@article{Roschtschin, author = {Roschtschin, S. K.}, title = {Dwa lizi Ericha Fromma (Two Faces of Erich Fromm),}, series = {Voprosy psichologii, Moskva No. 2 (1976), pp. 32-41 (English summary at the end).}, journal = {Voprosy psichologii, Moskva No. 2 (1976), pp. 32-41 (English summary at the end).}, abstract = {Presented is a critical analysis of E. FROMM's The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (London, 1974), with respect to his contradictory approach to the question of the biological foundation of psychology and his abuse of quotations of and references to Marx. In FROMM's own critical analysis of K. Lorenz, S. Freud, and B. F. Skinner, he presents persuasive arguments based on impressive data from different modern sciences, against the instinctive and mechanistic theories of human nature. But when establishing his own position, he draws the same biologically based conclusions as his opponents, although he expresses them in different terms. Furthermore, in attempting to make Marx an ally of his own views, he succeeds only in misquoting or misconstruing Marx: he quotes Marx only in order to compliment him or when the quote is neutral with respect to his own ideas, or when actually citing Marx in support of his own views, he gives his own, rather imprecise interpretation of Marx.}, language = {ru} } @article{Rokityanskiy, author = {Rokityanskiy, V. R.}, title = {Etika Freydisma. Psikhoanaliticheskiy Ideal Cheloveka v Izobrazheniy Sovremenih Amerikanskih Interpretatorov Naslediya Freyda [The Ethic of Freudianism. The Psychoanalytical Ideal of Man in Contemporary American Interpreters of Freud's Heritage,}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 29 (No. 6, 1975), pp. 132-139.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 29 (No. 6, 1975), pp. 132-139.}, abstract = {The teachings of S. Freud have penetrated, in their various versions, into every pore of American culture, though not all partisans of psychoanalysis recognize the validity of the >Freudian ethic.< However, the admission that psychoanalysis pays attention to human values was made by one of its greatest theoreticians, H. Hartman. Additional confirmations of the presumed moralistic character of psychoanalysis, in spite of the insistence of its founder or rigorous scientific premises, are made by P. Rieff in >The Mind of the Moralist,< and E. FROMM in >Sigmund Freud's Mission,< (no publication information available). These attempts to formulate an ethical content in Freud's work contradict his persistent refusal to make value judgments himself. The variations in the interpretation of Freud in America are a reflection of the pluralism born of the social contradictions of US society. At the same time, the broad influence exercised by psychoanalysis over the American intelligentsia is such that American social science attempts to solve many of its tasks using the language and concepts of psychoanalysis.}, language = {ru} } @article{Popova, author = {Popova, M. A.}, title = {S. Freud and his religious interpretation today (Russian),}, series = {Vestnik Moskowkogo Universitate - Filosofija, Moskva No. 2 (1975), pp. 62-73.}, journal = {Vestnik Moskowkogo Universitate - Filosofija, Moskva No. 2 (1975), pp. 62-73.}, language = {ru} } @article{Mitin, author = {Mitin, M. B.}, title = {Problema >Gumanizatsii< Tekhniki i Sotsialny Progress [The Problem of the >Humanization< of Technology and Social Progress]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Apr 1973) pp. 79-93.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Apr 1973) pp. 79-93.}, abstract = {An examination of the problem of the humanization of technological progress with an analysis of the main Western approaches to the problem and a presentation of the Marxist approach. The aspects of the problem considered include the role of technology in historical development, the positive and negative consequences of its utilization, changes brought about in living conditions by the scientific and technological revolution, limits and possibilities of revolutionary reforms of society on the basis of technological progress, the situation of the individual and the prospects for development of the personality in a technologized world. Ontological, epistemological and psychological difficulties arise when attempting to analyze the literature on the problem.}, language = {ru} } @article{Lejbin, author = {Lejbin, V. M.}, title = {Psikhoanaliticheskaia traktovka struktury lichnosti i neofreidistskaia kontsepsiia samosti [The Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Structure of Personality and the Neo-Freudian Concept of Self]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 31 (No. 6, 1977) pp. 148-158.