@article{Yang, author = {Yang, Huinan}, title = {論禪宗公案中的矛盾與不可說 [On the Contradiction and the Unspeakable in Zen Koans]}, series = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, journal = {國立臺灣大學哲學論評 [National Taiwan University Philosophy Review], Vol. 9 (1986), pp. 139-153.}, abstract = {There are three types of Ch'an kung-an that often bewilder Buddhologists; namely, (1) the contradictory, (2) the inexpressible, and (3) mixture of the two. D. T. Suzuki and the scholars influenced by him, for example, E. Fromm, think that these three types of kung-an imply the truth realized by Ch'an masters, the truth which goes beyond daily language and logic. However, as the author points out, there are two traditions in Ch'an School: (1) the >Buddha-nature< tradition based on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, and (2) the prajna tradition based on the Diamond Sūtra. Suzuki and Fromm's interpretation only emphasizes the first tradition and ignores the second one. According to the second tradition, the contradiction and inexpressibility of kung-an may seem to indicate the truth of non-existence-śūnyatā, not necessarily indicating the truly existing >Buddha-nature<.}, language = {zh} } @article{Yan, author = {Yan, Yan}, title = {The Concept of >Human Nature< in the Eastern European Neo-Marxist Perspective - A Review of Marcuse's Interpretation of Marx's Concept of >Human Nature< [东欧新马克思主义视域中的>人的本质<概念——评马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读]}, series = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, journal = {Social Sciences Abroad [国外社会科学], No. 1 (2013), pp. 27-35.}, abstract = {本文聚焦于东欧新马克思主义理论家马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读。在《马克思主义与人类学》中,马尔库什试图将马克思的>人的本质<概念与历史概念缝合在一起,进而阐明马克思的唯物史观。在有效区分>人的本性>和>人的本质<的基础上,他剖析了>人的本质<概念的三个要素:劳动、社会性和意识,并揭示出人的本质不是一切时代每个人类个体所必然具备的特性的总和,而是人类的真实的历史存在的那些特性,即自由、普遍性和主体性的实现。马尔库什对马克思>人的本质<概念的解读,秉承了卢卡奇人道主义马克思主义的基本思路,同时又有效避免了弗洛姆和阿尔都塞的理论缺陷,在一定程度上超越了西方马克思主义理论家的基本理路,对我们深入理解马克思思想具有重要的参考价值。}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xue, author = {Xue, Han}, title = {An Interpretation of Alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak< from the Perspective of Fromm's Humanism, Master thesis, World Literature, Mudanjiang Normal University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China 2023 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {As a master of American literature and a representative writer of academic school in the 20th century, Saul Bellow revealed the spiritual crisis encountered by intellectuals and reflected the spiritual emptiness of people in the social background of moral decline and materialistic desire. >More Die of Heartbreak< is a novel written by Bellow during his latter period of creation. The novel shows the complicated contemporary love, marriage, family condition and the alienated society that is trapped by money, consumerism, and sex. In this thesis, Erich Fromm's humanism is used to deeply interpret the embodiments, causes, and salvation of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<.- The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces Saul Bellow, >More Die of Heartbreak<, research status at home and abroad, alienation and humanistic theory.- Chapter two interprets the embodiments of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, including self-alienation, interpersonal alienation, and alienation between people and society.- Chapter three explores the causes of alienation. Firstly, self-alienation is mainly caused by receptive character, irrational need for relatedness, and alienated way to satisfy relatedness. Secondly, causes of interpersonal alienation mainly include morbidity and liberation of sex, nonproductive character orientation, the impact of pragmatism and the contradiction of different cultures. Thirdly, consumers' morbid desire for sign value and the media with negative guidance also lead to alienation between human and society.- Chapter four explores how to overcome alienation. Firstly, it expounds that Benn and Kenneth overcome self-alienation through self-improvement. Secondly, individuals can overcome loneliness and rebuild harmonious interpersonal relationships under the salvation of love. Finally, the being mode of existence advocated by Fromm is helpful for individuals to overcome the influence of social alienation and reshape harmony between man and society.- The last chapter is the conclusion, which points out that although contemporary westerners are troubled by alienation, people can still resist alienation through self-improvement, love, and choosing the being mode of existence. It is significant to overcome alienation in a materialistic society from the perspective of humanism. While exploring the embodiments, causes, and solutions of alienation in >More Die of Heartbreak<, this thesis hopes to raise people's concern about the elimination of alienation and provide enlightenment on how to overcome alienation. