@article{Du, author = {Du, Min}, title = {>Freedom< and >Loneliness< - Dual Dimension of Fromm's Concept of Freedom and Its Limitations [>自由<与>孤独<——论弗洛姆>自由<概念的双重维度及其局限性]}, series = {Social Scientist [社会科学家], No. 7 (2012), pp. 42-45.}, journal = {Social Scientist [社会科学家], No. 7 (2012), pp. 42-45.}, abstract = {>自由<是弗洛姆社会心理学理论的一个核心概念,借助>自由<概念,弗洛姆完成了社会批判理论与精神分析学说的结合,即马克思与弗洛伊德的结合。弗洛姆赋予>自由<概念的这种<纽带<功能,是该概念涵有社会理论与精神分析学的双重维度,>自由<既是伦理学、政治学中人的本质和权利,又是精神分析学中人的心理>孤独<。在弗洛姆的理论中,>自由<概念的显性是心理学的,但同时又潜含着社会理论的价值蕴意,由于这两个维度的意涵之间缺乏明确的厘定和界说,而使得弗洛姆从>逃避自由<和自我>实现自由<有明显的理想性和局限性。}, language = {zh} } @article{Du, author = {Du, Min}, title = {Pursuit of Freedom and the Escape from Freedom: Analysis of Fromm's Thought of Freedom [自由的追索及其逃遁——弗洛姆>逃避自由<思想解析]}, series = {Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition) [西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 5 (2012), pp. 99-103.}, journal = {Journal of Xidian University (Social Science Edition) [西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)], No. 5 (2012), pp. 99-103.}, abstract = {Freedom is the core of the spirit of modern enlightenment, but as the process of modernization advances, it has given rise to the paradox of people pursuing freedom and escaping from it. Chinese society is also on the path of modernization. While pursuing material freedom, people need to care for and guide their spiritual freedom. Fromm's proposition that integrity of personality, love and creative work are the best recipes for realizing positive human freedom has certain warning and reference significance for today's Chinese society. [Automatic translation]}, language = {zh} } @article{DuShang, author = {Du, Liyan and Shang, Xinjian}, title = {On Fromm's Escape from Freedom: A Psychological Perspective [弗洛姆论逃避自由:心理学视角]}, series = {Seeking Truth [求是学刊], No. 1 (2012), pp. 37-41.}, journal = {Seeking Truth [求是学刊], No. 1 (2012), pp. 37-41.}, abstract = {Issue of freedom is one of the focuses of western philosophy. In modern time, nearly all philosophical propositions are not separated from the definition and exploration of it. Any question related to man is connected with it. This article explores the characteristics of the theory of freedom of Fromm, expounds how he probes the dynamics of freedom in structure of personality from the psychological perspective. [Author's translation]}, language = {zh} } @misc{Cheng, author = {Cheng, Aiai}, title = {Fromm's Theory of Social Unconsciousness [述评弗洛姆的社会无意识理论], Master thesis, Marxist Philosophy, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, China 2012.}, abstract = {Fromm is an important contemporary Western philosopher, psychologist and sociologist. His theory of social unconsciousness analyses deeply the nature, causes and operating mechanism of the social unconsciousness, and the way of revealing the social unconsciousness. In doing this it unveils the mystery of the social unconsciousness. It is of great significance for us to understand this theory. Fromm's theory of social unconsciousness is based on Freud's theory of individual unconsciousness and the Marxist doctrine of social existence and social consciousness. He treats Freud's theory of individual unconsciousness as an intermediate step of interaction between social existence and social consciousness according to the Marxist doctrine, thus complementing the Marxist theory. At the same time, He transforms Freud's theory of individual unconsciousness into the theory of social unconsciousness with the help of Marxist social theory. It is through this creative comprehension that Fromm creates his own theory of social unconsciousness.- Fromm gives a detailed explanation on those many issues involved in the theory of social unconsciousness. In his view, the social unconsciousness is same for most members of a society, repressing or unperceiving certain mental content. The core of the social unconsciousness is depression, the psychological roots of fear. It is the fear of certain objects that lead people to repress some inner experience. The operation of the social depression is carried out by three kinds of >social filter<, that is, of the language, logic, and social taboos, which depress certain mental contents into unconsciousness that can't go through the filters. However, the social repression itself will lead to the false social consciousness, and it is the social unconsciousness that represents the more complete humanity, so that only can the transformation of social unconsciousness into consciousness achieve the >common goal of human nature<.