@article{AvilaEspada, author = {{\´A}vila Espada, Alejandro}, title = {One hundred years of psychotherapy and fifty years of clinical practice: Reflections of a psychotherapist and questions for psychoanalysis (https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2023.2183864)}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 203-211.}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 32 (No. 3, 2023), pp. 203-211.}, abstract = {Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy have evolved deeply over the past half century. This paper shows some the changes I have witnessed in them, and the challenges we face in this change of era, at the edge of the first quarter of the twenty-first century. Some the challenges are examined: knowing how to transmit in our daily practice the essential relationality of the human being; the relational essence of the process of change through psychotherapy; and a review of our contribution to our institutions being genuinely relational, that is, that we take more care of the space that the Other can inhabit than of preserving our own. We need hope: the hope to change and (again) be people, in connection with others, regaining confidence and being able to be ourself (to be ourselves with others). That is the meaning of our activity, what it is to be a psychoanalyst/psychotherapist today.}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-36978, title = {The Archives of Critical Theory}, series = {The Archives of Critical Theory, Cham (Springer) 2023, 296 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-031-36585-0] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36585-0]}, journal = {The Archives of Critical Theory, Cham (Springer) 2023, 296 pp. [eBook ISBN 978-3-031-36585-0] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36585-0]}, editor = {Aubert, Isabelle and Nobre, Marcos}, abstract = {On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, in 1923, this book aims at shedding light on the archives of some of the key thinkers of Critical Theory of Society, also well known as >Frankfurt School<. To pay homage to this current of thought, this contributed volume aims to make the archives speak for themselves, to show the public the quantity of unpublished material still existing by the authors of the Critical Theory which are now in funds in different parts of the world (in Germany, in Italy, or in the United States), and to show that Critical Theory remains alive 100 years after its inception.- The volume starts by presenting the archives of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the thinkers who inspired Critical Theory, and the archives of the Institute for Social Research itself. Then it dedicates separate sections to the archives of Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Herbert Marcuse, Leo L{\"o}wenthal and J{\"u}rgen Habermas. The book is composed of chapters written by researchers and editors who worked in the different fonds, as well as chapters written by or interviews with researchers who were or are in charge of some of the archives, or who are especially familiar with the material.- The Archives of Critical Theory will be an invaluable tool for researchers in many disciplines working with Critical Theory of Society, such as Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, History, Education, Law and Cultural Studies, among others. Readers will find information about the content of each archive and the history of its constitution. The various contributions present many ways in which the materials may be explored and explain how such explorations affected or may yet affect the state of the research.}, language = {en} } @article{Artantietal, author = {Artanti, Yeni and et al.,}, title = {Berharap pada gen-z melalui film komedi >Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s< karya Nicolas Cuche: Naratif pedagogi Hope for Gen-z through the Comedy Film >Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s< by Nicolas Cuche: Pedagogical Narrative [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Litera (Yogyakarta), Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-12. . [Online ISSN 2460-8319] [doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v22i1.58521]}, journal = {Litera (Yogyakarta), Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023), pp. 1-12. . [Online ISSN 2460-8319] [doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v22i1.58521]}, abstract = {Film adalah karya seni yang memiliki peran mendidik, selain juga memberikan hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai film komedi keluarga yang ditayangkan melalui Netflix, Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (2021) karya Nicolas Cuche melalui paradigma berpikir pedagogi kritis Henry Giroux dan psikologi sosial Erich Fromm. