@article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Haben oder Sein. Berichte der Gruppenleiter}, series = {Auf der Suche nach dem Gl{\"u}ck - Der Mensch und seine S{\"u}chte. 9. Goldegger Dialoge, 14. -16. Juni 1990, ed. by Kulturverrein Schloß Goldegg, Schwarzach ({\"O}sterreich) 1990, pp. 160-162.}, journal = {Auf der Suche nach dem Gl{\"u}ck - Der Mensch und seine S{\"u}chte. 9. Goldegger Dialoge, 14. -16. Juni 1990, ed. by Kulturverrein Schloß Goldegg, Schwarzach ({\"O}sterreich) 1990, pp. 160-162.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Humanism in the Life and Work of Erich Fromm. A Commemorative Address on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, Heidelberg (Typoscript) 1990, 20 pp. [= FUNK, R., 1992g}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {en} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Erich Fromm psykoanalyyttisen teorian uudistajana}, series = {Psykoterapia, Helsinki No. 3-4, 1990, pp. 25-34 [= FUNK, R., 1989c].}, journal = {Psykoterapia, Helsinki No. 3-4, 1990, pp. 25-34 [= FUNK, R., 1989c].}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {fi} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Ethik und Politik. Politische Radikalit{\"a}t nach Erich Fromm. Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Fragen unseres Daseins des {\"O}sterreichischen Rundfunks, Landesstudio Vorarlberg, und des Instituts f{\"u}r Soziale Dienste am 23. November 1990 im ORF-Studio in Dornbirn. T}, number = {unpublished version / unver{\"o}ffentlichte Fassung}, language = {de} } @book{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Erich Fromm, (Biographie in russischer {\"U}bersetzung), Moscow 1991. [= FUNK, R., 1983]}, number = {translation / {\"U}bersetzung}, language = {ru} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Entfremdung als Krankheit. Aspekte der psychischen Wirkungen der Marktgesellschaft}, series = {Intern. Hauszeitschrift des Psychiatrischen Landeskrankenhauses Zwiefalten, August 1993, pp. 14-17.}, journal = {Intern. Hauszeitschrift des Psychiatrischen Landeskrankenhauses Zwiefalten, August 1993, pp. 14-17.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Wer durchbricht die unsichtbare Mauer?}, series = {Publik Forum, Frankfurt Vol. 22 (No. 9, 7. 5. 1993), pp. 20-22.}, journal = {Publik Forum, Frankfurt Vol. 22 (No. 9, 7. 5. 1993), pp. 20-22.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Seelische Auswirkungen der entfremdeten Arbeit auf den Menschen}, series = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 94-112.}, journal = {Wissenschaft vom Menschen - Science of Man. Jahrbuch der Internationalen Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft, M{\"u}nster (LIT Verlag), Vol. 4 (1993): Arbeit - Entfremdung - Charakter, pp. 94-112.}, abstract = {>On the Present Escalation of Violence: Causes, Connectivities, and Containment Strategies<: The current increase in youthful crimes of violence mainly directed against foreigners is often put down to defective education. This essay will have none of such simplifying explanations, pointing instead to a connection between >direct< (youthful) violence, >structural< violence (in the public sphere and the economy), and >cultural< violence (in the media). As to the psycho-social genesis of youthful crimes of violence, Helmut Johach distinguishes a >classically asocial< socialization type, mainly restricted to the lower class, from a >narcissistic< deviance syndrome that more characterizes the middle class. An alteration in socialization conditions, affecting both types equally, has been brought about by television more and more replacing primary social experiences in the family. The fact that youthful violence by skinheads and other rightist groups is mainly directed against foreigners is seen as being due to a post-reunification >drift to the right< in German public life and society at large - a drift also manifested in e.g. the asylum-seeker debate in the bundestag. Finally, the author locks horns with the thesis that the >anti-authoritarian upbringing< propagated in the aftermath of the 1968 student revolts has led to a >value decay< in today's younger generation. The ideological function of such pronouncements is to attract attention away from the real causes of the crisis, which are in the nature of the capitalist economic system. Helmut Johach concludes that calls for a >strong state< are quite wrongheaded if the aim is to combat rightwing radicalism; what is needed instead is a more energetic commitment to maintaining a democratic and socially concerned framework.}, language = {de} } @article{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Die Mauer in uns selbst}, series = {Friedenskalender 1994, Kiel (Harms Verlag) 1993, pp. 214-218.}, journal = {Friedenskalender 1994, Kiel (Harms Verlag) 1993, pp. 214-218.}, language = {de} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Nachwort}, series = {E. Fromm, Die Kunst des Liebens, Z{\"u}rich (Manesse Verlag) 1993, pp. 178-181.}, journal = {E. Fromm, Die Kunst des Liebens, Z{\"u}rich (Manesse Verlag) 1993, pp. 178-181.}, language = {de} }