@article{Wang, author = {Wang, Jian}, title = {Awareness of Human Loneliness [人类孤独意识探源]}, series = {Social Scientist [社会科学家], No. 5 (1988), pp. 1-8.}, journal = {Social Scientist [社会科学家], No. 5 (1988), pp. 1-8.}, abstract = {孤独感是人类区别于其它动物的一种特有的精神现象,作为一种深度的心理体验,其重要表征是主体与对象相疏离所导致的一种铭心刻骨的精神空落感,这种感受深化了人类对痛苦的理解。社会心理学家弗洛姆已经注意到这一现象。他认为人也许能够忍受诸如饥饿或压迫等各种痛苦,但却很难忍受所有痛苦中最痛苦的一种—一那就是全然的孤独,而日本哲人三木清则更直接了当地宣称:>一切人间的罪恶都产生于不能忍受孤独<,并且他进一步认为。>孤独之所以令人恐惧并不是因为孤独本身,而是由于孤独的条件。任何对象都无法使我超越孤独,在孤独中我是将对象的世界作为一个整体来超越。<①那么,产生孤独的条件是什么呢?其根源是什么呢?本文试图对此作一分析。}, language = {zh} } @book{Suttie, author = {Suttie, I. D.}, title = {The Origins of Love and Hate. London (Free Association Books) 1988.}, language = {en} } @misc{Stuetzle, author = {St{\"u}tzle, Maria-Elisabeth}, title = {Der Begriff des >Selbst< bei Erich Fromm. Unterrichtsform zur Selbstentwicklung beim Sch{\"u}ler, Wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit, P{\"a}dagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Weingarten, 1988, 73 pp.}, language = {de} } @book{Slipp, author = {Slipp, S.}, title = {The Technique and Practice of Object Relations Family Therapy. Northvale, NJ (Aronson) 1988.}, language = {en} } @misc{Rittenberg, author = {Rittenberg, Adam}, title = {The Study of National Character in the Post War Era. The Work of Erich Fromm, David Riesman, and David Potter, M.A. Thesis, Portland State University, Portland 1988, 103 pp. [Typescript]}, language = {en} } @misc{Podlashuc, author = {Podlashuc, Leopold Nikolai}, title = {The Marx-Freud Synthesis of Erich Fromm: A Critical Examination and Appraisal, M.A. thesis, Political Studies, University of Cape Town, Cape Town 1988, 163 pp. [Typescript]}, language = {en} } @book{Mitchell, author = {Mitchell, Stephen. A.}, title = {Relational Concepts in Psychoanalysis. An Integration. Cambridge, MA (Harvard University Press) 1988.}, language = {en} } @book{Krystal, author = {Krystal, H.}, title = {Integration and Self-Healing. Affect, Trauma, Alexithymia. Hillsdale, NJ (The Analytic Press) 1988.}, language = {en} } @book{KerrBowen, author = {Kerr, M. E. and Bowen, M.}, title = {Family Evaluation. An Approach Based on Bowen Theory. New York (Norton) 1988.}, language = {en} } @book{Haynal, author = {Haynal, Andre E.}, title = {The Technique at Issue. Controversies in Psychoanalysis (From Freud and Ferenczi to Michael Balint. London (Karnac) 1988.}, language = {en} }