- Therefore, we must remove the depression. The specific method is to intuit unconsciousness through the emotional experience of individuals, as well as to criticize the >false consciousness< through the humanitarian social criticism. Only in this way can people become complete and free, and can the society become sound. Fromm's theory of social unconsciousness has some important theoretical contributions, for it enriches and integrates the doctrine of Marx and Freud, and provides reasonable argument for the social reforms and feasible recommendations to solve the problems of the contemporary social problems. But it also has some important theoretical defects, for Fromm's understanding of Marx is distorted and Freudianism, and it is unrealistic of his humanitarian standpoint, the presumption of >common goal of human nature<, and the doctrine of >psychological revolution<. Finally, Fromm's theory of social unconsciousness has important implications for contemporary Chinese society. It is revelation that we must unswervingly adhere to the road of Marxism in China, to social reform, and to the socialist spiritual civilization and socio-cultural construction. Only in this way can we truly build a harmonious society.}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Jie}, title = {Fromm's Educational Philosophy and Its Implications for the Contemporary Family Education [弗洛姆教育理念对当代家庭教育的启示]}, series = {Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology [安阳工学院学报], No. 1, (2012), pp. 26-28.}, journal = {Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology [安阳工学院学报], No. 1, (2012), pp. 26-28.}, abstract = {从父母在家庭教育中扮演的角色出发,借鉴弗洛姆理想的家庭教育理念,提出改善家庭教育可从以下几方面着手:第一,明确父母角色,实现优势互补;第二,父母双方要把握好爱的尺度;第三,完善父母人格,更好地担当教育之责。}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Jie}, title = {Ideal Family Education Concept Inspiration to Modern Education [理想家庭教育理念对当代教育的启示]}, series = {Anyang Daily Newspaper [安阳日报], Henan, March 9 (2012).}, journal = {Anyang Daily Newspaper [安阳日报], Henan, March 9 (2012).}, abstract = {弗洛姆在代表作《爱的艺术》一书中提出了有关>理想的家庭教育<的理念,探讨了父母双方在家庭教育中的重要地位。在该书中,作者把爱看做人类对自己生存问题的一种回答,是人与人之间合作统一的巨大力量,体现了弗洛姆对于社会的高度关怀。笔者认为对现代家庭教育有}, language = {zh} } @misc{Chen, author = {Chen, Chaoyan}, title = {The Escape and Pursuit of Freedom. >Play It As It Lays< Psychological Analysis [自由的逃避与追求 -《顺其自然》的心理学分析], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Suzhou University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China 2012 [Application of Fromm's theories to art] .}, abstract = {Joan Didion, entering the literary field in the1960's, has achieved great success in contemporary American Literature. Of Her works covers fiction with non-fiction and scriptwriting. Play It As it Lays depicts the social scenario and of America in the1960's and portrays especially the subsistent and psychological status of the female character Maria. It is for this reason that this novel becomes a symbol for the contemporary American society. This novel centers upon the process of Maria's psychological development, displaying the commonplace sense of people's insecurity and anxiety at that time, though they enjoy the abundant material pleasures. Living in the1960's, Maria takes on unconsciously all those features of that time, but only finds disappointment in the mechanism of how people think and behave. She feels more and more alienated and powerless in that world, which leads her to the midst of void.- In this thesis, the social-psychological theories by Erich Fromm are applied to analyze Maria's psychological development in the postmodern society. The theoretical framework, with >freedom< as its core conception, is intended to analyze the meaning of freedom to modern man as well as the reasons why people want to escape passive freedom and then point out the path to positive freedom. Maria's psychological status can be divided into two periods: the escape of passive freedom and the pursuit of positive freedom. Maria has experienced the disillusionment of the simulated Hollywood, wanting to escape the freedom that is gained through material pleasures and to pursue her individual freedom. The actions that Maria takes to escape the passive aspect of freedom almost end up with her self-destruction. For Maria, the three mechanisms of escape brought up by Fromm, namely, authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity, are all attempted by her unconsciously. However, by adopting these three escape mechanisms, Maria feels more isolated and anxious than ever. As a matter of fact, she doesn't want to perform as a part of this big machine called capitalism at the cost of losing herself. That's why she is defined by the society as a neurotic and ends up in neuropsychiatric hospital. Then Maria is on her way to freedom in a positive sense, which is realized through spontaneous love and work. The fact is that, in this novel, we only see the tendency and attempts of Maria's spontaneous activities as an individual self.