@misc{Zabranska, author = {Z{\´a}bransk{\´a}, Marie}, title = {Frommovo pojet{\´i} člověka a psychoanal{\´y}za [Fromm´s Conception of Human and Psychoanalysis, Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 57 pp.}, abstract = {The topic of the present bachelor thesis is Erich Fromm and his specific concept of a human being and psychoanalysis. In his works, this famous psychologist was able to explain the position of a human being in the society, their needs and problems linked to their own existence. The introductory chapter summarizes fundamental facts about Fromm's life and mentions several important personalities who influenced his thinking. The following chapters focus on the main issues of Fromm's concept of a human being, especially their place in the environment, their relationship with the surrounding world, life philosophy and the issue of personal freedom. It deals in detail with the issues of love, aggression, freedom and the >To Be and to Have< life philosophy. Another issue this thesis deals with is Fromm's approach to psychoanalysis and religion. The concluding chapter contains the fact about the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud and a comparison of the individual concepts of a human being as formulated by Freud and Fromm respectively.}, language = {pl} } @article{Zabel, author = {Zabel, Kristin}, title = {Georg Simmels >Der Begriff und die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur< und Erich Fromms >Haben oder Sein<. Minimalismus und die Do-it-yourself-Bewegung als Ausdruck der Seins-Orientierung, Studienarbeit, Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts, Otto-von-Guericke-Universit{\"a}t Magdeburg), Grin Verlag, 2013, 18 pp.}, abstract = {Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hat durch die große Menge an Kulturangeboten sowie deren weite Verbreitung und Zug{\"a}nglichkeit {\"u}ber das Internet der Mensch unz{\"a}hlige Inspirationen und M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Selbstentfaltung. Jedoch beobachtet Simmel, dass der moderne Kulturmensch all dieses nur noch im Modus des Konsumierens wahrnimmt und gar nicht mehr selbst sch{\"o}pferisch t{\"a}tig wird. Er ist von der un{\"u}berschaubaren Vielzahl, Komplexit{\"a}t und Grenzenlosigkeit der Objekte {\"u}berfordert sowie durch Technisierung und Arbeitsteilung von den Dingen entfremdet, sodass eine seelische Entwicklung gar nicht mehr m{\"o}glich ist. Obgleich die Kulturg{\"u}ter dem Subjekt bei seiner Entfaltung dienen sollen, verunm{\"o}glicht ihre {\"U}bermacht gerade dieses - was Simmel als die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur bezeichnet. Gleichzeitig betont er, dass diese unvermeidlich sei. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob es tats{\"a}chlich keinen Ausweg aus dieser Trag{\"o}die gibt. Was kann der moderne Mensch tun, damit in der heutigen {\"U}berflussgesellschaft die Seele nicht verk{\"u}mmert? Eine Antwort ergibt sich m{\"o}glicherweise aus Erich Fromms Konzept der zwei Existenzweisen von Haben und Sein, welches er in seinem Werk >Haben oder Sein< beschrieben hat. Der Charakter des modernen Kulturmenschen ist demnach {\"u}berwiegend gepr{\"a}gt von der Existenzweise des Habens - mit allen sich daraus ergebenden Problemen. Es wird f{\"u}r diese Hausarbeit thesenhaft angenommen, dass die Trag{\"o}die der Kultur eben auf jener dominierenden Existenzweise des Habens beruht und eine L{\"o}sung des Konfliktes m{\"o}glich ist, wenn der Mensch von der Existenzweise des Habens zur Existenzweise des Seins wechselt. Dabei zeigen j{\"u}ngste Trends wie der Minimalismus oder die Do-it-yourself-Bewegung, dass ein Umdenken in einigen Teilen der Gesellschaft bereits stattfindet und der Mensch versucht, durch eingeschr{\"a}nkten Konsum und Reduzierung der Objekte auf das Wesentliche wieder zu jener Freiheit zu finden, die es ihm m{\"o}glich macht, selbst t{\"a}tig zu werden und in eine von Lebendigkeit gepr{\"a}gte, sch{\"o}pferische Beziehung zu den Dingen zu treten, die die Seele wieder ber{\"u}hren und die Pers{\"o}nlichkeit sowie Individualit{\"a}t entwickeln. In dieser Arbeit soll jener Zusammenhang n{\"a}her dargestellt werden. [Eurobuch.com]}, language = {de} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yan}, title = {The Concept of >Human Nature< in the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Perspective - A Review of Marcuse's Interpretation of Marx's Concept of >Human Nature< [东欧新马克思主义视域中的>人的本质<概念——评马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读]}, series = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, journal = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, abstract = {本文聚焦于东欧新马克思主义理论家马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读。