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 31 (No. 6, 1977) pp. 148-158.}, abstract = {Biancoli presents a case study illustrating an application of E. FROMM's theoretical concepts to clinical work. The case ...is of a young woman torn between an unstable, aggressive, and impulsive attitude and a desire to form lasting and loving relationships; the case history takes us through the difficult steps that gradually lead the patient to a better understanding of the origin of this conflict and the transferential testing of the analyst. Biancoli points out that FROMM saw the role of ...psychoanalysis as articulating >real possibilities< or progressive change. This discovery of alternatives in the consulting room requires from analyst and analysand alike a realistic assessment of internal or external contraints--inherent in any specific situation--and a willingness to forgo illusory or unrealistic plans for change. A commentary by Ana Maria Barroso follows this chapter.}, language = {ru} } @article{Gurjevitch, author = {Gurjevitch, P. S.}, title = {Rasryschitelnoe b tscheloveke kak tajny}, series = {E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 3-14.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Anatomija tschelowetscheskoi destruktiwnosti, Moskau (Isdatelstwo >Republika') 1994, pp. 3-14.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fedulow, author = {Fedulow, S.}, title = {Sozialnej psichoanalis i situazija w obschtschestwe}, series = {Russkaja Misle, Moskau No. 3879 (17. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3880 (24. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3881 (31. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3882 (7. 6. 1991) pp. 11.}, journal = {Russkaja Misle, Moskau No. 3879 (17. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3880 (24. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3881 (31. 5. 1991) pp. 11; No. 3882 (7. 6. 1991) pp. 11.}, language = {ru} } @article{Fedoseyev, author = {Fedoseyev, P. N.}, title = {Kultura i Moral [Culture and Morals,}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Spring 1973), pp. 23-41.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 27 (No. 4, Spring 1973), pp. 23-41.}, abstract = {An essay on the correlation of culture and morals, presented from the Marxist standpoint, with a critique of contemporary bourgeois philosophical theories; intuitivist ethics (G. E. Moore, C. D. Broad, E. S. Ewing, B. Blanchard, E. Hall); logical postivism and linguistic analysis (C. Stevenson, A. Ayer, P. G. Nowell-Smith); existentialism (J.-P. Sartre, K. Jaspers); abstract humanism (Erich FROMM and Charles Reich); neoprotestantism (K. Barth, R. Niebuhr, P. Tillich, and others). These theories take a nonhistorical, nonclass approach to culture and civilization. An awareness of the alienation of man in present-day capitalist society and of the pernicious effects of industrialization and scientific and technological advances on human beings and their environment has produced deep pessimism among many bourgeois philosophers. The most vivid negative concepts of culture and civilization have been set forth in the works of Y. Ellul and L. Mumford. While all of the above authors have produced excellent exposes of capitalist society, they have reached an impasse and see no way out except rejection of scientific and technological progress. The Marxist approach to the interrelation of culture and morals is a concrete-historical one. Marxism does not reject universal moral criteria in human relations. On the contrary, he stresses their significance, but objects to the blurring of the class nature of morals, and to regarding abstract moral principles as the magic solution to all problems. Considerable attention is given to the meaning and development of culture in socialist and communist societies, where the socioeconomic conditions foster the harmonious development of man. Assertions that communists believe in moral nihilism, that the end justifies the means, and that moral values are relative are vigorously denied, and Lenin, Marx, and Engels are quoted to prove that positive ends must be achieved by positive means. Maoist practice is termed as an example of the end justifies the means policy.}, language = {ru} } @article{Eross, author = {Eross, C.}, title = {The Ideas of Erich Fromm (russian)}, series = {Voprosy Filosofic (UdSSR), No. 6 (1970), pp. 86-95.}, journal = {Voprosy Filosofic (UdSSR), No. 6 (1970), pp. 86-95.}, language = {ru} } @article{Erjos, author = {Erjos, Rainer}, title = {Ocherk kontseptsii E. Fromma [Essay on the conceptions of E. Fromm]}, series = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 24 (No. 6, 1970) pp. 86-95.}, journal = {Voprosy filosofii, Vol. 24 (No. 6, 1970) pp. 86-95.}, language = {ru} }