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah interpretatif reflektif. Data visual dan lisan dalam bentuk gambar, percakapan, dan tulisan dalam film Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (Cuche, 2021) yang produksi oleh Borsalino Productions\&partners secara tematik diidentifikasi dan diklasifikasikan untuk mendapatkan pesan dan kebermaknannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harapan terhadap generasi-z ditampilkan melalui konflik dalam keluarga Francis Bartek, seorang ayah tunggal yang kaya raya, salah satu pengusaha terbaik di bidang konstruksi di Monako yang mencoba mendidik anak-anaknya, yaitu Philippe Bartek, Stella Bartek, dan Alexandre Bartek untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap hidup mereka sendiri dengan bekerja. Harapan Francis Bartek agar anak-anaknya memahami konsep perencanaan, seperti menabung, penganggaran, investasi, dan mengelola keuangan, termasuk mengambil keputusan yang tepat dalam hidup mereka. Konsep dan keterampilan literasi keuangan disajikan melalui adegan dan dialog yang lucu dan akrab saat Stella, Philippe, dan Alexandre Bartek berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dengan bekerja atau berbisnis mulai dari nol. Harapan yang disertai tindakan aktif Francis Bartek terhadap anak-anaknya memunculkan keyakinan, ketabahan, dan kebangkitan dalam memaknai kehidupan mereka sendiri. Dengan berharap seseorang menjadi gigih, mampu kerja keras, bertanggung jawab dengan penuh kesadaran. Jadi, naratif pedagogi Pourris G{\^a}t{\´e}s (Cuche, 2021) menunjukkan bahwa harapan merupakan aspek psikis manusia untuk terus tumbuh dan mengada.}, language = {mul} } @misc{Alfiyan, author = {Alfiyan, R.}, title = {Human Needs Portrayed on the Main Character in Okky Madasari's >The Years of the Voiceless<, Thesis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.), English Language and Literature, Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State University Malang, East Java, Indonesia 2023, 55 + 12 pp. [etheses.uin-malang.ac.id/53333/1/17320171.pdf] [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Human and animal comes into this world without consent and will. But unlike animal, human endowed by The Creator with mind and imagination. This endowment make human should think about his existence in order to make a difference with animal. In this case, Fromm creates a theory to solve the dichotomy between human as human and human as animal, which popular with human needs theory. Erich Fromm postulate five human needs that consist of relatedness, rootedness, transcendence, sense of identity, and a frame of orientation. In this research, the researcher uses human needs theory to analyse the main character in Okky Madasari's >The Years of the Voiceless< which aims to show Sumarni's human needs and the way Sumarni fulfils her human needs. This study uses a psychology of literature approach by paying attention to the soul aspects of the main character in the novel. The researcher collects the data in the form of narratives and dialogues related to research objectives. The results of this study indicates that Sumarni has all human needs that formulated by Erich Fromm, those are relatedness, rootedness, transcendence, sense of identity, and a frame of orientation. In the next stage, Sumarni succed to fulfill her human needs by submission, dominating, and love for relatedness; wholeness and fixation for rootedness; creativeness for transcendence; adjustment to a group and individuality for a sense of identity; rational goals for a frame of orientation.}, language = {en} } @article{AisyahAhmadi, author = {Aisyah, Zulfa Nur and Ahmadi, Anas}, title = {Alienasi Laki-Laki Pragina Dalam Novel >Yang Menari Dalam Bayangan Inang Mati< [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Sapala, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023), pp. 25-34. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-sapala/article/view/54172]}, journal = {Sapala, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023), pp. 25-34. [ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-sapala/article/view/54172]}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan faktor pengaruh mekanisme pelarian diri, bentuk mekanisme pelarian dan dampak mekanisme pelarian diri laki-laki Pragina dalam novel >Yang Menari Dalam Bayangan Inang Mati.< Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah psikoanalisis Erich Fromm. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan psikologi sastra. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel >Yang Menari Dalam Bayangan Inang Mati< karya Ni Made Purnama Sari. Data penelitian ini disajikan untuk merepresentasikan faktor, bentuk serta dampak mekanisme pelarian diri laki-laki Pragina yang merupakan tokoh utama dengan menggunakan prespektif psikoanalisis Erich Fromm. Dampak pengaruh mekanisme pelarian diri laki-laki Pragina disajikan tidak menggunakan data, melainkan menggunakan interpretasi penulis sesuai dengan hasil penelitian yang kemudian dapat menarik kesimpulan dari hasil interpretasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pustaka dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya (1) Faktor mekanisme pelarian diri melingkupi faktor keluarga dan faktor internal diri laki-laki pragina yang menghasilkan 7 data, (2) Bentuk mekanisme pelarian diri melingkupi otoritarianisme, perusakan dan ketundukan otomat yang menghasilkan 25 data, (3) Dampak mekanisme pelarian diri yang terjadi pada tokoh Putu sebagai laki-laki Pragina dalam novel >Yang Menari Dalam Bayangan Inang Mati<.