在《马克思主义与人类学》中,马尔库什试图将马克思的>人的本质<概念与历史概念缝合在一起,进而阐明马克思的唯物史观。在有效区分>人的本性>和>人的本质<的基础上,他剖析了>人的本质<概念的三个要素:劳动、社会性和意识,并揭示出人的本质不是一切时代每个人类个体所必然具备的特性的总和,而是人类的真实的历史存在的那些特性,即自由、普遍性和主体性的实现。马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读,秉承了卢卡奇人道主义马克思主义的基本思路,同时又有效避免了弗洛姆和阿尔都塞的理论缺陷,在一定程度上超越了西方马克思主义理论家的基本理路,对我们深入理解马克思思想具有重要的参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @article{Winship, author = {Winship, Garry}, title = {A genealogy of therapeutic community ideas: the influence of the Frankfurt School with a particular focus on Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm}, series = {Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 34, No. 2/3 (2013), pp. 60-70. [Online ISSN 0964-1866] [doi.org/10.1108/TC-05-2013-0010]}, journal = {Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 34, No. 2/3 (2013), pp. 60-70. [Online ISSN 0964-1866] [doi.org/10.1108/TC-05-2013-0010]}, abstract = {Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to construct a genealogy of therapeutic communities (TCs), with the espoused commitment to flattened hierarchies and democratic ideologies, the paper considers the lineage of the Frankfurt School of Social Research and its influence in setting a frame for TC ideology, with a particular focus on Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm. This genealogy provides further context to the contribution of two other key Frankfurters, Karl Mannheim and Michael Foulkes, who progressed therapeutic democracy in the UK and shaped the early days of the TC as a group-based treatment paradigm. Design/methodology/approach: Discourse analysis and collective biography based on biographical details, texts and witness accounts. Findings: The works of Marcuse and Fromm provide a hybrid psychosocial post-Freudian schemas that beckoned philosophic reconciliation between the state and the personal psyche culminating in new left psychoanalytic academic sectors. Erich Fromm's contribution is situated squarely in the clinical sphere in the USA dating from the 1930s after he fled from Germany and settled in the USA where he became a well-known lecturer at Chestnut Lodge during a time when it was developing its approach under the rubric of >milieu therapy<. Marcuse's influence on psychiatry is tracked through the development of ideas and writings emerging from his reading of Freud, finally intersecting with the emergence of TCs and anti-psychiatry when he delivered the keynote address at the Dialectics of Liberation Conference in London in 1967. Held at the height of the first generation of TCs, Joe Berke, R.D. Laing and colleagues considered Marcuse as someone to headline the Dialectics Conference because; >Marcuse was the Grandpapa of Flower Power< (Joe Berke said). Originality/value: A rapprochement between milieu therapy in the USA, influenced by Fromm and Marcuse and the European tradition of TCs, influenced by Mannheim and Foulkes is demonstrated. The Frankfurt Institute of Social Research can be seen as an ideological corner that transcends Atlantic divides, and provides a sturdy and lasting intellectual cornerstone for the history of ideas in the field of social psychiatry.}, language = {en} } @article{Wicher, author = {Wicher, Andrzej}, title = {Freedom versus Intolerance: Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands, in: D. Gabryś-Barker and J. Mydla (Eds.): English Studies at the University of Silesia: Forty Years on, Katowice (University of Silesia Publishing House) Poland 2013, pp. 311-330.