@article{Kimura, author = {Kimura, Dale}, title = {Self-Realization according to Erich Fromm and John Dewey, Essay, Education, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Mānoa 2014, 55 pp.}, abstract = {While alienation is an ancient human phenomenon, largely because of the social-economic structure of American society, its pervasiveness and extensiveness today is unrivaled in all of history. This, at least was the view of a popular social critic and psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm. In his analysis this market-oriented society had produced almost totally alienated men. Alienation characterized their relationship to their work, to the things they consumed, to the State, to their fellow men and even to themselves. 2 Everyone and everything was thus treated as commodities whose values depended on their exchange values on the personality and commodity market. 3 Therefore, being in demand was held to be the supreme value by alienated man, and as a result he was another-directed man, a conformist, a slave to irrational authority. It was as his most comprehensive solution to this moral and social predicament that Fromm made the concept of man's realization of his intellectual, emotional, and sensuous potentialities the foundations in his theory of the good. [Taken from University's Website: http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/31579]}, language = {en} }