- The spontaneity proposed by Fromm doesn't necessarily lead to any tangible results, but the willingness of individual to fully realize his true self. Through all the spontaneous activities mentioned above, Maria sets off on her way to freedom and salvation.}, language = {zh} } @article{Chen, author = {Chen, Aihua}, title = {Fromm's Critical Ethical Dimension of Capitalism - Erich Fromm's >Sane Society< Interpretation [论弗洛姆批判资本主义的伦理维度——弗洛姆《健全的社会》解读]}, series = {Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics [南京政治学院学报], No. 3, (2012), pp. 37-43.}, journal = {Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics [南京政治学院学报], No. 3, (2012), pp. 37-43.}, abstract = {弗洛姆在《健全的社会》一书中,首先立足于人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学应然视域,从人的本性出发,分析人的需要。在他看来,一个健全的社会是一个符合人的需要的社会。他从人与环境的相互作用中,试图超越>生物学的<与>社会学的<方法来规定人性,进而提出了诊断人的精神健康的标准。基于上述多重视域的综合,他从人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学理论预设出发,确立了批判资本主义的价值始点。其次,弗洛姆以其人本主义伦理学的社会精神分析学视域,透视17~18世纪资本主义演进的历史逻辑及其特性,揭示了资本主义社会人性的式微及其关系的疏离,进而论述了>物的地位高于人<的资本主义价值原则的生成。再者,弗洛姆通过分析20世纪资本主义的特征,揭示了人与自身、人与社会、人与自然伦理关系何以疏离,管理和消费等何以异化的根源。}, language = {zh} } @book{OPUS4-24065, title = {The Dunayevskays-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978. Dialogues on Hegel, Marx, and Critical Theory, Lanham (Lexington Books) 2012, 267 pp.}, editor = {Anderson, Kevin and Rockwell, Russell}, language = {en} } @misc{A, author = {A, Weixing}, title = {The Psychoanalytical Study of the Absence of Love in Toni Morrison's >Love< [对莫里森小说《爱》中爱的缺失的心理阐释], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, China 2012 [application of Fromm's theories to art].}, abstract = {Toni Morrison, the first black American Nobel Prize winner in American literature, has had a profound influence in the literary world. So far Morrison has published nine novels In her novel >Love<, published in 2003, Morrison continues to pay attention to the black women under the patriarchy, sexism and racism. In >Love<, Morrison focuses on the miserable life of the black women and explores the absence of love and its restoration in the black families and the black community. Based on Fromm's humanistic psychology, the present thesis intends to reveal the absence of love for the main protagonists in >Love< and interpret the causes of the absence of love in the black women by the psychoanalytic theory of transference, projection and repression.- Firstly, the author gives an account of Toni Morrison's literary career and critical reviews on her work, a summary of the main plot of Love, and some commentaries about it as well.- Secondly, by introducing Fromm's humanistic psychology, particularly Fromm's theory of love and the psychological mechanism in terms of transference, projection and repression, the author intends to reveal the absence of love in the black community: the loss of maternal love between May and Christine; the absence of friendship in the black women, focusing on the cold sisterhood between Heed and Christine. The psychoanalytic transference and projection are applied mainly to interpret the causes of their abnormal relationships.- Thirdly, the author aims to illustrate the absence of love in marriage, concentrating on Heed's and Christine's marriage lives and uses repression to interpret how the miserable marriage coming into being under the influence of patriarchy.- And then, the author tries to explore the restoration of love in terms of the sisterhood and the unity of black community to show that the communication and interdependence on black women will promise a healthy and normal future both for African American women and for the whole community.- Consequently, a conclusion is drawn that the absence of love leads to different tragedies in the black women; however, love can eventually be restored by the efforts of black women and the black community. It can be obviously seen that Morrison, as a writer who has exposed the absence of love in the black women in the novel Love, is also a psychoanalyst who provides a panacea for restoring it, that is to say, the union of the black community and the elimination of patriarchy. Through mutual communication, understanding and sympathy, love as the bond of the black people will be returned.}, language = {zh} }