}, language = {mul} } @article{Abromeit, author = {Abromeit, John}, title = {Critical Theory and Primary Source Research: Subjective Reflections on Working in the Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheimer Archives}, series = {Aubert, I., Nobre, M. (Eds.): The Archives of Critical Theory, Cham (Springer) 2023, pp. 225-250. [Online ISBN 978-3-031-36585-0] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36585-0_16]}, journal = {Aubert, I., Nobre, M. (Eds.): The Archives of Critical Theory, Cham (Springer) 2023, pp. 225-250. [Online ISBN 978-3-031-36585-0] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36585-0_16]}, abstract = {Historians, including intellectual historians such as myself, rely more on primary source research than philosophers. During the period 1992-2001, I conducted extensive research on both the Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheimer Archives in Frankfurt, Germany. This essay describes my experiences working in these archives. I highlight, in particular, some of the most important discoveries I made in the archives and how the primary source documents shaped my understanding of Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheimer's crucial contributions to the development of Critical Theory. The essay also emphasizes the value of primary source research, especially for those working in the materialist tradition of the early Frankfurt School, which emphasizes the >Zeitkern der Wahrheit<, that is, the impossibility of separating ideas from a historically specific social context.}, language = {en} } @article{Aarsethetal, author = {Aarseth, Helene and et al.,}, title = {Freedom, Resonance, Interaction. Critical Theory and Creative Relations Between the Psyche and the Social}, series = {Frosh, S., Vyrgioti, M., Walsh, J. (Eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2023, pp. 1-20. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-61510-9] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61510-9_53-1]}, journal = {Frosh, S., Vyrgioti, M., Walsh, J. (Eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies, Cham (Palgrave Macmillan) 2023, pp. 1-20. [Online ISBN 978-3-030-61510-9] [doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61510-9_53-1]}, abstract = {This chapter introduces a psychosocial strand of thinking that offers a way to conceive of creative relations between the psyche and the world. Whereas much current psychosocial theory stresses how anxieties are managed by defending the self against the world or fuel subjection to oppressive social norms, the theories we engage with here point to ways in which anxieties can be employed in the urge to bridge inner longings and external realities. These ideas took form in the early Frankfurt School, which despite their comprehensive integration of psychoanalytic and social theory until recently has been comparatively marginalized in Anglophone Psychosocial Theory.- The chapter presents and discusses three notions: Erich Fromm's Freedom, Hans Loewald's Resonance, and Alfred Lorenzer's Interaction. Even though different in emphasis and outlook, these notions contribute to a shared intellectual project, namely, to point to potentially productive and non-antagonist interactions between the psyche and society. They do so not by virtue of some resistant part of unspoiled nature residing in the body or in the mind, but by virtue of being able to point to the more or less life-enhancing and life-impeding forms this interaction of psychic energies and societal needs may take.- We argue that these theorists and their notions of freedom, resonance and interaction, contribute to further developing the materialist conception of the psychosocial in ways that appear specifically urgent today. They enable us to theorize tensions within current society, between dynamics that drive instrumentalization and reification on the one hand, and more life-enhancing and mutually enriching interactions between human beings, social structures, and natural environments on the other.}, language = {en} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {The Psychological Roots of War and Destruction [originated 1963]}, series = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 007-030.}, volume = {e27/2023a}, journal = {Fromm Forum (English Edition - ISSN 1437-1189), 27 / 2023, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 007-030.}, language = {en} } @misc{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Czy nadal kochamy życie?, ed. by Rainer Funk, Polish by Stefan Baranowski and Marian Leon Kalinowski, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2022.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {pl} } @article{Fromm, author = {Fromm, Erich}, title = {Vita activa}, series = {E. Fromm, Czy nadal kochamy życie?, ed. by Rainer Funk, Polish by Stefan Baranowski and Marian Leon Kalinowski, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2022, pp. 221-231.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Czy nadal kochamy życie?, ed. by Rainer Funk, Polish by Stefan Baranowski and Marian Leon Kalinowski, Krakow (Wydawnictwo Vis-a-vis Etiuda) 2022, pp. 221-231.}, number = {original publication / Erstver{\"o}ffentlichung}, language = {pl} }