}, abstract = {I have chosen, for the jubilee volume, my article >Freedom vs. Intolerance - Variations on the Theme of Supernatural Wives and Husbands<. It appeared in the volume entitled >We are all Indians< Violence - Intolerance - Literature, edited by Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Sławek (Katowice 1990). This was a special time for all of us; today it is called the time of breakthrough, or transformation. The topic of my article, and most other articles contained in this volume, is connected with the problem of freedom and enslavement, which, bearing in mind the atmosphere of that period, was almost inevitable. Thus, the reader will find, in that article of mine, reflections concerning the so called positive and negative freedom, some thoughts about Erich Fromm's book >The Fear of Freedom<. I used there also an old proverb, quoted in the writings of Sir Isaiah Berlin: >to be free is nothing, to become free is the very heaven<, a proverb that sounded very appropriate in the times when we all in Poland were regaining our lost freedom. The article itself is a heady mixture of threads and motifs taken from classical and modern philosophy, folktales, Biblical traditions and mythology, whereas the typical literary studies, or history of literature, are virtually absent there. This rather unconventional approach is, to some extent, typical of the style of academic discourse characteristic of the English studies as understood and practised in the University of Silesia at that time, that is in the 1980s and 1990s. This style was shaped, among other persons, by the, often indirect, influence of such personalities as Wojciech Kalaga, Tadeusz Sławek, Emanuel Prower, Tadeusz Rachwał, or, last but not least, Ewa Borkowska, who also contributed to the volume in question. Naturally, I am solely responsible for what I wrote in that article, which is a rather faithful reflection of my interests (and perhaps also obsessions) in that very memorable period of time.}, language = {en} } @article{Wehr, author = {Wehr, Helmut}, title = {Erich Fromm und Janusz Korczak - Erziehung in Liebe? Parallelen und Differenzen}, series = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, journal = {Godel-Gaßner, R., and Krehl, S. (Eds.), Facettenreich im Fokus - Janusz Korczak und seine P{\"a}dagogik. Historische und aktuelle Perspektiven, Jena (edition Paideia), 2013, pp. 161-184}, language = {de} } @article{Wagner, author = {Wagner, Claudia Raquel}, title = {Xingamentos alem{\~a}es no Noroeste ga{\´u}cho: resqu{\´i}cios do inconsciente social medieval [Cursing by speakers of the German dialect in the Northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul: reminiscences of the medieval social unconscious]}, series = {E-scrita. Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU Nil{\´o}polis (Brazil), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013), pp. 1-12. [Online ISSN 2177-6288] [revista.uniabeu.edu.br/index.php/RE/article/view/631/pdf_362]}, journal = {E-scrita. Revista do Curso de Letras da UNIABEU Nil{\´o}polis (Brazil), Vol. 4, No. 1 (2013), pp. 1-12. [Online ISSN 2177-6288] [revista.uniabeu.edu.br/index.php/RE/article/view/631/pdf_362]}, abstract = {Neste artigo pretende-se analisar certos xingamentos utilizados por falantes do dialeto alem{\~a}o hunsr{\"u}ckisch de uma comunidade rural da regi{\~a}o noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. {\`A} luz da concep{\c{c}}{\~a}o psicolingu{\´i}stica de Steven Pinker (2008) sobre o xingamento e da teoria do inconsciente social de Erich Fromm (1992), pretende-se analisar as formas arcaicas destes xingamentos e buscar em que medida ainda mant{\^e}m conex{\~o}es com est{\´i}mulos do pensamento medieval retido no inconsciente social desta comunidade.}, language = {pt} } @misc{Vykysala, author = {Vykysal{\´a}, Renata}, title = {Pojet{\´i} l{\´a}sky v d{\´i}le Ericha Fromma [The Conception of Love in the Erich Fromm´s Work], Bachelor thesis, Philosophy, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Poland 2013, 40 pp.}, abstract = {The conception of love in the Erich Fromm´s research tries to explain love from the point of view of his personality and through his work called The Art of Loving. The subject of this bachelor thesis is the Fromm´ s conception of the love compared to psychological and sociobiological explanations. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) received PhD in psychology from the University of Heidelberg in 1922. He worked with the Marx´s social concepts which he linked up with the psychological findings taken from Freud. The acquired knowledge was then applied to Fromm´s research of love. According to Fromm, love has many different images from the mother love, brother love, erotic love, self-love to the love to God. In the following chapters, the same analogical explanations of love are explained but from the sociobiological and psychological point of views. The sociobiology is science that supposes that the man was born to the world because his selfish genes wanted to. The only task the man has in his being is to pass on his genes to the next generation. Thus the categories of love are presented from this point of view. It is totally understandable that many people refuse the idea of just passing on the genes to the next generation as the only goal of their beings. The conception of love from the sociobiological point of view differs a lot from the Fromm´s understanding of love. However, the psychological views are shades into the Fromm´s views as it is influenced by his psychological education. Psychological conception of love describes the love according to the today´s psychologist views. There are three main views of love described in the bachelor thesis. It is not possible to decide if one is better than the other one. Psychology describes love as an emotional relationship which is characterized by the wide emotionality. On the contrary the sociobiology is science that lacks the emotions and its views is influenced by the evolution and biology. Although the impact of psychology is significant in Fromm´s works the sociology can also be identified. Each of the conceptions of love - Fromm´s, sociobiological or psychological prefers its own approach.}, language = {pl} } @article{Vilchinskaya, author = {Vilchinskaya, L. Z.}, title = {Массовое сознание в философии Э. Фромма [Collective consciousness in the philosophy of E. Fromm]}, series = {Izvestia MGTU MAMI, Vol. 7, No. 4-2 (2013), pp. 12-19. [Online ISSN 2949-1428] [doi.org/10.17816/2074-0530-67945]}, journal = {Izvestia MGTU MAMI, Vol. 7, No. 4-2 (2013), pp. 12-19. [Online ISSN 2949-1428] [doi.org/10.17816/2074-0530-67945]}, abstract = {В статье рассматривается концепция массового сознания Эриха Фромма. Проанализирован феномен деструктивности в современном западном обществе. Проводится сравнение позиции Э.Фромма и других представителей психоаналитической философии.}, language = {ru} } @article{Vertovšek, author = {Vertovšek, Nenad}, title = {Frommov čovjek za sebe kao slobodno stvaralačko biće prakse [Erich Fromm's >Man for Himself< as a Free Creative Being of Praxis]}, series = {Metodički Ogledi, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 79-96. [Online ISSN 1848-2325] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/175622]}, journal = {Metodički Ogledi, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 79-96. [Online ISSN 1848-2325] [hrcak.srce.hr/file/175622]}, abstract = {Razumijevanje otuđenog čovjeka koji u povijesnom razvoju stječe sve više slobode, ali se u suvremenom društvu sve više osjeća izolirano od prirode i drugih ljudi, povezuje se u djelima Gaje Petrovića, istaknutog praksisovca, s univerzalnim humanističkim opredjeljenjima i dinamičkom psihologijom. Kada svoju pozornost usmjerava na Ericha Fromma i njegovog čovjeka za sebe, traži odgovore na pitanja što je u Frommovu shvaćanju posebno zanimljivo za tadašnju i buduću filozofiju. Zanima ga Frommovo istraživanje korijena bijega od slobode u čovjekovoj prirodi i suvremenom društvu, ali i mogućnosti oslobađanja čovjeka od tereta kojeg je postavio sam sebi. Pojmovi ljudska priroda i alijenacija Gaji Petroviću služe za produbljenje i proširenje filozofskih promišljanja o čovjeku, kako bi ponudio rješenje osnovnih problema egzistencije i društvenih odnosa. Jedna od zajedničkih točki susreta Gaje Petrovića i Ericha Fromma jest i raskorak između čovjekove biti i stvarne, praktične egzistencije. U središtu njihove filozofije je čovjek, njegova priroda i proturječnosti s kojima se suočava kao stvaralačko biće prakse. Zajedničko im je i pitanje treba li i kako ponovno koristiti dosege praktičnog uma i/ili nastaviti tamo gdje se je stalo u filozofskom konceptu otuđenog čovjeka? Hoće li razmatranje alijenacije i dezalijenacije konačno obnoviti misao o Čovjeku koji, nažalost, nije to što jest, a treba biti ono što bi mogao biti?}, language = {mul} }