@article{AvilaDominguez, author = {{\´A}vila, Alejandro and Dom{\´i}nguez, Rosa}, title = {Dreams and change processes in an ex-prostitute under relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy: Ferenczian and relational views}, series = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 23-29}, journal = {International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Abingdon (Routledge - Taylor and Francis) Vol. 23 (No. 1, 2014), pp. 23-29}, abstract = {This paper explores the change processes that took place in a woman, an ex-prostitute, in the context of psychotherapeutic treatment over a period of over three years. The treatment took place within a relational psychotherapeutic setting influenced by the ideas formulated by S{\´a}ndor Ferenczi regarding trauma, as well as by his intense involvement with and commitment to his patients, as expressed in his Clinical Diary of 1932 (Ferenczi, 1988). Zoe, the current patient, was a woman born in Latin America who emigrated to Spain at the age of 28 and became trapped, for nearly a decade, in a mesh of prostitution networks. She eventually entered regular psychotherapeutic treatment at the age of 39. Her change process is an example of the mutual influence between the factors of resilience that characterized her and the opportunity for co-creation that the treatment signifies. The marks of the intense traumatic burden of Zoe's history and the rays of sunlight and hope that she is currently experiencing become intermingled in the dreams evoked and brought to the treatment setting. Zoe's capacity for resilience and the potential for founding self-object relations, ethically implied, that therapists can offer construct a scenario that brings back to life the essence of Ferenczi from 1932.}, language = {en} } @article{Zwerman, author = {Zwerman, Gilda}, title = {Persona: Psychodynamic and Sociological Dimensions of a Project on US Activism and Political Violence}, series = {L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 239-265.}, journal = {L. Chancer and J. Andrews (Eds.), The Unhappy Divorce of Sociology and Psychoanalysis. Diverse Perspectives on the Psychosocial (Studies in the Psychosocial, ed. by Peter Redman), New York (Palgrave Macmillan) 2014, pp. 239-265.}, language = {en} } @article{Zudeick, author = {Zudeick, Peter}, title = {Beinahe wie Moskau oder das alte Spanien - Ernst Bloch und Heidelberg}, series = {Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Sch{\"o}bel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Sch{\"o}bel), 2014, pp. 71-78.}, journal = {Markus Bitterolf, Oliver Schlaudt und Stefan Sch{\"o}bel (Eds.): Intellektuelle in Heidelberg 1910-1933. Ein Lesebuch, Heidelberg (Edition Sch{\"o}bel), 2014, pp. 71-78.}, language = {de} } @misc{Zou, author = {Zou, Juan}, title = {A Humanistic Exploration of Urban Violence in Margaret Drabble's the Radiant Way and A Natural Curiosity 玛格丽特•德拉布尔《金光大道》和《天生好奇》中都市暴力的人文主义推求], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, abstract = {玛格丽特•德拉布尔(1939-)是二战后英国文坛颇负盛誉的女作家之一。她的三部曲《金光大道》、《天生好奇》和《象牙门》自1989年发表以来,备受评论界关注。以暴力为代表的都市哥特元素成为这三部作品的一个核心特点。尽管近年来国内外研究德拉布尔的学者日渐增多,却鲜少有评论家对《金光大道》和《天生好奇》这两部作品中的都市暴力问题展开系统性研究。本论文选取埃里希•弗洛姆在《逃避自由》和《爱的艺术》中所阐释的人文主义哲学为支撑,试析德拉布尔两部作品中以都市暴力为核心的哥特元素,旨在为探弋作品中所蕴藉的人性深度,并为其道德维度提供新的研究视角。埃里希•弗洛姆的人文主义哲学囊括了对于异化、自由和爱的探讨,它掘入人的情感内里,将极权主义、破坏性和机械趋同等消极自由所导致的牵绊展露得纤悉无遗。相反,积极自由意味着通过爱和生产性劳作而与世界自发产生联系,保持人格的整一性。虐待与受虐消解主体;成熟的爱却带来自我的救赎与合一。论文引言追述了德拉布尔两部小说发表以来批评家的观点,提出来进一步探索的空间和可能性,并阐述了弗洛姆哲学思想的要点和论文的框架结构。结语部分总结了论文的基本观点。