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 7/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Shijie}, title = {On the Theme of Alienation in Mrs. Gaskell's >Mary Barton<, Master thesis, World literature, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell is considered to be one of the most influential British female writers in the 19th century, whose works are famous for reflecting the labor conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the working class, such as >Mary Barton<, >North and South<, >Ruth<, and so on. Mrs. Gaskell published her first novel >Mary Barton< in 1848. Taking the British Chartist Movement and the worker's strike as its background, the novel which has high realistic value profoundly describes the real social life and ideological situation of the workers in Manchester under the oppression of capitalists. In the 19th century, in terms of the English literature which reflects the daily life of the working class vividly and carefully, the achievements of this novel are incomparable with any other works. In recent years, with the rise of western feminism and the emergence of some criticisms of literary and cultural which focus on the social historical background, the classic novel >Mary Barton< has aroused people's interests and attentions again. Taking Mrs. Gaskell's >Mary Barton< as the research object, on the basis of Fromm's alienation theory, this thesis explains the theme of alienation in the novel.- The thesis consists of three parts including introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction part mainly presents the life of Mrs. Gaskell, the principal content of >Mary Barton<, as well as the literature review and thesis statement. The main body of this thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the origin and development of alienation theory, especially the main contents of Fromm's alienation theory, including man's self-alienation, the alienation between man and man, and the alienation between man and nature. The second chapter analyzes the self-alienation of the characters in the novel, mostly including Mary's absurd view of love, John's twisted character, and Old Carson's vulgar view of interest, etc, which reveal the far-reaching impact of self-alienation on the characters, and ultimately lead to the tragic endings of these characters. The third chapter discusses the alienation between man and man from the aspects of family and work relations in the novel. The fourth chapter expounds the alienation between man and nature, that is, the opposite relationships between man and nature in the novel. On the one hand, the two metropolises of Manchester and London are gradually declining due to human activities. On the other hand, the disease outbreaks and the depletion of natural resources also have an indelible impact on people's lives. The fifth chapter explains the main reasons of the alienation in >Mary Barton<, which are the influence of the Chartist Movement, the rule of class consciousness and rights consciousness, the prevalence of egoism and the spread of Anthropocentrism. The conclusion part makes the summary of this thesis and briefly introduces the significance. Based on the analysis of the specific alienated images of characters in the novel, this thesis discusses the essence of alienation of human nature and estrangement of interpersonal relationship in capitalist society described by Mrs. Gaskell, and sparks thoughts about the nature of human, the relationships between man and nature and the relationships between people in contemporary society, which will further strengthen the confidence in building a healthy and harmonious society. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 4/2023]}, language = {en} } @article{XuZhang, author = {Xu, Linlin and Zhang, Sihui}, title = {Ethical Exploration of Short Video Alienation from the Perspective of Technology Humanization [技术人道化视域下的短视频异化问题伦理探究]}, abstract = {网络时代的信息化发展,使短视频APP成为人们日常娱乐的重要途径。短视频APP在给人们带来多种文化产品的同时也带来了一系列问题,如短视频制作及使用主体的异化,短视频技术及平台的异化、尤其是网络主体在异化技术的驱使下逐渐迷失自我等问题。文章从弗洛姆的人道主义视角出发,探讨了短视频技术所带来的异化问题,并提出了良性自我意识培养和建立合理机制等治理方法。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Jin}, title = {Happiness and Moral Education, Starting with Filial Piety [幸福德育,孝心入手]}, series = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, journal = {New Head Teacher [新班主任], No. 6 (2016), p. 47.}, abstract = {说到孝心,有的中学生误认为,孝心就是能考出好成绩,孝心是长大以后才操心的事情,或者,孝心就是给父母物质享受——这些其实都是对孝心的误解。作为教育工作者,该如何对中学生进行正确的孝心教育指导,并以此为基础来创建幸福德育呢?呼吁学生尊重生命我认为,在教导学生如何尽孝时,最主要的一点就是告诉他们要尊重自己的生命。弗洛姆曾说:>尊重生命,尊重他人也尊重自己的生命,是生命进程中 …<}, language = {zh} } @article{XuLi, author = {Xu, Jie and Li, Chunlin}, title = {Fromm's Escape from Freedom Theory [论弗洛姆的逃避自由思想]}, series = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, journal = {Journal of Social Science of Harbin Normal University [哈尔滨师范大学社会科学学报ersity], No. 5 (2023), pp. 1-6.