10 pp.}, language = {it} } @article{Craia, author = {Craia, V.}, title = {Psicopatologia del linguaggio: Il linguaggio solitario. 8 pp.}, language = {it} } @article{Crowley, author = {Crowley, Ralph M.}, title = {Un analista en fil{\´o}sofo}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 71-81.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 71-81.}, language = {es} } @article{Crumbaugh, author = {Crumbaugh, J. C.}, title = {A Scientific Critique of Parapsychology}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 361-368.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 361-368.}, language = {en} } @misc{CuevasSosa, author = {Cuevas Sosa, A.}, title = {Review Heston, L. L. : >The Genetics of Schizophrenic and Schizoid Disease>, Science<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 66.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 20, 1972), pp. 66.}, language = {es} } @book{Curtis, author = {Curtis, O. B.}, title = {The Role of Religion in Selfhood: An Examination of Humanistic Psychoanalysis in Erich Fromm and Christian Selfhood in Wayne Oates, Baylor University Dissertation 1972. [Abstract at the Archives; Volume at Dortmund]}, language = {en} } @article{Dale, author = {Dale, E. L. Jr.}, title = {The Economics of Pollution}, series = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 157-166.}, journal = {R. Theobald, Futures Conditional, New York (The Bobbs-Merrill Co.) 1972, pp. 157-166.}, language = {en} } @article{Darrow, author = {Darrow, C.}, title = {The Delusion of Design and Purpose}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 89-95.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 89-95.}, language = {en} } @article{Darrow, author = {Darrow, C.}, title = {The Myth of the Soul}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 291-298.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 291-298.}, language = {en} } @article{Derbez, author = {Derbez, J.}, title = {?'Educaci{\´o}n o colusi{\´o}n?}, series = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 233-314.}, journal = {A. Aramoni (Ed.), Hombre en Conflicto, M{\´e}xico (Editorial Samo) 1972, pp. 233-314.}, language = {es} } @misc{Derbez, author = {Derbez, R.}, title = {Review Arieti, Silvano (Ed.): >The World biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy<}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 81-82.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 22, 1972), pp. 81-82.}, language = {es} } @article{Derbolowsky, author = {Derbolowsky, U.}, title = {El cambio de papeles en la din{\´a}mica de grupo como t{\´e}cnica psicoanal{\´i}tica en la psicoterapia de grupo y en la individual}, series = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 53-59.}, journal = {Revista de Psicoan{\´a}lisis, Psiquiatr{\´i}a y Psicolog{\´i}a, M{\´e}xico (No. 21, 1972), pp. 53-59.}, language = {es} } @article{Descartes, author = {Descartes, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Meditations I and II}, series = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 329-338.}, journal = {J. R. Burr and M. Goldinger (Eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, New York (The Macmillan Company) 1972, pp. 329-338.}, language = {en} } @misc{Devitis, author = {Devitis, Joseph Liberatore}, title = {The Concept of Repression in the Social and Educational Thought of Erich Fromm and Herbert Marcuse, University of Illinois Dissertation 1972, 253 pp.}, language = {en} }