论文主体分为两章。第一章是>《金光大道》中都市暴力的引发与扩散<,探讨了家庭环境中的性格偏差如何刺激暴力倾向以及社会大环境对异常行为的传播而导致的都市暴力,目的是为了逃避异化,寻得自由。从微观上看,小说中连环杀手保尔的犯罪行为可以追溯至其母亲的虐待癖。从宏观上说,社会也是始作俑者,因为在20世纪80年代的英国,撒切尔政府推行个人主义和商业自由化,加剧了社会异化。同时,以电视为主导的大众媒体所起的刺激和传播作用都使得社会弊病以都市暴力的形式交相呈现。第二章是>《天生好奇》中都市暴力的对抗与救赎<,挖掘了三位女性主人公通过成熟的爱和生产性工作寻找自我和拯救暴力的努力。尽管莉茨和艾利克斯直面了美杜莎的哥特形象,她们却没有被石化,反而重新认识自我,颠覆了传统的神话原型。通过其对连环杀手保尔无私的爱和慷慨帮助,艾利克斯成功平抚了暴力所留下的创伤。另外,三位女主人公之间的深厚友谊为她们重塑自我和追寻积极自由铺就了道路。论文借助弗洛姆的人本主义思想探究了德拉布尔两部作品中的暴力主题和哥特元素。小说中所彰显的城市暴力从微观层面可以归结为人性中的虐待癖和受虐性,从宏观层面来看,则肇始于由外部社会政治因素所滋养和传播的普遍异化现象。诚然,玛格丽特•德拉布尔将笔锋转向人文主义,字里行间涵射出成熟的爱是拯救都市暴力与实现积极自由的有效方式。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zimmer, author = {Zimmer, Manfred}, title = {Erich Fromm in China. {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die Rezeption seines Denkens}, series = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 159-169.}, volume = {d18/2014z5}, journal = {Fromm Forum (Deutsche Ausgabe - ISSN 1437-0956), 18 / 2014, Tuebingen (Selbstverlag), pp. 159-169.}, language = {de} } @article{Zimmer, author = {Zimmer, Manfred}, title = {Chinese Scholarly Literature about Erich Fromm (1961-2013) Authors A - R}, series = {http://www.erich-fromm-online.de/images/stories/pdf/Zimmer_M_2014b_A-R.pdf}, journal = {http://www.erich-fromm-online.de/images/stories/pdf/Zimmer_M_2014b_A-R.pdf}, language = {en} } @article{Zimmer, author = {Zimmer, Manfred}, title = {Chinese Scholarly Literature about Erich Fromm (1961-2013) Authors S - Z}, series = {http://www.erich-fromm-online.de/images/stories/pdf/Zimmer_M_2014b_S-Z.pdf}, journal = {http://www.erich-fromm-online.de/images/stories/pdf/Zimmer_M_2014b_S-Z.pdf}, language = {en} } @article{ZiegeKotowski, author = {Ziege, Eva-Maria and Kotowski, Elke-Vera}, title = {Erich Fromm und die Entwicklung der Psychoanalyse in Mexiko}, series = {Das Kulturerbe deutschsprachiger Juden: Eine Spurensuche in den Ursprungs-, Transit- und Emigrationsl{\"a}ndern (Europ{\"a}isch-J{\"u}dische Studien Beitr{\"a}ge, Bd. 9), Berlin et al. (De Gruyter Oldenburg) 2014, pp. 263-269.}, journal = {Das Kulturerbe deutschsprachiger Juden: Eine Spurensuche in den Ursprungs-, Transit- und Emigrationsl{\"a}ndern (Europ{\"a}isch-J{\"u}dische Studien Beitr{\"a}ge, Bd. 9), Berlin et al. (De Gruyter Oldenburg) 2014, pp. 263-269.}, language = {de} } @article{ZhuLai, author = {Zhu, Yu and Lai, Xionglin}, title = {The Experience and Struggle of Loneliness — A Probe into Fromm's Theory of Loneliness [孤独的体验与挣扎——弗洛姆的孤独理论探微]}, series = {Seeker [求索], No. 7 (2014), pp. 63-68.}, journal = {Seeker [求索], No. 7 (2014), pp. 63-68.}, abstract = {弗洛姆认为自由与孤独、生与死、潜能的实现与生命的有限性之间的矛盾是孤独产生的原因,因此,孤独是基于人本性之上的哲学范畴。传统社会中孤独意识处于被遮蔽的状态,随着宗教改革和文艺复兴的兴起,现代社会人的孤独意识被激发,而孤独是人不能忍受之痛,现代人开始了放弃自由、逃避孤独之旅。孤独成了自由不能摆脱的阴影和噩梦。实际上,孤独是自由的必经阶段,真正的自由是对孤独的超越和扬弃。}, language = {zh} } @article{Zhou, author = {Zhou, Zhicheng}, title = {An Analysis of the Beats in >On the Road< from the Perspective of Fromm's Freedom Theory in >Escape from Freedom< [《在路上》垮掉分子的逃避自由机制分析 — 从弗罗姆自由理论视角] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) [集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 2 (2014), pp. 103-107.}, journal = {Journal of Jimei University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) [集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)], No. 2 (2014), pp. 103-107.}, abstract = {许多研究者认为,小说《在路上》的垮掉分子们几近疯狂的生活体现了他们对精神自由的追求。然而,从弗罗姆自由理论视角来看,垮掉分子们在面对现代自由的时候都选择了逃避。为了逃避现代自由给个人带来的无能为力感,他们诉诸于爵士乐、酒精和性,试图以此狂欢方式来实现对自己的破坏欲。但是,这种方式未能使人真正克服孤独、焦虑状态。相反,狂欢消耗着他们的精力和体力,并将最终导致他们走向死亡。}, language = {zh} }