}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] Fromm analyzed the spiritual predicament of modern people after the two World Wars through the combination of Marxism and Freudian psychoanalysis, and pointed out that the spontaneous individualization had to be subject to social conditions, resulting in the gap between positive freedom and negative freedom. In order to escape the burden brought by such negative freedom, people would rather lose their freedom than gain security and survival. In modern society, there is a common psychology of escape from freedom, which presents different forms of expression, and eventually results in totalitarianism and unsound society. Fromm tried to eliminate the ills of modern society by finding a way to realize positive freedom. The escape from freedom emphasized by Fromm is a prominent manifestation of modernity. At present, in the background of modernization and globalization, through the critical thinking of Fromm's thought of escape from freedom, it is still enlightening and useful for the development of Chinese modernization to pursue and surpass this kind of modernity. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 12/2023]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Xu, author = {Xu, Hanyu}, title = {The Study of Fromm's Ideas on Sane Society, Master thesis, Philosophy, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 2023 [doi.org/10.27441/d.cnki.gyzdu.2023.002580]}, abstract = {[Chinese abstract not available] As a contemporary psychoanalyst and philosopher, Fromm devoted his life to researching how to heal the mentally ill in contemporary society and to uncovering the root causes of people's sicknesses in capitalist society. He tried to explain, what is the nature of human beings, what are human needs and the causes of human pathological alienation, etc. Unlike the one-sided criticism of other thinkers on political and economic aspects, Fromm analyzed the causes of the sickness of Western capitalist society from the internal to the external environment, from the individual to the group, from the individual to the society, from the primitive society to the historical class change, from the aspects of man and others, man and nature, man and society, and man and himself, and built a blueprint of a sane society. He pointed out the need to make a sane society a reality through the simultaneous implementation of a political, economic, and psychological revolution.- This paper is a re-investigative analysis of Fromm's idea of sane society, divided into four parts. The first part, to sort out the background and ideological origins of Fromm's sane society theory. In the second part, we analyze the logical structure of Fromm's sane society theory, analyze the nature of human beings, the dichotomy of human existence, human survival needs, and human social needs, and focus on the problem of mental alienation arising from the suppression of human survival needs, the social character as an intermediary between individuals and society, and the root cause of the alienation of social character, and make a presentation of the pathological personality and pathological society presented by the alienation. The presentation is based on this. On this basis, Fromm's vision of economic change, political change, and cultural change and his strategies for practice are discussed. The last section analyzes the theoretical orientation of sane social thought and its practical implications for contemporary society. It is not difficult to find from Fromm's sane social thought that his thought is very distinctly humanistic. By thinking about human nature and how to forge a healthy personality, combining Freud's psychoanalytic doctrine with Marx's theory of anthropology and the theory of labor alienation, he formed his unique theoretical system, the humanistic psychoanalysis. His concern for the mental health of all human beings and his pursuit of the >free development of all human beings< are in line with the core values of the comprehensive development of the state under the current conditions of socialist market economy, which are people-oriented and have great inspiration and practical guidance on how to solve social problems. [Translation: www.cnki.net, 1/2024]}, language = {zh} } @article{Xu, author = {Xu, Han}, title = {Alienated Society, Confused Little People - A Study of >Rabbit, Run< from the Perspective of Alienation Theory [异化的社会,迷惘的小人物——异化理论视角下的《兔子,跑吧》探究] [application of Fromm's theories to art]}, series = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, journal = {English Square [期刊导航], No. 18 (2023), pp.72-75.}, abstract = {《兔子,跑吧》是厄普代克>兔子四部曲<中的第一部,主要讲述了不堪忍受平庸的生活以及家庭琐事的青年男性哈利想要逃脱原本生活的束缚,最后却又无法挣脱自己精神枷锁的故事。本文从弗洛姆的异化理论入手,从男女关系的异化与人与自我的异化两方面主题对《兔子,跑吧》探讨,指出异化是时代背景下政治经济地位不平等而演化出的不满导致的。唯有用爱,才能克服异化,消除社会的异化。}, language = {zh} } @article{Xin, author = {Xin, Xiaoming}, title = {Multi-dimensional Orientation of >Educational Freedom< from Fromm's View of Freedom [从弗洛姆的自由观看>教育自由<的多维取向]}, series = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, journal = {Learning \& Education, Volume 10, Issue 4 (2021).}, abstract = {自由为人们提供了实现自我的机会和条件。同时,追求自由也是教育的价值诉求和终极理想。积极的教育自由意味着人类精神世界能够以健康、有价值的方式成长。弗洛姆的自由思想在西方学术界具有一定的影响,可以为深入探究教育与自由的关系提供新的理论视角。本文试图结合弗洛姆的自由理论,从认识论、心理学和伦理学三个方面对教育自由进行界定。[Automatic translation from English: www.cnki.net, 4/2022]}, language = {zh} }