TY - GEN A1 - Han, Yadong T1 - Fromm Consumption Alienation Theory and Contemporary Value 弗洛姆消费异化理论及其当代价值研究, Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi, China 2016. N2 - 埃里希•弗洛姆是20世纪著名的德裔美籍心理学家,哲学家,同时也是20世纪最有影响力的思想家之一。他的思想至今仍然对整个社会有着巨大的影响力。特别是他的消费异化理论更是在前人的基础上为我们提供了一个崭新的理论视野和研究视角。他的消费异化理论不同于别人的特点就在于他另辟蹊径,以马克思异化思想为理论根基,立足于马克思的异化理论,以弗洛伊德精神分析学说为切入点,巧妙的把两者结合起来,创立出自己的异化理论,并把他的理论用来剖析人的异化问题特别是消费异化问题。旨在警醒和挽救那些堕入消费异化深渊的人们,唤醒他们的主体理性,形成一种健康合理的消费理念,构建一个和谐健全的社会。当今社会,随着科技的进步,消费在社会活动中的比重越来越大,也越来越彰显它的重要地位,马克思所在年代的>生产性社会<已经逐渐的远去,取而代之的是以消费为主要活动的>消费社会<。在这样的大背景下,消费变得越来越重要,它存在于人们生活的各个方面,越来越与人不可分离了。与此同时,消费的含义也有了进一步的变化。在以往,消费是人们用来满足自己生存需要的一种手段,它是一种工具,它是以人为主体,依赖于人的,而如今消费不仅不依赖人,而且还成为了控制人的一种力量。而这就是弗洛姆所说的消费异化。他认为消费异化会给社会带来巨大的灾难。生活在消费异化下的人们是毫无幸福可言的。作为世界消费大国之一的中国,在经济全球化的今天,也难逃>消费时代<的洪流。消费异化现象同样也在中华大地上蔓延开来,并且有了愈演愈烈的趋势。在这样的时代背景之下,分析和研究弗洛姆消费异化理论对于抑制消费异化在我国的蔓延有着重要的指导意义和现实意义,这也是本文研究的目的和意义。本文是从五个部分对弗洛姆消费异化理论进行探讨的:其中,第一部分是绪论部分,在这一部分中,主要是通过对国内外文献的一种梳理,特别是对弗洛姆本人以及法兰克福学派一些代表人物观点的梳理,从宏观上对弗洛姆消费异化理论的国内外资料有一个系统的了解。在研究大量相关资料的基础上,从微观着手寻找到弗洛姆消费异化理论的闪光之处和局限之处;第二部分,主要是客观的对弗洛姆消费异化理论思想的溯源,通过对马克思异化思想和弗洛伊德的精神分析学的解读,深刻的了解到弗洛姆消费异化理论的理论基础;第三部分主要是通过消费异化的前提,内涵和根源,表现形式,产生的后果以及克服途径这五个方面系统的对弗洛姆消费异化理论的基本内容进行了深入浅出的分析;第四部分则是采用了对比研究,通过对弗洛姆和马尔库塞以及鲍德里亚消费异化思想的对比研究,可以更好的让我们了解弗洛姆消费异化思想的理论精髓,敏锐的发现他存在的闪光之处和局限之处;第五部分则是具体分析了弗洛姆消费异化理论的当代价值和意义以及存在的局限性,进一步阐述了他的消费异化理论对于我们分析当代中国人的消费心理,以及防微杜渐,积极寻找一条消除消费异化的变革方案,树立和形成一种合理的、理性的价值理念和消费风气,构建一个健全而又和谐的社会提供了有益的启示. N2 - Erich Fromm is the famous 20th century German-American psychologist and philosopher, and one of the 20th century’s most influential thinkers. His thoughts still on society as a whole have a huge influence. Especially his theory of alienation consumption is on the basis of previous theory provides a new vision and perspective for us. His theory of alienation consumption characteristics different from the others is that he open a new path to alienation Marx thought as theoretical foundation, based on Marx’s theory of alienation, Freud psychoanalysis as a starting point, cleverly combining these two, the creation of their own theory of alienation, and his theory is used to analyze the alienation of people issues, especially consumer Alienation. Designed to alert and rescue those who fall into the abyss of alienation consumption, awaken their main reason, the formation of a healthy and reasonable consumption concept, to build a harmonious and healthy society. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, the proportion of consumption in social activities more and more, it is also increasingly highlight the important position, it has gradually gone where Marx’s >productive society<, is replaced consumption as the main event of >consumer society<. In this context, the consumer is becoming increasingly important, it exists in every aspect of people’s lives, with more and more people can not be separated. At the same time, consumption of meaning has been further changes. In the past, people used to meet consumption as a means of their survival needs, it is a tool, which is based on human subjects, depending on the person, but now the consumer not only depend on people, but also become a control person kinds of power. And that Fromm said consumer alienation. He believes the consumer alienation would bring catastrophe. A person living in the consumption alienation is not happy at all. As one of the world’s consumption big country, China in the economic globalization today, we could not escape the >Consumption Age< torrent. Consumption alienation same spread on the land of China is also open, and there was growing trend. Under this background, analysis and research Fromm’s theory of alienation for suppressing consumption of consumer alienation spread in our country has an important guiding significance and practical significance, and this is the purpose and significance of this research. This article is part of the five consumption alienation theory Fromm discusses: wherein the first part is the introduction, in this section, mainly through a sort of literature, especially for himself, and Fromm some representatives of the Frankfurt School viewpoint sort, from the macro to the domestic and international data Fromm alienation consumption theory has to understand a system.– In the study, based on a large number of relevant information, from the microscopic to start looking Fromm consumption alienation shines and the limitations of the theory of the place; the second part, the main objective of the alienation consumption theory Fromm thought traceability, through interpretation of alienation Marx and Freud’s psychoanalysis, Fromm understand the profound theoretical basis of the theory of consumer alienation.– The third part is mainly through the consumption alienation premise, content and causes, manifestations, consequences and ways to overcome these five aspects of the system’s basic theory of alienation content Fromm consumption were analyzed in simple terms.– The fourth part is the use of a comparative study, by Fromm and Marcuse and Baudrillard consumption Alienation Comparative study of thought, we can better understand the essence of the theory let Fromm consumption alienation of thought, keen to discover the place shines and the limitations of his existence.– The fifth part is the concrete analysis of the alienation consumption theory Fromm Contemporary value and significance as well as the existence of limitations, consumption further elaborated his theory of alienation for our analysis of the contemporary Chinese people’s consumption psychology, as well as a preventive measure, actively looking for a program to eliminate changes in consumer alienation, establish and form a rational, rational values and consumer culture, to build a healthy and harmonious society provides a useful inspiration. [Author’s translation] Y1 - 2016 UR - https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-Fromm/frontdoor/index/index/docId/32386 ER -