@article{Zaks, author = {Zaks, V. A.}, title = {Э. Фромм. Пути из больного общества [E. Fromm. Ways Out of the Ailing Society]}, series = {Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 113-116. [ISSN: 2454-0706]}, journal = {Право и Политика [Law and Politics], No. 7 (2000), pp. 113-116. [ISSN: 2454-0706]}, language = {ru} } @article{Simon, author = {Simon, Julius}, title = {German-Jewish Philosophers Facing the Shoah}, series = {Roth, J. K., Maxwell, E., Levy, M., Whitworth, W. (Eds.): Remembering for the Future, London (Palgrave Macmillan) 2001, pp. 1088-1105. [Online ISBN 978-1-349-66019-3] [doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-66019-3_73]}, journal = {Roth, J. K., Maxwell, E., Levy, M., Whitworth, W. (Eds.): Remembering for the Future, London (Palgrave Macmillan) 2001, pp. 1088-1105. [Online ISBN 978-1-349-66019-3] [doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-66019-3_73]}, abstract = {As we face the past in considering the events of the 20th century, we tend to continue to describe armed conflicts as theatres of war, our backs to the future. Such descriptions presuppose that we are capable of speaking about how the actions are staged and performed and that the experience of such events is not only presentable but also capable of representation. As we look back through the debris, we also notice another tendency, i.e., that genocides frequently have been associated with actions of modern war and rationalized and justified as necessary extensions of violent struggles for survival. This has been no less the case in, most recently, the Balkans, than during the 1970s in Rwanda or Cambodia and from 1939-45 in Nazi Germany.- Speaking of genocide as a kind of >theatre<, however, seems even more absurd than referring to the performative acts of war in terms of protagonistic and antagonistic actors, directors, spectators, and impartial critics of the whole process. But what other choice do we have than to deal with the terms of absurdity? Are we not constrained in our engagements with others to act in one way or another through exercising simulation or dissimulation, revealing or concealing our intentions or desires behind the masks which we daily don? Are we not forced to admit and confront what are considered human aberrations from our stipulations of normal human behaviour? Are we not also then constrained to engage again and again in the difficult tasks of expression and interpretation of signs and gestures? Given that constraint, in the intermingling of our roles as actor, spectator and critic, then, we present and perceive public faces which are marked and masked with lines and traces of our ethical relations.}, language = {en} } @article{Siebert, author = {Siebert, Rudolf J.}, title = {The Critical Theory of Religion, Article, Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamzoo, Michigan, USA 2001, 56 pp. [rudolfjsiebert.org/web_publications/CT_Intro.pdf]}, abstract = {The critical theory of subject, society, culture and history of the Frankfurt School originated in the experience of the horror of World War I. Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Theodor W. Adorno, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Alfred Sohn-Rethel and other, later critical theorists tried to make sense out of the senseless war experience in Frankfurt a. M., Berlin, Stuttgart, or elsewhere, by exploring the writings of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich W.J. Schelling, Georg W.F. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud.}, language = {en} } @article{SheldrakeHurley, author = {Sheldrake, Peter and Hurley, James}, title = {The Good Manager in a World of Change}, series = {Journal of Human Values, Vol 6, No. 2 (2000), pp. 131-144. [Online ISSN 0973-0737] [doi.org/10.1177/097168580000600204]}, journal = {Journal of Human Values, Vol 6, No. 2 (2000), pp. 131-144. [Online ISSN 0973-0737] [doi.org/10.1177/097168580000600204]}, abstract = {Our intention in this brief article is to explore the idea of what it means to be a >good< manager. We discuss some of the dilemmas faced by managers seeking to define their role performance in terms additional to those of organizational effectiveness and efficiency. To do this, we describe critical aspects of the contemporary context. We propose that the changes we are experiencing give organizations a central role in how people define their personal and social well-being. Our contention is that in this central role organizations will be faced with situations requiring solutions of fundamental value conflicts. This means that the nature of the question as to what it means to be a >good< manager will become both increasingly important and increasingly complex. Further, the exploration of the issue can no longer be limited to operational efficiency, but must include the manager's capacity to conceptualise both his own role and that of the organization within the broader socio-environmental context. We contribute to the dialogue by proposing that being >good< will involve on the part of the manager an awareness of the values involved in a decision and an alignment of action with what Erich Fromm has called >life-giving< values. This approach in no way diminishes the requirement that a manager be competent in the fullest sense of the word; it requires, however, a deeper understanding of competence and of the commitment a manager will need to act justly, fairly and with care.}, language = {en} } @article{SaundersMunro, author = {Saunders, Shaun and Munro, Don}, title = {An exploratory look at Fromm's marketing character and individualism/collectivism}, series = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 153-158. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.153]}, journal = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 153-158. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.153]}, abstract = {Instruments designed to measure Fromm's marketing character (SCOI; Saunders \& Munro, 2000) and the vertical and horizontal dimensions of Individualism and Collectivism (Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk \& Gelfand, 1995) were administered to 167 Ss. The hypothesis that scores on the SCOI would be positively correlated with Vertical Individualism was supported. However, there was only partial support for the hypothesis that scores on the SCOI would be positively correlated with Individualism, as the SCOI scores had the same relationship with Collectivism - which was unexpected.}, language = {en} } @article{Saunders, author = {Saunders, Shaun}, title = {Fromm's Marketing Character and Rockeach Values}, series = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 191-195. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.191]}, journal = {Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001), pp. 191-195. [Online ISSN 1179-6391] [doi.org/10.2224/sbp.2001.29.2.191]}, abstract = {The twentieth century is notable for the widespread growth of market-driven economies which have been associated with dramatic shifts in values both within and across cultures. The present study (N=101) aimed to assess the relationship between a measure of Fromm's (1955) marketing character (the SCOI) and Rokeach values. The hypothesis that the Rokeach value >Equality< would be ranked low when considered in terms of scores on the SCOI was supported, suggesting that social comparisons made in the consumer domain are made with the aim of determining relative success or failure rather than equality.}, language = {en} } @article{Grey, author = {Grey, Ramona}, title = {PSC 550.01: Political Theory Seminar - Negative \& Positive, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA, Spring 2-1-2001: Course Syllabi 7086 [scholarworks.umt.edu/syllabi/7086]}, language = {en} } @misc{Funk, author = {Funk, Rainer}, title = {Pr{\´e}face}, series = {E. Fromm, L'homme et son utopie, Paris (Descl{\´e}e de Brouwer) 2001, pp. 7-11.}, journal = {E. Fromm, L'homme et son utopie, Paris (Descl{\´e}e de Brouwer) 2001, pp. 7-11.}, language = {fr} } @article{Fiała, author = {Fiała, Edward}, title = {O początkach i perspektywach psychoanalitycznej interpretacji literatury: Gombrowicz w optyce Freuda i Fromma [On the Beginnings and Perspectives of the Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Literature: Gombrowicz in the Perspective of Freud and Fromm]}, series = {Pamiętnik Literacki: czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce literatury polskiej, Vol. 92, No.4 (2001), pp. 75-96.}, journal = {Pamiętnik Literacki: czasopismo kwartalne poświęcone historii i krytyce literatury polskiej, Vol. 92, No.4 (2001), pp. 75-96.}, abstract = {Zainteresowanie psychoanalizą w Polsce wykazuje zmienne koleje losu. Najkr{\´o}cej można by powiedzieć, że intuicje i odkrycia Freuda wzbudzały znamienny rezonans intelektualny w Dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym ..., żeby następnie ulec zapomnieniu czy wyparciu, zresztą nie bez wpływu >czynnik{\´o}w oficjalnych< - w Polsce komunistycznej. W ostatnich jednak latach obserwujemy >powr{\´o}t psychoanalizy<, z czego znakomicie zdaje sprawę numer 1/2 >Tekst{\´o}w Drugich< z 1998 roku. Szkic ten składa się z dw{\´o}ch części, kt{\´o}re mają poziom interpretacyjny i teoretyczny. W pierwszej pokazujemy klasyczne zastosowanie wczesnej psychoanalizy do badania tekstu, a w drugiej - proponujemy nowy spos{\´o}b interpretacji, wykorzystując wsp{\´o}łczesną myśl psychoanalityczną. Początki >krytyki freudowskiej< wiążą się z pr{\´o}bami analizy literackiej pi{\´o}ra samego Freuda, a także z jego esejem teoretycznym Pisarz i fantazjowanie. Zająłem się tym zagadnieniem szerzej w mojej pracy pt. Modele freudowskiej metody badania dzieła literackiego (Lublin 1991). Toteż tutaj ograniczę się tylko do praktycznej ilustracji freudowskiej metody badania literatury na przykładzie opowiadania Gombrowicza Na kuchennych schodach, żeby ostatecznie wydobyć istotne rejestry teoretyczne i aksjologiczne freudyzmu. Druga część szkicu to refleksja nad ważną książką Ericha Fromma Rewizja psychoanalizy, w kt{\´o}rej autor proponuje nową wizję człowieka na tle nieświadomościs połecznej, przekraczając tym samym Freudowską >grawitację libidalną< w kierunku rozległej problematyki idola. Ten reformatorski punkt widzenia wsp{\´o}łczesnej psychoanalizy, kt{\´o}ry docenia r{\´o}wnież duchowy wymiar człowieka, pr{\´o}bujemy na koniec także zastosować do interpretacji wybranych aspekt{\´o}w tw{\´o}rczości Gombrowicza.}, language = {pl} } @article{Cynarski, author = {Cynarski, Wojciech J.}, title = {Sylwetka i poglądy Ericha Fromma [The Profile and Ideas of Erich Fromm]}, series = {Idō - Ruch dla Kultury: rocznik naukowy [Idō - Movement for Culture yearbook], Vol. 2, Rzesz{\´o}w (Idōkan Poland Association), 2001, pp. 369-380. [ISSN: 1730-2064]}, journal = {Idō - Ruch dla Kultury: rocznik naukowy [Idō - Movement for Culture yearbook], Vol. 2, Rzesz{\´o}w (Idōkan Poland Association), 2001, pp. 369-380. [ISSN: 1730-2064]}, abstract = {The profile and ideas of Erich Fromm are shown through his philosophy basic conceptions and notions as: freedom and love, humanistic religion, orientation for >to be<. Author describes Fromm's paradoxical logic and new man's and society project.}, language = {pl} }