TY - GEN A1 - Zhang, Xiaodong T1 - Decoding Emily Dickinson’s Reclusive Life [解读艾米莉•狄金森的隐居生活], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China 2005 [Application of Fromm's theories to art]. N2 - Based on the study of Fromm’s theory, this thesis is an attempt to examine Dickinson’s life and poetry, with the aim of exploring the mystery of her reclusive life. Upon examining Emily Dickinson’s life experience, poetry and letters, the author of the present thesis has found that Dickinson’s way of life is just the same way as Fromm argues in his Escape from Freedom. Her life and poems can be regarded as her meditation upon the phenomena which Fromm’s theory covers. Just as Fromm argues that human beings have a deep longing for freedom, but at the same time fear nothing as much as that very freedom. Freedom for humans ends psychologically in solitude, isolation and fear. In order to overcome fear and loneliness, man has to escape. Fromm calls it >mechanism of escape<. There are several ways to escape. But there is only one way that can lead to >positive freedom<. It’s identical with the full realization of the individual’s potentialities, together with his ability to create something actively and spontaneously. Dickinson experienced the same process as Fromm argues. She wanted to seek freedom, to keep her individuality. But the earthly world confined her. Freedom for her, ended in solitude, isolation and fear. But she would rather be alone than lose herself. She preferred to give up the public world and chose to live in seclusion to create her own world. Her reclusive life was her intentional choice to achieve >positive freedom<. In the world of her poetry, in active and spontaneous creation, she achieved spiritual freedom and self-realization. N2 - 艾米丽.•狄金森(1830-1886)的长期隐居生活使她成为那个时代乃至世界文学史上最孤独,也是最神秘的人。究竟狄金森为何隐居?这个问题一直困扰着人们。本文尝试运用弗洛姆的逃避机制(mechanism of escape),从心理学的角度来重新审视解读她的隐居人生,从而揭示她隐居生活的精神本质。弗罗姆在他的著作《逃离自由》中指出:个人化过程的一个方面,是日益的孤独。与世界分离的状态,会令人产生恐惧感。为了避免孤独和恐惧,人必须逃离。弗罗姆称之为逃避现实的心理机构。他提出很多逃避的方法并认为其中唯一积极的方法就是自发地进行创造地工作,在创造中获得自由。审视狄金森寂寞的一生,不难发现她正是经历了这样的心理历程。她在自我个性发展的过程中受到种种压抑而孤独,因为孤独而隐居进诗歌的世界,在诗歌中创造自己的精神世界,由此狄金森获得了精神上的自由和圆满,实现了她的人生价值一追求真与美,追求妇女平等、追求信仰自由、追求爱情自由、追求诗歌创作的自由、追求生命的永恒和不朽。狄金森在诗歌中创造了丰富的世界,在精神上完成了由孤独到自由的转变,实现了自我价值的升华。论文首先从分析狄金森寂寞的原因入手,意在阐述她的寂寞是由于追求自我个性的发展而受到现实社会的种种压抑。接着探讨她由孤独而逃离的心理历程,从而说明她的逃离是积极主动的自我选择,是为了获得精神上的自由。论文重点探讨狄金森在诗歌中获得了自由,实现了自我价值及人生追求。她在诗歌中自由地抒发自己的所思所想,阐述自己独特的人生观,宗教观,爱情观,创作观及生死观,追求自己独特的创作风格,在现实中无法求得的一切在精神的世界中得到了自由与圆满。 Y1 - 2005 UR - https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-Fromm/frontdoor/index/index/docId/26824 ER -